
  • DOD's new Acquisition Innovation Research Center brings together the best minds in academia with experts in defense acquisition to help address some of the thorniest and most challenging acquisition challenges facing the Pentagon. Join Dr. Dinesh Verma, Executive Director of the Acquisition Innovation Research Center, as he discusses the AIRC's research portfolio, how it is helping to address perennial acquisition problems, and how industry and government can access its expertise.

    Acquisition Innovation Research Center: https://acqirc.org/Systems Engineering Research Center: https://sercuarc.org/AI4SE & SE4AI Workshop: https://sercuarc.org/event/ai4se-se4ai-workshop-2024/Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Acquisition Symposium: https://www.ndia.org/events/2024/10/18/ai-in-acquisition-symposium

    __________________________________________________This episode is sponsored by Booz Allen: https://www.boozallen.com/ __________________________________________________

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-uphttp://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.orghttps://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institutehttps://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • How has Estonia, a country of just 1.5 million people, blessed with few natural resources, developed a flourishing defense technology sector? For this NATO and EU member, and vibrant democracy, necessity is the mother of invention. Estonia, where the prime minister is often just an email away, has often been praised for its pioneering efforts in digital “E-government.” Less well-known may be the large bets Estonia’s public and commercial sectors have placed on developing a robust innovation ecosystem specializing in AI and cyber. Joel Burke, a researcher focused on AI and technology policy, joins us to discuss Estonia’s collaborative approach to integrating government and private resources, personnel, and technologies to support national defense.

    Book website: Rebooting a NationReference to KAPO's report: https://news.err.ee/1609309593/internal-security-service-publishes-2023-2024-annual-reviewTomas' study on Defence AI in Estonia: https://defenseai.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/daio_study2320_caught_between_today_and_tomorrow_tomas_jermalivicius.pdfE-Estonia briefing center (as the best place for folks to contact to start a collaboration with the Estonian defence-tech ecosystem): https://e-estonia.com/e-estonia-briefing-centre-services/about-us/E-governance Academy: https://ega.ee/Video Testimonies: https://exhibits.stanford.edu/baltic-video/feature/no-boundaries-the-digital-nomads-of-estonia-collection_________________________________________________This episode is sponsored by Booz Allen: https://www.boozallen.com/ _________________________________________________To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-up http://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org https://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETI https://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institute https://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

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  • How well is the DoD positioned to field systems at the speed of relevance? Has the DoD effectively used additional Congressional acquisition authorities and its new Adaptive Acquisition Framework to deliver warfighting capabilities at a lower cost and accelerated schedule? Shelby Oakley, Director, Contracting and National Security Acquisitions, for GAO joins today’s podcast episode to discuss the GAO’s 22nd Weapons Systems Annual Assessment, which analyzes the characteristics and performance of 108 of DoD’s costliest weapon programs to include their implementation of leading practices for product development and software development approaches.


    This episode is sponsored by Booz Allen: https://www.boozallen.com/ ____________________________________________________

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-up

    http://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org https://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETI https://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institute https://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • Join us for Part Two of the discussion of the ReaganInstitute’s 2024 National Security Innovation Base Report Card with Rachel Hoff (Reagan Institute) and Dale Swartz (McKinsey & Company). What data and methodologies were used to determine the grades? Why did DOD get a failing grade for “customer clarity”? Is the defense market getting more or less interesting to VCs and other private investors? How can we strengthen the defense technology workforce? What is the role of Allies and Partners in defense innovation? What are some policy options to address some of the bad grades in the report?

    Read more and download the report card here: https://www.reaganfoundation.org/reagan-institute/centers/peace-through-strength/national-security-innovation-base-program/Read a report from McKinsey & Co. about the future of defense innovation here: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/a...__________________________________________________This episode is sponsored by Booz Allen: https://www.boozallen.com/ __________________________________________________To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-uphttp://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.orghttps://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institutehttps://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • What is the 2024 National Security Innovation Base (NSIB) Report Card? Have U.S. grades improved since last year? How have venture capital and private equity played a role in defense innovation? Why did we get a D in defense modernization? Rachel Hoff, Policy Director at the Ronald Reagan Institute, and Dale Swartz, Partner at McKinsey & Co., Silicon Valley join the podcast to discuss how the NSIB Report Card’s newest iteration measured the effectiveness, productivity, and resilience of our nation’s innovation ecosystem, and how we fared compared to last year’s metrics. Also, learn about how this year’s report methodology changed from last year’s inaugural report.

    Read more and download the report card here: https://www.reaganfoundation.org/reagan-institute/centers/peace-through-strength/national-security-innovation-base-program/

    Read a report from McKinsey & Co. about the future of defense innovation here: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/aerospace-and-defense/our-insights/a-rising-wave-of-tech-disruptors-the-future-of-defense-innovation


    This episode is sponsored by Booz Allen: https://www.boozallen.com/ ____________________________________________________

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  • What delineates surrogate from intelligent drone swarms? What are the threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences associated with these systems to the U.S. homeland, especially as these technologies evolve? Dr. Daniel Gerstein, Senior Policy Researcher and Professor of Policy Analysis at Pardee RAND Graduate School, joins today's podcast episode to discuss a recently published report titled, "Emerging Technology and Risk Analysis: Unmanned Aerial Systems Intelligent Swarm Technology," which assesses intelligent swarm technology, considering technology availability, as well as risks and scenarios (threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences) in the next three years, three to five years, and five to ten years.

    Report: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA2380-1.html

    ____________________________________________________This episode is sponsored by Booz Allen: https://www.boozallen.com/ ____________________________________________________

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-uphttp://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.orghttps://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institutehttps://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • How healthy is the U.S. defense industrial base? What challenges does it face at a time of accelerating innovation, regulatory challenges, and the need to scale up productive capacity while strengthening supply chains? The National Defense Industrial Association's (NDIA) own Jen Stewart, Executive Vice President for Strategy and Policy, joins today's episode to unpack NDIA's Vital Signs 2024 Report. The report findings are based on over 1,300 survey respondents, including government officials, private sector leaders, and experts from academia, research institutions, and NGOs. This year’s report offers an unmatched perspective on the interplay between government and industry, showcasing the collective vision for a robust U.S. DIB.

    Download the report at: https://www.ndia.org/policy/publications/vital-signs

    Registration is now open for the second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference! Please click here to learn more and register: www.ndiatechexpo.org


    This episode is sponsored by Booz Allen: https://www.boozallen.com/ ____________________________________________________

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-up



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  • Description:

    What are the emerging technologies that will shape future national defense and how will they be fielded? Ahead of the upcoming Emerging Technologies Conference, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu joins to preview timely conference topics including government-industry partnerships to accelerate procurement pathways, Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), contested logistics, and Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) interoperability. She shares how her professional background informs her current position and the initiatives her team is leading, including rapid prototyping and fielding of innovative technologies.

    Registration is now open for the second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference!

    Please click here to learn more and register: https://www.ndiatechexpo.org

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-up http://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org______________________________________________________This episode is sponsored by Booz Allen: https://www.boozallen.com/______________________________________________________

    https://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institute https://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • Energy is critical for anything we do. Power beaming is an emerging technology that could reshape how we generate and distribute energy and how our devices and autonomous systems are powered. Today’s guest is Tom Nugent, CTO and Co-founder of PowerLight Technologies. Tom walks us through power beaming and what it might provide to both the Department of Defense and commercial industry. Tom is the author of "Power Beaming: History, Theory, and Practice", which provides a foundation needed for researchers, technology developers, and end users to understand the promise and challenges for power beaming.

    The book is available here: https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/12438#t=aboutBook.

    PowerLight Technologies: https://powerlighttech.com/

    Registration is now open for the second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference! Please click here to learn more and register: www.ndiatechexpo.org

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-up


  • In an era where the Global Positioning System (GPS) is increasingly under threat by jamming and other anti-satellite capabilities, what does the future hold for military-grade Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)? Today's guest is Dr. Alison Brown, President and CEO of NAVSYS Corporation. Alison and NAVSYS focus heavily on this work, providing a variety of PNT solutions. On this episode, Alisons joins us to discuss all things GPS, from what the military uses it for, to threats to the system, to alternatives that can support our military capabilities in a GPS-denied environment.

    NAVSYS Corporation: https://www.navsys.com/

    Registration is now open for the second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference! Please click here to learn more and register: www.ndiatechexpo.org

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-up

    ETI Website: ⁠https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/⁠ https://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETI https://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institute https://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • How did the Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations bill impact DoD's critical technology areas and technology transition efforts for emerging technologies? What changed in the Fiscal Year 2025 President's Budget Request? Join us for a conversation with Dr. Reed Skaggs, Lewis Burke's Chief Strategy and Business Operations Officer, and Jacob Winn, one of NDIA ETI's own Associate Research Fellows, to learn more.

    Read the FY2024 Appropriations Act: https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20240318/Division%20A%20Defense.PDF

    Explore the FY2025 Budget Request documentation: https://comptroller.defense.gov/Budget-Materials/

    Lewis-Burke Associates: https://lewis-burke.com/

    Listen to our FY25 DoD S&T Budget Priorities webinar with The Honorable Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (USD(R&E)), and other leadership from the defense S&T enterprise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSDZSYfHqjI

    View the slides from the webinar here: https://www.ndia.org/-/media/Sites/ETIEvents/FY25-Budget-Priorities/PUBLIC-RELEASE-SLIDES-PDF.ashx

    ETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.

    ETI Conference Page: ⁠⁠https://www.ndiatechexpo.org/⁠⁠To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here:https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-upETI Website: ⁠https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/⁠ https://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETI https://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institute https://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • In this episode, our guest Arun Gupta describes how strong collaboration between business, government, and society can lead to opportunities to impact social challenges, such as climate change, cybersecurity, disease outbreaks, food insecurity, and education. Arun is the co-author of the book, “Venture Meets Mission,” which explains what is required to join people, purpose, and profit together for world-changing impact, starting with rebuilding trust between business, government, and society. Please join us for a conversation on harnessing private sector entrepreneurship to address societal challenges with Arun Gupta, CEO of NobleReach.

    NobleReach Foundation:


    Venture Meets Mission Book: https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=36446

    ETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.

    ETI Conference Page: ⁠https://www.ndiatechexpo.org/⁠

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here:https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-up

    ETI Website: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/

    https://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETI https://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institute https://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI


    How is the science and technology relationship between the United States and India evolving? What can we do to increase U.S.-Indian defense industry cooperation? The India-U.S. Defense Acceleration Ecosystem, aka "INDUS-X", was established in June 2023 to deepen this national security collaboration and build a "defense innovation bridge" between the two countries. INDUS-X has led to a series of partnerships between U.S. and Indian government agencies, companies, and universities to date.

    To learn more about U.S.-Indian cooperation and INDUS-X, please join us for a conversation with Dr. Sameer Lalwani, a senior expert on South Asia at the U.S. Institute of Peace and non-resident senior fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

    Read the most recent U.S. DoD fact sheet on INDUS-X: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3682879/fact-sheet-india-us-defense-acceleration-ecosystem-indus-x/

    Read Dr. Lalwani's analysis of INDUS-X for the U.S. Institute of Peace: https://www.usip.org/publications/2024/02/whats-deal-indus-x

    ETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here:https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-uphttp://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.orghttps://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institutehttps://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • Tune in for Part 2 of our conversation with Lara Sayer, the PPBE Reform Commission's Executive Director, and Jennifer Santos, one of the study's Commissioners who served alongside ETI's own Arun Seraphin. We continue to discuss the PPBE Reform Report's findings. How do the Department's budget plans interact with Congressional appropriations? How can the Department design better budgets?

    Part 1 is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a30WVxXtL88

    Read the PPBE Reform Commission's final report: https://ppbereform.senate.gov/finalreport/

    https://ppbereform.senate.gov/bio-jennifer-santos/ https://ppbereform.senate.gov/staff/

    Read the PPBE Reform Commission's final report: https://ppbereform.senate.gov/finalreport/

    Read the legislative language which established the independent commission (Section 1004 of the FY22 NDAA): https://ppbereform.senate.gov/section1004-fy22-ndaa/

    ETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here:https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-uphttp://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.orghttps://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institutehttps://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • What is DoD's Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) system, and how does it succeed and fail to direct resources to the correct programs and projects to ensure that the best-performing capabilities are quickly and affordably delivered to the warfighter? The Legislative Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Reform recently published its final report on this topic, proposing sweeping reforms to the process. The Commission, created by the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act, released a suite of recommendations that would change every aspect of PPBE from the way that national strategies are translated into DoD plans, the lines of communication between Congress and DoD, and the actual methods of managing the Department's finances.

    Please join us for a conversation with Lara Sayer, the PPBE Reform Commission's Executive Director, and Jennifer Santos, one of the study's Commissioners alongside ETI's own Arun Seraphin.Read the PPBE Reform Commission's final report: https://ppbereform.senate.gov/finalreport/

    Read the legislative language which established the independent commission (Section 1004 of the FY22 NDAA): https://ppbereform.senate.gov/section1004-fy22-ndaa/

    ETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here:



  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International and Industry Engagement Justin McFarlin joins the podcast to discuss the Department of Defense’s National Defense Industrial Strategy, and its implications for defense industry. The NDIS offers a strategic vision to build a modern defense industrial ecosystem, including deep cooperation between the U.S. government, private industry, and allies and partners on topics including resilient supply chains, workforce readiness, flexible acquisition, and economic deterrence.DOD website on the National Defense Industrial Strategy: https://www.businessdefense.gov/NDIS.htmlETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here:https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-uphttp://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.orghttps://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institutehttps://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • Tune in for Part 2 of our conversation with Moshe Schwartz, President of Etherton and Associates, as we continue to discuss the FY2024 NDAA and what it will mean for national security and emerging technologies. We also touch on defense issues related to small businesses, regulation, and Congressional oversight.

    Part 1 is available here: https://youtu.be/72I2cAUQ5Po

    Read the FY2024 NDAA: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2670

    Etherton and Associates: https://www.ethertonandassociates.com/

    ETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here:


  • What is the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)? Who produces it, and what does it mean for national security? What did the recently-passed Fiscal Year 2024 NDAA mean for emerging technologies?

    Tune in for a conversation with Moshe Schwartz, President of Etherton and Associates, to discuss all of this and more in-depth information about this year’s NDAA. This episode discusses new provisions for developing a quantum science workforce, modernizing DoD's digital systems, and new methods to transition technologies from the lab to the warfighter.

    Etherton and Associates: https://www.ethertonandassociates.com/

    Read the FY2024 NDAA: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2670

    ETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-uphttp://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.orghttps://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institutehttps://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • In this Part 2 episode, guests Mark Neice and Rebecca Wostenberg continue their discussion of ETI’s recently released report, Directed Energy Weapon Supply Chains: Securing the Path to the Future. The report assesses the state of directed energy weapon supply chains while providing actionable recommendations for their development, health, and resilience.

    Part 1 is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToLPPEOzR8A&list=PL5oQnv75FK5aCB0IeYAWVPon0C7Xa75sr&index=1

    Find the report here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/publications/research-papers/directed-energy-24

    Report Launch Event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CmHy2AsfUs

    Directed Energy Professional Society: https://www.deps.org/

    See other reports in this series: Hypersonics Supply Chain Report: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/publications/research-papers/hypersonics

    ETI's second annual Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference will take place August 7-9, 2024 at the Washington DC Convention Center.

    To receive updates about the conference please join our mailing list here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/sign-uphttp://emergingtechnologiesinstitute.orghttps://www.facebook.com/EmergingTechETIhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ndia-eti-emerging-technologies-institutehttps://www.twitter.com/EmergingTechETI

  • In this episode, guests Rebecca Wostenberg and Mark Neice discuss key findings and recommendations from ETI’s recently released report, Directed Energy Weapon Supply Chains: Securing the Path to the Future. This report assesses the state of directed energy weapon supply chains while providing actionable recommendations for their development, health, and resilience.

    Find the report here: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/publications/research-papers/directed-energy-24

    Report Launch Event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CmHy2AsfUs

    Directed Energy Professional Society: https://www.deps.org/

    See other reports in this series:Hypersonics Supply Chain Report: https://www.emergingtechnologiesinstitute.org/publications/research-papers/hypersonics
