
  • Balancing Electrolytes for Women's Health

    In this episode, we’re getting deep into something that affects all of us more than we realize—electrolyte balance. Think calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium; these minerals are the behind-the-scenes powerhouses that help us stay nourished and strong.

    We’re talking about how electrolytes go way beyond hydration. From easing PMS to supporting heart health and even balancing your mood, these minerals play a key role in keeping you aligned with your body. You’ll learn how imbalances can sneak up on you and what you can do to restore that harmony from within.

    I’m also diving into HTMA testing—because what better way to understand your unique mineral needs than by seeing what’s happening at a cellular level? We’ll explore how this powerful tool offers insight into your long-term health, helping you address imbalances before they show up in bigger ways.

    So if you’re craving deeper connection with your body’s rhythms, this episode will guide you through the essentials of remineralizing and how to take back control of your health by nourishing yourself in a way that honors your feminine energy.

    Ready to replenish?

    💃🏽Join Embodied Woman Group Mentorship
    ♥️ Book connection call here
    🌟FREE mineralised woman masterclass here

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • Join me on a deeply personal journey in this episode, "Releasing the Karma of Your Cells." This transformative path has changed my life and the lives of many of my clients, and today, I'm excited to share it with you.

    Releasing the karma of your cells is a journey of cell deep awakening . It's about clearing out the old to make way for the new, embracing healthier patterns, and living in alignment with your true self. If you're ready for change this journey is for you…. know that the rewards are profound: a calmer nervous system, balanced hormones, deeper sleep, and a life filled with joy, flow, and creativity.

    💃🏽 Join Embodied Woman Group Mentorship
    ♥️ Book connection call here
    🍯 Receive your FREE remineralise & revitalise course here
    🌟 FREE mineralised woman masterclass here

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

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  • Welcome to today’s episode where we dive deep into the often overlooked issue of adrenal burnout in women

    In this episode, we’ll explore:

    📛 What Adrenal Burnout Is
    🚧 Recognizing the Signs
    ✨ My Personal Journey
    🌱 Practical Steps for Healing

    Embodied Woman Mentorship program designed to guide you through addressing adrenal burnout and restoring balance to your life.

    If you ready to break free from the grips of adrenal burnout and embrace a life full of energy, join us!

    🎀 Join Embodied Woman Group Mentorship
    📞 Book connection call here
    💝 Receive your FREE remineralise & revitalise course here

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • In this deeply personal episode, I’m sharing my journey from exhaustion and disconnection to vibrant health and self-reconnection.

    For years, I felt perpetually fatigued, anxious, and disconnected from my body, living in a state of overload and overwhelm.

    If this resonates with you, I hope my story offers some hope and inspiration.

    If you’re tired of feeling drained and disconnected, join me in the Embodied Woman Mentorship program to begin your own life-changing journey.

    Discover the rewards of a calmer nervous system, balanced hormones, deeper sleep, and more.

    💗Receive your FREE remineralise & revitalise course here
    🌸Join Embodied Woman Group Mentorship
    🌷Book connection call here
    ✨Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • In this episode, we're diving into something many women experience but few understand deeply—PMS. If you've ever wondered why your premenstrual season of your cycle feels like a rollercoaster of emotions, fatigue, and discomfort, you’re not alone. The answer may lie in the intricate balance of minerals within our bodies, specifically copper, iron, and magnesium.

    Join us as we explore how these essential minerals influence hormonal balance, energy levels, and overall well-being. We'll uncover the roles of copper and iron in our bodily functions, the calming effect of magnesium, and how the delicate dance between these minerals can impact PMS symptoms.

    💗 Join Embodied Woman Group Mentorship
    🌸 Individual Mentorships
    🌷 Book connection call here
    ✨ Receive your FREE remineralise & revitalise course here

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • Welcome to our latest episode, "Recovering Vitality," where we delve into the profound and often overlooked role minerals play in maintaining our full radiance, energy, and fertility as women. 🌸

    Join us as we explore how these essential micronutrients influence hormonal balance, energy levels, and overall well-being. Minerals are not just foundational for our physiology—they are the inheritance passed down through the matriarchal lineage, impacting cellular health and vitality across generations.

    In this episode, we’ll uncover the interconnected web of life, consciousness, and creation that is WOMAN, and how minerals serve as the bedrock for everything from cellular metabolism to nervous system regulation. Learn how to embrace a life of balance, strength, and nourishment by prioritizing mineral health.

    discover how becoming a mineralized woman can help you navigate life’s challenges with vitality and resilience. 🍯✨

    Receive your FREE remineralise & revitalise course here

    Join Embodied Woman Group Mentorship ~ starting 5th September 2024

    Individual Mentorships

    Book connection call here

    Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • Many women come to me feeling what they describe as numbness, believing it means they aren't feeling anything at all. However, numbness itself is a sensation and an emotional state that speaks volumes about our current condition.

    In this episode, we'll explore how embodiment practices can help us reclaim these sensations, moving from numbness and disconnection back into presence, groundedness, and full-bodied awareness.

    We'll delve into the various forms of numbness—emotionally detaching from life, situations, and people, and the physical disconnection from our bodily sensations. We'll also discuss the profound impact this has on our nervous system, often leading to a state of functional freeze.

    I share my own journey with numbness and how embodiment practices have been a powerful tool in transitioning from a state of disconnection to one of vibrant, embodied living.

    The Embodied Woman mentorship is a sacred invitation to reconnect with your body's wisdom. Over 6 months, we'll explore the Root Cause Protocol, dive deep into your unique HTMA results, re mineralise your body and cells and cultivate embodied radiance through resourcing practices and emotional clearing.

    💗 Are you ready to step out of numbness and into embodied vitality?

    🌸 Join Embodied Woman Group Mentorship
    ✨Receive your FREE remineralise & revitalise course here
    🌷 Book connection call here
    🎀 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • In this enriching episode, we explore the transformative power of cultivating resource in connection. Delve into how nurturing deeper relationships not only enriches our emotional lives but also strengthens our mental and physical well-being.

    Join us as we unpack the tools and insights necessary to foster a supportive network, enhancing your capacity to thrive in all areas of life. Whether it’s personal relationships, professional networks, or community ties, learn how to tap into the power of connectedness to create a rich, resourceful life.


    🎀༘ Womban Immersion : 13th - 16th September 2024

    🌸 Receive your free embodied resource course here

    🌷 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • In this episode, we dive deep into the fascinating interplay between stress hormones and sex hormones, revealing why it’s crucial to consider stress as a key element in maintaining hormonal balance and reproductive health. We'll explore how chronic stress can disrupt our hormonal systems and what you can do to effectively manage these stressors, enhance resilience, and nurture your hormonal well-being.

    Join Embodied Woman Waitlist

    Retreats 2024

    Individual Mentorships

    Book connection call here

    Receive your free embodied resource course here

    Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • In today's episode, we'll explore the importance of understanding and nurturing female detox pathways and the menstrual cycle for feminine energy and vitality

    Begin to nurture female detox pathways and align your menstrual cycle, to cultivate a deeper connection with body, cycles, and feminine energy.

    Join Embodied Woman Waitlist


    Retreats 2024

    Individual Mentorships

    Book connection call here


    Receive your free embodied resource course here


    Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • Rebecca supports women to arrive into deeper relationship with themselves and their bodies

    She supports women to reorient themselves into deeper relationship with their bodies wombs, fertile, energy, creative power and potential

    Rebecca guides women back into connection with their natural essence go become the living embodiment of the true nature. To experience life, inhabiting their body fully through embodiment, somatic practices, womb, awakening, remineralisation, and energetic frequency realignment.

    Rebecca‘s wisdom,support guides women traversing the path of womanhood + motherhood

    Rebecca believes that fertile energy, creative power, embodied, resourced, nourished loving is the birthright of all women

    Guiding women into embodied resource responsibility sovereignty and cellular nourishment

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • Explore with me in this episode my journey through survival into cellular vitality, resource and harmony.


    🌱 Individual Mentorships
    🌻 Book connection call here
    ✨ Receive your free embodied resource course here

    💖Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • In the modern world stress has become an inevitable part of daily life.

    Cortisol, often referred to as the "stress hormone," plays a vital role in the body's response to stress.

    cortisol can provide a temporary boost in energy and focus,

    However- when its in a prolonged state of elevation it can have detrimental effects

    Cultivating Embodied Resource supports us to navigate through the challenges of life with more ease and step out of stress loops

    ✨ Resourced Woman ✨

    A 3-week live journey starting 16th May 2024 shifting from depletion to vitality in the company of like-minded women.

    The ReSourced Woman is a gathering circle with awakening women. We will explore practices to Resource Replenish Renourish 🌱

    🌷 Receive your free embodied resource course here

    💖 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • Nurturing female detox pathways and awakening feminine energy are interconnected processes that require mindfulness, self-awareness, and intentional support practices.

    By supporting our bodies' natural detoxification processes and embracing our feminine essence, we can cultivate a deeper sense of vitality, creativity, and empowerment in our lives.

    In resourced Woman May cohort we'll explore how to support liver and lymphatic health during the spring season

    Resourced Woman

    A 3-week live journey starting 16th May 2024 shifting from depletion to vitality in the company of like-minded women.

    The ReSourced Woman is a gathering circle with awakening women.

    We will explore practices to Resource Replenish Renourish

    Receive your FREE lymphatic system support guide

    Receive your free embodied resource course here

    Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • Embodied resource is a concept that centers around nurturing an innate sense of strength, resilience, and vitality within yourself.

    It embodies a state of being where you cultivate a deep connection with your body, mind, and spirit, harnessing inner resources to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

    A resourced body is a nervous system that is flexible, and able to move with the waves of life, to experience activation or trigger, and allow the process to move through the body and nervous system and return to regulation, rather than staying stuck in dysregulation.


    The ReSourced Woman is a gathering circle with awakening women.

    💫 A 3-week live journey starting 16th May 2024 shifting from depletion to vitality in the company of like-minded women. 💫

    We will explore practices to Resource Replenish Renourish

    Join us 👉 here - We begin 16th May

    🎁 Receive your free embodied resource course here

    💖 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • In the intricate tapestry of womanhood and motherhood, the womb stands as a sacred center—a vessel of creation, nurture, and immense power.

    Yet, often, the demands of modern life lead many women into a state of depletion, disconnecting them from their innate vitality and radiance.

    Guiding women back to a state of embodied resourcefulness and sovereignty is an act of reclaiming innate power. It's about nurturing a sense of responsibility towards oneself and the precious vessel of your body.

    Through this journey, women transcend mere survival to embrace thriving, from a state of depletion to nourishment at every level—physical, emotional, and spiritual.

    💻 3 Week Live Online Immersion
    🚀 Starting May 16th

    🎁 Receive your free embodied resource course here

    💕 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • The lymphatic system and minerals share an intricate relationship that is vital for maintaining overall health. By understanding this connection and taking steps to support lymphatic function, we can help ensure that minerals are distributed efficiently throughout the body, promoting well-being and preventing potential mineral imbalances.


    A 3-week live journey starting 16th May 2024 shifting from depletion to vitality in the company of like-minded women.

    The ReSourced Woman is a gathering circle with awakening women.

    We will explore practices to Resource Replenish Renourish. 🌿🧘‍♀️

    This Spring cohort of the Resourced Woman Immersion will delve into practices of embodiment, resourcing, and somatic awareness. It will offer self-care support themed around the spring energy, focusing on awakening the body through movement meditation and self-healing practices.

    We will delve into:

    🌸 Lymph massage, movement, tapping

    🌿 Embodied movement and somatic resourcing

    🌼 Liver support, mobilizing energy, opening detox pathways

    🧘‍♀️ Resource practices, meditation, movement, awakening the body and feminine energy

    Spring is the perfect season for cleansing and rejuvenation to enhance overall health and well-being. In Chinese medicine, the liver is seen as the organ responsible for the smooth flow of Qi Energy throughout the body, and it becomes active in spring, working in tandem with the lymphatic system's detoxification pathways. The liver and lymphatic system play vital roles in our body's detoxification mechanisms. They sometimes need gentle encouragement to reawaken, allowing the pathways to open and function optimally once more. For women, it is essential and incredibly nourishing to align with the seasons and cycles of nature, both externally and internally.

    By embracing practices that aid us during these seasonal shifts, we can cultivate a deeper sense of Resource within.


    ✨ Individual Mentorships

    🌟 Book connection call here

    📚 Receive your free embodied resource course here

    💫 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • Minerals are the foundation of life, influencing every aspect of our physiology. When it comes to the nervous system, certain minerals play key roles in maintaining its health and function.

    ✨ Individual Mentorships

    🌟 Book connection call here

    📚 Receive your free embodied resource course here

    💫 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • During the retreats and circles I hold, I see women reconnecting with themselves and their bodies in a way they never thought was possible.

    When a woman reconnects with her body and womb space she experiences a deeper sense of embodiment and presence.

    I see women become more attuned to their physical sensations, emotions and the cyclical nature of their bodies, resulting in a greater sense of groundedness and awareness in the present moment.


    A 5 Day Journey for Awakening Women
    This retreat is an invitation to sink deep into your being and re-connect within yourself.


    When we take a journey of reconnecting our roots to the earth life begins to flow through us again. A deep earth-moving re-connection arrives as we once again connect to our bodies, the earth and our feminine essence and nature

    The Womban Immersion offers a sacred space for you to join in circle as you Return to your Womb through loving, compassionate feminine earth-based practices created for you to cultivate a deep relationship with the holy space within your womb.

    This journey will support you to connect with your inner power, heal pelvic congestion, clear blockages and create space for deep feminine awakening.This healing allows your life force to flow once again.

    🎁 Receive your free embodied resource course here

    💖 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here

  • In the journey of cultivating safety within the body—a multifaceted experience—our primal instincts continuously drive us to scan the external environment for threats.

    As we begin this journey of healing through somatic awareness, nervous system regulation, and remineralisation, we signal to our body that safety exists within.

    It's a process of remapping the ingrained messages back to a natural state of calm and regulation.

    Individual Mentorships

    📞 Book connection call here

    🎀 Receive your free embodied resource course here

    💖 Connect with me on Instagram

    Join the waitlist for the next round of Rebecca Wilson's Embodied Woman Group Mentorship. Experience a transformative journey of self-healing and feminine energy awakening. Limited spaces available. Join the waitlist here