
  • In this episode, I speak to Dr. Taryn Gauvin. Taryn is in her 23rd year as an educator and has served 19 years in the Pre-K through 12 setting as a teacher, assistant principal and turnaround principal. Currently, she is the founder and CEO of Divergent Educational Consulting, LLC, and contractor operations manager at Better Lesson.

    We talked about her journey, her new book “Centering Our Voices: The Brilliance, Persistence, and Significance of Black Women Educators,” and what she’s learned over the years as an educator who broke off on her own.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode90.

  • In this short episode, I share five takeaways that I've learned from helping thousands of educators who find work beyond the classroom. This episode is for everyone, such as the teacher who wants to stay a teacher and expand their impact beyond the classroom, or transition out of the classroom. Having helped thousands of teachers, I found that all teachers are unique and different in their own ways. We all have different experiences and areas of expertise and dreams. But there are some similarities. So in my five takeaways, I want you to think about what resonates with you.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode89.

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  • As teachers, we are education experts. But sometimes it can be really hard to realize this. And I can't tell you how many times I get to talking with teachers who have recently retired, and they have taught for 20-30 years, sometimes even more. And despite those teachers doing it for so long, they still feel like they don't have enough experience. And that is absolutely not true.

    If you have been teaching for even a couple years, you have way more education experience than most people. If you have been teaching for your entire career, I guarantee you, you are an education expert. And honestly, all teachers are education experts, we have studied education, we have spent time with children, we know so much about what it's like to teach students.

    So let's own that expertise. In this episode, I provide a few tips on how to leverage your education expertise to achieve your goals.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode88.

  • Lisa Hutchinson is a former preschool center director with over 30 years of experience in the early education field. She has also been a prekindergarten teacher, kindergarten teacher, preschool assistant director, education and training specialist, and a program specialist. She directed a preschool center for over 20 years.

    Over the past two years, Lisa has started a virtual preschool called Smart Steps Virtual School for children ages 2-5 to help parents prepare their children for kindergarten. She now works full time from home running Smart Steps and writing curriculum.

    In this episode, we talk about how she came to start a virtual preschool, how she continues to expand her business by developing curriculum, and overcoming her imposter syndrome.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode87.

  • Kathleen Brigham has been in the educational field for over 30 years. With a Bachelor's degree from Middlebury College and a Master's in Educational Administration from Columbia Teachers College, she started Brigham Learning, an education consulting and tutoring company. Her primary goal is to help students discover self-awareness and confidence through academic success. With three children and four stepchildren, she combines her personal experience with her educational background to work with children of all ages and learning abilities.

    In this episode, Kathleen dives into her journey from educator to business owner, giving lots of great advice along the way. She also details how she scaled her business, giving such helpful tips you’ll want to take notes.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode86.

  • Jasmine Rollins is a mom of four, a passionate K through 12 educator, a forever learner and storyteller. She creates learning opportunities and resources that empower teachers to celebrate their students' identities and foster a sense of belonging in the classroom. As a teacher, she's always used storytelling as a way to build connections and trust, through sharing her own stories and empowering students to do the same.

    In this episode, we discuss Rollins’s journey as an educator and how she moved beyond the classroom. We also get into how she came to focus on fostering a culture of belonging within and outside of school.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode85.

  • Deveren Fogle is a former lawyer, tech entrepreneur (2012 ‘Trep of the Month in Entrepreneur Magazine for the MyGeniusTrainer iPhone app), teacher, executive function coach, and now a tech entrepreneur again. He is launching Uluru, the first executive function platform to empower students and families to navigate the difficulties neurodiverse learners may face in their academic journeys.

    Fogle tells why he left teaching and explains how his days teaching led to him finding success in the world of tutoring executive function. We also share a lot of thoughts about how teachers are so under-appreciated! It’s a good long talk and I laughed through a lot of it.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode84.

  • I've been thinking a lot about how writing has furthered my career beyond the classroom. It really was something that I didn't get super clear on as being such a key factor until recently. I think part of that has come through working with so many teachers and seeing them go beyond the classroom, and some people really being successful, and other people having it take a little bit more time. Some of that working online boils down to writing. 

    If you're able to write a compelling cover letter, you're more likely to land jobs. If you're starting an education business, and you can write really exciting and inviting copy, then you're more likely to get customers. So much of what's done online is done through writing. And so as teachers transitioning to a flexible workplace working online, this requires really taking our writing skills to the next level.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode83.

  • Today I'm so excited that we have our amazing director of learning and development April Brown here with me to talk about the various stages that educators may go through when moving beyond the classroom. April that I have been working together for five years and maybe even more at this point, and together we have worked with 1000s of teachers, expanding their impact beyond the classroom, whether they're staying as classroom teachers or moving completely beyond.

    Though everybody's journey is unique, we found that people go through some similar phases along the way. So in the last few months, April, and I have really been doing a lot of thinking about what these phases are, and what are some things that we see people experiencing again, and again and again. So today we want to talk you through these stages, and really have you think about where you might fit where you're at right now where you might want to go, knowing that not everybody's gonna go through exactly these common stages. But hopefully, this gives you some sense of what we've seen other people experience.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode82.

  • When I left the classroom, it all felt scary. It felt scary because I needed to make up my teaching income. It felt scary because I had only really been a classroom teacher before. Straight out of college, I went and got my teaching credential, and then I started teaching. So when I left the classroom, everything felt unknown. And that unknown part made it feel scary.

    When I left the classroom, I needed to really bolster my confidence, and take this leap intentionally. And I had this post-it on my computer forever, that said, “bet on you.” And it was so powerful to me, just really betting on myself, you know, rather than working so hard in my classroom, together with my colleagues that to help my students in school, which was all great in some ways, I really was taking this leap to bet on me bet on what I wanted to do in the world of education, bet on what I wanted to do for my family. So today, I want to encourage you to bet on you, whatever way that might mean to you.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode81.

  • When I became a teacher, I really thought I would be a teacher forever. And my whole identity was really tied up in this idea of being a teacher. So when I started to look for different options beyond the classroom and explore those options, it really came with shifting my identity; I was still a teacher, but I had to redefine my teacher identity. And you might find yourself in the same boat, whether you're deciding to just look and see what's out there beyond the classroom, or you really want to claim your expertise as the education expert that you are, or you're ready to move entirely beyond the classroom and expand your impact. All of this comes with really redefining your teacher identity.

    When I became a teacher, I really thought I would be a teacher forever. And my whole identity was really tied up in this idea of being a teacher. So when I started to look for different options beyond the classroom and explore those options, it really came with shifting my identity; I was still a teacher, but I had to redefine my teacher identity. And you might find yourself in the same boat, whether you're deciding to just look and see what's out there beyond the classroom, or you really want to claim your expertise as the education expert that you are, or you're ready to move entirely beyond the classroom and expand your impact. All of this comes with really redefining your teacher identity.

    In this episode, I talk about how to really redefine your teacher identity, so that you can confidently go forward into whatever career path you want, whether to stay in the classroom or move beyond.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode80.

  • In this episode, I take you behind the scenes of what it's like to work at and run a curriculum development agency. I started the Educator Forever agency a couple years ago, after being asked to take on very large projects that one person couldn't take on on their own. For example, I was asked to create a whole year long curriculum for all grades pre K to five in all the subject areas. That's not a project that one person should be doing. So I realized a few years ago, oh, I could bring on other curriculum writers to help me with these projects and create our own curriculum development agency.

    So listen in as I walk you through what it’s like starting this agency and working with lots of different educators turned curriculum writers. I realized that there were some key skills that educators need to learn in order to be successful in curriculum design. We are always learning new things when we work in curriculum and when we do anything else.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode79.

  • Ethan Pierce, a serial entrepreneur and Co-Founder and CEO of Adaptive Reader, has transformed his early struggles with reading into a catalyst for innovation in education. A Harvard graduate and Mitchell Scholar, Ethan's journey from confronting his own reading challenges to spearheading Adaptive Reader underscores his commitment to making educational content accessible and engaging for all students. Through his work, Ethan leverages cutting-edge AI and thoughtful design to help students overcome reading difficulties and embrace learning in their native languages. His leadership at Adaptive Reader is driven by a vision to ensure no student is left behind because of language barriers or learning differences, making him a pioneer in creating a more equitable educational landscape.

    In this episode, we discussed Ethan’s path that lead to the creation of Adaptive Reader. We also dive into the world of AI and how his business is helping those struggling with reading.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode78.

  • Julie Packett is a former K through 12 teacher who navigated the journey from the classroom to a flourishing career in data science. Recognising the hurdles educators face when transitioning out of teaching, Julie was inspired to pave a smoother path for others by leveraging her expertise in data science. She is the visionary behind Goldendelicious, an innovative platform designed to connect teachers directly with employers eager to harness the unique skill sets of former educators. Through Goldendelicious Julie seeks to empower teachers exploring new career horizons, bridging the gap between traditional education and diverse professional opportunities.

    We talked about her career journey and the hurdles she had to overcome transitioning out of teaching. We also discuss what she passes onto teachers who want to enter the field of data science.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode77.

  • When you're looking for jobs beyond the classroom, it is super exciting when you get your first interview, or really any interview. An interview gives you a chance to really explain your expertise and explain your experience and connect with the people at the organization where you're hoping to work.

    I know that interviews can also be slightly terrifying though, especially if you haven't been on an interview in many years or if you've only been on interviews for district teaching jobs or school jobs. In those cases, interviews for flexible work beyond the classroom are probably going to look differently. And that's okay. We just need to think through how we're going to prepare before, during and after the interview to set you up for success. And so in this podcast, I'm going to walk you through exactly how to prepare for an interview when going for work beyond the classroom.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode76.

  • When you're thinking about starting an education business, you likely have lots of amazing ideas. And sometimes having so many amazing ideas can be completely overwhelming. Trust me, I have been there. So really thinking about how we take all these ideas and turn them into an actionable business that really helps other people, I find it really helpful to think about design thinking. 

    Design thinking as a framework that really centers the problem that you're going to be solving in your business. Because all businesses that solve a problem are all good businesses. And it really centers your users, your clients, the people that you're going to help. It helps you to think through how you're going to help them while also taking action. So in today's podcast, I thought I'd walk you through how to use design thinking when starting or building an education business.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode75.

  • When you're thinking about doing something new in education, or really anything else new fear can come up and get in the way. And this week, I've been having a lot of conversations with educators really feeling scared: scared to take the leap, scared to apply for jobs, even what's been coming up for many people is feeling scared that even if they get this job that they're really excited about, they won't know what to do, or they won't be able to cut it, or that it'll feel overwhelming.

    So how do we move past it? In this episode, I'm going to give some tips for really trying to move past your fear, so that you can try new things out and get closer to what you want to achieve.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode74.

  • Anthony Weinkopff acts as the director and co-founder of Embrace Tutoring and Educational Services. Embrace specializes in creating customized college and career readiness plans for students, and connects them with experienced tutors in core academic subjects and test prep areas.

    Since an early age, he has always been drawn to empowering youth and helping them to create opportunities. Growing up, he was the first male in his immediate family to go to college and he remembers how overwhelming the process could be without clear guidance. Throughout his educational career, Anthony has worked as a college liaison, biochemistry and mathematics teacher in high school, and academic dean.

    Along with his two co-founders, Andy Lee and Suzanne Park, Anthony has grown Embrace Tutoring to what it is today. For this episode, we talked about how he went from teaching to starting Embrace, and what he's learned through the process.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode73.

  • When you're applying for jobs beyond the classroom, it's really important that your application materials stand out. And by that I mean your resume and your cover letter. It is so hard sometimes to write resumes and cover letters. But putting in the cognitive work is worth it. Reflecting on how your unique experience connects to the jobs that you hope to land goes a long way.

    I have applied for so many jobs beyond the classroom. And I've also hired for a lot of jobs beyond the classroom. So I've seen all sorts of resumes and cover letters, and I've learned what makes them stand out. So in this episode, I want to share with you some tips for writing resumes and cover letters that will get you those jobs you hope to land.

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode72.

  • When you're thinking about using your skills as an educator in a new way, it's completely normal to feel overwhelmed and struggle with self doubt. After years of working with so many teachers as part of Educator Forever, I've realized that teachers go through some predictable stages when they begin to look for work outside of teaching.

    Being a classroom teacher is so entwined with our identity. So much so that we can simply think of ourselves as just being teachers. But there's no such thing as just a teacher, we do so many things, our skills are so valuable, impressive, and applicable in other areas, you truly are an education expert. So when you're dealing with self doubt, or really any other obstacle, the most important thing to do is to move through it, recognize it, feel it and even appreciate your doubtful feelings, then don't let it stop you keep taking action to make your dreams a reality. And you can use these five tips to overcome self doubt when you're stuck. 

    For all links and resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes: https://www.educatorforever.com/episode71.