If tears could heal, I would shed an ocean. If words could turn back time, my mouth would run dry. But I am just a soul. And nothing more. So l pray to my Lord and hand Him my grief, my fear and my sorrow in my hands covered in hope. To Him, the one who can aid me.
Sa’ada’s substack ⤵️
The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Indeed, the eyes shed tears and the heart grieves, but we do not say except that which is pleasing to our Lord. And we are saddened by your departure, O Ibrahim.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari 1303)
If our hearts ache for those we have lost, let that longing push us to strive harder, by Allah’s mercy, may we be reunited in a place where grief does not exist, where every tear is replaced with eternal joy. insha Allah🤍🕊️
Saknas det avsnitt?
DISCLAIMER: We’re not scholars but seekers, learning and striving. No perfection here, just reflection. Let’s walk this path together, with sincerity as our guide and Allah as our destination.
The greatest loss isn’t wealth, status, or people, it’s when Allah turns away from you. When the doors of guidance close, when your du’as feel unheard, when your heart no longer trembles at His words…that is the deepest void a soul can experience.
Because what is left, when the One who owns everything no longer looks your way?
Allah,the vastness of His love and mercy, and the power of the power of the verse: “And when My servants ask you concerning Me, indeed I am near.” (Qur’an 2:186).
A reminder that no matter how far we’ve strayed, He is always waiting for us. This episode isn’t just a reminder:
it’s a call to embrace this Ramadan like it’s our last. Let this be the Ramadan that transforms you.
welcome to the ramadan series on echoes of faith podcast! and i’m your host bushra for today’s episode.
May Allah accept from you and mine🤍
Hadith on Sins Preventing Acceptance of Du’a
The Prophet ﷺ said:
“A man who has traveled far, his hair disheveled and covered with dust, raises his hands towards the sky (and prays): ‘O Lord! O Lord!’ But his food is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, his clothing is unlawful, and he has been nourished with the unlawful, so how can his supplication be accepted?”
Sahih Muslim 1015
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“Look at those below you (less fortunate than you), and do not look at those above you, for this is more suitable to ensure that you do not belittle Allah’s blessings upon you.”
Narrated by [Sahih Muslim 7070]
Today’s Hadith reflection:
This dunya is a prison for the believers and a paradise for the disbelievers.
The believers’ souls are imprisoned because they belong to another world—a better world, where they don’t have to get sick, where they don’t have to bleed, where they don’t have to cry!
The believers’ souls are yearning for something greater, something better. It is like a prisoner that is homesick and misses its true home—it’s JANNAH.
But what happens when a soul thinks this dunya is its paradise?
Surah Naziat verses:
Today’s Hadith reflection:
Allah talks to you in salah
Did you know Allah (SWT) actually talks to us in Salah? 🥹 When we recite Surah Al-Fatiha, we’re talking to Him, and He replies to every single verse you say!
Every time we recite Surah Al-Fatiha in Salah, we’re talking to Him, and He’s responding after every ayah.
So today, I reflect on each of Allah’s replies to us for every verse!
It’s just so intimate and beautiful knowing that Allah actually responds to you. Every Surah Al-Fatiha you recite, you’re not just speaking words into the air—you’re having a direct conversation with your Lord, the One who created you.
What we say in Salah
Today’s Hadith Reflection:
“Hamdan Kathiran Tayyiban Mubarakan Fihi.”
Today I reflected on a powerful hadith about a man who praised Allah with some words during Salah.
After the Salah, the Prophet (SAW) said he saw over 30 angels rushing to write down the reward of this man for saying these beautiful praises!
We often underestimate the significance of our praises, but this story reveals how even a small phrase can tip the scales in our favor.
Listen as I reflect on the beauty of praising Allah and the incredible mercy He shows to those who strive to remember Him.
Today’s Quran verse reflection:
“We were not of those who prayed” [74:43]
In Surah Al-Muddathir, Allah shows us a haunting conversation between the People of Hellfire and the people of Paradise.
The people In Jannah will ask the people in hell what got them into Hell? And their regretful answer will be,
“We were not of those who prayed”
Allah shows us what the people of Hell will say as a mercy to help us avoid their fate.
Which side will we be on—those asking the people in Hell, or those being asked why they are in Hell?
Salah in English:
App for tracking your salah
You say to yourself, “I won’t do it again.” You tell Allah you won’t do it again, and then you do it again.
You feel so ashamed that sometimes you even ask yourself, “How do I face Allah in salah when I keep doing this?”
And then Shaytan whispers to you, “Just don’t pray.”
Today, I talked about my life as an imperfect repenter, like every other human, striving in jihad al-nafs (striving against our lower selves).
In this episode, I shared a beautiful story about a slave girl who spent her nights in worship to Allah.
For Allah to come down to the seventh heaven and wake you up to talk to Him.
To be chosen by Allah, to come closer, to whisper your secrets, your hopes, and your fears to Him.
Tahajjud is truly a gift, one that only those Allah loves are invited to.
“Is Allah punishing me?” A question many of us ask ourselves during hardships.
Yes, sometimes we bring hardships upon ourselves with our own hands. But even when that happens, do you know that punishment from Allah in this dunya can actually be a form of mercy from Him?
I read something about this from a book and it really struck me so I decided to talk about it!
So today I discussed:
• How we can view hardships as mercies from Allah rather than mere punishments.
•Understanding the nature of trials and Allah’s mercy can completely change our perspective.
•How thinking well of Allah (Husn al-Dhann) plays a crucial role in shaping our experience of hardship.
• Allah’s infinite mercy: How even in times of difficulty, His mercy and wisdom are present.
• Practical ways to shift our mindset from one of despair to hope, and how to reconnect with Allah during tough moments.
Ilham shared her insights on the difficulties of embracing modesty,
shedding light on the pressures to conform to societal norms.
She also shared beautiful stories about her own journey toward modesty💕
Instagram: @echoesoffaith
TikTok: @echoesoffaithh
Love, Zeezah & Bushra 💕
The journey back to Allah is just so beautiful We shared stories of how we began practicing Islam with full hearts and discussed how finding Islam is truly a never-ending journey~
(𝐘𝐓 𝐕𝚰𝐃𝐄𝐎 𝐙𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐀𝐇 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝚰𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 https://youtu.be/O9gqfKOtDaI?si=s5azNwfQzMcOR_x_)
Instagram: @echoesoffaith
TikTok: @echoesoffaithh
Love, Zeezah & Bushra 💕
The feeling of wanting to do everything yet feeling like you’re not doing enough.. As Muslims this happens tous often, Fatima shares tips on how she avoids this issue of getting overwhelmed as a striving Muslim~
Send any reviews or if you justneed someone to talk to ;)👇🏽
Instagram: @echoesoffaith
TikTok: @echoesoffaithh
May Allah reunite us all inJannah.
Love, Zeezah & Bushra 💕
Yusrah shares with us heremotional story of how she went from skippingSalah-to salah becoming her source of peace.
We discuss struggling with Salah, tips to be consistent with praying Salah, and how you can fall in love with Salah.
Instagram: @echoesoffaith
TikTok: @echoesoffaithh
May Allah reunite us all inJannah.
Love, Zeezah & Bushra 💕