
  • Ep 126: March 12, 2025 - Is After Life Real Because Energy Never Dies?


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 125: Mar 5, 2025 REBROADCAST Have UFOs Landed On Human Runways?

    Linda is under the weather, and will return with a live episode next week. Please enjoy this special rebroadcast.

    New research puts age of universe at 26.7 billion years, nearly twice as old as previously believedUniversity of Ottawa published study on “Tired light”NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope may find More headlines:“House Oversight Committee to hold UFO hearing next week”“Bipartisan Measure Aims to Force Declassification of UFO Records”July 14 email from former employee at Northrop Aircraft 1966-1994 by Richard EnglerWorked with US Navy, on missile program“Northrop had many program in work for the U.S. Air Force”“told me of the UFO landing on the approach of the main runway”“witnessed by astronaut Gordon Cooper”Worked with Sam Orr“a small flying saucer came down and landed at the end of the runway”“Sam ran up and shot pictures…”“they were told to process the film.. a plane came and it was flow away”“Gordon Cooper testified before congress on UFOs”Sighting at Santa Catalina island. “it was round and it was a brilliant, brilliant white light”“close to a mile across”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

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  • Ep 124: Feb 26, 2025 - July 1947 UFO Crashes — First Link to Animal Mutilations?

    “The most spectacular light echo in the history of astronomy - Star “V838 Monocerotis”Robert Wood, PhD, former aerospace engineerwas approached by Stanton Friedman to look at SOM-101 documenthe compiled a 190-page document called “THE MAJESTIC DOCUMENTS”MAJIC - new level of secrecy after Roswell crash3 landing zones labelled LZ-1, LZ-2, LZ-3 near RoswellMJ-12 group advised presidents on UFO-related mattersreport by Interplanetary Phenomenon Unittracked 2 UFOs on radar near White Sands proving groundLZ-2 craft less damaged“not belonging to any aircraft…from surrounding bases”“something out of this world”Kenneth Arnold, saw UFOs flying near Mt. Baker“Oppenheimer identified at LZ-2, among other ‘Paperclip’ members, including Werhner von Braun”“wreckage and bodies being held”“several bodies taken to hospital at Roswell AFB…Los Alamos, Wright Field.”remains of power plant taken to research labs and other restricted bases4 security team member profuse bleeding and deathinfo on Roswell event shared with Rep. JFK“the occupants at LZ-2…some anatomical differences…greyish-pink skin color.”“the most disturbing aspect…other bodies..looked as if they had been dissected”“our country has played host to beings from another planet”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 123: Feb 19, 2025 - Rebroadcast - Where is the 550-foot-tall black pyramid that can power all of Alaska and Canada?

    U.S recovered non-human ‘biologics’ from UFO crash sites, former intel official saysYouTube video: Government Whistleblower Exposes the Alaskan Black Pyramid | Aliens in Alaska https://youtu.be/K33UIjtBwesInterview with Douglas Alan Mutschler from July, 2012Retired CW2 Commissioned Warrant Officer CounterintelligenceUS Army - Fort Richardson, Anchorage, Alaska“Chinese Set Off Their Biggest Nuclear Explosion”“distinct outline of a pyramid…in that whited-out area…south of Mt. McKinley”“pyramid..bigger than the one in Egypt”Son of Western Electric employeesent to investigate pyramidtop of pyramid was 150 feet underground, base of pyramid was 700 feet down, making it 550 feet tallsome type of power system“had the ability to power all of Alaska and Canada”“more secret than the Manhattan Project”Interview with Mark Wood, Retired U.S. Navy Captain“flew in a Beaver from Kaltag, AK”“landed on a runway that could handle cargo planes, Telida, UK”“it’s probably operating similar to Wardenclyffe Tower…generating electricity and sending it into the atmosphere”“EMI…would cause interference with airplanes…that’s how they found it”“their instruments would go haywire”“a large number of planes that have gone missing over the years.”“the pyramid is within 50 miles of Denali”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 122: Feb 12, 2025 Rebroadcast - Interview with Retired USAF Sergeant "John Smith" stationed in Fairbanks, Alaska.

    Linda is returning from Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles. Please enjoy this special rebroadcast episode.

    Christmas with the catsUtah Department of Public Safety discovers mysterious monolith in remote Utah Wildernessbetween 10 and 12 feet high, made of metal.Work of art or something else?Interview with “John Smith”, retired USAF SergeantAssigned to “Murphy Dome” Air Force station in Fairbanks Alaska in 1968Large underground installation.“Long stairway underground”…”main reason we were down there to monitor Russia…”“Large screen that had a map of the planet”“Any object in the air came up on that screen”“…people from some other planet monitoring what we do”“..the UFOs..usually traveled in packed of 3 or 6…they would disappear”“…most of the traffic was south of South America and Africa”“…3 to 6 at a time”Feb 25, 1942 - US Anti-Aircraft Artillery shot at UFO over Santa Monica MountainsFeb 27, 1942 - Pres. Roosevelt secret document“…atomic secrets learned from study of celestial devices”“…this information must remain within the confines of state secrets”referencing Cape Gerardo, MI UFO incident“neutronic propulsion device”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 121: Feb 5, 2025 Rebroadcast - Remote Viewer 'Lyn' Buchanan on Future 2050

    Peru’s Minister of Culture announced cat figure found in Nasca, PeruNASA’s OSIRIS REx gathers samples on Asteroid BennuElon Musk speaks about Mars mission and the need for a self-sustaining cityRetired Military man Leonard ‘Lyn’ Buchanan interviewInvolved in Project Star Gate in DIA - a controlled remote viewing program From 2020 to 2050, overwhelming change will occurReduction in population and cities“Largely agrarian society with almost no cities”“…we have the ET genes within us”“the die off will be from things like poisoning in our atmosphere and poisoning in our food”“only one specific type of ET that… has ben mixing with humans for centuries”Update from Kenyan family that had bloodless cattle mutilatedSamuel Gompers AD37 in the Indian Ocean“Contacts were there..and then not there”“lights of multiple color appearing and not appearing.”“CIC…unable to track or lock onto targets”“ordered not to discuss it with everyone”“made to sign documents we would never talk about the incident”“we see it..and it’s gone”“they were not being hostile”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 120: Jan 29, 2025 - Rebraodcast from Nov 2, 2022 - Why Couldn’t This U. S. Navy Destroyer Tender Lock Radar On UFOs?

    October 31 is now the annual due date of UAP reports"Many Military UFO Reports are just Foreign Spying or Airborne Trash" - NY TimesFirsthand testimony from “John Smith” about UFO experienceQuartermaster on USS Samuel Gompers AD37 in the Indian Ocean“Contacts were there..and then not there”“lights of multiple color appearing and not appearing.”“CIC…unable to track or lock onto targets”“ordered not to discuss it with everyone”“made to sign documents we would never talk about the incident”“we see it..and it’s gone”“they were not being hostile”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 119: Jan 22, 2025 - Do bloodless, animal mutilations provide Grey E.T.s food? With Whitley Strieber.

    Drone info from viewersInterview with Whitley Strieber, podcaster and author of “Communion”greys are “biomechanical robots”their brains have four quadrants…they function differently”“high protein, high sugar content and high copper content”“cattle…and humans have these”“they are doing their slaughter out in the field” Another cattle mutilation in Ritter, Oregon“no spilled blood…no tracks…no scavengers”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 118: Jan 15, 2025 - Are blue-green algae fossils inside meteorites PROOF of life beyond Earth?

    TOPIC: Are blue-green algae fossils inside meteorites PROOF of life beyond Earth?

    Linda is back LIVE this week with an all new broadcast!


    ABC News: Drone mystery deepens as lawmakers demand answers

    Interview with John E. Brandenburg, PhD. - microfossils found in Australia outback - geologic formation is 3.5 billion years old - “life arrived from spores from space” - “this is sophisticated, complicated…life” - “the primordial soup was barely cooled off when this was formed” - “bacteria found on the outside of the International space station” - “Mars cover up…moon cover up” - “blue green algae is the most prolific life in the galaxy”



    Death on Mars: The Discovery of a Planetary Nuclear MassacreBy John E. Brandenburg, PhD.


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 117: Jan 8, 2025 Oumuamua, Top Secret MAJESTIC-12, SOM1-01 and Extraterrestrials

    Happy New Year to everyone! Linda is visiting family over the Christmas holidays. Please enjoy this special episode originally from May 1, 2019.

    Mysterious Oumuamua objectTop Secret MAJESTIC-12SOM1-01Extraterrestrials


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 116: January 1, 2025 - Giants in Afghanistan, Navy confirms UAP

    Happy New Year to everyone! Linda is visiting family over the Christmas holidays. Please enjoy this special episode.

    Linda talks about red headed Giants in Afghanistan and video taken of UAP in the midst of a firefight over Iranian airspace. Also, To The Stars Academy and Tom DeLonge's released Navy footage of pilots encounters with UAP has been confirmed as credible by the Navy. Linda takes questions from the LIVE chat about disclosure and theology and how Linda has faced intimidation and fear tactics to dissuade her from searching for the truth.


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 115: December 26, 2024 - Linda Moulton Howe Sharing Deeply Personal Experience

    This is an emotional and heartfelt LIVE Earthfiles. Linda Moulton Howe shares a deeply personal and emotional story with her fans.

    Warning - there will be tears. You don't want to miss this.

    Read Linda's follow up report:

    When Portals Open Up With the Deaths of Pets https://www.earthfiles.com/2018/05/18/when-portals-open-up-with-the-deaths-of-pets/


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 114: Dec 18, 2024 - Interview w/Celestine Star on Reptilians, Cattle Mutilations, Loud Jet Noises & Q&A

    More strange jet sounds in Manizales, ColombiaSimilar to June 23, 2020 loud jet sound from AustriaAlso metallic sound, like trumpets in the middle of the night Eerie animal mutilations in Oregon and EnglandBlack Angus “died in a position she couldn’t have gotten into by herself”“tongue was excised and her udder and vaginal tissue removed, all without blood”Interview with Celestine Star, ex-wife of Ernest Robert Hunt, former Flight Chief of Edwards AFB“Home was tapped, because everything was being recorded”“reptilians…those reptilians”vast caverns under Edwards AFB“there was a reptilian being”…”sharp claw-like hands”“the eyes, yellow”.. “they had a slit in the eye”“it is about the control of the Earth”“I know that there are special that our Government is working with”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles.

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 113: Dec 11, 2024 - Are Mystery UFO Drones Blocking Nuclear War?

    UAP/drones over New Jerseyresidents are “terrified of the mystery drones”Fox News reports on unidentified drones over U.S Bases in the U.K.The Wall Street Journal: Mystery Drones Swarmed a U.S. Military Base for 17 Days, The Prentagon I StumpedDaily Mail: “Mysterious drones are 'changing time' on clocks in New Jersey as locals fear they're being targeted by UFOs”Interview with Whitley Strieber, Author of “Communion: A True Story” and “The Fourth Mind”“signals that disrupt GPS can cause clocks to be disturbed”“England is where nuclear weapons are”
 - “Bedminster, New Jersey is one of Trump’s clubs”“The Visitors have consistent warning about the danger of nuclear weapons” Linda speaks about her experience with cloaked figure



    The Fourth MindBy Whitley Strieber


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles.

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • EP 112: Dec 4, 2024 - Why Is Antarctica Off Limits To Most Humans?

    Operation DeepfreezeUSAP - United States Antarctic Program can sustain 1500 residentssubsidized by Lockheed MartinEmail from earthfiles ViewerGoogle Earth covers up Ross ice shelf.Interview with Captain Mark Wood (ret)“this is supposed to be November 2024 images and it looks like the entire continent is covered in snow and ice…it’s supposed to be spring”“they make people think it’s covered in snow and ice…we know better”


    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1

    Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025



    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles.

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 111: REBROADCAST - What are mysterious structures in Antarctica?

    Linda is celebrating Thanksgiving with her family this week. Please enjoy this special rebroadcast!

    Interview with Ret. Navy Captain Mark Alan Wood speaks about structures in Wilkes Land area of Antarctica“Semi elliptical-shaped cabin roof”Strong magnetic field anomaly near mysterious structuresUnprecedented ice melting in the Antarctic Trying to get on touch with Kenyan farmer who’s cow was mutilated.

    #LindaMoultonHowe #Earthfiles

    — For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/user/Earthfiles.

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook@EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 110: Nov 20, 2024 - Why Are Metallic Spheres Most Common UFO Shapes Reported?

    Link to IMMACULATE CONSTELLATION document: https://earthfiles.com/maceHeadline on Space.com: "Pentagon UFO office testifies to US Senate today."Director of AARO was witness Michael Shellenberger release “IMMACULATE CONSTELLATION” document on November 13 hearing“collecting imagery intelligence of UAP”Congresswoman Mace posted documentOrb spheres were most often reported shapes“an F-22 fighter pilot noted multiple…metallic orbs hovering in place…accelerated toward the jet”“F-22 was forced out of the mission area by the UAP formation” Interview with Danny Adair from OregonDan has seen and reported silver UFO spheres“3 feet in diameter silver ball” as a toddlernext time was “around 10 years old…around 75 feet”“overwhelming feeling of nauseous, dizzy”“7 disc type craft passed over the hill” in Roseburg, Oregon, 1972at 16, had a “face to face interaction with ETs” in 1984“didn’t look like any kind of a man I had seen before… wearing a thin skin-tight clothing”“wearing sunglasses or goggles… those are his eyes”“going into your mind… taking over your mind”“a huge sphere…a total of 20 spheres altogether”“a beam of light coming down…men walking all around, harvesting seeds”“he invited me to come aboard…and I told them I’ll go”Danny later emailed link “they were gathering seeds.. to reintroduce life on Earth”


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025 - https://earthfiles.com/cle



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    Truth Hunter Season 2: https://www.gaia.com/earthfiles Trailer: https://youtu.be/znyrQyZjEBg


    Earthfiles Books and DVDs:


    A Strange Harvest: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#a-strange-harvest

    A Strange Harvest 1993: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#a-strange-harvest-1993

    An Alien Harvest: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#an-alient-harvest


    Contact Linda directly:Email: [email protected]

    Secure ProtonMail: [email protected]* ProtonMail is a free, secure, encrypted email service.

    Mail: Linda Moulton Howe P. O. Box 21843 Albuquerque, NM 87154

    **Please "Like" and "Subscribe"**

    — For more incredible reports on Science, Real X-Files, the Environment and so much more, please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com/

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/Earthfiles.

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook @EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at her official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 109: Nov 13, 2024 - Are Advanced UFOs and Non-Human Intelligences Based Beneath Earth’s Oceans?

    Testimony at joint congressional hearing UAP hearing:Dr Tim Gallaudet, Read Admiral (ret.)Luis ElizondoMichael ShellenbergerMichael GoldInterview with David Fravor, Navy Commander (Ret.)describing “Tic Tac” encounter on board USS Nimitz on Nov. 14, 2004“Faster than we can go”“I’m pretty weirded out…never seen anything like this”Highlights from hearing:“We are not alone in the cosmos”


    Upcoming appearances:

    Conscious Life Expo 2025 - https://earthfiles.com/cle



    Earthfiles YouTube Channel podcast: https://podcast.earthfiles.com

    Truth Hunter Season 2: https://www.gaia.com/earthfiles Trailer: https://youtu.be/znyrQyZjEBg


    Earthfiles Books and DVDs:


    A Strange Harvest: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#a-strange-harvest

    A Strange Harvest 1993: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#a-strange-harvest-1993

    An Alien Harvest: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#an-alient-harvest


    Contact Linda directly:Email: [email protected]

    Secure ProtonMail: [email protected]* ProtonMail is a free, secure, encrypted email service.

    Mail: Linda Moulton Howe P. O. Box 21843 Albuquerque, NM 87154

    **Please "Like" and "Subscribe"**

    — For more incredible reports on Science, Real X-Files, the Environment and so much more, please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com/

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/Earthfiles.

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook @EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at her official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

  • Ep 108: Nov 6, 2024 - Whose Silent Triangle Craft Hovered Over Three American RAF Bases in December 1980?

    Linda is away recording all new episodes of Ancient Aliens for the History Channel this week. Please enjoy this special rebroadcastInterview with “Smith Jones” about UFO encounter, December 27, 1980same craft spotted at RAF Croughton and RAF BentwatersJim Penniston, John Burroughs witnessed RAF Bentwater incidentlarge triangular craft at RAF Upper Heyfordlarge viewing windows in frontlarge semi-circular glowing propulsion on the bottom“we were told that this was all to be kept quiet”“I had little blood spots all over my body” “Being close to an operating UFO can be dangerous to the human body”



    Earthfiles YouTube Channel podcast: https://podcast.earthfiles.com

    Truth Hunter Season 2: https://www.gaia.com/earthfiles Trailer: https://youtu.be/znyrQyZjEBg


    Earthfiles Books and DVDs:


    A Strange Harvest: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#a-strange-harvest

    A Strange Harvest 1993: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#a-strange-harvest-1993

    An Alien Harvest: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#an-alient-harvest


    Contact Linda directly:Email: [email protected]

    Secure ProtonMail: [email protected]* ProtonMail is a free, secure, encrypted email service.

    Mail: Linda Moulton Howe P. O. Box 21843 Albuquerque, NM 87154

    **Please "Like" and "Subscribe"**

    — For more incredible reports on Science, Real X-Files, the Environment and so much more, please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com/

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/Earthfiles.

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook @EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at her official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html

    For international translations, please see closed caption video at end of each recorded broadcast. If [CC] is not working, try again later.

  • Ep 107: October 30, 2024 - Do Huge E.T. Craft Camouflage By Blending With Stars?

    Another eyewitness report by Jonathan Cinnamon from Georgia who witnessed large craft in the sky over Waco, Texas

    Letter from eyewitness

    Communication about TRAPPIST-1e planet

    Separate continental land massesOceans cover about 655Atmosphere almost exactly same as EarthInhabitants use nuclear powerConfirmation of intelligent life due to light and nuclearDisclosure statement to follow?

    Milky Way galaxy may contain between 100 billion and 1 trillion planets



    Earthfiles YouTube Channel podcast: https://podcast.earthfiles.com

    Truth Hunter Season 2: https://www.gaia.com/earthfiles Trailer: https://youtu.be/znyrQyZjEBg


    Earthfiles Books and DVDs:


    A Strange Harvest: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#a-strange-harvest

    A Strange Harvest 1993: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#a-strange-harvest-1993

    An Alien Harvest: https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/#an-alient-harvest


    Contact Linda directly:Email: [email protected]

    Secure ProtonMail: [email protected]* ProtonMail is a free, secure, encrypted email service.

    Mail: Linda Moulton Howe P. O. Box 21843 Albuquerque, NM 87154

    **Please "Like" and "Subscribe"**

    — For more incredible reports on Science, Real X-Files, the Environment and so much more, please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com/

    — Be sure to subscribe to this Earthfiles Channel the official channel for Linda Moulton Howe https://www.youtube.com/Earthfiles.

    — To stay up to date on everything Earthfiles, follow me on FaceBook @EarthfilesNews and Twitter @Earthfiles.

    To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at her official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/shop/

    — Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html