《刺猬索尼克3》用2500万美元的首日票房证明了游戏迷和家庭观众的购买力,而《穆法萨》却凭借1330万美元的首日票房告诉我们奥斯卡得主也会遇到预算失控。 (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)
《Pokémon TCG Pocket》:利用挫败感强行镰刀,抽卡就像打着灯笼找珍珠,一不小心钱包就瘪了,还美其名曰“玩家自由选择”。 (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)
Saknas det avsnitt?
While it's not a cinematic masterpiece, the film is undeniably fun and delivers what fans and kids like my nephew Parker want: Sonic being Sonic.
His voice performance as Sonic feels effortless, blending the character's cocky charm with a sense of fun and playfulness.
Fun for fans and families"Sonic the Hedgehog 3" strikes a good balance between fan service and accessibility for newcomers.
Longtime Sonic fans will appreciate the callbacks to the games, while kids and casual viewers will enjoy the humor and colorful action.
Ben Schwartz's Sonic remains a delight, Jim Carrey is in top comedic form, and the dynamic between Sonic, Tails and Knuckles is a highlight. (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z) -
《穆法萨:狮子王》:迪士尼决定要告诉你,就算是动画里的狮子,也有复杂的兄弟情感和背叛,还带点非洲版《权力的游戏》即视感。 (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)
青峰和晨曦在Quik News上激烈讨论,《六三八八》电影显然比战斗机更重要,因为谁会想到邮递员也能比飞行员更显赫呢? (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)
老铁们,快来看看这场166岁老爷子的激情重聚秀!麦卡特尼摸老贝斯,老粉怀旧喊不停,年轻人看得瞌睡倒头睡,果然经典和潮流各玩各的呀! (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)
《刺猬索尼克3》导演福勒花20年磨一剑,引基努·里维斯来为影子刺猬增点戏,可惜观众就爱“快闪”效果,剧情?谁在乎剧情! (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)
两个老甲壳虫又爬上舞台,观众感动到哭惨了——看,这就是怀旧的力量,比现在的音乐强多了!斯塔尔抱着失而复得的贝斯吉他,还挺有情怀。 (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)
《The Brutalist》:一部讲匈牙利建筑师在美国受尽磨难却因混得好被封神的3小时电影,看前记得带好枕头和眼药水! (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)
托尼奖得主Audra McDonald主演的百老汇复刻版《吉普赛》剧目重现,嘉宾青峰和晨曦热情点评,仿佛在讨论新一季流行的肉串配方。 (Link expires on 2025-01-18T23:45:53.931Z)