今回は、ニュージーランド留学を経て、大学に行くまでをお話しています。大学選び、英語の試験、初日のハプニングまで笑えるエピソードをご紹介w どうぞお楽しみに!
All the contents are in Japanese. -
お久しぶりの今回は、ニュージーランドを出て、次の国へ!シンガポールからフィリピンのセブ島へ移動。今までとは違い朝から晩までがっつり英語をお勉強する環境へ。笑 さてさて、またまたここで起きた笑えるエピソード。最後にまさかの展開です!どうぞお楽しみに!
This episode is about when I went to Singapore and the Philippines after New Zealand. I went to English school in Cebu for a month. We talked about how I felt there and what happened (some hilarious stories). Enjoy!
All the contents are in Japanese.
Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode is about when I went to study abroad for the first time in New Zealand. The experience dramatically changed me and my sense of value in life! Please enjoy!
*All the contents are in Japanese. -
中学受験から高校生になるまで、また高校生の時の大きな出来事について、長くなってしまったので今回はpart 1です。前回の反省を生かして、音声の方もだいぶよくなりました!笑 気になる方はSeason 1 episode 1をどうぞ!)好き勝手話しておりますので、楽しんでもらえたら、あなたの勇気になってくれたら幸いです。
The second episode is about how the daughter chose the high school and her school life, which was uber busy!
There was so much thinking when deciding which school to go to and it was hard! But it was all worth the struggles! It became one of the biggest shifts in her life.
We improved our sound system, so it should be much better! Enjoy :)
記念すべき第1回目は我が家で体験した、初めてのお受験。昨日急にPodcastしようとなった、卒育したママと娘の二人がゆるーくトークを繰り広げる!笑 受験するに至ったエピソードや当日までの出来事を好きなように話してます。初めてのPodcastぜひ聞いてみてください!
This is our first episode!!
In this episode, we talked about when the daughter was studying to get into a private junior high school in Tokyo. The reason we chose a private school over a public school, happenings on the day of the exam, etc.
We had some technical difficulty with the sound system. But it was such an amazing episode that we just uploaded it anyways!
Promise we'll fix it for the next episode! Thanks!