SUR LA ROUTE DE L’HORREUR C’EST: Une émission télévisuelle de 12 épisodes de 28 minutes qui sera diffusée sur la chaîne FRISSONS TV à partir de septembre 2021 et ce, en raison d’un épisode par mois. 52 capsules internet inédites de 3 minutes qui débuteront à partir de septembre 2021, avec une diffusion prévue à chaque semaine. 74 épisodes de podcast (audio et vidéo de 60 minutes) qui intégreront les réseaux sociaux, à partir d’avril 2021, une fois par semaine.
Welcome to the Official MickeyBlog Podcast! The MickeyBlog Podcast is FOR Disney fans and hosted BY Disney fans! Hosted By Jared Talbot and alongside other members of the MickeyBlog team, this show will cover ALL things Disney!
Whether it be the Disney theme parks located around the globe, the Disney Cruise Line, Walt Disney Studios, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, news from the Disney+ world and beyond, we’ve got you covered! -
Welcome to Age of Geek, the ultimate podcast for all things geek culture! Join us each week as our passionate panelists dive deep into the realms of Star Wars, Marvel, TV shows, and comic books, delivering exciting discussions and insights that will satisfy even the most devoted geeks.
At Age of Geek, our mission is simple: to provide a haven for geeks of all backgrounds and interests. Whether you're a die-hard Star Wars fan, a dedicated follower of the Marvel universe, or an avid consumer of TV shows and comic books, we've got you covered. Our panelists, armed with their extensive knowledge and boundless enthusiasm, gather together to explore the latest updates, dissect fan theories, review the newest releases, and engage in thought-provoking conversations on all things geek culture.
Get ready for captivating discussions, friendly debates, and a healthy dose of geeky camaraderie. From analyzing the intricacies of your favorite characters to uncovering hidden Easter eggs, Age of Geek promises to be your go-to destination for geek content that caters to all. So grab your lightsabers, assemble your comic collection, and join us on this thrilling journey through the age of geek!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Feel overwhelmed about the planning of your Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando or Disney Cruise Line vacation?
Host Conor Brown is a former Walt Disney World Cast Member and current Travel Advisor who knows the pain points and overwhelm that come with planning Disney and Universal trips. He helps you understand everything you need to know when it comes to planning your trip, and what to not worry about.
Sharing the best trips, strategies and advice for Walt Disney World, Disney Cruise Line or Universal Orlando vacations.
Visit our website for more information:
Walt Disney World | Disney Cruise Line | Universal Orlando | Disney World Podcast | Vacation Planning Podcast -
A union podcast for working people | Un podcast syndical pour les membres -----
Each month, we dive into the issues facing workers across Canada and talk to experts and special guests to make sense of it all. Hear timely conversations that will address topics relevant to the Canadian labour movement and USJE members through invited guests including politicians, subject matter experts, etc. Stay informed and up-to-date on all aspects of union life in Canada. | Chaque mois, nous aborderons des enjeux auxquels font face les travailleur-euse-s d’un bout à l’autre du Canada et nous nous entretiendrons avec des invités et des spécialistes qui tâcheront de donner un sens à tout cela. Vous entendrez des conversations d’actualité qui traiteront de sujets pertinents pour le mouvement ouvrier canadien et les membres du SESJ. Participeront à ces podcasts des invités y compris des politicien-ne-s, divers spécialistes et autres. Restez informé et à jour au sujet de tous les aspects de la vie syndicale au Canada. -
Meet Chai After Dark, your go-to podcast for TV and pop culture recaps! This unique show stands apart from traditional recap podcasts by highlighting humorous South Asian-adjacent commentary for stories from all over the world. Sameem and Shabnam, also of South Asian descent, celebrate these stories, but are unafraid to say it as they see it. -
Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation on something that matters. How do we address climate change if the political system fails to act? Has the logic of markets infiltrated too many aspects of our lives? What is the future of the Republican Party? What do psychedelics teach us about consciousness? What does sci-fi understand about our present that we miss? Can our food system be just to humans and animals alike?
Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. -
Dans L'affaire Jolivet, Isabelle Richer se penche sur ce dossier complexe qui révèle des travers du système judiciaire. Dans Chemin de croix, Anne Panasuk lève le voile sur de nombreuses disparitions d'enfants autochtones au Québec. Dans la troisième saison, Retour aux sources, Marie-Maude Denis parle de son travail avec ses sources confidentielles et comment elle en est arrivée à devoir défendre leur protection devant la Cour suprême du Canada.
For the past two years, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ronan Farrow has been following a trail of clues from his investigation of Harvey Weinstein to other blockbuster stories about the systems that protect powerful men accused of terrible crimes in Hollywood, Washington, and beyond. But he didn’t bring that information to light on his own. A compelling cast of sources—from brave whistleblowers to shadowy undercover operatives—decided the fate of these investigations, sometimes risking everything in the process. The Catch and Kill Podcast brings you their stories, in their own words, for the first time.
привет, я Настя, и я веду свой подкаст из самого сердца Нью-Йорка :)
этот подкаст - мой способ поделиться с вами своим опытом и мыслями, а также отличная возможность для саморефлексии.
вас ждут обсуждения актуальных тем и социальных повесток, подробности моего творческого пути как блогера, инсайты от психотерапии, трудностей с биполярным расстройством и РПП, секреты долгих ЛГБТ отношений и главное - ответ на вопрос - нет проблем или все таки они есть?
слушая эти эпизоды, вы точно узнаете обо мне чуть больше, а еще (надеюсь) отлично проведете время за утренней прогулкой с собакой, рутинной уборкой или просто поездкой в метро.
никакой пропаганды и экспертности, только желание более осознанно и открыто взглянуть на себя и мир вокруг !
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YouTube - @seventeenine
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