Which anime character has the most powerful bob? A haircut that slays so severely it is deadly just looking at it. Some bobs are so powerful, they are imbued with superhuman power. Others are a powerful commentary on the expression of self! And some are cut and even used as a weapon...
Today we are joined by Lauryn (@ToastyMarshmellow) to get to the bottom of it.
Come to our Amazing Race Season 37 NYC premiere party! http://TAR37.eventbrite.com
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/
Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWars
Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds (Carson & Jack) go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!
Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
NO ONE has been asking for a definitive list of every monster in the Dungeons and Dragons monster manual ranked by hotness. But here we are to deliver that for you...Come to our Amazing Race Season 37 NYC premiere party! http://TAR37.eventbrite.comFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWarsDweeb Wars is a show where two nerds (Carson & Jack) go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Saknas det avsnitt?
How much money is owed in damages to the cabbage man in Avatar the Last Airbender? Or does he actually owe money in fines himself as the criminal he is? Today, we investigate "My Cabbages" man, and take him to court.
Come to our Amazing Race Season 37 NYC premiere party! http://TAR37.eventbrite.com
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/
Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWars
Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds (Carson & Jack) go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Let's settle this ONCE AND FOR ALL! Who is the best horse? From Spirit, to Trigger, to Seabiscuit, who will rightfully come out on top?
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/
Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWars
Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds (Carson & Jack) go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!
Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
THAT'S CORRECT: Carson & Jack (Team Green) are on The Amazing Race Season 37! Today, we talk all about how we got cast (The Pitch), how we got ready for the race (The Prep), and how we felt about it (The Punch). 0:38 Who are we?2:09 The Pitch (The Amazing Race application video tips)6:17 The Prep (Preparing for the Amazing Race - Therapy, Training, Languages)14:25 The Punch (The experience)Come to our NYC premiere party! http://TAR37.eventbrite.comFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWarsDweeb Wars is a show where two nerds (Carson & Jack) go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Pokemon...innocent sidekicks or sinister masterminds? Today we delve into the world of Pokemon and divulge which creatures we believe commit, committed, or are willing to commit, white-collar crime...
0:26 Pokemon and Crime Introduction
3:06 Why We Love Pokemon
3:47 Which Pokemon Would Commit a White Collar Crime
5:17 Why Gimmighoul Would Commit a White Collar Crime
9:22 Gimmighouls Potential Connection to Jesus Christ
12:42 Gimmighoul Conclusion
15:00 Pokemon with "Low-Level" Criminal Histories
15:49 Why Gothitelle Would Commit a White Collar Crime
18:36 Gothitelle's Suspicious Outfit
19:39 Gothitelle's Connection to Bernie Madoff
22:06 Gothitelle Conclusion
23:54 Why Malamar Would Commit a White Collar Crime
25:12 Why Honchcrow Would Commit a White Collar Crime
25:58 Why Chatot Would Commit a White Collar Crime
27:13 Closing Arguments
30:01 Final Decision
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWarsDweeb Wars is a show where two nerds (Carson & Jack) go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
This one is for the gaymers. Today, we are talking about 10 games that gay people love, and why we think that is. Whether it be obvious games for bisexuals (Stardew Valley), games of communication (It Takes Two), or some left-field choices (Red Dead Redemption??), hopefully, you come away with a new game to try for you, gay.3:00 Why gay people people love Wii Sports5:53 Why gay people love Overcooked9:07 Why gay people love Dance Dance Revolution11:25 Why gay (and trans) people love Baldur's Gate and Dungeons & Dragons14:46 Why gay people love Red Dead Redemption17:57 Why gay people love It Takes Two19:39 Why bisexuals love Stardew Valley21:50 Why gay people love The Last of Us24:06 Why gay people love Pokémon26:14 Why gay people love Slide (the playground game)Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWarsDweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
The story of the Lord of the Rings would be veryyyyy different if they had McDonalds everywhere. Today, we discuss which fast food franchise would thrive in Middle Earth based on the political, environmental, and economic realities of JRR Tolkein's fantastical fantasy worlds. Hobbits gotta eat!
Special Guest: Eric Wiegand
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWarsDweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkgSpecial Guest: DJ Daughtry Jr! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dweebwars/Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@DweebWarsDweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Girl, we need to talk fashion. No one seems to want to talk about the lewks of the islanders on Survivor and WE are here to fix that. From categories such as "Most Dramatic Shoe" to "Best Found Fashion" we are here to read the survivor dolls up and down.
Special Guest: DJ Daughtry Jr! Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Abby, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire!? Today, Amy Ordman joins us to discuss which Dance Mom of the Lifetime show, Dance Moms, would win the Triwizard Tournament. Is it the sleuthing and manipulative Melissa? Or the fiery and fierce Jill? Or perhaps even the composed and level-headed Holly. Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Today we come together for our first Dweeb Peace, a time of solidarity and friendship, to discuss who we think are the Queens of 2024.Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Lady Gaga and Super Smash Brothers...two of this world's greatest titans. Has Gaga ever played the game, and if so...which character's powers did she wield? We break down the FACTS for you...
Special Guest: No.ah !Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Diva, we need to know. WHO is the gayest Animal Crossing villager?! Today, we dive into the histories, romances, personalities, and mysteries of our top contenders for gayest AC character.
Special Guest: Maren!Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg
Where in the world is Club Penguin Island? Today, we dive into the facts to give our best guesses as to the precise latitude and longitude of the island that we spent so many hours on throughout the years. Is the island in Antarctica as popular opinion would tell you, or is the true answer a little more complex...
Special Guest: Macy Atkinson!Dweeb Wars is a show where two nerds go head to head in debates to solve life's dweebiest questions. At the end of each episode, an expert in the field awards a Toxic Heavy Medal to one dweeb. At the end of the season, the dweeb with the most medals wins the coveted title of Head Dweeb in Charge!Check out our D&D live stream: https://www.youtube.com/@UCuaH0p-3cTJRuMy86ff_qkg