Skemmti podcast þar sem gríntútturnar Sif og Embla fá til sín allskyns gesti úr öllum hornum samfélagsins. Tölum um Kynlífssögur og reynslur.
Við viljum opna á umræðuna um kynlíf og allskonar tabú sem tengist því.
Upphafstef - My friend and I - Trúbrot -
Saga, eigandi Losta, spjallar um kynlíf, ástarsambönd, samskipti, kynlífstæki, og allt því tengdu.
Inn á milli finnur þú sjóðheitar erótískar sögur… njóttu!
Losti er kynlífstækjaverslun staðsett í Borgartúni 3.
Kíktu á instagramið okkar til að taka þátt í umræðunum sem við deilum í þáttunum. -
Are you searching for an exhilarating and enticing lifestyle podcast to invigorate your morning commute? Look no further! Introducing "The Sinsational Unicorn Podcast" — an immersive audio experience that will take you on an unparalleled journey through various lifestyles. Join your vibrant hosts, Anna and Ryan, as they inject high-energy, humor, and a touch of kinkiness into each episode. Prepare to be captivated by their latest tantalizing tales. So sit back and enjoy. Support this podcast:
Anaesthesia on Air is the Podcast from the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The Royal College of Anaesthetists is the professional body responsible for the speciality throughout the UK.
We are the third largest Medical Royal College in the UK by membership. With a combined membership of 23,000 fellows and members, we ensure the quality of patient care by safeguarding standards in the three specialities of anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine.
We are always looking for new content, so if you have any ideas, or would like to get involved, please contact us at: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) . -
A podcast for people living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) ... MS stories, MS news, and coming to know you’re not the only one.
Whether you're newly diagnosed with MS, a fully-fledged person with disabilities or want to find out more about this chronic, neurological illness, this show's for you.
Hear from experts, influencers and patients (mainly UK-based). -
Are you a physician who’s questioning your career path? If you’re at the white coat crossroads, for whatever reason, this podcast is for you. We’re going to help you find your best path forward, whether it’s to be happier in patient care, transition to a nonclinical career, or do something completely different.
In the weekly podcasts, we’re bringing you all the good stuff:
-Actionable tools and resources to help you start making positive changes.
-Interviews with physicians who’ve found new and fulfilling ways to practice as well as those who’ve transitioned into nonclinical careers.
-Concrete advice for applying to jobs, using LinkedIn, interviewing, negotiating, and much more.
Your host, Dr. Heather Fork, is a former board-certified dermatologist who transitioned into full-time career coaching for physicians over 10 years ago. She is a master certified coach who has been helping hundreds of physicians find ways to be happier both in medicine and beyond.
Come visit us at to learn more! -
A podcast for women who suffer from "PMDD." Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. My views are different than most, but I suffered from PMDD for years, and when I quit listening to the standard PMDD protocols, guess what happened? I healed. ( for the most part) Taking control of your PMDD constant work. This Podcast is my view of PMDD. This Podcast should not be used as a form of medical advice, as I am NOT a doctor.
The Burnout Doctor Podcast is designed to help pharmacists and healthcare professionals clear the clutter from their lives & reset burnout.
Hosted by Dr. Jessica Louie, PharmD, APh, BCCCP, join in for conversations on simplifying, decluttering, well-being and burnout. Jessica combines her pharmacist background and Certified KonMari Coaching to help you get out of overwhelm.
As a former shopaholic, workaholic and pharmacist struggling with burnout, Dr. Jessica Louie knows how it feels to live a life in overwhelm, surviving instead of thriving. Fortunately, she transformed her life and if she can do it, so can you!
Together we will feel confident, calm and more energized leading lives with less clutter and a lighter mental load. Let’s reset healthcare burnout.
Music by Dr. Tony Dao, host of Pharmacy, IT & Me Podcast
*Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
**This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice. -
Brain Health with Dr. Nissen brings you advancements in medicine, neuroscience, psychiatry, & nutrition to help you live a better life. Dr. Nissen's expert interviews reveal new, evidence-based approaches to enhancing mental health, sharpening cognition, & optimizing performance. With topics such as optogenetics, Alzheimer's disease, neuromodulation, depression, the Mediterranean Diet, & psychedelics, this show is sure to expose listeners to new topics on the frontiers of medicine and neuroscience. Join us at www.DrNissen.comDr. Nissen is a medical doctor and cognitive behavioral therapist.
If you're facing health challenges or seeking natural ways to enhance your well-being, you've found the perfect podcast! Join Dr. James Odell, a naturopathic doctor and the medical and executive director of the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute (BRMI), as he delves into the world of bioregulatory medicine. In each episode, Dr. Odell will offer the most up-to-date research and practical tips to help your body naturally maintain its health, adapt to changes, regenerate, and heal itself. Tune in twice a month to embark on a journey toward optimal well-being!
Find out more information at: -
Welcome to the Les Chat podcast!
Yes, another LGBTQ+ podcast coming to you straight from the EAST COST co-hosted by the queer couple Jojo and Dayra. We want a place to share our life experiences and point of views within the LGBTQIA+ and Latinx Community. Accompanied by some of our friends and family that are also apart of OR an alliance to the community. We discuss relationship, sex, dating, labels, queerness, slurs, stereotypes, storytelling and MORE. So pour your drinks, light your candles, and kick back while we vibe out together. -
Formally known as “master your mind”, The Mindful Clinician is a podcast where I share my experiences as a certified occupational therapy assistant (COTA) working in acute care. This podcast is about sharing that journey as I navigate the ins and outs of healthcare, as well as mindfulness and prioritizing my mental health. I hope you enjoy 🤍
Recovery Replay is a podcast powered by Meadows Behavioral Healthcare. We start from the beginning and share a person's recovery journey from three different perspectives. First, there is the person in recovery. Next, a support person could be a spouse, sibling, or best friend. Lastly, there is the clinician. They will provide proper commentary, context, and teachable moments to each story.
The stories you hear will be transparent and candid. Also, on Recovery Replay, you will see that people in recovery are not a monolith. They are athletes, business professionals, college students. But they are also our neighbors, spouses, or even our children.