
  • You might have already heard our podcast episode on early labour and what that’s all about...well now it’s time for what comes next and all things ‘active labour’!

    This is the point when things get really established, sensations intensify and your uterus works hard to get your body (and baby) ready for birth... But how do you know when you’re in active labour?

    We’ll dispel all the myths about what active labour is supposed to look/feel/sound like and give the reality of all the variations of normal. As always we’re also here for top tips to support your body throughout this phase.

    This is definitely an episode for birth partners to get their ears in on (much like ALL of them to be fair!) so they know what to expect from labour too.

    #doula #doulapodcast #doulala #doulalapodcast #birthpodcast #activelabour #establishedlabour #labour #thisshitjustgotreal

  • So what is freebirth anyway?!

    Maybe you’ve heard about it, maybe you haven’t, maybe you think you know why people choose it as an option, maybe you can’t understand it at all.

    This Dou-la-la episode is for all of you!

    Freebirth is on the rise in the UK and often any discussion about it in the media is pure clickbait and overflowing with misinformation. We are thrilled to be joined by one of our favourites, Samantha Gadsden, to set the record straight and explore all things freebirth. Why do people opt for it?Why are more people choosing it for their birth experience?How would you prepare for it? What are the legalities? And so much more! This episode isn’t just about freebirth. It’s about the current state of the maternity system and why that is influencing people’s desire to step away and do things their way. Valuable conversations for everyone to be having!

    If you’d like to know more about freebirth, or are looking for information and support then follow @samanthagadsdendoula or check out Freebirth and Emergency Childbirth Support Group UK on Facebook. You can also join The Village or Home Birth Support Group UK on Facebook.

    #freebirth #freeyourbirth #wildpregnancy #allbirth #homebirth #yourbirth #doula #doulapodcast #birthpodcast #birthypodcast #doulala #doulalapodcast #birthoptions #birthchoices

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    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • It’s highly unlikely you’ll make it through pregnancy without being offered a sweep (AKA stretch and sweep, or membrane sweep). Don’t worry, no brooms involved. Many people have heard of them but in our experience most people have very little knowledge about what is involved, whether they are actually effective and what the risks may be. That’s where your favourite friendly, unfiltered doulas come in! In this episode we explore everything you want to know about sweeps so you feel more confident in having the conversation should it come up (it probably will) and when making the decision about whether to decline or consent to one. As always, it’s 100% your choice.So, what do you want to know?

    Do sweeps work? Do they hurt? Should I have one? Will it mean I don’t need an induction? Are there any downsides to having a sweep? Are sweeps safe? We’ll answer all these questions and more, as well as share our own experiences...You won’t want to miss it!

    #sweep #stretchandsweep #membranesweep #inductionoflabour #naturalinduction #induction #Doula #doulapodcast #doulala #doulalapodcast #birthpodcast

  • Are you planning to breastfeed? Do you want to know more about how to get things off to a good start? Are you looking for top tips for the early days? You do not want to miss this awesome episode of the Dou-La-La podcast with Meg and our guest, Bea from @beasbirthandboobs

    Bea explains things in such a simple way, putting you and your baby at the heart of everything. This episode will bring nuggets of wisdom and reassurance if you’re a few days or weeks in, and valuable knowledge if you’re looking ahead to when you start breastfeeding. We chat about the different kinds of feeding support, including some amazing people you can find on social media with so much free information.

    This is just a few of many you might want to follow: @lucywebberfeedingsupport_ibclc@olivia_lactation_consultant@emmapickettibclc@themilkrebel@prof_amybrown@kathrynstaggibclc

    The information and experiences shared are appropriate for all who are, or plan to, breastfeed or chestfeed. Throughout the podcast episode we refer predominantly to ‘breastfeeding’ as Bea and myself identify as breastfeeding mothers. We acknowledge that this is not the preferred vocabulary for everyone.

    #doulala #doulalapodcast #birthypodcast #birthpodcast #breastfeeding #chestfeeding #breastfeed #chestfeed #feedingsupport

  • Induction. One of the most discussed areas of birth, something that generates much debate, and for many, something you are statistically quite likely to experience.But what even is it?!In this episode we talk about the basics that you need to know. From the what's and whys, to the can I decides?....... it is a great starting point for anyone, regardless of whether induction has been mentioned to you yet or not (and we really do mean yet not if!)

    Expect our usual chilled out chat, getting into some evidence and stats, balancing the benefits and the risks, and more.

    Oh, and you should know by now that we will always metaphorically tie your cape so we’ll be reminding you of your options with tips to staying in the driving seat!

    #birthpodcast #birthypodcast #doulala #doulalapodcast #birth #induction #induced #inducedlabour #inducedbirth #highrisk

    Head here for more evidence based information:




  • To celebrate the start of Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 (29th April 2024) we’re bringing you a very special episode of the Dou-la-la podcast! We chat to Dr. Jenna Brough, a Perinatal Clinical Psychologist who specialises in providing support to people from fertility right through to early parenthood.

    This episode is incredibly useful regardless of what stage you are at in your pregnancy/parenthood journey.

    It is focused on prevention and self-help - offering anunderstanding of perinatal mental health and how to protect that across the perinatal period (disclaimer: it does not constitute and should not replace medical or mental health advice).

    We talk about planning ahead for protecting your mental health and emotional well-being before you even give birth right through to reflecting on your own coping mechanisms and support network in the postnatal period.

    Have you heard of antenatal anxiety?

    Are you worried you might struggle after having your baby?

    Do you want to know how to prepare for life after birth with a focus on your mental health?

    We focus SO much on everything that happens to our body but don’t forget your mind too...here is the perfect place to start!

    Should you or someone you know be currently struggling with their mental health, they should talk to someone they are close to (family member or friend), and also make contact with their GP/midwife/health visitor.

    Here are some helpful organisations (UK based)

    PANDAS https://pandasfoundation.org.uk/how-we-can-support-you/

    SANDS https://www.sands.org.uk/support-you

    Birth Trauma Association https://www.birthtraumaassociation.org/get-help-now



    Dr Jenna’s website is www.drjennapsychologist.com andmy social media is @dr.jenna.psychologist.

    #doulapodcast #birthpodcast#doulala #doulalapodcast #birthypodcast #mmhaw24 #maternalmhmatters #mmhaw#maternalmentalhealth #maternalmentalhealthawarenessweek #perinatalmentalhealth

  • Listen today to hear all about Remi's choice to have a homebirth following the birth of her first son.

    She shares her thoughts on the system, tells us all about her experiences and how her mindset has completely shifted to what birth can be like and how her journey this time has impacted her family life.

    I (Leanne) was lucky enough to be alongside Remi (and Oli) on their pregnancy and birth journey as their doula, this birth was truly magical so don't hesitate and have a listen!

    #homebirth #birthstory #homebirthstory #secondbaby #doulasupport #doulapodcast #doulalathepodcast

  • You want to put your fingers where?!?

    Vaginal examinations (someone inserting their fingers into your vagina, usually to have a good feel of your cervix) have become a standard expectation when it comes to assessing the establishment and progress of labour.

    An expectation of both the person in labour, and the healthcare provider supporting them.

    This episode of Dou-La-La gets down to what a vaginal examination (VE) is, what information it can actually provide and whether or not they are a useful assessment tool for anyone. In our usual no filtered, no frills way we chat about all things VE to help you understand them and feel more informed about your choices when it comes to your own labour. So, what are you waiting for?!

    #doulapodcast #birthypodcast #birthpodcast #doulalapodcast #vaginalexamination #vaginalexaminations #VE #labour

  • You’ll be offered all sorts of appointments in pregnancy (I say offered...most will feel very much obligatory, let’s start right now by saying they are not!).






    In this episode we’ll be giving you a whole load of support for preparing for these appointments, whatever they are, whenever they are. Perhaps you’re chilled out and have no clue what the appointment is for, perhaps you’re terrified of what will be discussed. Either way, it’s important you go in there feeling in control and ready to advocate for yourself. This one is super practical.

    What should you do in advance, what might you want to say or do in the clinic room, how might you process information you are given.Whatever stage you are in pregnancy, high risk or low risk, give it a listen and share it with anyone you know who is pregnant too. It might just make your next appointment a hell of a lot easier!

    #doulapodcast #doulalapodcast #birthpodcast #birthypodcast #appointments #birthpreppodcast #consultantled #midwifeled #lowrisk #highrisk

  • Our second guest episode on the Dou-La-La podcast is now available!

    In this episode we are chatting to Anna Clarkson from @hackneyhypnobirthing, a friend, colleague and total gem of a human!

    She is a hypnobirthing teacher with a passion for advocacy, knowledge and injecting a whole lot of nuance into every birthy conversation. We will always advocate for doing a birth plan (Plan A AND Plan B!) but Anna joins us to explore why it is such a good idea to give Plan C some attention too!

    We explain why you should plan a Caesarean, even if you are not planning to actually have one, and just what options you have when it comes to a surgical birth.Anna takes us through a whole range of tips and suggestions for you to consider, including recommendations for post-Caesarean recovery.

    You won’t want to miss this, regardless of what kind of birth you hope to have.

    Here's some go to resource recommendations for you too over on Instagram:




    #podcast #birthpodcast #birthypodcast #doulala #doulalapodcast #caesarean #caesareanbirth #plannedcaesarean #unplannedcaesarean #surgicalbirth #abdominalbirth #planc #birthplanning

  • Introducing our very first guest edition of the Dou-La-La podcast! We’re thrilled to welcome Lucy from VBAC Hypnobirthing to join us in conversation about all things VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean).

    Lucy shares her passion for VBAC birth, and her wealth of experience and knowledge as we chat about:

    • The work you need to do when planning a VBAC

    • Challenges you might face

    • Top tips for VBAC preparation

    • What her own VBAC meant to her

    Plus…the usual doula based chat from Meg and Leanne delicately balancing the joys and frustrations of the birth world!

    *Find Lucy at @vbachypnobirthing*

    #vbac #caesarean #plannedcaesarean #unplannedcaesarean #birthaftercaesarean #vaginalbirthaftercaesarean #realbirth #doula #doulapodcast #doulala #vbachypnobirthing #birthpodcast #podcast

  • You’re at your booking appointment, it’s quite early in your first pregnancy and the midwife says “so where are planning to have the baby?”….Erm…..?You don’t know what you don’t know, and funnily enough we’re not taught about the options of where we can give birth before we become pregnant. Most people don’t even know there’s choice. It’s a question both of us get asked frequently.In this essential episode of the Doula Doula podcast we take you through all the options of where you could choose to give birth, remind you of your rights where place of birth is concerned, and compare and contrast what is available and where. We also discuss if it really matters where you choose to have your baby (spoiler alert…it does) and why place of birth can ultimately influence the whole process.If you are on the fence about where to have your baby, or genuinely have no clue what is even available, this is the perfect place to start.(Leanne and Meg are Doulas working within the UK healthcare system and so information is UK-focused and won’t necessarily be relevant to maternity provision in other regions)#placeofbirth #birthplace #labourward #consultantled #midwifeled #highriskbirth #lowriskbirth #homebirth #birthcentre #deliverysuite #forallbirth #doulapodcast #birthypodcast #birthpodcast #doulabesties

  • This episode is a juicy one (aren’t they all!) as we follow on from recent coverage of Ferne McCann talking about her experience of birthing her baby. After we’re done having a wee rant about how some people reacted on social media (can we just cheer each other on please!)….we explore the reality of the birthing phase of labour.Is it even possible to breathe a baby out?What is the body actually doing during birth?What is normal and how can you support your body to do its thing?If you don’t know what the human body is physically designed to do when a baby makes it journey earthside, then its all the more difficult to work with it and feel confident as it happens. That’s why we’re bringing you the knowledge of what to expect and what can influence the process.Oh, and we talk a fair bit about vomit. Trust us, give it a listen and you’ll understand why!If you like what you hear don’t forget to share with your mates and give us a follow…even better, leave us a review, it makes a huge difference to us getting in front of other people who will get so much from the podcast. Enjoy!#douladoula #douladoulapodcast #birthpodcast #birthypodcast #newepisode #fernemccann #birthingphase #givingbirth #breathebabyout #doulabesties #bemorecheerleader #forallbirth

  • It’s the thing everyone is told to expect when you’re giving birth, and usually with an added dash of watermelons and nostrils thrown in for good measure. In this episode we’ll be ditching the misconceptions and talking about the reality of pain in labour (yes, it can hurt!) and how we might just be thinking about it in a really unhelpful way. In our usual unfiltered, honest and relaxed way, we talk about expectations of pain, provide some top tips for managing those expectations, explore what is ‘normal’ and go through some of the main ways to stay comfortable. Oh, and there’s a bit of added doula tattoo chat too!We hope you enjoy this episode, don’t forget to leave us a review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss any of our juicy birth chat!

    #podcast #douladoula #birthpodcast #doulapodcast #douladoulapodcast #pain #labourpain #paininchildbirth #letsdouladoulathis #painrelief

  • In this new episode of the DoulaDoula podcast, Leanne and Meg discuss that all important birth support team and delve into the birth partner job spec thinking about what every birth partner NEEDS to know and what they should be prepared for on the day.What should they bring to the room?What should they leave at the door?What do they really need to do for you? Should your life partner/the baby’s other parent actually be your birth partner at all?!We bring in some of our greatest experiences of supporting birth partners as doulas and give you an essential list of what your birth partner needs to be getting on board with….NOW!Share this episode with your birth partner/s and chat to them about what you expect and want. Don’t forget to leave us a review to let us know what you think of the DoulaDoula podcast, we love to hear from you!

    #birthteam #birthpartner #birthpartners #podcast #birthpodcast #doulapodcast #douladoulapodcast #birthsupport

  • Episode 3 of the Doula Doula podcast has landed folks, and it’s a good one, especially if you are pregnant and wondering what labour will be like or are in what you think might be the early stages of labour and need a reality check to block out the “helpful” noise from social media!

    This one features mucus banter, the reality of the rollercoaster that is early labour, and why ignoring everything is the way forward!

    #podcast #newpodcast #doulapodcast #birthpodcast #pregnancypodcast #postnatalpodcast #podcastuk #hypnobirthingpodcast #earlylabour #labour #isitlabour #latentlabour

  • In this one we get into how your mindset can influence your birth experience (it’s science babe, you’re just a mammal after all!) and bring you our thoughts on what a fear driven mindset can lead to and how to supercharge your mindset as you prepare for birth.

    Don’t forget to hit follow on your podcast provider and leave us a review so the podcast can get to as many people as possible!



    #podcast #newpodcast #doulapodcast #birthpodcast #pregnancypodcast #postnatalpodcast #podcastuk #hypnobirthingpodcast #mindset #birthmindset #pregnancymindset #mindsetforbirth

  • Welcome to the brand spanking new Doula Doula podcast! Episode 1 is now available to listen to, find it on all your usual podcast providers.

    The first episode is a little intro to find out who we are (if you don’t already know us!), what brought us both to the birth world and generally whet your appetite for what’s to come (hint: a whole load of birthy goodness for your ears!).

    Follow to make sure you don’t miss any future episodes and if you’ve got any pregnancy, birth or postnatal topics you really want to hear us chat about just drop them in the comments!

    #podcast #newpodcast #doulapodcast #birthpodcast #pregnancypodcast #postnatalpodcast #podcastuk #hypnobirthingpodcast