
  • In this episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, Elizabeth Sherman explores the relationship between health, wealth, and time across different stages of life. She emphasizes how these three elements are interconnected and impact each other, shaping our life experiences from youth through retirement.

    The discussion highlights the common tendency to neglect health in pursuit of wealth and time, and how this oversight can diminish the quality of life in later years. Underscores the importance of not postponing health-oriented decisions and advocates for integrating small, manageable health habits into daily life. She encourages listeners to reflect on how they’re balancing these three critical aspects and to take action toward a healthier, more fulfilling future.

    The episode serves as a wake-up call to reevaluate priorities, with a focus on health as a foundation for enjoying wealth and time, presenting practical advice and resources for listeners to make meaningful changes towards better health and well-being.

    Tune in for an episode that informs and transforms your perspective on living a balanced, fulfilling life.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/176

  • Welcome back to another enlightening session of the Total Health in Midlife podcast where I, your host Elizabeth Sherman, share transformative strategies for aligning your actions with your health goals.

    Today's discussion unpacks the crucial technique of deciding ahead of time, a revelation that's been instrumental in my coaching and personal life. Listen in as we explore the gap between intention and action and why it's not a matter of discipline, but about understanding the subconscious objections that prevent us from following through with our health habits.

    Have you ever found yourself wondering why the fitness plans you set with so much enthusiasm often crumble? It's not uncommon to overestimate our future motivation, and that's why our conversation today is centered around building self-trust through realistic and adaptable planning.

    Join me as we emphasize the significance of flexibility, enjoyment, and starting small in creating a sustainable health routine. We also delve into the power of handling life's unpredictability with self-compassion, ensuring that even when plans go awry, they're seen as opportunities for empowerment rather than setbacks.

    Finally, our journey into mastering health wouldn't be complete without acknowledging the role of our emotional impulses in decision-making. In this session, I take you through the motivational triad—seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, and doing so efficiently—and how pre-planning can help us confront our emotional resistance. Embrace the transformative power of curiosity and consciousness in your health journey, and if you're looking to overcome personal barriers, I'm here to support you.

    Remember, you're worth the investment in your health and happiness, so let's unlock that potential together.

    Deciding Ahead of Time for Health (0:00:04)

    Deciding ahead of time bridges the gap between intention and action in health habits, revealing subconscious objections and reducing mental load.

    Building Self-Trust Through Flexibility (0:13:11)

    Realistic planning, individual preferences, adaptability, self-compassion, and empowerment are crucial for a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

    Mastering Health Through Curiosity and Consciousness (0:26:17)

    Exploring the interplay between rational thoughts and emotional impulses, and the power of curiosity in decision-making.

    Unlock Your Health Potential Today (0:34:44)

    Communication, dedication to health, overcoming barriers, seeking guidance, and individualized support are crucial for a healthier lifestyle.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/175

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  • Unlock the secrets to your best health as I, Elizabeth Sherman, guide you through the eight basic habits that form the cornerstone of lifelong vitality. I've honed these practices through years of dedicated coaching, and now I'm bringing them straight to your ears with fresh insights and hands-on advice.

    Today's episode is crammed with personal stories, like my own protein-packed journey during my bodybuilding days, and inspiring successes from women like Renee and Stephanie, who reshaped their relationship with food and their bodies by adhering to these foundational habits. Discover how subtle changes, like adjusting portion sizes and integrating movement into your routine, can have monumental effects on your physical and mental well-being.

    We wrap up with a heartfelt invitation to join a community that celebrates every step forward, where your smallest progress is met with the loudest cheers. This podcast isn't just about listening—it's about sparking action, embracing change, and empowering you with the support to achieve the happiness and health you deserve. Tune in and take the first step on a transformative path that promises more than just good health—it promises a vibrant, joy-filled life.

    Eight Basic Habits for Total Health (0:00:03)

    Nature's eight habits for lasting health and well-being include hydration and consistent transformation application.

    The Importance of Healthy Habits (0:11:37)

    Vegetables and protein have significant health benefits, while regular movement improves physical and mental well-being.

    Healthy Habits for a Balanced Life (0:30:21)

    Maintain a healthy relationship with food by listening to hunger signals, practicing portion control, and incorporating fundamental habits.

    Empowering Women to Health and Happiness (0:39:53)

    Building a supportive community for women in midlife through 8 basic habits for a healthier lifestyle.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/174

  • Unlock the power of financial independence and shatter the myth that money management is solely a man's world with Dr. Barb Provost and Maggie Nielsen of Purse Strings. Our latest conversation is a testament to the strength and resilience of women who are ready to take charge of their financial futures.

    We dive into the heart of personal finance, addressing the unique challenges women face from career breaks to longer life expectancies, and how these can be navigated with confidence and savvy planning. Through inspiring stories and practical advice, Barb and Maggie guide us on becoming financially fearless, regardless of life's unexpected twists.

    Feel the electricity of empowerment as we tackle the discomfort and exclusion many women encounter within the financial services industry. We highlight the importance of seeking financial advisors who respect and understand the distinct financial journey women often face, reiterating the importance of being informed and involved in one's financial destiny.

    From discussing the "Pink Tax" to offering actionable tools like the "Where's My Money Going?" worksheet, our episode serves as a rallying cry for women to claim their financial literacy and forge a path toward true independence.

    We wrap up our transformative discussion with a focus on the emotional landscape of money and the necessity of aligning spending with personal values. Hear how emotional intelligence can be a formidable ally in financial decisions and why cultivating a judgment-free understanding of your money habits is crucial.

    Dr. Provost and Maggie Nielsen leave us with the knowledge of how to build a strong financial foundation and valuable resources like a divorce guide and a family emergency binder to help navigate life's financial complexities.

    Join us for this empowering session and start rewriting your financial narrative today.

    About Dr. Barb and Maggie

    Dr. Barb Provost and Maggie Nielsen are the Mother-Daughter Duo behind Purse Strings, the go-to financial resource to help all women be financially fearless. As Dr. Barb worked for 20+ years creating education in the insurance and financial industry, she could see how they were missing the female market.

    As Barb and Maggie hired researchers and held focus groups, they found that the insurance and financial industry won the award for being the least sympathetic to women and women were unprepared for their financial future. Purse Strings is starting a long-overdue candid conversation about how women can use money to protect themselves and enjoy a fearless future filled with choices.

    Purse Strings is devoted to giving women access to easy-to-use resources and qualified financial professionals who focus on serving women. They are here to help all women be, financially fearless.

    Chapter Summaries Empowering Women Through Financial Knowledge (0:00:03)

    A mother-daughter duo from Purse Strings discusses women's financial empowerment during midlife transitions and the benefits of finding a financial coach.

    Women and Financial Education (0:13:23)

    Women often feel disregarded and excluded by financial advisors, highlighting the need for education and involvement in financial decisions.

    Empowering Women in Financial Literacy (0:22:06)

    Nature's challenges for women in the workforce, financial implications of breaks, "pink tax," and Purse Strings resource for financial education and support.

    Financial Coaching for Women's Empowerment (0:29:21)

    Financial planning and coaching for women, addressing societal differences, emphasizing personalized guidance and accountability, and addressing emotional aspects of money management.

    Navigating Emotions Around Money and Debt (0:33:08)

    Money, debt, and spending are emotionally complex; mindful spending aligns with values; individualized strategies are needed.

    Empowering Financial Conversations and Resources (0:41:05)

    Self-compassion is crucial in financial decisions, overcoming shame, and using practical tools for empowerment.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/173

  • Have you ever felt at war with your own reflection?

    Join me as we step into the emotional battleground of body image and acceptance, with a focus on the midlife experience. This episode is a heart-to-heart about the conflicting messages we receive on self-worth and physical appearance, dissecting how societal expectations can lead to feelings of inadequacy, and offering a compassionate space to explore these complex emotions.

    From personal anecdotes to the wider societal context, we navigate the intricacies of body neutrality, body positivity, and the Health at Every Size movement, providing a supportive backdrop for listeners facing similar journeys.

    Amidst the pressures of looking a certain way, especially during midlife, can we find peace with our changing bodies? Our conversation reveals the harsh realities of fatphobia but also unpacks the liberating philosophies that can lead us to self-compassion.

    As we dive into the paradoxes of striving for change while fostering self-acceptance, I share how coaching can be a transformative tool. We address the misconceptions around body acceptance and the fear of complacency, distinguishing between self-improvement and self-love. The journey of self-acceptance is multifaceted, and this episode serves as a testament to the ongoing process of redefining wellness and beauty standards.

    I invite you to reflect on your own perceptions and consider how rewriting our narratives can empower us to embrace wellness in a way that honors our individuality and life stages. With a focus on the importance of community and agency, this episode is an open invitation to join a supportive network where we continue these essential conversations.

    Together, let's encourage one another to find strength and empowerment within, leaving behind the shackles of societal expectations. Tune in for an episode that promises not just to listen but also to uplift and inspire a journey toward self-acceptance and holistic well-being.

    Chapter Summaries Navigating Body Image and Acceptance (0:00:02)

    Body image struggles in midlife, societal norms, self-acceptance, body neutrality, body positivity, diet culture, fatphobia, and health at every size.

    Navigating Body Positivity and Self-Acceptance (0:11:06)

    Fatphobia, diet culture, and societal pressures impact body positivity and HAES during midlife for women.

    Navigating the Journey of Self-Acceptance (0:22:50)

    Coaching transforms body image and midlife, emphasizing self-acceptance, societal shifts, and compassion in navigating changes.

    Embracing Body Acceptance and Wellness Journey (0:34:58)

    Embracing our bodies, achieving body acceptance and health, challenging societal narratives, and fostering personal development through community and personal agency.

    Body Positivity and Self-Acceptance (0:42:25)

    Self-worth is not tied to societal beauty standards; choose self-acceptance and love for our bodies. Empowerment and compassion are encouraged.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/172

  • Growing up amid the cultural shifts of the 1980s, my relationship with food and exercise was far from straightforward. It was a journey marked by the highs of artistic family values and the lows of economic strain, shaping a pathway that often felt more like a battleground than a route to health.

    This episode peels back the layers of that journey, inviting you into an intimate look at how I, Elizabeth Sherman, came to understand that true wellness is a tapestry woven from physical, emotional, and spiritual threads. From the restrictive clutches of fad diets to the punishing demands of extreme workouts, I share how I broke free and found a rhythm that resonates with the heartbeat of genuine, sustainable health.

    As my narrative unfolds, you'll hear about the momentous shift that occurred when I chose to view my health behaviors through a lens of curiosity rather than judgment. It's a story of hiring a coach who reframed my approach to wellness, teaching me to listen to the wisdom of my body and trust its guidance.

    Over two decades, I transitioned from a cycle of disappointment to discovering a balanced life that honors hormonal health and embraces a holistic perspective. Tune in to hear how these insights can light the way for anyone seeking to transform their own health story, fostering vitality, confidence, and joy on a journey to harmonious self-relationship.

    Join me as we share this space of growth and encouragement, and may your week ahead be as transformative as the tales we tell.

    Chapter Summaries My Health Transformation Story (0:00:05)

    Personal journey towards health and body acceptance, emphasizing tuning into our bodies and hearts, and taking responsibility for our wellness.

    Transforming Health and Wellness Journey (0:17:58)

    A transformative journey from unsustainable practices to balance and hormonal health, with a focus on listening to and trusting the body's signals.

    Embracing Transformation for Health and Wellness (0:33:18)

    Transformation is possible at any stage of life, with the power to rewrite our narrative and achieve peace and empowerment.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/171

  • Have you ever felt like you're on a health and wellness merry-go-round, hopping from one trend to the next, never really finding your footing? That's where we come in.

    Join me, Elizabeth Sherman, on a journey to the heart of sustainable well-being. This isn't about another fad; it's about mastering the skills for enduring health, particularly as we navigate the transformative years of midlife.

    We'll unpack the art of stress management, the intricacies of emotional eating, and the crucial development of self-trust. You'll be inspired by the tale of a client who found her own rhythm by tuning into her body's wisdom, proving the unmatched power of internal cues over external noise.

    As we continue, you'll discover the silent game-changers of health: the psychological and emotional scaffolds that support lasting weight loss and vitality. Ever consider how a straightforward yes-or-no skills inventory could illuminate your journey?

    Prepare to see it in action.

    Listen to the stories of Jane, who cultivated awareness and emotional intelligence to revolutionize her food choices, and Sharon, who learned to quiet her inner critic with the help of personal coaching. These insights are more than just stories; they're your invitation to a holistic approach that honors every aspect of your well-being, from physical health to emotional resilience.

    We're here to bridge the knowledge-action gap, equipping you with the tools to face life's hurdles with grace and emerge stronger.

    Chapter Summaries Unlocking Lasting Health Transformation Through Skills (0:00:03)

    Midlife wellness goes beyond diets and exercise, focusing on stress management, self-trust, and internal guidance for sustained health.

    Skills for Long-Term Health Success (0:18:56)

    As seen in Jane's story, psychological and emotional factors are crucial for weight loss.

    Bridging the Gap With Coaching (0:33:21)

    The transformative power of managing the inner critic is illustrated through personal coaching and a holistic approach to midlife health.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/170

  • Ever find yourself standing at life's crossroads, overwhelmed by the buffet of choices laid out before you? Joining us on this journey through the labyrinth of decision-making is the insightful Kimberly Mathis, who pivoted her career from therapy to coaching.

    Now, she's here to guide us with her lantern of wisdom. We kick things off by dissecting decision fatigue, those sneakily impactful choices that shape our daily routines, and the significance of aligning our actions with our deepest values—even when life throws us curveballs.

    If you've ever felt the weight of societal expectations crushing your health and fitness goals, you'll find solace and strategy in our candid discussion. We tackle the cultural pressures women face, urging us to play multifaceted roles while maintaining an often unrealistic health regimen.

    Together, we uncover how to redefine success on a personal level and discuss why neurodivergent individuals might face distinct challenges in crafting new habits. And remember, when your lofty aims and reality clash, it's compassion, not criticism, that's your true north star.

    As we wrap up, we contemplate the delicate dance between conviction and flexibility in our choices. The beauty of reevaluating decisions with fresh eyes is not a sign of indecision, but a hallmark of wisdom.

    In a special segment, we contrast therapy and coaching, offering insights for those pondering which path might best escort them on their personal development journey—because when it comes to shaping the life you want, the compass of change is in your hands.

    Chapter Summaries The Power of Decision-Making (0:00:21)

    The former therapist turned coach Kimberly Mathis discusses decision-making, decision fatigue, and the impact of daily commitments on our lives.

    Challenges and Strategies for Health Goals (0:13:15)

    Women's health goals, societal expectations, diminishing returns in exercise, and establishing realistic routines for neurodivergent individuals.

    Navigating Self-Doubt and Decision-Making (0:28:12)

    Nature's pitfalls of overthinking, traditional pro-con lists, addressing self-doubt, and making decisions based on values and excitement.

    Importance of Flexibility in Decision-Making (0:35:43)

    Nature's fluid decision-making and adaptability, re-evaluating choices, evolving habits, and identity tied to habits.

    Coaching vs Therapy (0:46:59)

    Therapy vs. coaching, benefits of both, and finding the right coach in an unregulated industry.

    About Kimberly Mathis

    Kimberly is a former licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, who left the therapy world for coaching in 2020. She helps people change things that feel unchangeable. Clients working with her learn how to make decisions for themselves, create plans for actions, and follow through.

    She's a queer mom of two teenagers, has a spicy ADHD brain, and has often been described as a rebellious firecracker. You can find her on Instagram @thekimberlymathis, and can binge her podcast, "Decisions Change Everything" on Spotify or Apple.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/169

  • I'll never forget the night I let loose at a party, only to wake up the next morning with a mix of regret and an undeniable curiosity about the choices I made. My overindulgence became the catalyst for a deep dive into the 'why' of our health habits, and I'm here to take you through how moments of indulgence aren't just about guilt but can be powerful teachers.

    Together, we'll explore the art of post-event reflection, unlocking the capacity to transform our slip-ups into stepping stones for personal growth. I'll guide you through the murky waters of habitual snacking and unintentional eating, showing you how these can become the ink with which we write our guidebook for a life of health that truly echoes our values and aspirations.

    In the company of my clients' compelling stories, this episode peels back the layers of reducing friction in our daily health routines. It's about more than just a chicken in a crockpot; it's about crafting a life where preparation meets emotional readiness, and healthy choices become second nature.

    We dissect the think-feel-act cycle and dive into how emotions craft our decisions, equipping you with the foresight to confront common pitfalls like dieting at social gatherings and keeping active during leisurely vacations. By embracing these lessons, your journey toward health and wellness becomes not just a path you follow but a dance you master, step by step.

    Chapter Summaries Reflecting on Health Choices for Growth (0:00:02)

    Reflecting on our actions after making health choices, understanding the 'why', and breaking the restrict-binge-regret cycle.

    Reducing Friction and Building Self-Trust (0:14:40)

    Preparation and emotional readiness can reduce friction in health routines, with tools to navigate challenges and learn from deviations.

    Journey to Health and Wellness (0:31:43) -

    Join me on a journey toward health and wellness through resources, coaching, and self-kindness.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/168

  • Could embracing the courage to prioritize your health be the most selfless choice you make today? Join me as I unravel the complexities surrounding women's health and the societal norms that often prevent us from seeking the help we need.

    With compelling stories of women like Sarah and Emma, I illuminate the transformation that unfolds when self-doubt and financial fears are cast aside in favor of well-being. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a rallying cry for women to view the act of investing in health as a profound step toward a thriving life for themselves and their loved ones.

    I tackle the uncomfortable truths head-on, discussing how past financial hesitations can shape our current views on health investments. By reframing these experiences and dissecting the gendered socialization around money, we pave a new path that empowers women to see health spending as an essential investment in their future happiness and quality of life.

    It's a shift in perspective that promises not only personal growth but also the ripple effect of well-being through families and communities. So, let's explore flexible financial strategies and celebrate the selfless act of prioritizing our health, together in this heartfelt episode.

    Chapter Summaries Asking for Help in Health (0:00:04)

    Women's hesitation to invest in health due to cultural barriers and fear of judgment can be overcome for a happier life.

    Investing in Health (0:08:28)

    Investing in health is crucial for self-care and empowerment, challenging gendered socialization and offering long-term benefits.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/167

  • Have you ever found yourself grappling with the consequences because someone just can't seem to get it right? Today, we're diving into the topic of weaponized incompetence—those subtle, intentional displays of helplessness that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and undervalued.

    Join me as we unravel the layers surrounding this silent manipulator that tends to disproportionately affect women in both personal and professional spheres. We'll dissect the fine line between a genuine lack of skill and the strategic evasion of responsibility.

    Throughout the episode, I'll share heartfelt stories from individuals who've experienced the impact of this tactic, and together, we'll lay out actionable strategies for communication, boundary-setting, and empowerment.

    The focus is on reshaping the dynamics of our daily lives to cultivate relationships where fairness and respect are not just expected but demanded. So, gear up and get ready to reclaim the mental space and time you deserve.

    Step into a world where your mental health and self-acceptance are not up for negotiation.

    Chapter Summaries Uncovering Weaponized Incompetence (0:00:04)

    Weaponized incompetence is a manipulative tactic that unfairly burdens others, impacting well-being and relationships.

    Understanding and Addressing Weaponized Competence (0:08:51)

    Recognizing and addressing weaponized incompetence is crucial for balanced relationships and alleviating the mental load on women.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/166

  • Imagine being able to unravel the intricate layers of commitment to your own health, and actually understand how to convert that understanding into a life-transforming action. Just picture it, this episode is your guide to taking bold steps toward purposeful living and well-being, moving beyond the conventional notions of diet and exercise.

    I’ll expose the hidden obstacles that could be hindering your health commitment and equip you with effective strategies to overcome them.

    Let's dive into the essence of commitment and how it affects various aspects of our lives, especially health. I’ll consider the different levels of commitment from the lack of it to expecting results without putting in effort.

    I also learn about the invaluable role of a health coach and how to attain a balance where health bolsters every other aspect of your life. Not only will I discuss how the powerful 10-scale tool can help you evaluate your commitment level, but also how to transform your inspiration into action.

    So, buckle up for an enlightening journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled version of you. No more feeling stuck, it's time for you to soar with purpose.

    Let's do this together!

    Chapter Summaries: Commitment to Health and Well-Being (0:00:05)

    Uncover hidden layers of commitment to health, explore 3 levels of commitment, and use powerful tools to take control.

    Transforming Your Commitment to Health (0:13:10)

    Commit to health, use 10 scale tools, be empowered, and take action with a coach's help.

    "Your commitment to your health is personal, unique, and shaped by so many different factors in your life, and it's not a race and it's certainly not a competition." - Elizabeth Sherman

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/165

  • My journey from a health professional battling with my own vices to someone who preaches wellness wasn't an overnight transformation. It began with a heart-wrenching wake-up call during my mother's illness and led me down a path of discovery—realizing that knowledge alone isn't enough to foster the change we seek.

    That's why we're unwrapping the complex layers that lie between understanding health and living it, highlighting the indispensable role of personalized coaching. By sharing my own experiences, I aim to illuminate how tailored insights and accountability can revolutionize our approach, turning information into action for a healthier, more fulfilling life.

    This episode isn't just about what to do; it's about setting goals that resonate and creating a vision that sticks. We dissect the SMART framework to show how effective goal-setting can lead to remarkable achievements when aligned with personal values.

    As we explore the need for regular check-ins and customized coaching strategies, we also tackle the psychological roadblocks, such as stress and body image, that can derail our progress. I invite you to consider how overcoming limiting beliefs through reframed thinking can clear the path toward your health aspirations.

    Join us on this transformative journey, and let's forge a roadmap to your well-being together.

    Chapter Summaries Bridging the Gap (0:00:05)

    Personal transformation, the gap between knowledge and action, the importance of coaching, and seeking a healthier path.

    Health Goals Through Personalized Coaching (0:19:19)

    Setting meaningful goals aligned with values, addressing psychological factors, and reframing limiting beliefs for personal health coaching.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/164

  • What happens when the invincibility of youth starts to fade, and the reality of aging and health decline sets in? Can men truly embrace self-care and emotional vulnerability as they cross over the age of 40?

    Join us as we navigate these thought-provoking questions with the unique insights of our esteemed guest, Craig Spear, a renowned men's health and weight loss coach.

    Craig Spear, once a professional athlete and now a passionate advocate for men’s health, shares his journey and his mission to help men, particularly those over 40. He dives into his experiences of creating inclusive gym environments and explores the emotional pain and fears many men face that lead them to seek help.

    With Craig’s expert guidance, we uncover the obstacles around self-care and emotional engagement, offering pragmatic advice on overcoming these hurdles. This deep-dive conversation unravels the complexities around defining optimal health and how it varies for each individual.

    My final segment with Craig explores the essential health tips specifically designed for men over 40. He shares valuable insights from his podcast, ‘Man in the Arena,’ among other resources he offers. We address the challenge of managing emotions without resorting to harmful coping mechanisms such as overeating, overdrinking, or overworking.

    This episode proves to be a goldmine for those seeking to understand the unique health challenges men confront, especially as they age. You don’t want to miss this enlightening episode, packed with insights and practical tips for achieving optimal health.

    About Craig Spear

    Meet Craig Spear, a former CFL player turned Ironman athlete, Entrepreneur, and Weight Loss Coach. As he reached his 40s, Craig noticed a decline in his health and decided to take charge.

    Recognizing the power of a solid plan and support, he created ‘The Spear Method,’ a tailored approach designed to assist men over 40 in losing weight and shifting their mindset towards healthier living.

    Craig's journey from sports to wellness entrepreneurship serves as an inspiring narrative, and he now invites others to connect with him to embark on their own transformative health and weight loss journeys.

    If you're ready to prioritize your well-being, Craig Spear is here to help you create your next success.

    Chapter Summaries Men's Health and Weight Loss Coaching (0:00:04)

    Craig Spear is a men's health and weight loss coach for men over 40, with a degree in Kinesiology and Psychology and CFL experience, creating an inclusive gym environment and now offering virtual coaching.

    Health Coaching for Men Over 40 (0:06:58)

    Craig Spear helps men facing physical and emotional pain to achieve optimal health.

    Navigating Emotions and Vulnerability in Men (0:17:37)

    Men discuss internal resistance, shame, vulnerability, and emotion management to promote self-care.

    Health Tips for Men Over 40 (0:30:36)

    Men's health coach Craig Spear shares how to overcome fears and reach optimal health, discussed on his podcast Man in the Arena.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/163

  • I remember the exact moment when I realized that my food diary had become my prison. Every calorie counted, every nutrient tracked, I was trapped in a relentless cycle where my self-worth hinged on my meal choices.

    Welcome to a heartfelt episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, where I take you through my transformative journey from the meticulous world of food logging to the liberating practice of intuitive eating. Together, we'll explore how to break free from the shackles of the food diary and learn to trust our body's natural cues to lead us toward a healthier, more joy-filled way of eating.

    Throughout the episode, I dive into the hidden dangers of food logging perfectionism, weaving in stories of individuals like my client Jerry, whose struggle with habit tracking brought light to the necessity of self-compassion in our eating journey.

    We'll discuss the power of adopting a beginner's mindset and how to use food logging as a stepping stone toward greater self-awareness and growth, rather than a strict measure of virtue. I'll guide you through the complex emotions that often accompany eating habits and share strategies on how to foster resilience and self-compassion as we navigate our relationship with food.

    Join me as I discuss finding a sustainable balance in our food choices, where treats are no longer the enemy and moderation becomes our friend. I'll share insights into the transition from rigid tracking to savoring meals and how to include the foods we love without an ounce of guilt.

    By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the tools to cultivate a peaceful, satisfying eating experience that honors your health goals and celebrates the joy of eating. Unwrap those earbuds and let's embark on this journey to food freedom together.

    Chapter Summaries Ditching Food Logging for Intuitive Eating (0:00:04)

    Food logging can negatively impact our relationship with food and self-worth, but intuitive eating offers a healthier, more balanced approach.

    The Pitfalls of Food Logging (0:06:12)

    Nature's moral compass: Avoid perfectionism in food logging, adopt a beginner's mindset, and focus on internal satisfaction.

    Food Logging and Mindset Shifts (0:20:58)

    Food logging can be emotionally challenging, but mindset shifts and photo tracking offer sustainable alternatives.

    Finding Balance in Food Choices (0:34:37)

    A mindful and balanced approach to eating, including treats without guilt, trusting the body's cues, and savoring meals with peace and satisfaction.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/162

  • Are your health habits taking a backseat to your people-pleasing tendencies?

    Break free from the cycle with me, Elizabeth Sherman, as I tackle the subtle ways saying 'yes' too often can negatively impact your well-being. As I share my personal experiences and professional insights, I shed light on the often-overlooked connection between people-pleasing behaviors and personal health choices.

    From the family table where we silence our dietary preferences to the workplace, where we overcommit at the cost of our exercise routines, we explore the ramifications of not voicing our needs. Join me to learn how to set boundaries and choose self-care without an ounce of guilt.

    This episode is a heart-to-heart for anyone, particularly women in midlife, who feels the tug-of-war between caring for others and caring for oneself. As we navigate the complex landscape of hormonal changes, energy management, and food choices, we underscore the importance of self-respect and self-compassion during this transformative time.

    I dive into personal growth, boundary setting, and ways to infuse joy into your daily life. It's more than a conversation; it's a movement towards living authentically and prioritizing your health and happiness. So, tune in and take the first step towards reclaiming the life you deserve.

    Chapter Summaries People Pleasing's Impact on Health Habits (0:00:04)

    People pleasing impacts health habits, but prioritizing self-care is necessary for lasting change and empowerment.

    People-Pleasing's Impact on Health and Happiness (0:05:30)

    People-pleasing can harm our health goals by neglecting our needs and prioritizing others, leading to resentment and imbalance.

    The Impact of People-Pleasing on Health (0:17:32)

    Childhood people-pleasing can lead to self-abandonment, but self-care and boundaries can reclaim self-worth, especially for women in midlife.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/161

  • As I navigated the waves of midlife, I found myself shedding the layers of a people-pleaser, much like the leaves fall from the trees in autumn. It's a transformation that many women can relate to, and it's exactly why I invited Sara Fisk, the voice behind the Ex-Good Girl Podcast, to join me in a heart-to-heart conversation about this significant phase of life.

    We explored the often rocky terrain of midlife and women's health, discussing how to practice self-care authentically and how to deal with the sometimes dismissive medical community when it comes to menopause. Our chat brought to light the need for self-awareness as we navigate the societal shifts and personal changes that come with this stage in life.

    Our relationship with food is as complex as the most intricate of dances, and Sara and I took a moment to step into the rhythm of this topic. We shared our personal stories, revealing the cultural pressures that have shaped our views on food and body image.

    Through our conversation, it became evident that our dietary choices are reflections of how we care for ourselves, and we should make them based on our satisfaction, not on the desire to conform to external expectations. We peeled back the layers of emotion that often accompany our eating habits, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries for a balanced and mindful approach to both our plates and our feelings.

    Wrapping up our heartfelt dialogue, we turned our attention to the power of self-advocacy and the critical role of embracing personal desires when it comes to our health and wellness. Sara and I underscored the importance of having a supportive community, especially as we face the challenges and transitions of midlife.

    We shared how coaching can serve as a guiding light through these times, offering encouragement and a space for celebrating personal victories. Leaving our listeners with gratitude, we hoped to inspire and support everyone on their unique journeys toward health and self-discovery.

    About Sara Fisk

    Sara Bybee Fisk is a Master Certified Coach and Instructor who teaches women how to tame the rampant people-pleasing, perfectionism, and codependency that is causing them so much frustration and resentment.

    She is an anxious optimist and born-again feminist who listens to more books than she sits down to read. She loves a good hike, good dark chocolate, and good conversations.

    Her big dreams include learning to sail and to sing and dance like JLo and helping thousands of women create the big, juicy lives they want to be living. She is a wife and mom of 5 and she enjoys those roles most of the time.

    Chapter Summaries Navigating Midlife and Women's Health (0:00:03)

    Midlife, self-care, and breaking free from people-pleasing habits are discussed, along with the transformative potential of this life phase.

    Developing a Healthy Relationship With Food (0:14:03)

    Food, love, and body image are intertwined in our culture, influenced by societal pressures and misconceptions about labeling foods.

    The Relationship Between Food and Emotions (0:18:10)

    Nature's impact on our emotional well-being, setting boundaries with food and people, and the journey towards self-awareness.

    Exploring Self-Awareness and Embracing Personal Desires (0:28:48)

    Self-compassion, body acceptance, and setting boundaries for personal empowerment about food and emotions.

    The Importance of Self-Identity and Self-Care (0:36:16)

    Midlife transitions for women involve identity crisis, societal pressures, and the importance of self-love and setting boundaries.

    Exploring Relationships and Midlife Health (0:42:05)

    Nature's impact on self-advocacy, people-pleasing, and food in midlife transitions, and the importance of boundaries, self-care, and asking for help.

    Supporting Health and Wellness Goals (0:48:50)

    Prioritizing health, having a support system, and the benefits of coaching for achieving dreams and tackling challenges.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/160

  • I remember the moment I realized that my health was not just a product of my genetics, but a canvas I could paint with my choices and actions. It was a profound transformation from feeling like a helpless bystander in my own body to becoming the artist of my well-being.

    On this episode of Total Health in Midlife, I, Elizabeth Sherman, invite you on a journey to unlock the potential of a mindset geared towards health empowerment.

    We'll unearth why we often feel trapped by our genetics and upbringing, and how acknowledging our role in creating our health narratives can lead to profound change. Get ready to challenge old beliefs and embrace the effort it takes to achieve your health goals.

    As we peel back the layers of self-pity and victimhood, we discover the resilience of taking personal responsibility for our well-being. Whether you're navigating injuries, health diagnoses, or the everyday challenges that life throws your way, there's a path to a brighter, healthier future.

    In this heart-to-heart, we discuss adapting with grace and strength and forging a compassionate alliance with your body. By the end of our time together, you'll be equipped with insights and practical advice that will inspire you to craft a life marked by vitality and fulfillment.

    So, press play and join us as we step into a space of confidence, self-acceptance, and thriving health.

    Chapter Summaries Unlocking Your Health's Full Potential (0:00:05)

    Mindset shifts from self-pity to empowerment in health, acknowledging effort and calorie balance, and overcoming the victim mindset.

    From Victim to Health Responsibility (0:05:47)

    Taking responsibility for our health journey, adapting to injuries and diagnoses, and empowering ourselves to prioritize well-being.

    Building a Thriving Future (0:19:31)

    Prioritize well-being, embrace health and self-acceptance, take responsibility for the future, and find fulfillment on a transformative journey.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/159

  • I'll never forget the day I realized self-care wasn't just about me. It was during a particularly hectic week when, despite the chaos, I took time for a morning walk and it astonishingly transformed my entire day, making me more present for my family and more productive at work.

    In this episode, we'll traverse the misunderstood landscape of self-care, especially during the transformative midlife years. Join me, Elizabeth Sherman, as I debunk the myth of self-care as a selfish luxury and reframe it as an essential practice that radiates benefits well beyond oneself.

    I'll share stories and insights drawn from my coaching experiences that illuminate how investing in our well-being enriches every role we play—from parenting to professional endeavors.

    We'll also examine Maria's inspiring narrative, showcasing how integrating simple health habits like hydration, quality sleep, and mindful eating can catalyze profound improvements across various facets of life. I'll provide you with actionable strategies to seamlessly incorporate self-care into your busy schedule, how to shed the unwarranted guilt around taking time for yourself, and the importance of establishing a legacy of health.

    By the end of our journey, you'll be equipped with the understanding that each small step towards self-care is a leap towards a more vibrant and fulfilling life, not just for you, but for everyone whose lives you touch.

    Chapter Summaries The Ripple Effect of Self-Care (0:00:04)

    Self-care is not selfish, it benefits all aspects of life and we deserve to prioritize our well-being.

    Small Steps Improve Health (0:11:13)

    Physical, mental, and emotional health are interconnected, and small changes can lead to sustainable improvements in well-being.

    The Ripple Effect of Prioritizing Health (0:18:42)

    Small health changes have a cumulative effect on well-being, including walking, hydration, vegetables, mindful eating, and quality sleep.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/158

  • Ever wondered how two ordinary women, Lisa and Stephanie, navigated their struggles with weight and body image?

    Join us as they share their inspiring stories, from discovering intuitive eating and the Feel Good Sisterhood to overcoming menopause setbacks. You'll be captivated by their resilience in the face of adversity and their pursuit of self-confidence and body positivity.

    We break away from the common gym culture and delve into the importance of finding enjoyable, sustainable forms of exercise. Be inspired by our guests' experiences with a year-long program, where they learned to redefine their relationship with food and movement, supported by a sisterhood of women on the same journey.

    Listen, as we unpack emotional eating, explore the complex mind-food connection, and reveal how to make healthier choices without succumbing to guilt and immediate cravings.

    To wrap up, we celebrate the triumphant health transformations of Lisa and Stephanie, illustrating how aligning healthy eating habits can positively impact their lives. They share how the program has not only helped them navigate perimenopause symptoms but also instilled in them a sense of control over their relationship with food.

    Lastly, we dissect the role of vulnerability and flexibility in pursuing health goals. So join us, and let the personal stories and lessons of our brave guests inspire you to embark on your health journey.

    Chapter Summaries Finding Strength and Self-Confidence in Health (0:00:05)

    Lisa and Stephanie share their struggles with weight, body image, and health, and how they found support through intuitive eating and Elizabeth's podcast.

    Benefits of Walking and Non-Gym Exercise (0:16:36)

    Women share doubts about committing to a year-long fitness program, emphasizing enjoyable movement and the role of play.

    Transformation and Support in a Program (0:22:43)

    Stephanie and Lisa credit a year-long program for improving their relationship with food, reducing emotional eating, and creating lasting changes in their lives.

    Understanding and Overcoming Emotional Eating (0:36:38)

    Participants share experiences of connecting mind and food choices to avoid emotional eating and make healthier decisions.

    Healthier Eating and Lifestyle Impacts (0:41:51)

    Lisa and Elizabeth share their journey with food and body image, discussing struggles, positive effects, and newfound freedom through the program.

    Vulnerability and Flexibility in Pursuing Goals (0:52:43)

    Setting and achieving goals in health and fitness, embracing vulnerability, understanding the why, and finding what works for each individual.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/157