Jadi dewasa adalah channel podcast yang membahas tentang proses bertumbuh menjadi manusia dewasa yang utuh, mengenal dirinya dengan baik, sadar dengan tujuan hidupnya dan mampu mengelola hubungan sosial antar manusia. Kami fokus pada diskusi “How to”, bagaimana menyikapi sebuah masalah dan langkah-langkah dalam mengambil keputusan untuk mendapatkan solusi terbaik. Semua narasumber Podcast jadidewasa101 adalah orang yang terpercaya dan dipilih sesuai dengan bidangnya atau pernah berhasil melalui tantangan yg relevant dengan topik yg diambil. No tipu-tipu, no crazy rich instant story here.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast Rasmi Projek Zonkuliah
Sekiranya anda rasa isi kandungan dalam podcast ini bermanfaat, sokonglah usaha kami dengan menyalurkan sedikit dana untuk kami teruskan Zonkuliah.
NOTA : Podcast ini sebenarnya telah menjejaskan jumlah penonton di saluran Youtube kami, menyebabkan pendapatan untuk membiayai kos operasi Zonkuliah semakin kurang.
Tapi InsyaAllah, usaha ini tetap akan diteruskan dengan sebaik mungkin.
Doakan kami. :)
Sokong Projek Zonkuliah :
Terima kasih. -
Learn about the solution focused approach as it applies to every situation in every school. From classroom management, RTI and team meetings, parent conferences, student behavior or mental health concerns, this approach and process will guide every educator and counselor into a land of possibilities. In that land, students, teachers and parents generate their own solutions as educators provide a context where those solutions are discovered.
Coach Lee is a world-renown relationship coach who helps people get an ex back after a breakup, save a marriage, and become more attractive.
Lee has coached people in relationships since 2000. His website is and includes hundreds of articles and videos.
Lee has lectured at Pepperdine University and others, is a TED educator on the science of breakups, and has been interviewed by major media including The New York Times, USA Today, The Today Show, New York Post, Men’s Health, L.A. Business Journal, Cosmopolitan, Daily Mail, Metro UK, Bravo TV, Yahoo Lifestyle, Glamor, and MSN among others.
Lee uses real-life experience with breakups along with his work for 20 years providing relationship-recovery coaching. He has multiple certifications for relationship coaching & consulting.
Get information on his Emergency Breakup Kit & Emergency Marriage Kit at
SUBSCRIBE to this podcast as well as on YouTube at so you don’t miss videos on saving relationships, keeping love strong, and the science of attraction. INSTAGRAM @RealCoachLee -
Sharing mengenai pembelajaran saya terkait self-development dan entrepreneurship. Diinisiasi oleh @alharitsnaufal lulusan UI, MBA Candidate SBM ITB, Entrepreneur, dan content creator.
Email: [email protected] -
"Together we (Learn + Earn ) Impact ".
-Business & Life
-Personal Development
-Lesson/wisdom on life and business
-My Perspective
“Setiap pesan berpeluang mengubah kehidupan seseorang, berbagilah dari sekarang”
Mari kita mau selalu berubah menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dan lebih sukses lagi.
#begratefulandtakeaction -
Berbagi hidup bersama Jeni Karay dengan pembahasan berbagai topik permasalahan anak muda bahkan para profesional muda. Dengan menggunakan bahasa Papua Melayu, humor, dan sedikit bumbu realita yang terjadi, teman-teman bisa melihat lebih dekat berbagai isu anak muda dari perspektif Timur Indonesia. Kamu bisa bertemu dengannya di
Welcome to the What Fulfills You? Podcast, a weekly show hosted by Emily Elizabeth, focused around the art of designing a fulfilled life through the balance and cultivation of meaningful relationships, a professional career, and mental wellness. Within the podcast, conversations are discussed around everyday struggles from relationships, determining best career fit, mental health practices, and so forth. The brand's mission is to encourage and normalize discussions around what it means to truly live a fulfilled life and the paradigm shifts we need to make in order to step into this new framework around living versus existing. Follow along on Instagram @whatfulfillsyou to keep up with the community of fellow likeminded women.
Self Improvement books, "A.DAP.TA.SI" and "The Art of Self Talk-ing" are available on Gramedia and other online bookstores!
Selftalk Project is a mental health platform that focuses on self help. We talk about life, self development, self love and anything related. Check our Instagram: @Selftalk.Project. This Podcast is hosted by Nisrina, Psychologist and Founder of Selftalk Project.
Books, YouTube Channel:
Questions/thoughts related podcast: [email protected] -
In a world of influencers and empty noise makers, we choose to be thought leaders and the authorities in our space.
We war against the mediocre and the mundane and instead, create impact with our powerful message.
I'm your host Marley Jaxx and I went from working as a dental hygienist to building a video marketing agency that does over 6-figures every month.
Each week I’m bringing you real conversations from myself and other experts who are striving for more than just profit - we also want impact.
If you want a revolutionary new marketing strategy that teaches you how to leverage the power of organic, omnipresent video that acts as an army of salesmen that generate leads for life, then visit...