O športe, životnom štýle, o výnimočnosti – a to hlavne v lokálnom rozmere. Aby bolo o Orave počuť – známych, aj tých, ktorých možno nepoznáte. Som Juraj Fačko, jeden zo zakladateľov športovej súťaže King of the North, ktorá je pevnou súčasťou street workoutovej komunity na Slovensku. Teraz ťa vítam pri počúvaní môjho podcastu Pod hrazdami. A prečo Pod hrazdami? Lebo rád robím veci inak.
Die Gäste unserer Fachgespräche stehen zu unterschiedlichen Themen der Opthalmologie Rede und Antwort. Im Interview verraten Spezialisten Tips und Tricks, Macher geben Auskunft über den aktuellen Stand der Augenheilkunde, Wissenschaftler erklären kommende technische Entwicklungen aber auch Experten zu aktuellen berufspolitischen Themen kommen zu Wort.
Dopo l'esperienza con Radio 105, Vasky, Gabriele Donolato e Cucca si cimentano nella lettura di alcuni libri con ospiti dediti alla lettura.
Alcuni dei libri letti:
Sesso, teoria e pratica
Lenzuola croccanti di Clelia Ordito
101 cose a cui pensare per ritardare l'orgasmo di Massimo della Durata
Cose da non fare mentre fai la cacca di Luca Catone
Caro Amico di schivo" di Ivano Comodo
Cazzo vuoi di Greta Sgarbo
Il mouse e la topa di Mafe e Vanz
Come Smettere di Bestemmiare di Padre Alfonso
Canzoniere dei parchi acquatici E Confessioni di una coppia scambista al figlio morente di Alessandro Gori -
What do you get when you add two nurse practitioners, a healthy serving of science, a heaping scoop of kindness, a dash of fun, and a microphone? The Whole Pineapple podcast takes a whole-person approach to fertility. Join co-hosts Ruby Booras and Anne Judge as they discuss a variety of fertility and wellness-related topics including nutrition, physical activity, mindfulness, stress management, toxic habits, environmental exposures, mental health, sleep, sexual health, relationships, self-care and so much more.
Every day, thousands of podcasts are uploaded to dozens of hosting websites, but less than 20% of them make it past episode 10. With stats like that, what good is it to start a podcast of your own? How do you get noticed and grow an audience? Does editing have to be so much work? Can a podcast pay?
Join podcast industry veteran Nathan as he sits down with podcasters and podcast-adjacent professionals to answer these questions and more. In each episode, these kings (and queens) of audio, these magnates of the microphone, these Podcasters of Podcasting will share practical advice, stories, and inspiration for fellow travelers and the pod-curious.
(Formley Let's Chat! with Chris Revill) -
Big bang & my dvaja.. čo to je za názov? 🙈 Verte, ani my dvaja poriadne nevieme…🤷🏻♂️ čo ale vieme je, že máme čo povedať k témam ktoré všetci riešime každý deň… nesmierne sa tešíme, že pre vás nahrávame podcasty, ktoré vás nenudia k smrti ale povzbudia k životu a niečo si z nich možno aj odnesiete. Čo to bude, to už necháme len na vás.🤘🏻😂Vypustite paru a doprajte si pár minút zabavy v našej spoločnosti. Pustite si nás v aute, v robote, vo fitku, pri varení, pečení, pri se... ehm… kosení trávy… je to len a len na vás… 😉Prajeme príjemné počúvanie.
If you're a heavy drinker with aspirations of quitting, you'll know that the thought of the first day without booze is scarier than anything. This podcast series begins on the night of Vincent Hero's last alcoholic beverage and chronicles the struggles and the satisfactions of every single pain in the a** day since. Follow along and listen to a borderline autistic idiot with a shi**y attitude, be honest and re**rded, in an attempt to remain sober.
📧: [email protected]
🐦: @vinceslastdrink
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Robiť v zdravotníctve je jedna veľká schizofrénia. Chvíľu sa smeješ, čochvíla plačeš a potom od prekvapenia krútiš hlavou nad tým čo vidíš. A to všetko naraz kľudne aj v priebehu jednej služby...oni by o tom vedeli rozprávať.... vlastne v pilotných dieloch nového podcastu zdravotného brata, Filipa Machalu, o tom rozprávať aj budú a to spolu so záchranárom Maťom Karlákom a ďalšími zaujímavými hosťami.
Odvážia sa aj na toľko spomínaný zdravotnícky čierny humor?
tak dajte si #nazdravie a tiež #nanervy! -
Isn’t it time for a fresh take on Medicine?
Welcome to BSFreeMD where the content is raw, real, and honest when it comes to healthcare issues that matter most to physicians and their patients. If you’re in the mood for a good time and intriguing dialogue, join this physician couple on a fun and engaging ride every week. There is even the occasional cocktail hour toasting to great stories and shared wisdom. Join the fun. See you there.
Want more? Find and connect with us on our FB and IG pages @BSFreeMD or on our website at!