Beautiful End-of-Life Pet Hospice Care and Peaceful Passing with Dr. Dani McVety
Today’s Guest
Dr. Dani McVety:I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Dr. Dani McVety, who has dedicated her career to helping families provide end-of-life care and euthenasia for their furbabies.
Dr. McVety founded the Lap of Love Veterinary Hospital just three months after graduating from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.Since that time she’s grown the service from one veterinarian herself to a nationwide network of more than 250 doctors and a full-time interdisciplinary support staff dedicated to making the end-of-life experience for pets and the people that love them as dignified and peaceful as possible.
Nearly half a million families have benefited from Dr. McVety’s vision–and she continues her work helping to educate families on their options and pick the best end-of-life plan for their pets.
Do you have a plan to give your animal a beautiful and peaceful goodbye? Be sure to tune into my latest podcast to learn about your options!
You’ll Hear About:[01:15] Who is Dr. Dani McVety[02:10] Dr. McVety’s Calling [10:00] The Unfortunate Urgency of End-of-Life Care[12:00] Peanuts Story [16:00] Epidural Analogy[17:50] How Animals Handle Death [23:50] Jack’s Story [35:00] Inca’s Story[43:00] Transforming Grief Into Love[48:00] Learn More About Lap of Love[49:00] Pet Loss Support GroupLinks & ResourcesWebsite: https://www.lapoflove.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/lapofloveTwitter: https://twitter.com/LapofLoveVetsInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/lapofloveveterinaryhospice/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/LapofloveLinked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lap-of-love-veterinary-hospiceYour BONUS for tuning in to this month’s podcast: Get 20% off Doggy Dan’s CBD ProductsWatch Lap of Love video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqG5yD2I4TA
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Dr. Rob and the Magnificent Properties of Medicinal Mushrooms for Dogs
Today’s Guest
Dr. Rob:I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Dr. Rob, who has 40 years of clinical experience treating small and large animals with diet, acupuncture, and medicinal mushrooms.
Dr. Rob graduated in 1982 from Colorado State’s College of Veterinary Medicine. He established one of the first integrative vet clinics in the USA in Boulder, Colorado in 1993.
Since then he’s become a nationally recognized expert in veterinary herbal and nutritional medicinal mushrooms, veterinary CBD, and cannabis therapeutics. Over the years he’s seen the incredible impact of including mushrooms in your pet’s diet for long term health.
Today his mission is to help educate other vets and dog owners about the ability to prevent devastating diseases with mushrooms – a common vegetable found in most people’s refrigerators!
Curious to hear why mushrooms are so incredible at healing and how Dr. Rob uses them? Be sure to tune into my latest podcast!
You’ll Hear About:[01:15] Who is Dr. Rob [04:30] Dr. Rob’s Holistic Experience [09:00] Three Types of Mushrooms [13:20] A Mushrooms’ Long History with Humans [17:20] Mushrooms: A Functional Food[21:50] Mushrooms and Allergies [23:00] Immune Response and Mushrooms [26:50] Mushroom Feeding Resources [29:30] Fantastic Fungi [30:00] The Complex Mushroom Lifecycle[34:00] Adaptogens and What Mushrooms can HealHow You Can Get InvolvedFollow the links below to learn more about Dr. Rob and the benefits of mushrooms!
Check out Real Mushrooms and see how YOU can include mushrooms in your dog’s diet to promote health and longevity… and, they make products for HUMANS too!
Links & ResourcesPodcast Show: Vet Talk with Dr. Rob Silver: https://vettalkwithdrsilver.podbean.com/Real Mushrooms: https://www.realmushrooms.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/realmushroomsYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dr+rob+silverYour BONUS for tuning in to this month’s podcast: Get 20% off Doggy Dan’s CBD Products https://shop.theonlinedogtrainer.com/doggy-dans-angel-oil-cbd-dcc-n/Check out Dr. Rob’s Monthly Q&Ahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTvZH5zaTME
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Saknas det avsnitt?
Animal Communication Expert Annie Bourke Shares Fascinating Stories From Animal Perspectives
Today’s Guest
Annie BourkeI’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Annie Bourke, who has spent the last 10 years as an animal communication expert and medium.
Annie discovered her ability to talk to animals as a little girl, having conversations with her little ginger cat as if it was no big deal. After the passing of her cat, Annie realized she had missed an opportunity to learn more about her feline companion and felt the calling to learn more about animal communication.
Today Annie has fully tapped into her ability to communicate with animals and has been an animal medium for over 10 years. She supports animal parents to better understand their animals through having an animal conversation and finding out what’s going on in their world, particularly with behavior or health issues. Her skills are also helpful to bereaved animal parents as they navigate through the grief process to reach peace of mind through connecting with their animals’ souls and spirits, and asking questions that the parents want answered.
If you’re curious to hear Annie’s incredible stories and learn more about her work now as an animal communication expert, be sure to tune into my latest podcast!
You’ll Hear About:[01:15] Who is Annie Bourke [03:00] Annie’s Story [06:00] Proof of Animal Communication [09:00] Rumpleteaser [14:00] Soul Lessons[22:30] Peanut’s Story [26:00] Talking to Animal Souls [31:50] Beautiful Crocodiles[32:30] Rescue Dog Story [34:00] Dog Haunting [41:00] Annie’s Animal Communication BooksHow You Can Get InvolvedIf you’re grieving the loss of a pet and would like to find out how they’re going on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge then get in touch with Annie. Who knows? Your pet may be planning to come back to you in another body!
Perhaps you have a dog with some behavioral or health issues that you’re struggling to understand? … then contact Annie. Simply provide a photo and some questions and Annie will be able to help you gain a better understanding of the problem, and uncover what your dog needs to help overcome the difficulties your dog is experiencing.
Learn more about communicating with animals by reading her two books, The Bridge to Animal Consciousness, and The Guide to Spiritual Awakening.
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://www.cosmicheartintuitive.com.au/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CosmicHeartIntuitive/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anniebourkecosmicheartintuitive/Email: chintuitive@bigpond.comYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiWk7nu1K8skogPonW9_nhQYour $1 trial of The Online Dog Trainer: https://theonlinedogtrainer.com/calming-the-emotions-of-over-excited-dogs-trial-1-3-37-70/Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VjcdgMZY_8
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
What Our Pets Experience After Their Time On Earth With Us — with Karen Anderson, Pet Loss Specialist
Today’s Guest
Karen Anderson:I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Karen Anderson, an award-winning animal communication expert and Pet Loss Specialist.
Karen’s incredible journey began when she was working as a deputy sheriff and was helped by various animal companions to find wanted criminals who were on the run.
Since this experience she’s written two bestselling and award-winning books, called the Amazing Afterlife of Animals and Hear All Creatures. Today, she’s a Pet Loss Specialist and offers animal communication courses for all levels, to unlock the door to your journey. And she’s the founder and CEO of a nonprofit animal sanctuary, Painted Rain Ranch.
If you’re curious to hear Karen’s incredible stories and learn more about her work now as an animal communication expert and pet loss specialist, be sure to tune into my latest podcast!
You’ll Hear About:[01:30] Who is Karen Anderson[05:00] The beginning: Karen’s Deputy Career [07:00] The Cat By the Shed [10:30] Childhood Animal Communication Gifts [14:30] The Deer and the Logs [22:00] Peanut’s Story [26:30] The Root Of Dog Behavior Problems [31:30] Why All Dogs Should Be Followers[37:30] The Afterlife [47:30] Where to Access Karen’s Pet Loss Specialist Teachings[50:10] Jack’s Story How You Can Get InvolvedIf you’re grieving the loss of a pet then download Karen’s App: Pet Loss Hope & Healing.
Learn more about communicating with animals by reading her two books, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, and Hear All Creatures.
Considering becoming an animal communicator yourself? Sign up to Karen’s course via her website.
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://www.animalcommunicating.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarenAndersonCoachAuthor/Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalksToPetsYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChOmcZsA09F0IAC8CB8W5fwLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-a-anderson-b395aa5/My blog post about how Jack responded when Peanut passed: https://theonlinedogtrainer.com/a-dogs-amazing-ability-to-understand-life-and-death/Dogs seem to know… See Jack’s intuitive reaction to Peanut’s passing:
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Judy Morgan – The Truth About Spaying and Neutering
Today’s Guest
Judy Morgan:I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Dr. Judy Jasek, an incredibly seasoned integrative pet care provider who focuses her work on natural and safe approaches to animal care.
Dr. Judy has had an incredible career and was voted 2018 Woman of the Year in the Pet Industry, 2019 Pet Age Woman of Influence, 2019 International Association of Top Professionals Veterinarian of the Year and IAOTP 2020 Woman of Influence. She’s an internationally renowned speaker and best selling author of four books on holistic pet care and dog nutrition and has been featured on hundreds of radio and television shows worldwide, using traditional Chinese medicine food therapy.
All of this being said, the thing I admire most about Dr. Judy is her willingness to shift her approach to animal care as new research becomes available to ensure not only her pets, but her clients’ pets, can live the longest healthiest lives possible.
If you’re curious about the topic of spaying and neutering and want to learn more about what you can do to give your pup the best shot at a healthy life, be sure to tune into my latest podcast!
You’ll Hear About:[01:00] Who is Dr. Judy Morgan[05:00] Dr. Judy’s Personal History with Spaying and Neutering Dogs [06:45] A Dramatic Change in Spay and Neuter Best Practices [08:00] The Overpopulated Shelter Epidemic [10:00] The Effects of Spaying/Neutering Too Early on Large Dogs [15:30] The Effects of Spaying/Neutering Too Early on Small Dogs [16:15] Shocking Facts Regarding Cancer, Arthritis, and Other Issues [18:30] Dr. Judy’s Educated Approach to Spay and Neuter [21:00] Intact Males and Marking[24:00] Intact Dogs and Aggression[29:00] Raw Foods Impact on Health and Behavior [32:00] Spay/Neuter and the Endocrine System [36:00] Learn More About Dr. Judy’s Best PracticesHow You Can Get InvolvedWant to learn more about keeping your dog in the best health? Study with Dr. Judy Morgan: https://www.drjudyu.com.
… and of course, if you’re thinking of having your dog spayed or neutered, consider waiting until they’re fully grown to make sure those growth plates have closed. Research your dog’s breed to find out when their primary growth period has finished, and be a responsible dog owner – be sure to prevent any unplanned litters. Having said this, everyone’s situation is different. Weigh up whether you can manage an in-tact dog when making this decision.
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://drjudymorgan.comStudy with Dr. Judy Morgan: https://www.drjudyu.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/judymorgandvmInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/DrJudyMorganTwitter: https://www.twitter.com/integratedpetsYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/DrJudyMorganLearn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Dr. Judy Jasek: Integrative Dog Medicine Providing Natural And Safe Vet Care
Today’s Guest
Judy Jasek:I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Dr. Judy Jasek, an incredibly seasoned integrative pet care provider who focuses her work on natural and safe approaches to animal care.
Dr. Judy received her formal education at Colorado State University in Zoology in 1984 and received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 1988. She currently operates the Belleview Animal Clinic in Englewood where she practices an integrative approach to animal medicine.
Her work is founded on supporting the natural healing ability of the body, and preventative care, which starts well before a pup receives their first round of vaccinations.
If you’re curious about Dr. Judy’s approach to whole-body wellness in her canine patients, be sure to check out this podcast!
You’ll Hear About: [01:00] Who is Dr. Judy Jasek[02:30] Dr. Judy’s Mission[07:20] Health Care vs Disease Management [10:00] The Dog Food Dilemma [12:30] The Cure for Itchy Dog Skin[15:00] Damaging Vaccine Schedules [20:20] The Truth Regarding Dog Allergies[21:00] Healing the Gut [22:15] All About Vaccines [24:30] Should You Neuter Your Dog? [28:00] Chinese Medicine [32:00] Treating Cancer with Mistletoe [36:00] Ozone Treatments [43:00] Natural Flea Treatment [50:00] How to Learn More About Dr. Judy’s Work How You Can Get InvolvedAre there ways you can avoid putting toxic substances in YOUR dog’s body?
Consider switching from processed food to natural whole food. Rethink those “annual” vaccinations, and do research to check if those monthly preventatives are required year round, or even at all, in your locality.
Does your dog have chronic health issues?
If so, then contact Dr. Judy Jasek at ahavet.com to book your Zoom appointment from anywhere in the world, and know that you will get the best possible advice for helping your pet to live their best, healthiest life.
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://ahavet.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/animalhealingartsco/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRjTsZy6pDqRXMkR8EKBcZwInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/animal.healing.arts/Podcasts: Dr. Judy is a regular guest on The Raw Dog Food Truth podcast show.Watch this on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUY3m_OKlLM
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Amanda Matoske: Building True Rapport With Natural Dog Training
Today’s Guest
Amanda Matoske:I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Amanda Matoske, a kind, gentle dog trainer that has based her training career on the incredible teachings of dog training legend, Kevin Behan.
In 2014, Amanda read Kevin’s book, Your Dog Is Your Mirror, and her life was changed forever. Since that time, she’s trained under Kevin and his apprentices, utilizing their mentorship to learn the art of building true rapport with any dog.
In 2018, she left her 10 year career and committed to training dogs full time.
If you’re curious about the incredible method that Amanda uses, this is a podcast you don’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About: [01:00] Who is Amanda Matoske [03:00] How Amanda’s Approach to Training is Different [04:50] The Story of Kevin’s Training Approach [08:30] This History of Domesticated Dogs [10:50] Kevin’s Training Theory [11:40] Push Training Tactic [18:00] Collecting Exercise [22:00] Speak Training Tactic [26:30] Protection Training Story [28:30] The Similarities Between Horses and Dogs [31:50] Rub-a-Dub Training Tactic[34:00] Bite and Carry Training Tactic [40:30] Get More Info on Natural Dog TrainingLinks & ResourcesWebsite: https://naturaldogtraining.com/Natural Dog Training Study Group https://naturaldogtraining.com/studygroup/join/Facebook: http://facebook.com/naturaldogtrainingInstagram: http://instagram.com/naturaldogtrainingTwitter: http://twitter.com/naturaldogYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/quantumcanineBook: Your Dog is Your MirrorWatch this on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPNhiJTnBW
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Susan Thixon: The Scary Truth Behind Dog Food Labels
Today’s Guest
Susan Thixton:I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Susan Thixon, an incredible pet food advocate who’s working hard to help keep animals safe at meal time.
Unfortunately, Susan’s work started due to the loss of her beloved pup who developed cancer after eating food that was designed to be able to stay on shelves for 30 years. This tragic incident fueled Susan’s passion for doing her best to help provide the public with insight into what their dogs are actually eating.
During this podcast episode, Susan and I share a few fascinating stories regarding pet food, and, Susan provides incredibly helpful insight into how pet parents can determine what foods are safe to give their furbabies.
If you’re curious about whether your pet food makes the cut, this is a podcast you don’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About: [01:00] Who is Susan Thixtson[02:10] Susan’s Story [06:00] The Dangers of Ethoxyquin[07:00] Pet food Industry Tricks[07:50] Decomposed Meat Secrets [10:00] The Dangers of Bacteria [13:00] Susan’s Biggest Pet Food Concerns [20:30] What Can Consumers Do to Ensure Safety?[23:00] Doggy Dan’s Story [26:00] Resources for Pet Food Education [32:30] Susan’s ResourcesHow Can You Get InvolvedVisit Susan’s websites to find out what’s really in the food you’re feeding your pets, and support her vital work by subscribing to Susan’s Petsumer Report.
Learn about the laws governing pet food in your country.
Consider switching to a natural raw diet.
Supplement any processed diet with eggs, fish, mince, raw meaty bones and organs.
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://truthaboutpetfood.comWebsite: https://www.petsumerreport.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruthaboutPetFoodTwitter: https://twitter.com/TAPFYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0p3KKhy7epJJyc2avWZjvQPet Fooled Docufilm Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3hMjQD5T9cWatch this on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mWvgUVxhAE
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Jennifer Cattet: The Amazing Talents of Trained Service Dogs
Today’s Guest
Jennifer Cattet Ph.D. CPDT-KA:
I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Jennifer Cattet, the founder of Medical Mutts, a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the training of high quality diabetes alert dogs, seizure dogs and psychiatric service dogs, while providing a new lease of life to shelter dogs.
Jennifer is a wonderful person to chat with regarding service animals because she has an incredible amount of education around the topic. In fact, she has a PhD in Ethology from the University of Geneva in Switzerland where she studied dog behavior and has worked with dogs for over 35 years now.
Today Jennifer and her husband have a dual mission…to rehabilitate shelter dogs and to make it possible for anyone who is in need of a service animal to get the training, instruction and resources they need.
Of course, during our time together, Jennifer also sheds light on the amazing abilities dogs have to aid humans with health related issues and provides an incredible amount of information regarding why it’s so important to help people in need of service dogs get the resources they need to thrive.
Jennifer’s mission is a win-win for both dogs and humans alike.
If you’re curious about service dogs, what types of jobs they can perform, and how they are trained, this is a podcast you don’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About: [01:00] Who is Jennifer Cattet and What’s Medical Mutts All About[02:30] The Difference Between Service and Therapy Dogs [03:30] What Services Can Dogs Provide?[04:00] How Dogs Detect Conditions with Smell [11:00] The Science of Smell [12:00] Amazing Baby Bath Tub Story [21:30] Psychiatric Therapy Dogs [24:30] Can Dogs Count?[27:00] Requirements for a Good Service Dog [30:00] Attributes of a Great Service Dog [36:00] Do Service Dogs Have to Be Perfect? [39:30] Are You Cut Out to Be a Service Dog Trainer?[42:00] Get Connected with Medical Mutts How Can You Get InvolvedHelp Medical Mutts by donating, sponsoring a dog or volunteering.
Interested in training your own service dog? Medical Mutts offers online LIVE classes that you can join, no matter where you live in the world!
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://medicalmutts.org/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedicalMuttsInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/medicalmutts/Twitter: https://twitter.com/jennifercattetYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoPj_4-SIHs2FN1_iJ0vBiw/videosTrain Your Own Service Dog: https://medicalmutts.org/train-your-own-service-dog/Chai the Diabetic Alert Dog - https://youtu.be/QvObXmuElqULearn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
Nigel Reed: Emotional Intelligence Based Dog Training
Today’s Guest
Nigel Reed
I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Nigel Reed, a dog trainer with over 20 years of experience who specializes in emotional intelligence based dog training techniques.
Nigel has turned his love for dogs into a lifelong career, helping families rebuild their relationships with their pups using kind training techniques and has an incredible resume behind his name!
In fact, Nigel is the author of the bestselling book, The Dog Guardian and he holds certificates and qualifications in dog training behavior, animal assisted therapy, and wolf studies.
If you’re curious about Nigel’s dog training methods and how they are both similar and different from my own training methods, I invite you to check out my podcast episode now!
You’ll Hear About: [01:00] Who is Nigel Reed[03:00] Nigel’s Approach to Dog Training [05:30] Emotional Intelligence Training Concept [07:30] The problem with shock collars and other harsh methods [14:30] 5 Building Blocks for Training [17:00] Fight, Freeze, or Flight [23:30] How to Raise a Happy Dog [25:40] Pack Leader Misconceptions [31:00] Crossover Between Wolves and Domestic Dogs [33:20] Candidolgy [34:50] The Issue With Zero Boundaries [37:30] Learn More About Nigel ReedLinks & ResourcesWebsite: https://www.thedogguardian.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DogGuardianInstagram: https://instagram.com/thedogguardian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedogguardianYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/LondonDogListenerBook: The Dog Guardian: https://www.thedogguardian.com/buy-the-dog-training-book, also available on Audible.Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
Jim and Jamie Dutcher: Living With Wolves – Six Years With The Sawtooth Pack
Today’s Guest
Jim and Jamie DutcherI’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guests, Jim and Jamie Dutcher – cinematographers and wolf behavioral experts who spent 6 years living in the wild amongst a wolf pack to study their behavior.
In the past, there wasn’t much known about wolf behavior and sadly, popular stories like Little Red Riding Hood, painted a negative picture about how wolves behave in real life.
Jim and Jamie Dutcher have played an incredible role in getting rid of negative stereotypes associated with wolves and have brought to light just how gentle, shy, and family-oriented they truly are.
Throughout our talk, they share incredible stories about their time with the wolves and also shed light into the true temperaments, behaviors, and personalities that these beautiful beings embody.
If you’re curious about the real truth behind the lives of wolves, this is a podcast you don’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About: [01:00] Who are Jim and Jamie Dutcher[03:00] True Wolf Temperament [07:30] Wolf Enclosure Setup [14:30] Fascinating Wolf Routines [17:30] Wolf Bonds [20:00] Shocking Wolf Encounter [24:00] Feeding Wolves[27:00] The Potato Chip Story [29:00] Mourning Wolves[31:00] The Truth About Wolves and Livestock [35:00] The Unfortunate Truth About Population Control [40:00] All About The Living With Wolves Organization [43:00] Dan’s Burning Questions about Sex, Marking, and More.How You Can Get InvolvedGo to https://www.livingwithwolves.org/ and support Jim and Jamie’s ongoing work to save the wolves. You can donate, or buy their beautiful books and continue learning more about the Sawtooth Pack..
If you’re a parent or educator then get hold of their learning packs.
Above all, spread the word about how amazing and beautiful these precious creatures are, and how important they are to maintaining ecological balance.
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://www.livingwithwolves.org/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Living-with-Wolves/118401838193984Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/living_w_wolves/Twitter: https://twitter.com/LWWolvesYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCMGVbGZwzCpJgyiW7126ABooks and Videos: https://www.livingwithwolves.org/products/Farley Mowat’s book: Never Cry Wolf https://www.amazon.com.au/Never-Cry-Wolf/dp/B00NPBH9NM/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=never+cry+wolf&qid=1630832973&sr=8-1Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
Dr. Karen Becker: Zoopharmacognosy & The Science Behind Healthy Dog Diets
Today’s Guest
Dr. Karen Becker:I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Dr. Karen Becker, a world-famous vetertain who is known for her unique perspective on the importance of feeding dogs raw, natural, species-appropriate diets.
Dr. Becker has shared a love for animals since childhood, saving bugs on the road and doing everything in her power to ensure the wildlife around her was safe and sound. This passion led her to a career in animal rehabilitation, which then ultimately led to her becoming a veterinarian.
Dr. Becker’s story isn’t quite like every other vet’s, however. Growing up in a healthy proactive home, along with her education in zoopharmacognosy has provided her with a perspective on how to properly feed dogs that you won’t find within many vet offices.
If you’re curious about how to determine what your pup should be eating, along with the science behind how it all works, this is a podcast you don’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About: [01:00] Who is Dr. Karen Becker[03:00] Dr. Becker’s Journey to Vet Care [08:30] Why Pet Food Education is Important to Dr. Becker[12:30] Evolutionary Animal Food [15:30] The Challenges of Modern Vet Care Education [18:30] Our Responsibility as Pet Parents [21:30] The Science behind Zoopharmacognosy [26:30] The Benefit of Letting Dogs Eat Grass and Dirt [32:00] Is All Pet Kibble Bad?[34:00] The Benefits of Varied Diet [36:30] Nurturing Your Dog’s Microbiome [38:30] How Making Small Changes Can Make a Big Impact [49:00] Learn More About Dr. Becker and Her WorkHow You Can Get InvolvedKeep an eye out for Dr. Becker’s new book, The Forever Dog, coming out in October, 2021.
Educate yourself about pet health and well-being so you can be an advocate for your dog. A great place to start is Dr. Becker’s podcast show < link to https://healthypets.mercola.com/podcast.aspx > and the docufilm, Pet Fooled! < Link to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1axZ9vSjmI >
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://www.drkarenbecker.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctor.karen.beckerInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drkarenbecker/Twitter: https://twitter.com/drkarenbeckerYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MercolaHealthyPetsPodcast Show: https://healthypets.mercola.com/podcast.aspxDr. Becker’s new book, The Forever Dog: https://foreverdog.com/Docufilm Pet Fooled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1axZ9vSjmILearn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan 🙂
Dr. Asaf Dagan: Intuitive Body and Behavior Tracking Dog Collar
Today’s Guest
Dr. Asaf Dagan: Intuitive Body and Behavior Tracking Dog CollarI’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Dr. Asaf Dagan, the chief veterinarian and co-founder of PetPace.
Dr. Asaf is a graduate from Tufts University and specializes in canine and feline medicine. As a vet he has a thorough understanding of how medical devices function and has used that expertise to help create a collar that is capable of collecting important data including heart rate, respiration, and sleep activity.
This technology is incredibly important as it’s a pioneer in detecting health issues in pets before they become a major problem. Of course, on top of the many medical benefits, these collars also have built-in GPS systems that help owners keep track of where their pets are—a major safety feature especially for pet parents that have pups that like to run!
If you love your pup and you love technology I think you’re really going to enjoy this latest podcast! Don’t miss it!
You’ll Hear About:[01:00] Who is Dr. Asaf Dagan[01:30] What is PetPace?[03:30] PetPace Monitoring [06:30] Why PetPace Collars Are So Important [12:00] The Science Behind PetPace Technology [15:00] Activity Tracking [19:00] GPS Tracking Abilities [22:00] The Importance of Activity Tracking [24:30] Where to Get a PetPace Collar [26:30] Incredible Rhodesian Ridgeback Story [29:30] Use In Epileptic Dogs [31:30] HRV Tracking[33:30] PetPace Purchasing InformationLinks & Resources
Website: https://petpace.com/Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
DeDe Murcer Moffett: Raw Food Diets for Dogs – Should You Make the Switch?
Today’s Guest
DeDe Murcer Moffett – Dog Food Nutritionist & CEO of Raw Dog Food and Co.I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, DeDe Murcer Moffett, a dog food nutritionist and CEO of Raw Dog Food and Co
DeDe first became interested in raw food for dogs when her friend’s poor pup was on death’s door. Her friend was told to take his dog home and let nature run its course. He wasn’t about to let his best friend pass without trying anything, so he began to research raw dog food diets. The dog made a miraculous turnaround and shocked everyone.
This piqued DeDe’s interest in learning more about raw food for her own furbaby.
20 years later DeDe has continued to feed her pups raw food and has become a certified raw dog food nutritionist in order to help other pet parents provide their pups with the best nutrition possible.
If you want to improve your dog’s health and increase your dog’s longevity, or are interested in how to get your pup started on a raw diet, this is a podcast you don’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About:[01:00] Who is DeDe Murcer Moffett [03:30] How DeDe Got Started with Raw Food [06:30] A Dog’s Carnivorous Design [9:00] The Truth About “Premium” Kibbles [11:30] How Convenience Kills [13:00] All About Preservatives [18:00] The Importance of Variety in a Dog’s Diet [24:00] Can a Dog Be Vegetarian? [28:30] Safe Bones for Dogs to Eat Whole [34:30] Why Vets Don’t Encourage Raw Diets [49:00] Logic Behind Raw Food DietsHow You Can Get InvolvedAdd some raw food to YOUR dog’s diet! You can start with eggs, sardines, raw chicken, mince and meaty bones.
Watch DeDe’s video for raw feeding beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfLLrWdbEyc
Continue your education by subscribing to The Raw Dog Food Truth Podcast and complete the transition away from processed food … and just watch your dog’s health, coat, odor and poops improve!
If you’re in the USA, there’s a good chance that Raw Dog Food and Co will ship to your area. Otherwise, reach out to your local pet-lovers’ community to find out how to source raw meat, organs and bones for a reasonable price in your location.
… And remember, what you spend on food now, you’ll SAVE on vet bills later!
Links & Resources
Website: https://rawdogfoodandco.comThe article DeDe mentions at 16:41: This shows which foods in the raw diet provide the various nutrients our dogs need: https://rawdogfoodandco.com/what-about-vitamin-and-minerals-in-the-raw-diet/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rawdogfoodandcoInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/raw_dog_food_and_company/Twitter: https://twitter.com/rawdogfoodandcoYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXZ7Komi7fjhCp-9DzOuAbQLearn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Christina Burki: The Power of Animal Communication and Connection
Today’s Guest
Christina Burki – Animal CommunicatorI’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Christina Burki, an animal communicator that works to bring peace and understanding between animal parents and their pets.
Christina’s journey began as a psychotherapist for humans. Everything changed when she adopted her first dog, a labrador, and decided to take a course on animal communication.
During the workshop, Christina realized she had a gift for communicating with animals who were willing to share their thoughts. At risk of being called crazy by her peers, she began reading animals in hopes of helping pet parents around the world.
If you have any interest in how Christina talks to animals, what they have to say, and want to hear some incredible stories from her work, this is a podcast you don’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About:[01:00] Who is Christina Burki[06:00] Christina’s first animal communication experience[08:00] Elle and Chris’s Story[10:30] Labrador’s Healing Kidney Story[14:00] Amazing Elephant Story[19:00] How Animal Communication Works[25:00] Christina’s Communication Services[28:00] Aggressive Horse Story[32:00] Stories On Crossing the Rainbow Bridge [39:00] Ubud’s Story [43:00] How to Connect with and Learn More About Christina’s WorkLinks & ResourcesWebsite: https://www.animalcommunications.com.au/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/animalconnectvision/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/animal_connect/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxt9i-HKLucfoSADc37uiog/videosLearn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Dr. Conor Brady: The Amazing Benefits of Raw Food for Dogs
Today’s Guest
Dr. Conor Brady – Canine Nutritionist
I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Dr. Conor Brady, a canine nutritionist that specializes in the benefits of raw food diets for dogs!
Dr. Brady’s interest in raw food diets began after moving to Perth Australia to work at an incredible guide dog organization. At the time, raw food diets were all the rage in Perth, a complete 180 from what was popular in his native country, Ireland.
During his time in Perth, Dr. Conor was given the opportunity to transform the lives of the dogs he worked with while switching them to raw diets instead of processed foods. The work he did within rescue organizations and the research he put into the benefits of raw diets for dogs is incredible.
If you have any interest in the science behind what makes a healthy diet for a dog and how to begin the process of feeding your own dog raw foods, this podcast was made for you!
From science backed information to heartwarming stories of Dr. Brady’s time working with rescue organizations, this is a podcast you won’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About:[01:00] Who is Dr. Conor Brady[02:00] How Dr. Brady Became Immersed in Raw Diets for Dogs [03:00] Dr. Brady’s Raw Food Experiment [06:30] How Raw Food Saved Rescue Organizations Billions of Dollars [09:30] What’s Inside Dr. Brady’s Raw Food Diet [13:30] Primary Concerns with Processed Dog Foods[17:30] Feeding Dogs: Dr. Brady’s Science Based Book [23:30] The Scary Truth Behind Early Dog Deaths [30:30] Why Dogs are 10x More Likely to Get Cancer than Humans [36:30] Should Your Dog Eat Plant Matter? [39:30] How to Access Dr. Brady’s Book, Research, and Other InfoHow You Can Get Involved:Buy Dr. Conor’s latest book, “Feeding Dogs”: Feeding Dogs: The Science Behind The Dry Versus Raw Debate
Show 29: Mutual Rescue: The Incredible Healing Power of Dog and Human Relationships
Show 29: Mutual Rescue: The Incredible Healing Power of Dog and Human Relationships
Play 1x15s30s 0:0042:48SubscribeListen above or: TODT App / iTunes / Spotify (Tap the subscribe button – it’s free and keeps you updated!)
Today’s GuestDr. Conor Brady – Canine NutritionistI’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Dr. Conor Brady, a canine nutritionist that specializes in the benefits of raw food diets for dogs!
Dr. Brady’s interest in raw food diets began after moving to Perth Australia to work at an incredible guide dog organization. At the time, raw food diets were all the rage in Perth, a complete 180 from what was popular in his native country, Ireland.
During his time in Perth, Dr. Conor was given the opportunity to transform the lives of the dogs he worked with while switching them to raw diets instead of processed foods. The work he did within rescue organizations and the research he put into the benefits of raw diets for dogs is incredible.
If you have any interest in the science behind what makes a healthy diet for a dog and how to begin the process of feeding your own dog raw foods, this podcast was made for you!
From science backed information to heartwarming stories of Dr. Brady’s time working with rescue organizations, this is a podcast you won’t want to miss!
You’ll Hear About[01:00] Who is Dr. Conor Brady[02:00] How Dr. Brady Became Immersed in Raw Diets for Dogs [03:00] Dr. Brady’s Raw Food Experiment [06:30] How Raw Food Saved Rescue Organizations Billions of Dollars [09:30] What’s Inside Dr. Brady’s Raw Food Diet [13:30] Primary Concerns with Processed Dog Foods[17:30] Feeding Dogs: Dr. Brady’s Science Based Book [23:30] The Scary Truth Behind Early Dog Deaths [30:30] Why Dogs are 10x More Likely to Get Cancer than Humans [36:30] Should Your Dog Eat Plant Matter? [39:30] How to Access Dr. Brady’s Book, Research, and Other InfoHow You Can Get Involved:Buy Dr. Conor’s latest book, “Feeding Dogs”: Feeding Dogs: The Science Behind The Dry Versus Raw Debate
Get started feeding raw with Dr. Conor’s YouTube series: Dr. Conor Brady - Raw Dog Food in 10-minutes
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://dogsfirst.ieFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/DogsFirstIreland/In the podcast we talked about a Ted Talk…here’s the link to that Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNDWvejza4c&t=4sHere’s the follow-on scandal TWO YEARS LATER: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-04-30/popular-dog-food-suspected-of-making-dogs-sick-advance-dermocare/9699866Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Mutual Rescue: The Incredible Healing Power of Dog and Human Relationships
Today’s Guest
Carol Novello – Mutual RescueI’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Carol Novello, the founder of Mutual Rescue. Mutual Rescue is an organization that is devoted to demonstrating that when people adopt animals, their own lives can be dramatically transformed in positive and often unexpected ways.
Carol’s perspective on rescuing dogs (who go on to “rescue” their humans) is brilliant and is key for helping heal communities of people who are struggling with anxiety, depression, health issues, and more!
During our time together Carol shares some beautiful stories and illustrates how important our canine companions truly are. From a dog that helped his human lose weight and finally regain his health to a pooch that helped his owner cope with job loss I have no doubt you’ll be moved by all the “tails” that are shared.
I really hope you’ll join us to hear first hand how communities are being transformed via dog and human relationships. Who knows…you might even see yourself in some of the stories that Carol shares!
If you’re interested in learning more about Mutual Rescue and how this organization is working hard to heal both dogs and humans you don’t want to miss today’s podcast!
You’ll Hear About:[00:30] The Mission of Mutual Rescue[03:30] Carol’s Story[07:00] The Power of Animal Connections[08:30] Eric and Peety’s Story[10:00] The Science of Animal/Human Connection[11:00] Josh and Scouts Story[16:00] Doggy Day Out Program[21:30] Mike and Abby’s Story[28:30] How Animals Help Us Tune Into Ourselves[41:30] How you can get involved in Mutual RescueHow You Can Get Involved:If you’re interested in getting involved with Mutual Rescue I encourage you to visit their website. On the website you can learn more about the project as well as the various opportunities to get involved or help support the amazing organization.
Together we can make an incredible impact on the lives of dogs and the people who love them!
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://mutualrescue.org/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MutualRescue/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/mutualrescue/YouTube Stories: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyHzbGa72hBw7v0GkQcQvwAWatch here: https://youtu.be/JD0_IeAAa7c
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on TODT App / iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
The Big Fix Uganda: Improving the Lives of Dogs and Humans Around the Globe
Today’s Guest
Sarah Schmidt - Founder of The Big Fix Uganda
I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Sarah Schmidt, the founder of The Big Fix Uganda. Sarah and her team do incredible work to help improve the lives of the dogs and people in Uganda through providing spay/neuter programs for population control, veterinary care to help fight off disease that can spread to both animals and humans, and dog training education.
All of these elements are essential to helping improve the health and wellbeing of both the dogs and the people of Uganda, all while promoting important human-animal bonds.
On top of providing care and education, this organization has another amazing program called the Comfort Dog Project. This program is aimed at helping Ugandan war trauma survivors overcome the debilitating symptoms of PTSD.
Sadly, the experiences of Acholi people in Northern Uganda are incredibly traumatic. It wasn’t uncommon for children to be kidnapped and forced to serve in the rebel army either as sex slaves or as gun-bearing soldiers.
These types of experiences truly cause a degradation in the social fiber of the people. You don't have the ability to trust other people, to live in community with other people. The Big Fix Uganda has been a cornerstone in helping heal the people in this community by connecting them with dogs.
Having these programs in place is a HUGE win-win for both the people and dogs in Uganda and has brought about healing (for both the people and the canines) in ways you would never believe is possible.
If you’re interested in learning more about The Big Fix Uganda and the incredible ways they are healing communities and improving the lives of both dogs and people you don’t want to miss today’s podcast!
You’ll Hear About:[02:15] The Mission of The Big Fix Uganda[03:45] The Devastation of the Acholi people in Northern Uganda[06:00] How dogs and humans are helping each other heal[07:00] The Comfort Dog Project [10:00] The Science Behind the Comfort Dog Project [11:00] Charles Healing Story with Dog Ogen[14:00] The importance of names to the Acholi people[17:30] Lucy’s Story[21:30] How the Comfort Dog Project Works [23:30] How you can help support The Big Fix Uganda How You Can Get Involved:If you’re interested in getting involved with The Big Fix Uganda I encourage you to visit their website. On the website you can learn more about the project as well as the various opportunities to support them by giving financially, becoming a volunteer, or donating supplies.
Together we can make an incredible impact on the lives of dogs and the people who love them!
Links & ResourcesWebsite: https://www.thebigfixuganda.org/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBigFixUganda/NTV story about Comfort Dog Project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3UJUW4awmkBBC Video about Filda and Lok Oroma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCgOu0p7x0cVideo showing Lucy and Sadik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmMSbVKcMuwLearn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
The Polyvagal Theory: Know It And Know Your Dog, With Sue Mimm
Today’s Guest
Sue Mimm - Reactive Dog Expert
I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, dog trainer and behavior therapist, Sue Mimm. For someone who describes herself as “not very sciencey” she sure has a great understanding of what’s going on when our dogs are reacting! Sue is a fellow dog behaviorist, and we found a great deal of common ground when it comes to our ways of working with reactive dogs. We both understand that dogs who’ve had some sort of trauma, or even just a lack of socialization, can be reactive to other dogs, strangers and a variety of other stimuli. We know that we need to help these dogs learn that the things they think are dangerous, actually aren't… and we know that our barking, lunging dog is not just doing this for the fun of it. Our dog is actually distressed.
Now what Sue brings to us today is a scientific explanation of what’s going on in our dog’s brain and body while they are reacting to things they think might be dangerous. Driven by her own desire to understand and help our distressed dogs, Sue’s research led her to the Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, Ph.D. This has enabled Sue to understand and to pinpoint the times when we can work on desensitization with our dogs versus the times when we need to just allow our dogs to feel safe and happy, and highlights the importance of the Social Engagement System.
When we understand what’s really going on inside our dogs, and we understand the science behind what makes our training methods so successful, then we are far better equipped to help our reactive dogs.
I just loved having this chat with Sue because it helped me to understand WHY we aim to work with our dogs when they’re in the Green Zone. I knew that our dogs learn best when they’re calm, and that trying to work with a dog who has spiked up into the Red Zone is simply not helpful, but it was such a buzz for me to learn the science behind why this is the case!
If you’re trying to help your reactive dog then you absolutely MUST tune into today’s podcast with Sue Mimm. You’ll be seeing things in a whole new light!
You’ll Hear About: [02:15] The Honeymoon Period[04:30] When things start to go wrong[05:30] The Polyvagal Theory[09:00] … and how it operates in our dogs[12:10] Why dogs “don’t listen”[15:00] The incredible benefits of being in the “Green Zone”[17:45] Why many types of “Desensitisation Training” don’t work[21:15] Keys things we can do to calm down our Nervous System[25:00] Co-regulation: How OUR moods and feelings can affect our dogs - and the role of the Vagus Nerve[33:00] The importance of helping our dogs to feel safe [36:40] How to do “desensitisation” the right way[40:30] Where to learn more from SueHow You Can Get Involved:Contact Sue for a chat about helping your REACTIVE dog. Sue is based in Tirol, Austria, where she runs her business called Heart Connection Dogs. She offers both online services and in-person coaching in English and German.
What are YOU doing to help your own energetic state? Remember how important this is for helping YOUR reactive dog. Consider meditation, yoga, and being in nature. Perhaps make a list of things you ALREADY do that help you to be in your Green Zone, and give yourself a pat on the back!
Links & ResourcesSue Mimm’s business website: https://heartconnectiondogs.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartConnectionDogs/The Harmonium — one of my ways to connect and ground myself — and my ode to Peanut https://theonlinedogtrainer.com/dcc-aggression-song-peanut-yt1/Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
Zero To Hero: The Astounding Success Of Dog Trainer Academy Graduate, Cindy Christensen
Today’s Guest
Cindy Christensen - Doggy Dan-Trained Dog Trainer Extraordinaire
I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Cindy Christensen. She’s a dear friend of mine, a graduate of my Dog Trainer Academy, and is now a wildly successful dog trainer! In today’s podcast Cindy shares her journey of how her very stubborn and scary cocker spaniel set her upon an amazing journey to become a wildly successful dog trainer in her own right.
Cindy describes herself as just an ordinary person, however, she made over $250 000 last year as a dog trainer … a business she created only three years ago! Now Cindy didn’t get to where she is now because she set out to make a million bucks, she’s where she is now because certain life situations led her in a certain direction. All she had to do, as she describes it, was to take a leap of faith, and to do everything I told her to in my Dog Trainer Academy course, no shortcuts and no excuses.
Today, Cindy is going to share with us her ups and downs, her doubts and her triumphs, and she will convince you that, if she can do it, then anybody can. Along with learning how to be a dog trainer and how to set up her own business, Cindy also learnt much about herself and grew as a person in ways she’d never imagined.
I’m so proud and honored to have been a part of Cindy’s journey. If you’re excited to hear more then tune in to today’s AWE-INSPIRING podcast!
You’ll Hear About: [03:00] Cindy’s VERY difficult cocker spaniel that led her to finding Doggy Dan[08:30] Dan’s magic words that convinced Cindy to take the leap of faith to join Dog Trainer Academy and become a dog trainer.[09:15] What Cindy is doing in her business right now[13:30] Doggy Dan’s Dog Trainer Academy from Cindy’s perspective[19:50] Who’s really the best judge of a dog trainer or training method[20:30] Why the Energy part of this was life-changing for Cindy[25:00] Fears and obstacles Cindy overcame to embark upon this journey[29:00] How Cindy gives back to her community[29:30] Why there is such a great need for Doggy Dan’s style of dog training[31:15] The psychology of pricing[34:10] Dog training part-time[36:40] How much experience is needed to be a dog trainer[38:30] The value Dan’s Dog Trainer Academy adds by helping members set up and run their businesses[41:30] How quickly students can start doing real consults with real clients[43:30] Dan’s first consult[46:20] Cindy’s unexpected Dog Trainer Academy bonusHow You Can Get Involved:Join my Dog Trainer Academy to become a super successful dog trainer, just like Cindy!
Check out testimonials and peek into the successes of many of my graduates.
Contact Cindy to engage her services or to chat with her about Dog Trainer Academy.
Start your $1 3-day trial of The Online Dog Trainer.
Links & ResourcesCindy Christensen’s Lets Train Your Dog: https://letstrainyourdog.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/LTYDUtah/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXjpGDWUMPzfprXF8g3c2fADoggy Dan’s Dog Trainer Academy: https://dogtraineracademy.orgDoggy Dan’s The Online Dog Trainer: https://theonlinedogtrainer.com/Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan
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