Go from Animal to Edible with the Meatgistics Podcast presented by Walton’s Inc. In each episode, Jon and Austin talk about their favorite recipes and share some expert tips and tricks for making sausage, jerky, and snack sticks. Listen in as they have in-depth conversations with meat industry professionals and outdoor/hunting enthusiasts. Stay up to date on the latest news and current trends in the meat industry as we explore everything related to meat and more.
Welcome to the Hound Dog Podcast Network brought to you by the Sportsmen's Empire. This channel is dedicated to those who love hunting with hounds. Whether you are a weekend coon hunter, competitive coon hunter, breeder, retrievers, or predator hunting dangerous game, we have something that will keep you attention. Stay tuned for more information!
Jegerpodden - en podcast av og for jegere, hør en ny episode hver fredag! Bli med i Patreon-jaktlaget du også!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Randulf Valle prater om friluftsliv i ordets videste forstand. Ofte sammen med en gjest eller to. Noen ganger helt alene.
Nye episoder kommer normalt på fredager, men kanskje ikke hver eneste fredag...
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
For deg som ønsker hageinspirasjon, råd og praktiske tips når det gjelder planter, blomster og alt annet som hagelivet har å by på.
Vert er Gerd Ellen Ottersen. Hun formidler hageglede, -kunnskap og inspirasjon, både alene og i samtaler med spennende hage- og plantegjester. Episodene har noe å by på enten du er fersk eller erfaren med hage og planter.
Hagespiren samarbeider med Hageselskapet, utgiver av landets største hagemagasin. En organisasjon som deler hageinspirasjon og kunnskap med hageinteresserte gjennom 270 hagelag spredt over hele landet.
Hagespiren finner du også på, YouTube, Instagram og Facebook.
Kontaktinformasjon: [email protected] -
I böljande samtal om allt från blommor, trädgårdsplanering, kompost och pallkragar till livet i stort och smått får vi följa en växande vänskap. I Röda vita rosen möts en av Sveriges främsta trädgårdsmästare - Victoria Skoglund och en av Sveriges mest entusiastiska nybörjare - Jenny Strömstedt.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En podcast om tur og friluftsliv produsert av med Sindre Holm som programleder. Her får du høre skikkelig nerding om klær og utstyr, møte spennende gjester og litt humor innimellom
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
True stories of ordinary people thrust into extraordinary survival situations. Stranded in the desert. Lost in the jungle. Marooned in the mountains. Shipwrecked on the high seas. You'll hear from individuals who had everything against them. But even then, they refused to give in…
New episodes Thursdays. Get every episode a week early, as well as ad-free listening, with Noiser+. For more information head to
For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]
Hosted by John Hopkins. Production: Joel Duddell, Ed Baranski, Luke Lonergan, Miri Latham, Jacob Booth, Rob Plummer, Cian Ryan-Morgan, Cody Reynolds-Shaw. Compositions by Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Tom Pink. -
The Gravel Ride is a cycling podcast where we discuss the people, places and products that define modern gravel cycling. We will be interviewing athletes, course designers and product designers who are influencing the sport. We will be providing information on where to ride, what to ride and how to stay stoked on gravel riding.
Welcome to the Beginner's Garden Podcast! This is the podcast with easy-to-understand resources, tips, and information to help beginning gardeners get the most out of their gardening adventure -- big or small. When I began gardening in 2013, I scoured books and Internet resources to find all the information I could. Although good information was abundant, I had trouble understanding all the gardening lingo and sifting through the information to figure out what would work for me. In this podcast, my aim is to provide helpful information while explaining the gardening lingo as we go. I want to equip YOU to have the best start ever this gardening season!
Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more.
Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior specialist. Robert has trained and worked with thousands of dogs through his work with Bound Angels at shelters throughout the US. He has also trained and titled competitive obedience and protection dogs worked with countless pet dogs with clients and has shown dogs in AKC, IPO, Mondio Ring - covering obedience, protection, conformation and more.
The guests and conversations are always engaging, interesting and fun to listen to. Robert is a dog lover first and foremost and speaks about creating a better life for dogs in each podcast. -
Veteran surf journalist Bryan Dickerson turns the mic to those at the center of the wave pool universe as WavePoolMag shines a light on the engineers, entrepreneurs, pros and the hand-picked few who have a wave pool story to tell. The questions are pointed and the answers range from the sublime to the illuminating, hitting all flashpoints in between. Dig in to hear from the minds designing, building and surfing the world’s wave pools.
NIH-podden er for deg som er opptatt av trening, idrett og folkehelse, og kanskje du også jobber med et av feltene?
Her hører du de fremste ekspertene og får siste nytt fra forskninga NIH gjør på alt fra utholdenhetstrening, barne- og ungdomsidrett, kroppsøvingsfaget til idrettsmedisin.
Programledere er førsteamanuensis Christina Gjestvang og innholdsprodusent Gjermund Erikstein-Midtbø. -
I fjor ble det gull med Vålerenga for duoen Andrine Tomter og Sigrid Heien Hansen. Og det hele to ganger - i både cup og serie! Hvordan går det nå et halvt år senere? Er alt bare en dans på roser? I denne sesongen skal duoen fortsette å ta opp ulike problemstillinger man møter i toppidretten og nytt for sesongen; besvare spørsmål fra dere lyttere! Har du noe du lurer på? Send inn spørsmålene til @hunpresterer på instagram.
Climate Change got you down? Worried about the fact that *everything* seems to be getting worse? Wondering how we got to this point in the first place, and what can we do to build a more resilient future? We take a look at historical pastoral & agricultural societies to see what worked and what didn’t, as well as what resources we have today to make better decisions to build equitable systems. We don’t just discuss ecology and history but also take a leftist perspective on prepping, foraging, homesteading, weapons, community-building, and basically anything that needs discussing during late-stage capitalism.
En podkast om jakt fra to ivrige jegere med god moral og dårlig humor. Vi håper på å inspirere og inkludere hele jegernorge når vi setter oss ned for å snakke om jaktrelaterte ting, med kun oss selv, eller flotte gjester!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Host Dave Brinker's life was saved by his passion for the outdoors/hunting, making music, and through his entrepreneurial spirit. Dave brings his diverse background and unique perspective to the Altitude Show via interview style deep dives into the background stories of inspiring people, and provocative discussions about life's greatest challenges. This podcast is for those who crave more adventure, want to innovate their future, simply grow as a human, and push the Altitude of what they are capable of.
"HVA HAR DU I SEKKEN?" - Er det utstyr, sjokolade og kart? Eller er det konkurranseinstinkt, diagnoser, store mål, eller en tynnslitt mental helse?
Sekken kan inneholde så mangt, og det samme gjelder denne podcasten.
Jeg får besøk av masse kule gjester som alle har minst to ting til felles:
De liker å være ute i naturen, samt utfordre seg selv.
Om det så er å gi ut bok, gå Mount Everest uten oksygen, få pallplass i Finnmarksløpet, fiske den største fisken, gå nærtur eller Norge på langs.
..og du, fortvil ikke.. Dette blir selvsagt ikke en podcast der friluftslivet skal rosemales fullstendig. Vi skal i aller høyeste grad snakke om turene der ting går rett i dass også. For det er kjent gjerning at det skjer oftere enn man skulle tro, men kanskje ikke synes så godt på sosiale medier.
Det gledes til å kunne ta dere med på moroa og forhåpentligvis kunne inspirere til mer friluftsliv.
Vi høres.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.