

    We've made it to the end of season 2! In the final episode of this season, we're dipping into the world of iZombie to talk about Romeros, misguided proteins, and an unexpected reason why you shouldn't mix drugs and energy drinks.. Now that you know how to make zombies and unmake them, how do you keep one fed and happy? Or at least just fed. There's only so much you can do about undead happiness levels.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    "Why Is It That Zombies Eat Brains?" by Karl Smallwood, Today I Found Out, Gizmodo, December 2014"George A. Romero: 'Who Says Zombies Eat Brains?'" by Eric Spitznagel, Vanity Fair, May 2010TV Tropes - Brain Food, accessed Oct 2020iZombie Wiki - Zombie, accessed Oct 2020"Why Don't We Eat (More) Brains?" by Alan Jasanoff, Lit Hub, March 2018"Thought for Food" by Heather Arndt Anderson, Taste, December 2017"When People Ate People, A Strange Disease Emerged" by Rae Ellen Bichell, NPR: The Salt, September 2016Whitfield, Jerome T et al. “Mortuary rites of the South Fore and kuru.” Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences vol. 363,1510 (2008): 3721-4."How a history of eating human brains protected this tribe from brain disease" by Sarah Kaplan, The Washington Post, June 2015Asante, E., Smidak, M., Grimshaw, A. et al. A naturally occurring variant of the human prion protein completely prevents prion disease. Nature 522, 478–481 (2015).Hosszu, L.L.P., Conners, R., Sangar, D. et al. Structural effects of the highly protective V127 polymorphism on human prion protein. Commun Biol 3, 402 (2020).


    Deepa: 3 out of 5 for pneumothorax corner, 5 out of 10 tainted Utopium vialsJen: 3 out of 5 lack of stethoscopes for pneumothorax corner, 5 out of 10 cans of Max Rager


    And that's a wrap for season 2! We'll be taking a short break before coming back with season 3. Thanks for listening, and we'll see you next time!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    Now that we've talked about making a zombie, let's talk about unmaking one. In the second of our three zombie episodes, we'll discuss lone microbiologists, dried scab powder, and the power of therapeutic stabbing. Sure, manufacturing a zombie cure from your own blood is impressive, but unless you have detailed lab notes, it basically didn't happen. We're looking at you, Will Smith.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    I Am Legend Wiki - Krippin Virus, accessed October 2020"Opinion: The Slave Who Helped Boston Battle Smallpox" by Lashyra Nolen, Undark, Apr 2020"How an African Slave in Boston Helped Save Generations from Smallpox" by Erin Blakemore, History, Feb 2019"Better Know a Plague: Smallpox" by Brooke Borel, Popular Science, May 2014"Facial Masking for Covid-19 — Potential for “Variolation” as We Await a Vaccine" by Monica Gandhi and George W. Rutherford, New England Journal of Medicine, Sep 2020CDC - Measles (Rubeola), last reviewed October 2019, accessed Oct 2020"I Am Legend's Alternate Ending Explained: What Happens & Why It Was Cut" by Michael Kennedy, Screen Rant, Dec 2019


    Deepa: 1 out of 10 congealed tubes of Will Smith's bloodJen: 0 out of 10 missing lab notebooks


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2

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    It's spooky season, which means it's time to talk about spooky things! Like the LIVING UNDEAD! (I want you to picture a clap of thunder and flash of lightning here.) As with vampires, "zombies" is just too broad a topic to cover in one episode, so we're giving you three! In the first episode of our zombie trilogy, we're going to talk about how you make a zombie. Or at least, how Cambridge scientists made zombies and also destroyed all of the UK in 28 days. We'll discuss not-living-not-dead pathogens, RAGE, and why no one should use Ebola as a viral vector for gene therapy.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    "Zoinks! Tracing The History Of 'Zombie' From Haiti To The CDC" by Lakshmi Gandhi, NPR Code Switch, Dec 2013"The Tragic, Forgotten History of Zombies" by Mike Mariani, The Atlantic, Oct 2015"Response to 'I Walked with a Zombie'" by Amy Wilentz, version appeared in Harper's in Dec 2011"A Zombie Is a Slave Forever" by Amy Wilentz, New York Times, Oct 2012"How the zombie represents America’s deepest fears" by Zachary Crockett and Javier Zarracina, Vox, Oct 201628 Days Later Wiki - Rage Virus, accessed October 2020Lundstrom, Kenneth. “Viral Vectors in Gene Therapy.” Diseases (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 6,2 42. May 2018IDSA Ebola Facts - Infectious Diseases Society of America, accessed October 2020Science Mag "What does Ebola actually do?" by Kelly Servick, August 2014"One doctor's nearly real, totally believable zombie apocalypse scenario" by Gemma Zigman, Hub at Johns Hopkins University, Oct 2012


    How 28 Days Later makes zombies

    Deepa: 3 out of 10 product placement Pepsi cansJen: 1 out of 10 infected eye blood drops


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In this episode, we're heading back into outer space to talk about maybe the most iconic alien of all time — Alien! I mean, the xenomorph! From Alien! What a great and confusing movie. Why is everything so wet on that spaceship? Why didn't the crew have fire safety training? Why are we storing milk and spaghetti inside robots??? Really, we're left with more questions than answers. We'll discuss why you should be careful what you put in your mouth (Spoiler: the answer is worms), mutagenic tumor fluid, and how bad company policies can create more than just a toxic work environment.


    We mention that malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum, and this is true! But there are four other species of Plasmodium (specifically, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, and P. knowlesi) that can also infect humans and cause malaria! They usually cause milder disease. A lot of the discussion about malaria is about P. falciparum because that is the species responsible for the vast majority of deaths from malaria.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    Center for Disease Control: About Parasites, last reviewed, Sep 2020, accessed September 2020Wikipedia - Parasitism, accessed September 2020Wikipedia: Malaria , accessed September 2020Center for Disease Control: Taeniasis, last reviewed, Jan 2013, accessed September 2020Center for Disease Control: Cysticercosis, last reviewed Jul 2019, accessed September 2020Wikipedia - Dracunculus medinensis, accessed September 2020Center for Disease Control - Parasites - Guinea Worm, last reviewed May 2020, accessed September 2020"Exclusive: Battle to wipe out debilitating Guinea worm parasite hits 10 year delay" by Leslie Roberts, Nature News Article, September 30, 2019.Xenopedia, The Alien vs. Predator Wiki - Xenomorph life cycle, accessed September 2020Xenopedia, The Alien vs Predator Wiki - Chestburster, accessed September 2020


    Of the parasite life cycle in Alien:

    Deepa: 4 out of 10 spaghetti robots in milkJen: 3 out of 10 highly mutagenic fluids


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    We joined Laurel Hechanova and Audrey Nieh on their show Podcast of a Lady on Fire, which is a cathartic exploration of the filmmaking, themes and community involved in Céline Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire, to discuss 18th century French abortions, ineffective butt kicks, and usefully toxic teas.

    If you haven't seen this movie yet, we just have four words for you: Lesbian. Period. Romance. Drama.

    Once you do see it, be on the lookout for Post-PoaLoF Syndrome. Symptoms include ennui, the profound urge to stare at the ceiling, downloading Duolingo, mild heart pain and shortness of breath, tearfulness, and a sense that you'll never be the same.

    Our recommendations: Lie down. Elevate your feet, preferably on an embroidered pillow. A good cup of (non-toxic) tea and a croissant. Watch Portrait on Hulu eleventy billion times, and listen to Podcast of a Lady on Fire to join the awesome community around this film.


    Deepa: 10 out of 10 twigs out of the pasteJen: 10 out of 10 wobbly step stools


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Also, if you also love Portrait of a Lady on Fire, then listen to Podcast of a Lady on Fire! You can find them here: https://linktr.ee/poalof

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In this episode, we're taking a trip to Westeros to examine the cutting edge medical practices of Samwell Tarly. It turns out he has shockingly sharp scalpels and shockingly bad PPE practices. We'll discuss greyscale and greyscale-esque infections, why you shouldn't operate during a candle shortage, and rock people (again). Also, we'll give you yet another reason why colonialism is bad. As if you needed any more.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    Game of Throne Wiki - Greyscale, accessed September 2020Game of Scenes - Sam cures Jorah Mormont - Game of Thrones S07E02 (Feb 2019, accessed September 2020, YouTube link)FilmComicsExplained - Greyscale Virus (Game of Thrones Explored) (Dec 2017, accessed September 2020, YouTube link)Monigues Holloways - Tyrion and Jorah fight the Stone Men, 5x5 Game of Thrones Season 5 (HD) (Aug 2015, accessed September 2020, YouTube link)NIH US National Library of Medicine Genetics Home Reference - Leprosy, accessed September 2020National Organization for Rare Disorders - Leprosy, accessed September 2020CDC - Hansen's Disease (Leprosy), last reviewed Feb 2017, accessed September 2020Wikipedia - History of leprosy, accessed September 2020Monot M, Honoré N, Garnier T, et al. On the origin of leprosy. Science. 2005;308(5724):1040-1042.Bennett, Brian H et al. “Leprosy: steps along the journey of eradication.” Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974) vol. 123,2 (2008): 198-205.


    Deepa: 6 out of 10 pasty greyscale ointment packetsJen: 4.5 out of 9 banded armadillos for Sam's lack of precautions, 9 out of 9 banded armadillos for Sam's precipitating the discovery of sterile technique


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In this episode, we move on from vampires to talk about robots! Specifically, robot organs. Like, why does a robot need organs? And if it did need organs, why would it need human organs? We'll discuss robot face putty, building biosynthetic organs, and some incredible applications of 3D printing. Also, can we PLEASE change the stylistic standards of scientific papers to allow for some ENTHUSIASM??? This stuff is amazing!


    Regarding the Pregnancy and Birth episodes, we wanted to apologize for the gendered language we used throughout our discussions. We know that nonbinary, genderqueer, and transgender people can also get pregnant and give birth. The way we talk about it is a relic of our training, and we're trying to do better. We're sorry if we hurt anyone through our carelessness.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    Wikipedia - Artificial Heart, accessed August 2020UCSF - The Kidney ProjectWikipedia - Tissue engineering, accessed August 2020What’s new about new synthetic organs? by Brian Owens, Nature News Blog, July 2011Tissue engineering: How to build a heart by Brendan Maher, Nature News Feature, July 2013Yong, E. Lab-grown kidneys transplanted into rats. Nature (2013).On the Road to 3-D Printed Organs by Emma Yasinski, The Scientist, February 20203-D Printed Windpipe Gives Infant Breath of Life by Marissa Fessenden, Scientific American, May 2013Skylar-Scott MA, Uzel SGM, Nam LL, et al. Biomanufacturing of organ-specific tissues with high cellular density and embedded vascular channels. Sci Adv. 2019;5(9)Laronda, M., Rutz, A., Xiao, S. et al. A bioprosthetic ovary created using 3D printed microporous scaffolds restores ovarian function in sterilized mice. Nat Commun 8, 15261 (2017).3 Theories Explaining Why Robots Bleed by Tonya Riley, Inverse, September 2016ASSESSMENTDeepa: 3 out of 10 silver/blue/clear Playskool organsJen: 3 out of 10 flubber skin puttiesPLAN

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    We have finally arrived at the culmination of our very own Twilight saga! In this episode, we discuss the infamous Bella Swan birth scene, placenta separation anxiety, and why postpartum hemorrhage kills. ...especially if you don't do anything to stop it. It turns out venoms, uteruses, and rocks really don't mix, no matter how many syringes full of morphine you have on hand.


    Interested in playing Pregnancy/Birth Trope Bingo? Here's a bingo card for you to download and use!

    Edited to add: Regarding the Pregnancy and Birth episodes, we wanted to apologize for the gendered language we used throughout our discussions. We know that nonbinary, genderqueer, and transgender people can also get pregnant and give birth. The way we talk about it is a relic of our training, and we're trying to do better. We're sorry if we hurt anyone through our carelessness.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    TV Tropes - Birth Tropes, accessed July 2020Best and worst childbirth scenes in science fiction and fantasy by Charlie Jane Anders and Kelly Faircloth, io9, September 2010Movieclips - Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (6/9) Movie CLIP - Childbirth (2011) HD (YouTube link, November 2012)Movieclips - Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (7/9) Movie CLIP - You're Not Dead (2011) HD (YouTube link, November 2012)StatPearls - Placental Abruption (Abruptio Placentae) by Pamela Schmidt; Christy L. Skelly; Deborah A. Raines. Last Update: July 5, 2020.Wikipedia - Placenta, accessed July 2020StatPearls - Stages of Labor by Julia Hutchison; Heba Mahdy; Justin Hutchison. Last Update: March 27, 2020.ACOG Practice Bulletin, October 2017 - Postpartum HemorrhageEvensen A, Anderson JM, Fontaine P. Postpartum Hemorrhage: Prevention and Treatment. Am Fam Physician. 2017;95(7):442-449.NIH U.S. National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine - Cesarean Section - A Brief History, Last updated: 26 July 2013


    Deepa: 2 out of 10 syringes full of venom because the equipment is set up properlyJen: 0.5 out of 10 extremely aggressive scalpel incisions for the OB suite


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In the second of our three Twilight related episodes, we discuss pregnancy tropes, tumors with teeth, and Deepa's favorite YouTube video. Sometimes pregnancy is not as simple as one egg and one sperm. Especially when that sperm is presumably made of rock. ...suspended in venom? If there's one thing we've figured out so far, it's that you shouldn't think too hard about the physiology behind the Cullen clan.


    Regarding the Pregnancy and Birth episodes, we wanted to apologize for the gendered language we used throughout our discussions. We know that nonbinary, genderqueer, and transgender people can also get pregnant and give birth. The way we talk about it is a relic of our training, and we're trying to do better. We're sorry if we hurt anyone through our carelessness.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    TV Tropes - Mystical Pregnancy, accessed June 2020Feminist Frequency - #5 The Mystical Pregnancy (Tropes vs. Women) (YouTube link, July 2011)The Most Ridiculous Mystical Pregnancies in Fiction by Katharine Trendacosta, io9 October 2013Movieclips - Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (4/9) Movie CLIP - I'm Late (2011) HD (YouTube link, November 2012)Movieclips - Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (5/9) Movie CLIP - He's Thirsty (2011) HD (YouTube link, November 2012)Stephanie Meyer Breaking Dawn FAQ: Vampires and pregnancyRadiopaedia - Mature cystic ovarian teratoma, Dr. Naim Qaqish and Assoc Prof Frank Gaillard, et al. Accessed July 2020.Radiopaedia - Immature ovarian teratoma, Dr. Daniel J Bell and Dr Alexandra Stanislavsky, et al. Accessed July 2020.Sahin, Hilal et al. “Mature cystic teratoma of the ovary: a cutting edge overview on imaging features.” Insights into imaging vol. 8,2 (2017): 227-241.Wikipedia - Clinical vampirism, accessed July 2020Deepa's favorite YouTube video: how is prangent formed (YouTube)


    Deepa: 1 out of 10 hyperechoic embryonic sacs for Bella's Swan's pregnancy, 8 out of 10 sunken cheek temporal wasting Kristen Stewarts for the makeup and CG effectsJen: 0.5 out of 10 styrofoam cups filled with blood for Bella Swan's pregnancy, 10 out of 10 for winning pregnancy trope bingo


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In this episode, we talk about the vampire's curse, vampire epidemics, and... rocks? Does the vampire legend have its roots in real life disease? Probably not, but we'll tell you about some interesting ones anyway! Ultimately, this ep came to be because we want to talk about a very specific scene in Twilight, but figured it would be good to provide some folkloric context first. Little did we know, all of the vampire research we did has little to nothing to do with the Cullens — oh well!


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality by Paul Barber, Yale University Press, April 2010Vampires: Fact, Fiction and Folklore, by Benjamin Radford, Live Science, October 2014The Great New England Vampire Panic, by Abigail Tucker, Smithsonian Magazine, October 2012A Natural History of Vampires, by Eric Michael Johnson, The Primate Diaries, Scientific American, October 2011“Chapter 3: A Virus with Teeth?” from Rabid: A Cultural History of the World's Most Diabolical Virus, by Bill Wasik and Monica Murphy, Penguin Books, 2013, pp. 65–89.CDC - Rabies, last reviewed September 2019Maranda EL, Heifetz R, Estes WA, Cortizo J, Shareef S, Jimenez JJ. Porphyria and Vampirism—A Myth, Sensationalized. JAMA Dermatol. 2016;152(9):975.The real-life diseases that spread the vampire myth by Stephen Dowling, BBC Future, October 2016Twilight Lexicon, ImogenThe Twilight Saga Wiki - VampireGenetics Home Reference - Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressivaWikipedia - Harry Raymond Eastlack, accessed June 2020Medical Mystery: Only One Person Has Survive Rabies without Vaccine—But How?, by Jordan Lite, Scientific American, October 2008


    Deepa: 1 out of 5 non-blinking eyesJen: 0 out of 5 diamond teeth


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    Welcome to Season 2 of Docs Watch! We're back from break with a brand new slate of episodes for you. A slight change this season: we're going to switch to an every-other-week release schedule and see how that goes. But otherwise, it's more of your favorite medically-related movie ramblings!

    We're kicking off Season 2 just in time for American Independence Day. So what better way to celebrate than with a discussion of the 1996 classic movie Independence Day? This movie holds up remarkably well, but we do have some questions (natch). Why are the aliens' alien suits so poorly designed? Why don't any of the scientists have better sterile technique? And what IS Jeff Goldblum's day job anyway? The truth is out there.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    YouTube video: Movie buff channel - Independence Day aliens/"the freak show"YouTube video: Ella Van Saar - Alien autopsy from Independence DayIndependence Day Wiki - HarvestersIf you want a more detailed rundown of sterile technique, check this out: StatPearls - Sterile Technique by Karie Tennant and Cynthia L. Rivers


    Deepa: 7 out of 10 aliens in parachutes dragged by Will SmithJen: 4.5 out of 5 tiny aliens inside bigger aliens


    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In the last episode of season one, we talk about TV/film's most favorite medical emergency: the tension pneumothorax! There's drama! There's intrigue! There's therapeutic stabbing! Okay, fine. We get it — it's pretty cool. But some movies do it better than others... Let's talk about it!

    (Once again, Claire Temple is the real hero.)


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    An excellent series of X-rays can be found at the Radiopaedia entry for Pneumothorax (by Yuranga Weerakkody, Martin Gorrochategui, et al.)NIH US National Library of Medicine, Genetics Home Reference - Primary spontaneous pneumothoraxM. Noppen, Spontaneous pneumothorax: epidemiology, pathophysiology and cause, European Respiratory Review, 2010Wanna know the steps involved in a needle decompression? Check it out at: JoVE Science Education Database. Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. Needle Thoracostomy. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2020).M. Noppen et al., Music: a new cause of primary spontaneous pneumothorax, BMJ: Thorax, 59(8), 2004


    Deepa: Daredevil gets 8 out of 10 black medical gloves, Mad Max gets 2 out of 10 guys on floppy sticks, and Just Like Heaven gets 3 out of 10 paring knives at Italian restaurantsJen: on a scale of splenic lacerations, Daredevil gets 0 out of 10, Mad Max gets 10 out of 10, and Just Like Heaven gets 10 out of 10


    Like we mentioned in the special outro to this episode, we're currently working on Season 2! So while Season 1 is complete, Docs Watch is definitely not over. What medical topics do you want to hear about? Drop us a line at docswatchpod (at) gmail dot com, or tweet at us @DocsWatchPod!

    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In this episode, we talk about where the X-men get their powers. Can your DNA give you super speed AND let you control the weather AND shoot lasers out of your eyes AND do whatever it is that Rogue does? Maybe! It's all about the gene activation. It turns out, the power is in you!


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    The X-men that show up in the Deadpool movies (2016 and 2018) are Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead.Veterans Used In Secret Experiments Sue Military For Answers by Caitlin Dickerson, NPR, Sep 2015Short-Term Superhuman: If We Create Augmented Soldiers, Can We Turn Them Back? by Joe Pappalardo, Popular Mechanics, Sep 2018Wikipedia - Weapon PlusPre-serum Chris Evans is a combination of CGI and Leander Deeny.Psychic Spies, Acid Guinea Pigs, New Age Soldiers: the True Men Who Stare at Goats by David Hambling, WIRED, Nov 2009DARPA - Blood Pharming, Nov 2013The Pentagon’s Push to Program Soldiers’ Brains by Michael Joseph Gross, The Atlantic, Nov 2018DARPA's Mind-Controlled Arm Will Make You Wish You Were a Cyborg by Maddie Stone, Gizmodo, May 2016DARPA's MBA program: Understanding Warfighter Performance from the Inside Out, Jan 2019GeckSkin from UMassAmherstAbout Vantablack from Surrey NanoSystemsASSESSMENTDeepa: the genomics of X-men gets a 6 out of 10 DNA rocksJen: the X-gene gets a 7.5 out of 10 radioactive spider bitesPLAN

    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In this episode, we talk about medical licensing, but with magic! If you wanna be a healer, there are pre-reqs for that. And minimum NEWT scores to hit. Just how heroic is Madam Pomfrey's call schedule? And does the wizarding world's pharmaceutical industry have any kind of regulation?

    This episode guest stars Jen's neighbor's leaf blower!

    Also, are you pro or con Krebs cycle? Let us know @DocsWatchPod!


    We recorded this ep before the one on Harry Potter and concussions, which is what we were referencing at the end of the recording. But don't worry! We have plenty more thoughts on Harry Potter.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    Harry Potter Wiki - HealerKrebs cycle - WikipediaHarry Potter Wiki - Hospital Wing (of Hogwarts)Harry Potter Wiki - Healing MagicA Visit to St Mungo's from HP and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling, from the now sadly defunct Pottermore (Wayback Machine link)Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - classes currently offered at Ilvermorny (from their official Tumblr :D )


    Deepa: 15 out of 5 golden snitchesJen: for the quality of medical training, scant out of 5 for what's in the text, and 10 out of 2 Skele-gro patents for HP in general


    Here's our version of what an Ilvermorny pre-med curriculum might look like. And also our proposed class schedules. What would your schedule look like?

    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In episode 7 of this season, we talk about Mad Max's terrible IV line management and the overuse of dino rex machina. Bedside organization is important even when you're working on a high speed scrap heap in the middle of a desert while being chased by War Boys. Plus, we finally take our highly anticipated trip to Jurassic World and discuss whether you can give good guy T-rex blood to a velociraptor. The main question is this: how many iterations of Jurassic Park do we need to build before someone tightens up these lax security protocols?


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution by Holly TuckerAABB - Highlights of Transfusion Medicine HistoryThe title that both Jen and Deepa butcher is this: Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus (Anatomical Account of the Motion of the Heart and Blood), which was William Harvey's description of the circulatory system in 1628H. A. Oberman, Early History of Blood Substitutes Transfusion of Milk (pdf). Transfusion, 9(2), Mar-Apr 1969Mad Max: Fury Road, Furiosa transfusion scene (YouTube link)Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, T-rex to raptor transfusion scene (YouTube link)Fact-Checking Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Carmen Russo, Slate June 2018Catherine Bovens and Tim Gruffydd-Jones, Xenotransfusion with canine blood in the feline species: review of the literature. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(2), Sep 2012Exotic animal blood transfusions: An overview by Stephen Cital for VetBloom


    Deepa was right - it was order, not genus. Which makes sense, given that cats and dogs are definitely not the same genus. Oops!


    Deepa: Fury Road gets a 9 out of 10 for guaranteed sepsis; Fallen Kingdom gets a 7 out of 10 for a T-rex to velociraptor xenotransfusion, and a 1 out of 10 for the lack of cut-down, blind stick blood drawJen: Fury Road gets 4.5 out of 5 blood bags (half point deduction for unnecessarily stabbing Charlize Theron a second time); Fallen Kingdom gets 5 out of 5 baby Blues for cuteness, and 1 out of 5 floppy Chris Pratts escaping from lava for believability



    If you want more info on the history of blood transfusions, check out the Sawbones ep on transfusions.

    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In this episode, we talk about why you should just say no to dueling inside of an actively erupting volcano. At least not without proper protective equipment. (But preferably not all.) Our favorite (not) medical droids make another appearance and are still in dire need of a software update. Who's in charge here anyway? And where's a scrunchy when you need one?


    We recorded this episode back in 2018, which was when Kilauea erupted.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    Duel between Anakin and ObiWan from Revenge of the Sith (YouTube link)What Does It Look Like When A Person Gets Struck By Lightning? - IFLScienceModel Systems Knowledge Translation Center - Understanding a Burn Injury (Burns Factsheet)Mayo Clinc - Burns Overview, has a diagram of skin layer anatomy and brief overview of the different degrees of burnsMayo Clinic - Burns First Aid fact sheetParkland Formula for Burns (MD Calc)CDC - Key Facts About Volcanic Eruptions (May 2018)Falling into lava would be a pretty hot mess by Alessandra Potenza, The Verge, May 2018American Thoracic Society - Volcanic Eruptions and Threats to Respiratory Health (2018, pdf), patient education sheetThe documentary Jen mentioned was either "Please Let Me Die" (1974) or "Dax's Case" (1984), which are both about Dax Cowart.Wookieepedia - Bacta


    Deepa: 2 out of 5 tubes of NeosporinJen: 3 out of 5 volcanoesThe medical droids, once again, get their licenses revoked.


    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In this episode, we talk about the casual child endangerment of the wizarding world's favorite full contact sport, Quidditch! Is Madam Hooch up to date with brain injury management guidelines? Does Hogwarts even have a concussion protocol if they don't have a "What to Do if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Shows Up at Hogwarts" protocol? Gravity still applies to magical worlds, and so does blunt force trauma. Which means that there is a woeful lack of helmets. What's the liability insurance sitch at Hogwarts?


    During the recording, Jen's neighbor decided to run a leaf blower in the street on and off, so that's faintly in the background. Sorry about that.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    CDC Childhood Injury Report, 2008Quidditch Through the Ages (Indiebound link) by Kennilworthy Whisp (J. K. Rowling), Arthur A. Levine Books, 2015 editionWronski Feint, Harry Potter WikiWales vs Germany, Harry Potter Wiki archived from Pottermore — the segment of the Daily Prophet talking about Thorsten PfefferInjuries in Quidditch: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study, Rachel Pennington et al, International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, Oct 2017Injuries to polo riders: a prospective evaluation, Matías Costa-Paz et al, British Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol 33, Issue 5, Oct 1999(Half)-Blood (Prince) Sport: The Busted Bodies and Broken Bones of Muggle Quidditch by Claire McNear, The Ringer, Jul 2018CDC HEADS UP to Brain Injury Awareness — general info on how to recognize a concussion or other brain injury, what you should do, and precautions to takeCDC Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion, main pageShout out to The Office S2E12 "The Injury" — Dwight Schrute's concussion is a pretty good depiction (though most concussions don't make you a nice person and are not hilarious)US Quidditch Rules — US Quidditch was founded at Middlebury College in 2005US Quidditch YouTube channelThe Ringer: Binge Mode, HP Extra: Quidditch SpecialHarry Potter casts a spell on accident prone children, Stephen Gwilym et al, BMJ, 331(7531), Dec 2005


    Deepa: 0 out of 5 for safety, 1 out of 5 for rules that make sense, 4 out of 5 for whimsyJen: 5 out of 5 for whimsy, 0 out of 5 for safety


    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In episode 4, we ask the important questions about the Aquaman cinematic universe (and also spend a not insignificant amount of time thirsting after Jason Momoa).

    (I mean, look at him.)

    Anyway. What is up with the physiological class stratification of Atlanteans? Is blonde hair a curse? Why is Pinocchio so important to this movie? AND WHY WON'T ANYONE TALK ABOUT THE DINOSAURS??? We answer none of these questions and answer a bunch of other ones in this ep!


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    How Fish Gills Work, Today I Found Out, Sep 2011The Multifunctional Fish Gill: Dominant Site of Gas Exchange, Osmoregulation, Acid-Base Regulation, and Excretion of Nitrogenous Waste - David H. Evans, Peter M. Piermarini, and Keith P. Choe; Physiological Reviews, Vol 85, Issue 1, Jan 2005Pulmonary ventilation–perfusion mismatch: a novel hypothesis for how diving vertebrates may avoid the bends - Daniel Garcia Párraga, Michael Moore and Andreas Fahlman; Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Volume 285, Issue 1877, April 2018Do Whales Suffer From Decompression Sickness? by Sara Mynott, Nature: Saltwater Science, May 2013The breathing response of whales and other marine mammals is also triggered by carbon dioxide, but not until much higher levels than in people. — How do Whales and Dolphins Sleep Without Drowning? in Scientific American, Feb 1998Karathen is, in fact, Julie Andrews!The Depths Below - Ring of Fire, NOAAUndersea Volcano Eruptions Caught On Video, Discovery YouTube channel


    Some sources say to NOT vent fish. Some sources say to do it. So... we don't know.Venting: A Guide to Releasing Reef Fish with Ruptured Swimbladders, Florida Sea GrantRockfish Barotrauma Information, California Department of Fish and Wildlife


    Deepa: 7 out of 10 invisible chest gillsJen: 3 out of 5 crab people for narrative coherence, 5 out of 5 Khal Drogos for Jason MomoaOverall DC cinematic universe scale 15 out of 10 (only outpaced by Wonder Woman which is at 2000 out of 10)


    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In episode 3, we talk about, well, shotgun blasts to the head. But specifically when your head is impenetrable. When your superpower is being super dense, how are you supposed to get medical care? Also, let's talk about why Claire Temple is the real hero.


    Sometimes our numbers might be off because we're pediatricians, and the numbers (volumes and the like) are different for adults. We'll do our best to catch the discrepancies.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    It's helpful to have a visual when we start talking about the anatomy of the optic nerve, so here's a reference from MRI Master (go scroll through the whole brain because it's cool):

    A mini glossary of acronyms:

    ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation

    CT: computed tomography

    MRI: magnetic resonance imaging

    ETT: endotracheal Tube

    cc: cubic centimeter ie a milliliter

    TBI: traumatic brain injury

    CSF: cerobrospinal fluid

    ICP: intracranial pressure

    EVD: external ventricular drain

    LP: lumbar puncture (pic from Oxford Medical Education)


    Minor misspeak: A lumbar puncture needle goes into the space around your spinal cord, not your spine.An adult has around 125-150 ml of CSF present at any given time. Only around 25 ml of that is present in the ventricles.Sakka L, Coll G, Chazal J. Anatomy and physiology of cerebrospinal fluid. European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases. Dec 2011 — you can download this article for free if you're interesting in the physiology of CSF!We looked to see if there was a medical consultant on the show, but couldn't find any info on imdb.


    Deepa: 7 out of 7 aliens from outer space that cause an entire city PTSDJen: 6 out of 6 ice packs


    Your homework: Look up how cool the eye is! And how much stuff your pituitary does for you!

    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2


    In episode 2, we talk about everyone's favorite mobile ICU from a galaxy far, far away. How does Darth Vader fit all of his medical equipment in his suit? How many backpacks or backpack droids does he have? Also, we talk a lot about poop. Everybody poops. Even Darth Vader.


    Resources, Citations, and Mentions:

    The Last of the Iron Lungs by Jennings Brown, Gizmodo, Nov 2017Darth Vader's armor, WookieepediaDarth Vader armor schematic, (I think it's originally from Star Wars Blueprints: The Ultimate Collection by Ryder Windham and illustrated by by Chris Trevas and Chris Reiff, published Aug 2008 — we found it on tumblr)Turning human waste into next generation biofuel from ScienceDaily, May 2016We were both right about human waste in space: Here Are Some Weird Facts About Pooping in Space by Amy Shira Teitel, Popular Science, Sep 2015; The Scoop on Space Poop: How Astronauts Go Potty by Megan Gannon, Space.com, Aug 2013Padme's death scene from Filmic Box (YouTube)Did Inadequate Women’s Healthcare Destroy Star Wars’ Old Republic? by Sarah Jeong, Vice Motherboard, Jan 2017


    This was the very first episode we recorded! Which is why we called it our first episode at the end. Even though it's the second one...There was no rating at the end because this was before we started doing that.


    Special thanks to Butterscotch Shenanigans for letting us use their podcast equipment! Check out their game dev comedy podcast Coffee with Butterscotch!

    Subscribe to our medical ramblings on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts! Rate, review, and tell your friends!

    Got a question or suggestion? Find us on Twitter @DocsWatchPod, or visit us at docswatchpod.com.

    Theme Music and SFX: Kevin MacLeod (CC BY) - RetroFuture Clean, Danse Macabre-Big Hit 2