
  • 2022 marked the driest summer in nearly 30 years according to the UK government. And authorities felt the need to bring in a hosepipe ban across Kent and Sussex, which came into effect from 26th June.
    Back in April, a National Drought Group spokesperson said that Britain won’t be able to “rely on the weather alone” to sustain water levels, and that preparations were being made to reduce the drought risk. It was also suggested that households should focus on saving water to help the efforts. An additional benefit when doing so is that it could help you save money on your water bill. That’s all the more relevant when you consider that as of 1st April, the average annual water bill rose by £31 to hit £448.
    Isn’t water free? Why do I have to pay for it? So, what are the best ways of saving ? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Do tongue scrapers actually help with bad breath?
    Do our brains really tell the whole story about us?
    How can heatwaves impact our mental health?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    First broadcast: 25/06/2023
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  •  heart attack can be deadly but thankfully there are life saving treatments out there. However, research from the British Heart foundation has found that women are not receiving the same standard of care as men.
    Although heart disease and heart attacks are more common in men it is more likely to be fatal for women. In fact heart attacks kill twice as many women in the UK than breast cancer does.
    What is causing this? What symptoms should you look out for? What is being done to address this issue? We answer all your questions in under 3 minutes!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Can you train your brain like a muscle?
    How often should you wash your jeans?
    Should I walk 10000 steps a day?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    First broadcast: 13/10/2022
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  • Picture the scene: a woman is sitting in a bar, when a man comes up to try to talk to her. She finds him attractive, but acts disinterested and more or less ignores him, in order to not seem desperate. The man gives up and leaves the woman alone, but she then feels dissatisfied that he hasn’t persisted.
    It might seem like a counterintuitive approach, but according to American psychotherapist Ellnor Greenberg, it’s all too common. Writing for Psychology Today in February 2023, she explained that her female clients often tell her the same kind of story in therapy sessions.
    I don’t get it - what are the similarities between a sofa and a romantic partner? Does the sofa theory really work? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Do tongue scrapers actually help with bad breath?
    Do our brains really tell the whole story about us?
    How can heatwaves impact our mental health?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • When we think of those who have high blood sugar, we tend to think of people with diabetes, as they often have to monitor their levels and sometimes undergo insulin treatment. But actually everybody can have blood sugar spikes, and many of us do without even realising. These occur when a simple sugar called glucose builds up in the blood. This is known as hyperglycemia.
    High blood sugar can make your mouth dry, make you feel thirsty, give you blurred vision and make you need to pee often. Overconsumption, particularly of added sugar, can lead to a calorie surplus, and therefore result in weight gain. Being overweight can in turn lead to other health issues, like heart disease and other problems. Consuming too much sugar can also damage your teeth. 
    Do I need to be cutting sugar out of my diet completely then? What can I do about it then? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Can you train your brain like a muscle?
    How often should you wash your jeans?
    Should I walk 10000 steps a day?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    In partnership with upday UK.
    First broadcast: 31/08/22
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  • According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, our mouths host no fewer than 700 species of microbes, including “germs like bacteria, fungus and more”. Some are helpful in producing vitamins, or aiding in digestion, for example, but others can cause problems like bad breath.
    Because many of these microbes live on the tongue, recent years have seen increased use of oral hygiene devices specifically designed to clean the top of the tongue. One kind is a tongue scraper. Now in case you’ve never seen a tongue scraper before, it’s kind of like a toothbrush but with a U-shaped head.
    What role does saliva play in oral hygiene? How regularly should I be cleaning my tongue then, if it all? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Do our brains really tell the whole story about us?
    How can heatwaves impact our mental health?
    Can the weather really influence our mood?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You know how sometimes you might indulge in a bit too much junk food, or maybe the kids aren’t acing their tests, or perhaps you’re navigating the single life? Hold up—before you start to worry, there’s a seemingly scientific explanation for all of it, and it points to one place: our brains.
    Neuroscience has become the go-to for decoding life’s issues, spanning medicine, economics, politics, and education. But hold your horses—some experts are raising the red flag on “neuromania,” the tendency to oversimplify our behaviors down to just brain activity.
    In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Could gamophobia be hurting your relationship?
    How do I know when to end a friendship?
    How often should I wash my hair?
    A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • We’re all aware of the physical risks associated with extreme heat, like dehydration and fainting for example. But a number of scientific studies have shown that heatwaves also have a major impact on people’s mental health.
    It’s important to highlight that the difference can be experienced by anyone, not just those with existing psychiatric conditions. But one thing is for sure: the vast majority of us are more anxious when temperatures are high. And it makes sense that we get more irritable when you consider how our bodies work. Heat causes our heart rate, pulse, blood pressure and cortisol levels to all increase. Meanwhile, it deregulates so-called happy hormones serotonin and dopamine.
    Who is most affected? What do researchers have to say about it? What about eco-anxiety? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions !
    Date of first release : July 19th, 2022
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here :
    Can you train your brain like a muscle?
    How often should you wash your jeans?
    Should I walk 10000 steps a day?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • We’re only a few weeks from the official start of summer, but you wouldn’t guess it given the wet conditions that we’ve seen for most of spring 2024. According to BBC News, March, April and May 2024 have all been among the wettest on record for their respective months.
    So don't put away your umbrella just yet! Beyond the obvious inconvenience of getting caught in a downpour, many people believe that bad weather directly affects their mood and health. And some people are more sensitive than others; these individuals are known as "weather-sensitive."
    How do you distinguish between weather-sensitive people and the rest of the population? Are you saying that for most people the weather has no impact at all on their mood then? What’s the best way to deal with feeling down in bad weather then?
    In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Could gamophobia be hurting your relationship?
    How do I know when to end a friendship?
    How often should I wash my hair?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • In late April 2024, police chiefs from the UK’s National Crime Agency and 32 European countries issued a statement expressing their concerns about the use of end-to-end encryption by instant messaging services like WhatsApp.
    The statement recognised that E2E encryption protects users’ personal data, but emphasised that it also prevents authorities from identifying suspicious or illegal activities. And, as we’ll get to in just a moment, encryption doesn’t always guarantee full privacy for users.
    What does "end-to-end encryption" actually mean in concrete terms? Does that mean all my data is protected when I send a message then? What’s the best way to stay safe and secure then? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Could gamophobia be hurting your relationship?
    How do I know when to end a friendship?
    How often should I wash my hair?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Olive oil, a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, boasts a rich composition of essential fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, and K, along with polyphenols. These antioxidants are celebrated for their role in decelerating cellular ageing. Fatty acids, a pivotal component of lipids, include some that our bodies cannot produce, underscoring the necessity of sourcing them from our diets.
    Predominantly composed of omega-9, olive oil’s monounsaturated fatty acids are linked to a diminished risk of cardiovascular ailments. They are also known to lower LDL-cholesterol—the infamous ‘bad’ cholesterol—as well as the overall cholesterol levels in our bloodstream. Additionally, olive oil serves as a natural appetite suppressant, fostering a sense of fullness and aiding in the regulation of blood sugar levels.
    Does all this mean that olive oil is calorie-free? How do I choose the right oil? And how do you store olive oil properly? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Could gamophobia be hurting your relationship?
    How do I know when to end a friendship?
    How often should I wash my hair?
    A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • It’s been labelled a “marvel of engineering” and a “miracle of convenience” by Harvard Health Publishing. Data published by Statista in July 2022 showed that in 2018, 93% of UK households owned a microwave, a figure which had risen from 67% when the survey started back in 1994.
    But still some doubts persist about whether microwaving food is bad for your health. Some people even say they cause cancer. Rest assured they don’t. But there are a range of other complaints and concerns over food quality and health. So, are they simply urban myths or based on frightening reality? Let’s investigate!
    How do microwaves work? What about all the radiation? Doesn’t microwaving food reduce nutrient value? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Can you train your brain like a muscle?
    How often should you wash your jeans?
    Should I walk 10000 steps a day?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    First broadcast: 21/01/2023
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Committing to a romantic relationship is by its very nature a significant transition in a person’s life. And that can often be a source of stress or conflict between two partners. 
    For example one partner might want to move in together, get married, or have a child, while the other simply won’t entertain the thought. For some people, fear of commitment is just a way to delay decisions. But for others, it’s a genuine, panic-inducing fear that’s known as gamophobia.
    Where does gamophobia come from? Could you say that we're all a little gamophobic? How can people in a relationship get over their gamophobia? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Why should you be happy to see spiders in your home?
    How do you build up your brain power?
    Which flights are most likely to be hit by turbulence?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Friendship is often said to be eternal, to withstand the test of time and distance. We expect friends to accept everything about us, but it's not always that simple. Just like any relationship, they can become complicated and sometimes toxic.
    Not all friendships are always worth keeping, and certain signs can indicate when one is nearing its end. Friendships should be a source of joy, support, and personal growth. In a healthy friendship, both parties feel valued and respected.
    What does constitute a healthy friendship? Are there certain criteria that give away when a friendship is dysfunctional? What should I do if I realise a friendship is complicated and leaving me drained?
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here :
    How do you build up your brain power?
    Which flights are most likely to be hit by turbulence?
    Which clothes help us sleep best?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • When it comes to washing our hair, many of us stick to a specific routine purely out of habit. It’s not uncommon for people to wash their hair with shampoo every day, which can actually have adverse effects.
    At the end of the scale, you’ve got those who’ve embraced the no poo movement and don’t use shampoo at all. The trend really took off during Covid-19 lockdown, although there is still somewhat of a stigma about washing your hair too infrequently. We don’t necessarily stop to consider what is really the best option for our hair. Let’s look at how you can avoid doing more harm than good.
    How does shampoo actually work? What factors should we be taking into account? How will I know it’s time to wash? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Can you train your brain like a muscle?
    How often should you wash your jeans?
    Should I walk 10000 steps a day?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    First broadcast: 06/02/2023
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Research published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia suggested that there are nearly 3 million general anesthesia procedures in the UK each year. 
    You might already be aware that there are various different types of anesthesia: local, which numbs a small area of the body; regional, which numbs a larger part; and general, typically used for major or lengthy surgeries, where the patient is completely asleep. Today we’re going to be talking specifically about general anesthesia.
    How exactly does it knock patients unconscious then? How does it affect the brain? Isn't it dangerous? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Why should you be happy to see spiders in your home?
    How do you build up your brain power?
    Which flights are most likely to be hit by turbulence?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Getting babies to sleep is big business, and a major source of stress for parents. There are many theories and methods: rock them, sing, let them cry it out. But now science has come to the rescue and we can finally put this question to bed. Hopefully. 
    According to a study published in September 2022 in Current Biology, “approximately 20%–30% of infants cry excessively and exhibit sleep difficulties for no apparent reason” which of course can be exhausting for most people but can become more serious in some cases. As the study points out, it causes “parental stress and even triggering impulsive child maltreatment in a small number of cases.” So finding a way to sooth babies is important.
    What did the scientists discover? How did they come to these conclusions? So how do you get the baby to sleep? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the latest episodes, click here:
    Can you train your brain like a muscle?
    How often should you wash your jeans?
    Should I walk 10000 steps a day?
    A Bababam Originals podcast, written and produced by Amber Minogue.
    First broadcast : 10/11/2022
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  • What's your relationship with spiders like? Some people are pretty terrified of them, and for many their first reaction is to grab something to squash them with.
    Most likely, encountering spiders at home is a regular occurrence, and they're actually more beneficial than you might think.
    Aren’t they dangerous though? What are the benefits of having spiders in my home then? Why do they come into my house? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    How do you build up your brain power?
    Which flights are most likely to be hit by turbulence?
    Which clothes help us sleep best?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Our brain, much like our muscles, benefits from its own form of exercise. Through dedicated training and stimulation, we can enhance our cognitive abilities, a testament to the remarkable phenomenon known as ‘neural plasticity’.
    Neural plasticity is the brain’s remarkable ability to adapt and reorganise itself. According to the Foundation for Brain Research, when we encounter a new concept, our brain responds by forging fresh neural connections. With consistent practice, these connections grow stronger and more efficient, leading to improved performance.
    What is Neural Plasticity? Can Intelligence Be Enhanced? What role does a healthy lifestyle play? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Can you train your brain like a muscle?
    How often should you wash your jeans?
    Should I walk 10000 steps a day?
    A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • No doubt you’ve realised that some types of food have a boosting effect, like eggs, oats and avocado for example. That’s because they contain tyrosine, an amino acid which is a precursor to dopamine, making them an ideal breakfast option. At the other end of the scale, some foods are better suited for preparing our bodies to go to sleep, by bringing on certain chemical reactions.
    In terms of what not to do, it’s most important not to eat anything too rich, not to eat meals that are too large, and not to eat too close to bedtime. You should aim to end dinner at least two hours before going to bed. That’s to limit any potential nighttime discomfort from indigestion or heartburn. On top of that, our body temperature needs to drop when we go to sleep, but digestion does the exact opposite.
    So what are the better options available to us then? Why is the role of amino acids so important? What about simply skipping dinner; does that work? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    A Bababam Originals podcast, written and produced by Joseph Chance.
    To listen to more episodes, click here:
    Can you train your brain like a muscle?
    How often should you wash your jeans?
    Should I walk 10000 steps a day?
    First broadcast: 07/01/2023
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Slipping into sleepwear is an essential part of most people’s nighttime routine. We often do it when we’re winding down from a busy day, and it means it’s time to relax and get ready for sleep. 
    Whether you sleep in pyjamas, a nightgown, a t-shirt, or nothing at all, the goal is to avoid being too hot or too cold. You need to feel comfortable in loose-fitting clothes that don't constrict your body. That’s because sleepwear that is too tight can restrict blood circulation and cause numbness or tingling. Synthetic materials, wool, and lace can also cause itching and skin irritation.
    So are you saying there’s no one best option when it comes to bedwear then? What about sleeping naked? What about socks? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
    To listen to the last episodes, you can click here:
    Why do we startle when we fall asleep?
    How long do people have sex for?
    What are the secrets of a successful LAT couple?
    A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices