
  • Why is a woman's cycle important? Integrative Nutrition Coach and HTMA practitioner Barbara Madimenos was faced with that question when she was diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 25. She talks about how she healed herself, how she hasn't met one woman that hasn't had an irregular cycle, and the importance of balancing your minerals to regulate your hormones.

    We talk about zinc and copper balance, estrogen excess and low progesterone, endometriosis, the power of coffee enemas, why she likes astrology, the best way to heal after taking birth control, coffee consumption tips, hair shedding mitigation, high prolactin solutions, how to recover from IUD use and more.

    Barbara's website: https://barbaramadimenos.ca

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Enjoy this throwback show from a few years ago with Caitlyn Hartigan, creator of the Iron Protocol. In this jam packed three hour extravaganza she tears apart the argument that everyone has iron dysregulation and that nobody is iron deficient.

    She explains how you can be iron deficient without being anemic, why supplementing iron is not only safe but essential for many people, how iron is important for immune function, how your iron recycling system doesn't work if there is no iron to recycle, the different stages of iron deficiency, her thoughts on iron infusions, why serum ferritin is an accurate marker of iron deficiency, why she likes supplementing vitamin D, why iron overload and hemochromatosis are synonymous, and more.

    The Iron Protocol group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3412143085483810

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

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  • The Oligoscan test uses the science of spectrophotometry to see the absorption and reflection of light from vitamins, minerals and heavy metals stored in the tissue of the palm of your hand. If it sounds too good to be true, you'll be surprised to hear the legitimate science behind it from the son of one of the original global distributors of Oligoscan, Jeff Lioon.

    He breaks down how the technology works in this show but the majority of it is focused on deciphering the test itself and describing all of the complex interactions between our environmental toxins, diet, lifestyle habits, and how those affect our vitamin and mineral balance.

    We talk about the relationship between iodine and fluoride, why kryptopyrroluria is a big deal, how we get copper toxic, the difference between oligoscan and other tests, what low vitamin B9 means, the silica and aluminum connection, what high antimony means, what high gadolinium usually means, where antimony is coming from in our environment, the excretor theory, and trends that hes seen in the over 1500 scans he's done on clients.

    Learn more about the Oligoscan: http://www.theoligoscan.com

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Dr Russel Reiter has been involved in melatonin research since its inception. He has been supplementing it everyday for the past 29 years.

    In this interview he talks about how he became interested in melatonin, what happens to our melatonin production as we age, why humans not being seasonable breeders matters for fear surrounding hormonal dysregulation and melatonin supplements, the effects of light pollution on our physiology, how to use melatonin for jet lag, how melatonin can support menopause, why someone might feel groggy taking melatonin, how to find your optimal dose of melatonin, and more!

    Russel Reiter's book: https://amzn.to/4a9NXHu

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Mitolife Academy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE0z4jSYJCV6XGts7di8Cuw/join

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • When people in the natural health community hear the term "Transhumanism" there is a knee-jerk emotional reaction, and some of that feeling is justified. Many of the big tech giants that have been censoring alternative perspectives are also heavily involved in the development of artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality systems.

    Zoltan Istvan ran for president under the Transhumanist Party and drove the "Immortality Bus" all around the United States with the goal of spreading awareness of the importance of shifting our focus away from fighting wars to using science and technology to prevent and reverse disease and even solve aging.

    In this episode he talks about: what the transhumanist wager is, his thoughts on ChatGPT, the replacement of jobs and potentially human relationships by humanoid robot artificial intelligence, the dishwashing robot that just came out, dystopian AI movies, solar cars, overpopulation, Neuralink, his recommendations for being healthy, thoughts on alcohol, and more.

    Zoltan's website: www.zoltanistvan.com

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

  • What are the things to look for when shopping for an air filtration unit? Does the company use flashy words like "ultra" in front of their filtration media to make it sound better than it is? Do you know what the four grades of filtery efficiency is? Are higher grades always better or can they be worse for your situation? Are stand alone air filtration units even the highest choice for your situation? Did you know that your HVAC system moves 30 to 40 times more air than your $1000 HEPA filtration unit?

    David Milburn of HypoAllergenic Air joins me for the first time since 2019 (my first podcast episode) to talk about all of the dirty secrets in the air filtration industry. I am passionate about this topic because I see many parallels between the air filter and water filter marketing tactics. There are lots of razzle and dazzle claims without much substance behind them.

    Order HypoAir products: http://hypoair.com/blackburn

    Use the discount code BLACKBURN to save 10%

    Order AirOasis iAdapt filters: www.airoasis.com

    No discount code :(

    Check out my CLF Protocol and recommended products: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Order Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • If you've been in the natural health world for awhile there is a good chance that you've heard about alkaline water ionizers, overpriced multi-level marketing machines that produce water rich in molecular hydrogen. The questions to ask are: Do those machines produce hydrogen efficiently? Does drinking alkaline water alter our blood at all?

    Mateo Johnson was certified by the Molecular Hydrogen Institute and founded the company Axiom H2, selling high quality hydrogen generating machines and also tablets that you don't have to dissolve in water.

    He explains what hydrogen is, his thoughts on browns gas, the difference between infusing hydrogen into water and the tablet products, the dirty secret about alkaline water ionizers, how long hydrogen lasts in a bottle, hydrogen for dentistry, how to use hydrogen gas for eye and ear health, the benefits of inhaling hydrogen gas, his thoughts on ozone and CO2 therapy, and why it isn't effective to sip on hydrogen water all day long.

    Order Mateo's products: https://www.axiomh2.com

    Use the discount code BLACKBURN to save 10%

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Order Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Have you ever heard of Mr Eats It All that consumed shopping carts, TV sets, razor blades, a coffin, and a 200 foot chain? Did Saint Francis communicate telepathically with animals? Who was the Mighty Atom and how did he survive a gunshot point black to the middle of his forehead? How did a man inflate and deflate himself on stage changing his body weight by 20 pounds several times in one night?

    What are humans capable of physically, mentally, and psychically? Atom Bergstrom joins us to talk about all of the seemingly impossible feats that people have achieved and make us question what we think we know.

    Atom's websites:



    My websites:



    Music by George Henner


  • There is a lot of confusion in the natural heatlh world when it comes to oral health care. Should we brush our teeth? Are plastic bristles the devil? Is flossing necessary? Do waterpik devices replace flossing? Do we even need to go to the dentist if we're on top of our oral game?

    Dr Leedia Riman is an integrative dentist that joins us to discuss all of this and more. She talks about how she discovered Weston Price and the power of nutrition for gum and teeth health. We talk about vitamin D supplementation, whats really happening when a cavity forms, the effects of smoking and acidic beverages on our teeth, her thoughts on xylitol, nitric oxide, mouth breathing, humidifiers in the bedroom, whether regular dental checkups are necessary, the reasons why you might experience pain when you go in for cleanings, why she loves ozone, fluoride versus hydroxyapatite, electric toothbrushes, tips for receeding gums, her thoughts on root canals and a ton more!

    Leedia's website: https://drleedia.mykajabi.com/home-page

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Theraphi combines several electrotherapy modalities into one, using a 500,000 volt Tesla coil, a proprietary blend of noble gases in handmade plasma tubes, and an amplifier that modulates the cold plasma field. To put it simply... it is a human charging station.

    Paul Harris, the inventor of the Theraphi, joins us to talk about the history of electromagnetic devices, the history of plasma energy, how our body can benefit from plasma, time reversal waves, and why he believes the Theraphi is an electro adaptogen. In the second half he also talks about regenerative agriculture, how he's going medicinal mushrooms, electroculture, and magnetoculture.

    Order a Theraphi: www.theraphiusa.com

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Detoxifying the body using clinoptilolite, AKA zeolite, has been a trendy topic for several years, with the nano zeolite products being the most popular.

    My perspective is that liposomal supplements are a complete scam, so I was thrilled to interview someone with a similar mindset when it comes to zeolite: smaller is not always better.

    Jeff Hoyt of Zeolite Labs breaks down a ton of myths around zeolite products, including: Do we get aluminum toxic from taking zeolite because it is made of aluminum? How is it able to act as a selective or smart binder? Is synthetic zeolite as good as natural zeolite? What is the difference between powder, liquid and nano zeolite products? Why does taking a small dose lead to a less efficient detox? How does his ZeoCharge product differ from the push/catch protocols out there? Do we actually want to get zeolite into our brain? What does zeolite bind to besides heavy metals? and much, much more!

    Order ZeoCharge: https://www.zeolitelabs.com/?ref=7lfIRiMuacX5ju

    Zeolite Labs YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ZeoliteLabs

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Hair tissue mineral analsyis or HTMA testing is done when you send in your hair to a laboratory and then they essentially burn it using ion mass spectrometry to create a readout on the mineral ratios present in it. This is a reflection of the mineral ratios systemically throughout the body.

    Matt Coffman is an HTMA practitioner that has done a lot of the same experiments that I've done as far as high dose copper supplementation and iron dumping protocols. He healed himself using HTMA principles of testing and retesting while taking strategic supplements to balance his ratios.

    In this interview he breaks down several of the big ratios and how they connect to hormones and other aspects of human physiology, why he thinks retinyl palmitate gets bad press, how heavy metals affect the adrenals, why he doesn't recommend taking zinc without copper, what ratio connects to your carb tolerance, which ratio connects to your thyroid gland, why supplementing calcium won't necessarily cause calcification, and more.

    Matt Coffman's website: www.integrativethoughts.com

    Matt Coffman's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integrativematt/

    Order Valence Neutraceuticals supplements: https://valencenutraceuticals.myshopify.com/?ref=l6ncd4ca

    Discount BLACKBURN to save

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • There was a ton of gadgets that you can use to influence your drinking water, ideally after its gone through a proper filtration system. Infopathy is in its own category. It uses "digitized substances" that are uploaded into a database which can then be imprinted into water by forming coherent domains. In English this means that you can basically take any supplement you want by just drinking a glass of water throughout the day.

    My mother raised me with homeopathic medicine and I view Infopathy as a kind of homeopathic alien technology. If you ever experience what its like to drink imprinted water you'll feel like you're living Star Trek land. It looks and sounds like magic but it is based on solid science going back to Italian researchers Emilio Del Giudice and Giuliano Preparatta that pioneered quantum electrodynamic theory. Whenever I hear the word "quantum" I usually roll my eyes and walk the other way but this is something that you can tangibly experience with a blind taste test using shot glasses.

    In this episode Anton Fedorenko talks about how it works scientifically, where it parallels with homeopathy, his thoughts on non native electromagnetic fields, Royal Rife, tips on using the Infopathy IC pad, and the upgrades that their version 3 pad received.

    Order Infopathy: www.infopathy.com

    Use the discount code BLACKBURN to save

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • If you're into natural health there is a good chance that you've done an epsom salt bath, more technically known as a magnesium sulfate bath. If you're really into natural health then you have probably experience sensory deprivation floatation therapy, where you float in 1200 pounds of magnesium sulfate.

    Some float spa companies are touting magnesium chloride as being far superior to magnesium sulfate, and Bob Dapper of Royal Spa is here to challenge that idea. He talks about the numerous health benefits of sulfur to human biology, touching on how it improves high cholesterol, works on the lymphatic system, and increases brain function.

    I share my experience getting ripped off by a floatation company and why I recommend purchasing from Royal Spa if you need a new hot tub, float pod, float pool, or cold plunge.

    Bob's website: www.royalspa.com

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • According to Benny Wills, one of the most dangerous traps to fall into is to always expect the worst. People that become obsessed with researching everything that is wrong with the world often end up angry, bitter, and unfulfilled in life. I know and Benny knows because we've both been there.

    Enjoy this philosophical dive into the dangers of expecting the world to end anyday now. We also talk about how the path to being right includes being wrong, why Benny thinks the awake crowd is just as insufferable as the woke crowd, how to communicate with others that we disagree with, entrepreneurial tips, and more.

    Benny's website: www.bennywills.com

    Benny's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BennyWills

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Today's Best Of show features Leo Wik, a hilarious guy from Russia that breathes fresh air into a natural health community that takes itself way too seriously.

    In this episode we talk about sauna therapy and how they do it in Russia, why staying in ice cold water for more than several seconds is a new phenomenon, the difference between steam and dry saunas, Charles Poliquin and what happened when Leo megadosed fish oil, what foods Leo craves when he is stressed and why he gives in to those cravings, what foods they foraged in his neck of the woods in Russia, and I ask him some rapid fire questions about exercising, decompressing the spine and bodywork.

    Leo's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@iamleowik

    Leo's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamleowik/?hl=en

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • When did the candida business start? Which culture invented white refined sugar to use as a medicine? What substance should you load up on if you get bit by a snake? What else did Steve Jobs eat a lot of besides fruit? Why is white sugar better than brown sugar?

    Atom Bergstrom answers all of these questions and more. He also shares his thoughts on cancer, why to cycle cod liver oil if you take it, refined sugar preventing tooth decay, cane versus beet sugar, what hyperbaric oxygen gets wrong, how sugar stabilizes cancer, where Warren Buffet gets 25% of his calories, the health benefits of drinking carbonated beverages, how Ray Peat saved his life, how to use molasses and tomato juice to increase iron, and why to keep a sugar cube on your night stand.

    I also ask listener questions including: Is protein important? Is Atom a fan of eating ripe fruit only? How old is Atom chronologically? What are his thoughts on a vegetarian diet with dairy, eggs and bone broth? How do women consume sugar without affecting their pH levels? Atom's thoughts on diabetes... Does sugar destroy the brain? and more...

    Atom's websites:



    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Does wearing silver embedded EMF blocking clothing harm your health? Is grounding your sheet to the wall outlet sometimes better than grounding rod to earth? What is the main benefit of grounding yourself? How do you properly use EMF blocking paint on the walls? What are beneficial things you can implement for your health when building a new home? Do EMF blocking tents and canopies work? Are electric vehicles more harmful to our health than internal combustion engine vehicles?

    We delve into all of this and more with Brian Hoyer of Shielded Healing. He trained at the Klinghardt Academt and is a certified Geobiologist. Brian and his team travel the country upgrading home environments to be more conducive to health. I learned a lot in this interview and it made me question several of my assumptions about EMF mitigation.

    Brian's websites:



    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • Pedro DoAmaral is a biotechnology and biomedical student that is interested in getting to the root of how our biology works. In this episode he talks about milk, why he likes higher protein intake, why the raw carrot is not the end all be all fiber solution, his long covid recovery, the health benefits of coffee and tobacco, the difference between niacin and niacinamide, how fucoxanthin interacts with light, phosphatidylserine vs phosphatidylcholine, the power of melatonin as an antioxidant, and much more.

    Pedro's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thucydides__/

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com

  • I was thrilled to interview the youngest podcast guest i've ever had on the show. Calvin Scheller is currently 18 years old and has been studying human physiology and nutrition since the age of 13. He is self taught but he is also enrolled in college and pursuing a degree in biology with a specialization in bioprocess technology.

    In this episode he breaks down the subject he knows best, insulin resistance. He tears apart the conventional dogmas pushed by the ketogenic and carnivore community. He explains the biochemistry of why carbohydrate consumption is not the problem, although minimizing them for a time could be beneficial for some people, not everyone.

    This is a very technical episode where Calvin rapid fire explains the biochemistry of glucose and insulin and why the focus should not be on macronutrients but more on maintaining a healthy body weight and exercising regularly. I ask him several listener questions that were sent in near the end.

    Calvin's website: https://www.calvinscoaching.com

    Calvin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@calvinscheller846

    Calvin's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calvin_scheller/?hl=en

    Calvin's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@redsox3433?_t=8bUiRjxed47&_r=1

    My website: www.matt-blackburn.com

    Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co

    Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com