
  • Scott Snider is a recognized expert in family business dynamics and the CEO of Exit Planning Institute (EPI), where he leads efforts to educate advisors and business owners on succession planning and value acceleration strategies. With a background in finance and a passion for helping businesses navigate leadership transitions and maximize their value, Scott is dedicated to providing practical insights and methodologies through EPI's training programs and resources. His work, alongside industry leaders like Jonathan Goldhill, focuses on addressing the unique challenges of generational transitions, disruptive successors, and adapting businesses in response to challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, making him a sought-after speaker and consultant in the field of family business advisory.


    In this episode of Disruptive Successor, Jonathan Goldhill Jonathan Goldhill welcomes back Scott Snider, President of the Exit Planning Institute (EPI). Scott shares his journey from exiting his first business to leading a family-run institute that educates advisors on exit planning. The discussion dives into the significance of exit planning, challenges in running family businesses, and the impact of EPI’s value acceleration methodology. Learn how Scott and his team navigated pandemic-related hurdles, the importance of strategic planning, and future goals for EPI. This episode is packed with insights for next-generation leaders, family business owners, and entrepreneurs interested in succession planning and maximizing business value.


    Value Acceleration Methodology: Understanding the importance of aligning business, personal, and financial goals to create a significant and valuable company.Transitioning Leadership: Insights into the challenges and strategies for successfully transitioning leadership within a family business.Impact of COVID-19: How EPI pivoted from in-person to virtual training during the pandemic and what it taught about resilience and adaptability.Generational Shifts: Observations on how different generations approach exit planning and the implications for advisors and business owners.Communication and Decentralization: The critical role of regular communication and the need to decentralize control to empower the next generation of leaders.


    "We all know that what got us here isn't going to get us there.""Value acceleration is about blending business, personal, and financial goals for long-term significance.""The pandemic forced us to pivot quickly, and it showed us the strength of our team and the importance of being adaptable.""Regular communication is absolutely critical in a family business, especially during leadership transitions.""Different generations have different approaches to exit planning, and it's important to understand these shifts to better serve business owners."

    Connect and learn more about Scott Snider.
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-snider-epi/

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Shelley Hoss, Chief Executive Officer at Orange County Community Foundation, brings over 38 years of leadership in philanthropic organizations to the discussion. She offers deep insights into the transformative role of community foundations in integrating philanthropy into business models. Shelley highlights how such integration not only enhances community engagement, reputation, and customer loyalty but also boosts employee satisfaction. She delves into practical strategies for engaging younger generations in philanthropy and shares the personal fulfillment that comes from making a meaningful impact.

    Drew Hoeven, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Westport Properties, shares his family's inspiring journey of blending business success with purposeful philanthropy. He discusses the strategic advantages of charitable giving, including tax benefits, and emphasizes the importance of aligning corporate values with philanthropic efforts. Drew's perspective underscores how businesses can drive positive social change while achieving sustainable growth.


    In this episode of Disruptive Successor, host Jonathan Goldhill explores the power of strategic philanthropy and its multiple benefits with guests Shelley Hoss, a 38-year leader in philanthropic organizations, and Drew Hoeven, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Westport Properties. They discuss how integrating philanthropy into business models can increase community engagement, reputation, employee satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The episode also highlights the tax advantages of charitable giving, the personal rewards of making a difference, and strategies for involving younger generations in giving. Shelley explains the role of community foundations, and Drew shares his family's journey in combining business success with impactful philanthropy.


    Strategic Integration of Philanthropy: Shelley Hoss and Drew Hoeven emphasize the transformative impact of integrating philanthropy into business models. This approach not only enhances community engagement but also strengthens reputation, increases employee satisfaction, and fosters customer loyalty.Personal Fulfillment and Legacy: The episode underscores the personal rewards of making a difference through philanthropy. Drew Hoeven shares his family's journey, illustrating how businesses can align success with meaningful social impact to leave a lasting legacy.Tax Advantages and Strategic Giving: Discussions highlight the strategic advantages of charitable giving, including tax benefits. Understanding these incentives can empower businesses to optimize their philanthropic efforts while achieving financial goals.Engaging the Next Generation: Strategies for involving younger generations in philanthropy emerge as a crucial theme. Shelley Hoss explores effective methods for cultivating a philanthropic mindset among the next generation, ensuring continuity and sustainability in charitable endeavors.Business Culture and Social Responsibility: Integrating philanthropy into business culture emerges as a strategic imperative. By embedding social responsibility into core values, businesses can achieve both financial success and meaningful societal contributions.


    "This is all part of a whole integrated approach to life, business, and personal life. And philanthropy can be this amazing bridge to help next-gen leaders bring their business forward, take advantage of all the benefits that you outlined, but also to feel a greater sense of integrity with how they want to be leading their companies.""I think a lot of the younger generation, when they're looking to apply for companies, if you don't have that piece, they're going to move on... It's a big part of company culture and ours in particular.""Encouraging employees to volunteer their time for community service and organizing group volunteer activities... It attracts candidates who come and say, 'I want to work for your company because of who you are and what you do in the community.'""There are so many reasons to give, and there are so many benefits to it. Not the least of which is the psychic benefit, the emotional benefit, call it what you will, that you get from participating and doing something that can really have an impact in your community."

    Connect and learn more about our guests:
    Shelley Hoss’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelley-hoss-1233a711/
    Drew Hoeven’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drew-hoeven-0669691/

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

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  • Andrew Hartman, is a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience in marketing tech firms and software startups. Specializing in time management and strategic prioritization, Andrew developed the Time Boss Model to help individuals achieve their goals without compromising their mental health. After experiencing burnout and significant stress early in their career, Andrew transformed their approach to work, learning how to manage their time effectively and reduce anxiety. This led to the creation of the Time Boss Model, a framework built from 15 years of experimentation and learning, designed to maintain a sustainable work pace while making substantial progress on key priorities.

    Currently serving as a Fractional COO, Andrew also coaches business leaders and high-level professionals on optimizing their time and maintaining their well-being. Their unique approach blends practical strategies with a focus on mental health, empowering others to close their workday stress-free and maintain a deep sense of peace.


    In this episode of Disruptive Successor, host Jonathan Goldhill welcomes Andrew Hartman, founder of Time Boss, to discuss effective time management strategies for leaders. Andrew shares his journey from burnout to creating Time Boss, a system that helps individuals and teams optimize their relationship with time, reduce stress, and enhance productivity. He emphasizes prioritizing tasks, setting boundaries, and establishing habits that support focused work. Key topics include the pitfalls of multitasking, the benefits of the Pomodoro technique, and methods for achieving work-life balance.


    Focus on Time Management and Productivity: The episode centers on strategies for effective time management and productivity enhancement.Guest Introduction: Andrew Hartman, founder of Time Boss, shares his personal journey from experiencing burnout to developing a system to help business leaders manage their time more efficiently.Importance of Establishing Habits: Andrew emphasizes the significance of establishing positive habits to optimize productivity and maintain work-life balance.Understanding Capacity: Andrew discusses the importance of understanding one's capacity and avoiding multitasking to enhance productivity.Strategic Prioritization: Strategies such as the Pomodoro method and the Pareto principle are highlighted as effective tools for prioritizing tasks and managing stress.Clarity and Planning: The episode underscores the importance of clarity, proper planning, and setting boundaries to ensure sustainable success in both personal and professional life.


    “We all know that what got us here, isn't going to get us there.” “You cannot manage all the things in your head at the same time, you have to be able to get them out in front of you into a system where you can see them.”“Being thoughtful always of how am I setting up my future self to really have the life that they want? I think it comes down to the decisions we make today.”“A one-degree positive course correction can mean lift off. A one-degree negative course correction or a lack of course correction can drive you into the ground over time.”

    Connect and learn more about our guest, Andrew Hartman.
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewhartman/
    Time Boss website: https://www.timeboss.us/

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Nikki Rausch, founder of Sales Maven, is a renowned sales expert, author, and speaker specializing in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to enhance sales conversations and strategies. With over 25 years of experience in sales and sales training, Nikki helps entrepreneurs and business leaders improve their communication skills, build authentic relationships, and achieve higher sales success through her proven, rapport-building techniques. Her unique approach to sales blends psychology and practical tactics, empowering individuals to confidently and effectively close deals while maintaining genuine connections with their clients.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill is joined by Nikki Rauch, CEO of Sales Maven, to discuss transformative sales techniques. Nikki shares her insights on effective communication, neuro-linguistic programming, and the significant difference between 'cat calling' and 'dog calling' techniques in creating curiosity. She breaks down her 'Selling Staircase' framework into five actionable steps: Introduction, Create Curiosity, Discovery, Proposal, and Close. The conversation delves into how Nikki's methods ensure authentic, client-centered sales interactions. Learn how these practices can be adapted for better communication within family businesses and entrepreneurial environments.


    Introduction to NLP: Understand the basics of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and its application in improving sales and communication.Five Steps of the Selling Staircase: Learn the structured approach to sales that can be adapted to different contexts and industries.Importance of First Impressions: Discover strategies for making a powerful and positive first impression in sales conversations.Matching and Mirroring Techniques: Explore how adjusting your communication style to match your client's can build rapport and ease conversations.Motivational Traits in Sales: Gain insights into recognizing and leveraging towards and away from motivational strategies in your sales approach.Practical Applications: Real-world examples and tips on how to apply these techniques in everyday interactions to improve relationships and sales outcomes.


    "Sales is something you do with another person, not to another person.""When you can learn how to communicate in a way that is comfortable for the other person, then conversations get easier.""Understanding your client's motivational traits can help you tailor your approach to meet their needs effectively.""The selling staircase is a structure that allows your personality and relationship with the client to shine through while following a proven path to success."

    Connect and learn more about our guest, Nikki Rausch.

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Steve Hasty is a dynamic second-generation family business owner and entrepreneur, currently serving as the president and owner of Hasty Awards, a leading company in the awards industry. With over 30 years of experience, Steve has significantly expanded the business, diversifying its product offerings and transforming it into a major player in the market. Beyond his primary business, he co-owns Swimming World, where his strategic leadership has enhanced the company's influence within the swimming community. Demonstrating his entrepreneurial versatility, Steve also holds a majority stake in Smarter Paw, an award-winning pet products company. His commitment to community development and passion for sports governance further underscore his multifaceted career.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill features Steve Hasty, a second-generation family business leader and owner of Hasty Awards. Steve shares his journey from university student to business owner, elucidating the challenges and successes involved in transitioning leadership from his parents. He discusses his strategic innovations, including the introduction of technology and significant business expansions. The conversation further explores Steve's involvement in Swimming World Magazine and SmarterPaw, highlighting his entrepreneurial spirit across diverse industries. Listeners gain insights into managing family business dynamics, fostering employee loyalty, and identifying future opportunities in the sports sector.


    Generational Transition: Steve's experience highlights the importance of smooth power transitions within family businesses, emphasizing the balance between respecting legacy and embracing innovation.Embracing Technology: The integration of technology was crucial in expanding Hasty Awards' product offerings and improving efficiency, demonstrating the necessity of modernization in business growth.Crisis Management: Navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic, Steve’s strategy of investing in equipment and modernizing operations underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in business.Leadership and Mentorship: The value of gaining external work experience before joining a family business is evident in how Steve’s children were prepared for leadership roles, ensuring they brought valuable skills and perspectives.Diverse Ventures: Steve’s involvement in various ventures, including Swimming World magazine and Smarter Paw, illustrates the benefits of diversifying interests and leveraging expertise across industries.


    "We were really still all on the same team, whoever was at the head of the company didn’t matter.""We took that whole period of time [COVID-19] and invested in our equipment, modernizing, and getting ready for the push we felt would ultimately come.""It's tough being a dad and boss, but I wanted my kids to understand the value of working for someone else before joining the family business.""Connecting kids with trainers and workout routines via their phones is where I see the biggest opportunity now in the sports sector."

    For more details on Steve’s professional activities, you might want to visit the Hasty Awards website: https://www.hastyawards.com/

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Jon Bassford is a visionary entrepreneur and operations professional who thrives on creating and driving change. As the Founder and CEO of Lateral Solutions, an operations management company, our guest specializes in helping organizations achieve growth through streamlined and effective operations.

    In the entrepreneurial and business world, "10X" is a popular buzzword. However, it's impossible to 10X your business if you're bogged down by daily operational details instead of focusing on growth and strategy. Our guest's expertise lies in transforming organizational operations to foster efficiency and effectiveness, paving the way for substantial growth and success.


    In this episode of Disruptive Successor, host Jonathan Goldhill sits down with Jon Bassford, focusing on operations management for entrepreneurs and family businesses. It covers the importance of getting operations right to create efficiencies and foster growth by moving beyond the do-it-yourself mentality. Bassford shares insights from his journey from law school to becoming a visionary entrepreneur and operations professional. The discussion also delves into the challenges of adopting new technologies and the need for a mentality shift towards open-mindedness and curiosity. Additionally, the concept of letting go for growth and success in business transitions is explored, emphasizing the importance of operational efficiency, compliance, and the role of a fractional COO in achieving scalable success.


    Importance of Operational Efficiency: Effective operations are crucial for creating efficiencies and fostering business growth. Moving beyond the do-it-yourself mentality is essential for scaling and success.Insights from Jon Bassford's Journey: Bassford shares his unique path from law school to becoming a visionary entrepreneur and operations professional. His experiences highlight the importance of strategic operational management in driving business success.Challenges of Adopting New Technologies: The episode delves into the difficulties businesses face when integrating new technologies. A shift towards open-mindedness and curiosity is necessary to overcome these challenges.Letting Go for Growth: The discussion emphasizes the concept of letting go for growth and success, especially in business transitions. Operational efficiency and compliance play key roles in this process.


    “We all know that what got us here isn't going to get us there.”“Our proven practices challenge business owners to think differently about their business and how they're running it and quite literally become game changers in our clients' companies.”“The concept is you know that the more I do myself, the more money there is going to be for my business and my family.”“Letting go is about understanding. It's about the work you put into it and letting the results happen. The more that you try to push and make things happen, the more resistance you get back.”

    Connect and learn more about Jon Bassford.

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Steven Wilkinson is a seasoned advisor with 35 years of experience in investing and company leadership, specializing in guiding owner managers of mid-market companies through transitions and growth phases. Based in Ireland, Steven brings a unique perspective rooted in his background working at the intersection of finance and entrepreneurship, particularly in Germany's Mittelstand sector. With a deep understanding of financials and various business models, Steven is known for his holistic approach to advising, prioritizing strategic visioning, financial integrity, and governance. His insights into the symbiotic relationship between ethical business practices and prosperity make him a sought-after mentor for entrepreneurs aiming to achieve sustainable success.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill features returning guest Steven Wilkinson, exploring strategies for next-generation leaders in family businesses and entrepreneurs aiming to disrupt and advance their industries. Jonathan introduces the podcast's focus on inspiration, advice, and resources for entrepreneurial leaders seeking impact. The episode delves into Steven's background and the ethos behind his company, Good and Prosper Limited, highlighting the synergy between being good in businesses and achieving prosperity. Through discussions around financials, business models, and strategic planning, Steven shares insights into improving a business's margin structure, differentiating pricing strategies, and the essential mindset shifts necessary for success. The conversation also touches upon the importance of preparing for economic cycles and the potential impacts of global and political changes on small and medium-sized businesses. Additionally, Steven emphasizes the significance of mental preparation and risk management ahead of economic downturns, offering practical advice for business positioning during uncertain times.


    Ethics vs. Prosperity: Steven challenges the misconception that being good in business and being prosperous are mutually exclusive, emphasizing the correlation between ethical conduct and financial success.Financial Mastery: Understanding the intricacies of the business model, including revenue streams, cost structures, and market dynamics, is essential for optimizing profitability and sustainability.Specialization and Differentiation: The top 10% of successful businesses excel through disciplined planning, specialization, and constant improvement, setting themselves apart from the competition.Owner Manager vs. Owner: Distinguishing between the roles of an owner manager, who predominantly operates as a manager, and an owner who strategically oversees the business, is crucial for effective leadership and long-term growth.Pricing Strategy: Rather than mirroring industry norms, businesses should adopt a proactive approach to pricing, recognizing their unique value proposition and avoiding the trap of pricing for failure.


    "The choice between being good and being prosperous is a false dichotomy. The better you are, the more prosperous you'll become.""Success in business hinges on mastering the financial model, understanding market dynamics, and making intentional decisions for growth.""The top 10% achieve profitability not by accident but through disciplined planning and specialization.""Owner managers often spend the majority of their time as managers, neglecting their role as owners in strategic decision-making.""Pricing strategy is a key determinant of profitability; pricing for failure occurs when businesses fail to differentiate and understand their value proposition."

    Connect and learn more about Steven Wilkinson.

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Madeline Miller, a seasoned executive coach and former attorney, brings a unique blend of experience and insight to her work. With a career spanning across diverse sectors and continents, from corporate law to entertainment, including a role as a production attorney on the James Bond franchise, Madeline has honed her ability to navigate uncertainty and achieve milestone successes. Fueled by her own quest for purpose and fulfillment, she founded Coaching with Madeline to empower rising leaders, particularly Gen Z and millennial men and women, in aligning their career choices with their values, developing interpersonal skills, and combating burnout. Through her AIR framework, Madeline helps individuals craft meaningful careers, navigate intergenerational workplaces, and cultivate impactful leadership styles.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill features career and leadership coach Madeline Miller, who specializes in making executive coaching more accessible and inclusive for Gen Z and millennial leaders. Madeline shares her journey from a career in law, including a role as a production attorney for the James Bond movie franchise, to founding Coaching with Madeline, where she helps young leaders align their work with their values, develop interpersonal skills, and build resilience. The discussion encompasses the differences between baby boomers, Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z in the workplace, focusing on the latter's higher expectations, need for purpose, financial insecurities, and unprecedented levels of burnout. Madeline introduces her AIR framework (Alignment, Influence & Impact, and Resilience) designed to guide young professionals in their leadership journeys. The episode also addresses the challenges of virtual communication, the importance of managing difficult conversations, and the benefits of group coaching for fostering a sense of community among younger employees. The conversation highlights the need for personalized coaching to help individuals navigate the complexities of modern work environments while preparing them to become emotionally resilient leaders.


    Generational Differences: Understanding the distinct mindset and behaviors of Gen Z and millennials compared to previous generations.Alignment: Recognizing the importance of aligning personal values with career choices to combat misalignment burnout.Influence and Impact: Developing interpersonal skills, leadership profiles, and conflict resolution abilities to enhance recognition and effectiveness in the workplace.Assertiveness vs. Aggression: Exploring the nuanced differences between assertive communication and aggressive behavior, particularly relevant for younger professionals.Creating Psychological Safety: Building environments where employees feel empowered to voice concerns and navigate challenges without fear of reprisal.


    "Misalignment burnout is one of the most common forms of burnout in the workplace.""Assessments are great, but personalized exploration often yields deeper insights.""Assertiveness isn't about aggression; it's about authentically using your voice.""Psychological safety fosters productivity by empowering employees to address deeper issues."

    Connect and learn more about Madeline Miller.
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: https://www.CoachingwithMadeline.com/

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Maryann G. Bell is a seasoned partner at Wingspan Legacy Partners, an esteemed family business advisory firm. With a wealth of experience garnered from her tenure at Goldman Sachs across New York, Boston, and London, coupled with her MBA from Harvard University, Maryann brings invaluable insights to the complexities of multi-generational family enterprises. As a philanthropic leader in Austin, Texas, and a governance authority chairing numerous boards, Maryann is dedicated to helping enterprising families navigate succession, governance, and legacy planning with clarity and strategic foresight.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill delves into the intricacies of having difficult conversations in family businesses, particularly regarding succession planning and ownership transfer. Joined by guest Maryann G. Bell, they explore the challenges, consequences, and strategies for effective communication within family enterprises.


    Succession planning involves delicate discussions about authority, ownership, and financial matters, crucial for the sustainability of family businesses.Open communication and mutual understanding are essential to navigate through difficult topics such as succession, ownership, and financial planning.Advanced notice and framing the conversation with clear objectives can help set a positive tone and facilitate productive discussions.Neutral settings and active listening without distractions foster an environment conducive to meaningful dialogue.Facilitators or advisors can provide valuable support in navigating complex family dynamics and mediating challenging conversations.Establishing policies and procedures, such as buy-sell agreements, distribution policies, and family constitutions, can provide clarity and structure for succession planning and ownership transfer.


    "Clarity is kindness when it comes to addressing difficult topics within family businesses.""Succession planning involves delicate discussions about authority, ownership, and financial matters, crucial for the sustainability of family businesses."

    Connect and learn more about Maryann G. Bell.

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Franco Perez is an innovative entrepreneur and the driving force behind Franco Mobile Homes. Growing up in a family with unstable housing, Franco was determined to create affordable housing solutions in Silicon Valley and beyond. He discovered the potential of mobile home parks and has since built a successful business focused on helping families transition from renting to mobile home ownership. Franco's goal is to provide a stepping stone for families to achieve financial security and ultimately purchase their own homes.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill interviews Franco Perez, the founder of Franco Mobile Homes. Franco shares his personal journey from experiencing housing instability to becoming a pioneer in affordable housing solutions. He discusses the misconceptions and stigmas associated with mobile homes and highlights the benefits of mobile home ownership. Franco explains how his company is reimagining mobile homes and converting old trailers into luxurious, modern homes. He also addresses the housing crisis and the importance of providing affordable housing options for middle-class families. Franco's passion for helping others and his commitment to creating positive change in the housing industry shines through in this inspiring conversation.


    Franco Perez's personal experience with housing instability inspired him to create affordable housing solutions.Mobile homes offer a more affordable option for families looking to transition from renting to homeownership.Mobile homes provide the benefits of homeownership, including tax breaks, appreciation, and the ability to build equity.Franco Mobile Homes is focused on rebranding and destigmatizing mobile homes through education and showcasing the modern, luxurious options available.The company is expanding its reach to other metro areas and partnering with construction companies to provide affordable housing solutions nationwide.


    "Mobile homes are a perfect stepping stone and a beautiful place for people to start their wealth-building journey.""Mobile homes provide a more flexible and affordable option for middle-class families to enter the housing market and build financial security.""Our goal is to enable people in other areas to build affordable housing solutions by sharing our blueprints and partnering with construction companies."

    Connect and learn more about Franco Perez.

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Jennifer Lee is a highly experienced financial expert and the founder of Modern Wealth, a Sarasota-based firm specializing in guiding individuals through significant life transitions. With over three decades of industry experience, Jennifer's approach is deeply rooted in understanding her clients' values and aspirations, translating financial resources into meaningful life goals. She particularly focuses on empowering women through life changes such as divorce, inheritance, and retirement planning, bridging the emotional and financial aspects seamlessly. Central to her philosophy is the concept of the "family love letter," facilitating communication of values, wishes, and financial plans to loved ones. Jennifer's accessible demeanor and unwavering commitment to client success make her a trusted advisor, whether through her book, podcasts, or personalized consultations, as she helps clients achieve financial well-being and leave a lasting legacy.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill delves into the intricate world of family businesses and financial planning with guest Jennifer Lee, founder of Modern Wealth. From her unique perspective as a successor in a family business, Jennifer shares insights on the emotional intersections of finance, family, and legacy. Key topics include the importance of communication, crafting a family love letter, and bridging generational transitions in wealth and business.


    Navigating Generational Transitions: Understanding the complexities of transitioning wealth and business ownership between generations, from succession planning to fostering communication.Emotional Intelligence in Financial Planning: Recognizing the emotional impact of financial events and leveraging emotional intelligence to guide clients through transitions.The Power of the Family Love Letter: Exploring the concept of the family love letter as a tool for communicating values, intentions, and financial plans to loved ones.Challenges Facing Women in Finance: Addressing the unique challenges women face in financial planning, from divorce to navigating family business dynamics.Building Trust and Connection: Establishing meaningful connections with clients by aligning financial strategies with personal values and goals.


    "Money is just a tool. It's not something to fear. It's a tool to facilitate where you want to go.""It's never too late to get started today.""Opening the mind of the existing owner to the future and to different scenarios is key to bridging generational transitions.""The family love letter softens communication between family members and explains the intentions behind legal documents.""Succession planning isn't a 1+1=2 scenario. It requires ongoing discussions and strategic considerations." - Jonathan Goldhill

    Connect and learn more about Jennifer Lee.

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Gina Cotner is the founder and CEO of Athena Executive Services, a pioneering firm that pairs virtual executive assistants with busy entrepreneurs and executives across the United States. With over 15 years of experience working remotely on national and international teams, Gina brings a wealth of knowledge in optimizing productivity and streamlining operations. She has a passion for empowering her team members and fostering a culture of innovation within her organization.

    Dorian Zarbakhsh serves as the Operations Manager at Athena Executive Services, working closely with Gina in the process of succession planning and business development. As a member of the next generation, Dorian brings fresh perspectives and technological savvy to the table. With a background in coaching and personal development, Dorian is committed to guiding the company towards continued growth and success. Together with Gina, Dorian is navigating the challenges and opportunities of transitioning leadership from one generation to the next in a family business setting.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill delves into the complex world of succession planning in family businesses. He is joined by Gina Cotner and Dorian Zarbakhsh, CEO and operations manager respectively, of Athena Executive Services. Gina shares the origin story of her business and how Dorian, from a different generational perspective, is being groomed as her successor. They discuss the challenges and dynamics involved in passing the baton from one generation to the next, touching on conflicts, changes in technology, and the importance of trust and empowerment.


    Succession planning in family businesses involves navigating generational differences and evolving business landscapes.Empowering the next generation involves giving them room to make discoveries and learn from mistakes.Trust and patience are essential in fostering growth and development within the business.The purpose of the business extends beyond financial success to include personal fulfillment and connection with purpose.Balancing tradition with innovation is crucial for sustained success in family enterprises.


    "What got you here isn't going to get you there. You're going to need new tools, new technology, new people, new processes.""I believe and have experienced nine times out of ten, what they do is great. And when they do it, and they got the bandwidth given by me to do it, then they experience themselves as triumphant.""The purpose of the business is not to make money. The purpose of the business is to give you freedom in your life or to connect with your purpose."

    Connect and learn more about Gina Cotner.

    Connect and learn more about Dorian Zarbakhsh.

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at


  • Jay Dixon is a dynamic entrepreneur and former athlete who has seamlessly transitioned his passion for sports into the world of business. With a background in football and a drive for success, Jay founded multiple successful companies and actively participated in numerous business transactions. His latest endeavor, SuccessCoach.com, stands as a testament to his commitment to helping athletes navigate the challenging transition from sports to entrepreneurship. Through his expertise and proven methodologies outlined in his book "After the Game," Jay empowers athletes to unlock their full potential in the business world, guiding them towards fulfilling and prosperous ventures. With a focus on mindset strategies and practical playbooks, Jay Dixon is revolutionizing the way former athletes approach their post-playing careers, inspiring them to achieve disruptive success in their entrepreneurial journeys.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill engages with Jay Dixon, a former athlete turned successful entrepreneur, to explore the dynamic intersection of sports and business. Jay shares his journey from the gridiron to the boardroom, discussing the challenges athletes face post-career and how they can leverage their unique skill set to excel in entrepreneurship. Through his expertise and insights, Jay provides actionable strategies outlined in his book "After the Game" to help athletes transition into the business world successfully.


    Transitioning from an athlete to an entrepreneur involves overcoming identity gaps and finding fulfillment beyond sports.Athletes possess valuable soft skills such as resilience, teamwork, and coachability that are transferable to business.Entrepreneurship through acquisition offers a pathway for athletes to leverage their mindset and network to acquire and operate successful businesses.Success in entrepreneurship requires a shift in mindset, embracing humility, coachability, and adaptability.Athletes can tap into financing opportunities and strategic partnerships to facilitate business acquisitions and growth.


    "Athletics teaches valuable soft skills essential for business success, including resilience and teamwork.""Success in entrepreneurship hinges on embracing humility and being coachable, traits often honed in athletics.""Entrepreneurship through acquisition offers a strategic pathway for athletes to transition into business ownership and maximize their potential.""The key to successful business acquisition lies in identifying synergies and leveraging one's network and skill set.""The journey from athlete to entrepreneur requires a mindset shift and a willingness to embrace new challenges and opportunities."

    Connect and learn more about Jay Dixon.


    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Dan Whittaker, a seasoned CPA and entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience, stands at the intersection of financial expertise and family business insight. As the founder of Whitaker and Company, established in 1999, he has dedicated his career to helping family-owned and closely held businesses in the lower-middle market achieve financial success and build wealth. Growing up amidst entrepreneurial roots, Dan draws from personal experiences to guide clients in navigating the complexities of tax mitigation, financial reporting, and wealth creation. His strategic approach, deeply rooted in understanding diverse industries such as manufacturing, distribution, and high-tech enterprises, reflects a commitment to maximizing tax efficiencies and creating enduring financial success for his clients.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill sits down with Dan Whittaker, a seasoned CPA and entrepreneur, to explore the world of tax planning for family businesses. Discover the often-overlooked strategies that can significantly impact your bottom line and pave the way for long-term financial success. From income shifting to expense optimization, learn how to navigate the complexities of tax laws and create a proactive plan that stands the test of time.


    The importance of starting tax planning early in the year to maximize available strategies.Understanding the four key buckets of tax strategies: income shifting, expense optimization, leveraging government bonuses, and creating tax-exempt income.Real-world case studies showcasing successful tax mitigation strategies, including cost segregation studies and R&D tax credits.The impact of family dynamics on succession planning and tax strategy implementation.Overcoming common challenges faced by family businesses in adopting proactive tax planning approaches.


    "Taxes are somewhat of a controllable expense. When you legally reduce it, the savings over many years can be millions of dollars.""Implementing new tax strategies may require changes, but it's essential to see them as opportunities for growth and sustainability.""Start early, think strategically, and navigate the complexities of tax laws to pave the way for family business success."

    Connect and learn more about Dan Whittaker.

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Justin White is the CEO of K&D Landscaping, a family business that he took over at the age of 25. Under his leadership, the company has experienced significant growth, expanding its revenues, profits, and enterprise value. Justin is also a coach and the founder of The JW Group, where he helps other entrepreneurs and business owners achieve their goals and find fulfillment in their work.


    In this episode of The Disruptive Successor Show, Jonathan Goldhill interviews Justin White, CEO of K&D Landscaping and founder of The JW Group. Justin shares his journey of taking over his parents' business at a young age and his vision to grow the company to $30 million by 2030. He discusses the challenges he faced, including self-doubt and work-life balance, and the lessons he learned along the way. Justin also talks about the importance of dreaming big, believing in oneself, and continuous learning through reading. He highlights the game-changers in his life, including his wife, Lila, and the importance of surrounding oneself with smart people. Justin also discusses the water management department at K&D Landscaping and the Central Coast Water Summit, which aims to educate the community about water conservation. He emphasizes the need for offensive growth in the face of industry consolidation and the entry of private equity firms. Finally, Justin shares his journey as a coach and his passion for helping others achieve their goals and find fulfillment in their work.


    Dream big and don't let anyone talk you down from your dreams.Believe in yourself, even when others don't.Read books to continuously learn and grow.Surround yourself with smart people and don't try to be the smartest person in the room.Understand your strengths and weaknesses and focus on doing what you love and are good at.


    "Dream big and go for the gold.""Believe in yourself because you're stuck with yourself for the rest of your life.""Working hard only gets you so far. You've got to combine working hard with working smart.""Don't try to be the smartest person in the room. Surround yourself with smart people.""Defenses win games. Offenses win championships."

    Connect and learn more about Justin White.



    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • Join Jonathan Goldhill in a riveting episode of Disruptive Successor as he delves into the intricate world of mergers and acquisitions with seasoned expert Kevin Berson. Uncover the common misconceptions, challenges, and success stories behind selling businesses, whether you're a family-owned enterprise or a thriving IT managed service provider. Gain valuable insights and strategic advice to navigate the M&A process effectively.


    M&A is not a quick process; it requires thorough preparation and can take around 9 months on average.The value of a business is not solely based on its potential but primarily on past performance.Buyers are interested in EBITDA, not just revenue, and a clear, accurate financial picture is essential.Choosing the right buyer is crucial – one who aligns with the company's values and culture.Successful M&A involves strategic planning, including transitioning to recurring revenue for added value.Family businesses face unique challenges, such as sibling conflicts and differing views on selling.


    "Buyers are not paying for potential; they want to see how the business has performed in the past.""The process of selling a business is not a sprint; it's a marathon that requires meticulous preparation.""Your business won't trade on a multiple of revenue; it's the multiple of EBITDA that matters most.""Identifying the right buyer is like finding a life partner for your business – values and culture alignment are crucial.""Success in M&A involves strategic transformations, like transitioning to recurring revenue for increased valuation.""Family businesses often face unique challenges, from underpaid family members to disagreements on the next chapter."

    Connect and learn more about Kevin Berson.


    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • In this episode of the Disruptive Successor, Jonathan Goldhill and Les O'Hara delve into the essential elements of entrepreneurial success, focusing on mastering time management and leveraging automation tools for business growth. Les shares his journey as a serial entrepreneur and the pivotal role of financial education, marketing, and CRM systems in scaling businesses. Discover how prioritizing tasks and delegating effectively can unlock significant potential for business owners.


    Financial Education: Implementing sound financial practices and understanding key metrics is essential for business growth.Marketing Strategy: Building a strong brand image and effective messaging can significantly impact customer acquisition and retention.CRM Automation: Utilizing CRM systems streamlines operations, enhances customer interactions, and boosts sales productivity.Time Management: Structuring time effectively and prioritizing tasks according to their impact can maximize productivity and business growth.Delegation and Leadership: Delegating non-core tasks and focusing on high-value activities enables entrepreneurs to scale their businesses efficiently.


    "Nothing happens until someone sells something. Selling is essential for communicating value and driving business growth.""The fortune is in the follow-up. Automation enables consistent and personalized follow-up, fostering strong customer relationships.""Mastering time management is a game changer for entrepreneurs, allowing them to focus on high-impact activities and drive business success."

    Connect and learn more about Les O'Hara.


    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • In this episode of the Disruptive Successor, Jonathan Goldhill engages in a dynamic conversation with Cody Schneider, an entrepreneur and digital marketer, exploring the journey from traditional family businesses to disruptive digital marketing strategies. Cody shares his experiences transitioning from unsexy industries to creating AI tools for content marketing, highlighting the power of educational content and leveraging digital platforms for exponential growth. From revitalizing local businesses to scaling startups, listeners gain insights into navigating marketing evolution and maximizing impact in today's dynamic landscape.


    Transitioning from traditional to digital marketing: Embracing educational content and digital platforms can revolutionize businesses, even in unsexy industries.Harnessing the power of owned and non-owned media: Investing in both short-term transactional marketing and long-term assets like SEO and email lists creates a balanced marketing portfolio.Leveraging platform-specific strategies: Tailoring content to resonate with target audiences on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts can drive local business growth.Building trust through storytelling: Sharing authentic narratives and expertise fosters deeper connections with customers and enhances brand credibility.Seizing marketing arbitrage opportunities: Identifying and capitalizing on emerging trends like TikTok SEO can yield significant competitive advantages in the digital landscape.


    "We want to spend time where your customer is spending time online...creating content that entertains, educates, and builds relationships.""Doubling down on what is working is key to accelerating growth in marketing.""Transitioning from survival-driven short-term marketing to long-term investments in owned media assets is essential for sustainable business growth.""In today's digital age, trust is built through authentic storytelling and value-driven content distribution."l

    Connect and learn more about Cody Schneider.


    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • In this episode of the Disruptive Successor, Jonathan Goldhill delves into the world of acquiring family businesses with Kevin Bibelhausen, Principal at Fruition Capital. Discover the secrets of acquiring stable operating businesses, the challenges faced, and the strategies to navigate the complex acquisition market. From overcoming obstacles to finding the right deals, this episode provides insights and inspiration for next-generation leaders looking to disrupt the status quo in family businesses.


    Diversify or Decline: Kevin emphasizes the importance of diversifying both customers and suppliers to mitigate risks associated with concentration in business relationships.Reducing Owner Dependency: The attractiveness of businesses lies in their ability to operate successfully without heavy dependence on the owner. For buyers, this opens opportunities for active management and growth.Macro-Economic Trends: Explore the impact of interest rates, the micro private equity space, and the continuous demand for businesses in the lower middle market.Check Size Dynamics: Learn about the sweet spot for deal sizes, the role of syndication with other investment groups, and how strategic partnerships enhance the potential for success.


    "Diversifying your suppliers, diversifying your customers for sure... Being able to get what's happening right now." - Kevin Bibelhausen on adapting to supply chain challenges."It is a family environment, and the same is true for a lot of the entrepreneurs that knock on our door." - Kevin Bibelhausen on maintaining a family-oriented culture in acquired businesses."The business did record numbers in January. We grew 20% over last. I wasn't here for half the month. Like that's what you're looking for when you're a buyer." - Kevin Bibelhausen on the value of reducing owner dependency.

    Connect and learn more about Kevin Bibelhausen.


    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

  • In this episode of the Disruptive Successor, Jonathan Goldhill explores the intersection of success, fulfillment, and spirituality with guests Steven D'Angelo, a technology executive turned consultant, and Father Arnold Rosney, a Catholic priest with extensive experience in pastoral care. Together, they delve into the essential components of a fulfilled life, the role of spirituality in success, and the dynamic interplay between personal and professional goals.


    Celebrate Your Differences: Happy and successful individuals celebrate their uniqueness, fostering strong self-esteem and resilience.Silence and Spirituality: Regular moments of silence or meditation contribute to emotional and spiritual well-being, providing clarity and guidance in decision-making.Goal Setting with Purpose: Goals, when aligned with a deeper purpose, contribute to a sense of fulfillment. The journey of pursuing meaningful objectives is as crucial as achieving them.Interconnected Relationships: The concept of family extends beyond blood relations to include all interconnected relationships, fostering a sense of community and support.Divine Dissatisfaction: While appreciating current achievements, it's natural to aspire for more, driving continuous personal and professional growth.


    "Life is a journey with ups and downs; embracing the ebb and flow contributes to true happiness.""Spirituality isn't confined to religious beliefs; it's expressed through acts of kindness, mentorship, and contributions to others' well-being.""Goal setting with purpose creates a sense of purposefulness, contributing to self-esteem and resilience.""Harmony at home begins with recognizing and appreciating the interconnectedness of all relationships, fostering a supportive community.""Divine dissatisfaction encourages the pursuit of meaningful objectives, ensuring a constant drive for personal and professional growth."

    Connect and learn more about Stephen D'Angelo and their works.

    Stephen’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephendangelo/Stephen’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Single-Day-Peace-Inspirational-Principles/dp/1637460333

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com