In this weekly podcast, MMA journalist Fernanda Prates will provide her unfiltered opinions on MMA-related matters and discussions, beyond the sport’s day-to-day headlines. Fernanda will respond to the "keyboard-warriors" and "mansplainers" she encounters on a daily basis on social media, from the vantage point of a female writer in a predominantly male sport. And, she'll maintain a sense of humor and a playful approach to the oftentimes serious topics covered in the world of mixed martial arts.
Garden of the Gods Park is the crown jewel of the Colorado Springs park system. There is no more awe inspiring city park in the country. But Garden of the Gods is much more than a pretty place to picnic. It is a cross section of natural and human history.
Whether you're a long time local or a distant visitor this walking tour podcast has something for everyone. It's the perfect companion for a day in the park, and will lend you entertaining insights into the park's history, trails, wildlife and conservation. -
Welcome to the Noah Torr Podcast, where basketball gets weird. Each episode will be different with a variety of topics being discussed. The focal point of the show is basketball, but we'll dive into odd topics as well. Follow me on Twitter @noahtorr and I hope you enjoy.
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Explore the triumphs, challenges, and remarkable boxing careers of the sport's most iconic figures on Career Profiles. Each episode delves into their origins and the obstacles they faced both in and out of the renowned boxing ring. Please find us on the Sport Social website:
Beyond The Press isn’t about clickbait. We aren’t Stephen A or Shannon making outrageous takes to get plays. We are sitting down with the legends of yesterday, today, and tomorrow and hearing their real stories. These are the stories they’ve always wanted to tell but haven’t had the stage to do it. Some will be funny, some will be mind-blowing, while others will inspire. Jaron Blossomgame isn’t a reporter, he’s a hooper. He’s shared the court with these legends, spilled blood, competed, trash talked, felt the thrill of victory and pain of defeat. So grab a drink and let Jaron take you, beyond the press.
Serien där personerna bakom rubrikerna berättar om några av svenska sporthistoriens största händelser. I Episka Ögonblick hör du exklusiva intervjuer med Charlotte Kalla, Stefan Holm och Christian Olsson, Thomas Ravelli och Tommy Svensson samt Jan-Ove Waldner och Mikael Appelgren. Producerat av Soundtelling för Podme.Hör alla avsnitt av Episka ögonblick hos Podme!
Sporun popüler kültürle kesişen yolculuğunda Tuğçe Özdenoğlu, müzikten reklama, sinemadan çizgi romana değin birçok alana spor tutkunu konuklarıyla beraber mikrofon uzatıyor. Spor Kulübü, yeni üyelerini bekliyor! | Artwork Tasarım: Studio These Days, Jingle Tasarım: Gökhan Bıyık, Jingle Seslendirmen: Elif Sıla Çam, Prodüksiyon Partneri: TuzBiber FM & fugamundi | Soru, öneri, reklam ve işbirliği talepleri için: [email protected]
What if the NBA never vetoed the Chris Paul trade to the Lakers? What if the Seahawks ran the ball on the one yard line in the Super Bowl? Could a coin flip have landed Magic in Chicago, Michael in LA and made Charles Barkley the first Black President? Wait, what?!! Questions like these have broken the brains of sports fans since the beginning of time.
Enter Wondery’s newest sports show, Alternate Routes, a weekly leap into the sports multiverse where former SportsCenter anchors, Trey Wingo and Kevin Frazier pry open the sliding doors of a different “what if’' moment from the world of sports. In these alternate sports realities, dynasties will fall! Legacies will change forever! New GOATs will emerge! Join Trey and Kevin every week as they travel every path, go down every rabbit hole and follow every alternate route, no matter how far-flung or far-fetched.
Listen to Alternate Routes on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+ now. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.
Kültür, Sanat, Edebiyat, Felsefe, Psikoloji, Kişisel Gelişim, Belgesel, Film kısaca ortamlarda satabileceğiniz bilgilerin olduğu podcastler.
Reklam ve iş birlikleri için: [email protected] -
Yusuf Taha Lüleci tarafından yapılan bu Türkçe podcast yayınında yıllardır ele alınması gereken konular üstümüze vazife olmayacak şekilde ve bir dost niteliğinde masaya yatırılıp, sırtı sıvazlanıp, ince eleyip sık dokuyup sizlere sunuluyor.
Sevgili podcast dinleyicileri, kulaklığınızı takın ve toplumsal tabuların da hedef alındığı bu münakaşaya ortak olun.