
  • In a recent episode of Didaché, host Justin Peters delves into the controversial figures and practices within the charismatic movement, focusing on Mark Driscoll's contentious actions at the Stronger Men's Conference. Peters and guest Phil Johnson discuss the implications of Driscoll's behavior, including public rebukes and affirmations that blurred lines of accountability and biblical leadership. The podcast critically examines the charismatic movement's endorsement of questionable leaders and the potential harm this poses to the integrity of Christian witness.

    Pertinent Links

    Phil Johnson's review of Driscoll's book on marriage
    My full review of Driscoll's pornographic visions
    Christian Leaders article on the controversy by Jesse T. Jackson
    Ashamed of the Gospel
    Mars Hill former elders' statement on Driscoll's disqualification for ministry

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In the latest episode of Didaché, Justin Peters critically discusses the passing of Jerry Savelle, a prominent figure in the Word-Faith movement, noting the irony and tragedy of his teachings not safeguarding him from an untimely death. Savelle, known for his close ties with other controversial prosperity gospel preachers, is a key example of the failures inherent in Word-Faith theology. Peters underscores the discrepancies in Savelle's teachings, particularly around prophetic messages that Savelle claimed to receive, yet which were often contradictory. The episode serves as a sober reflection on such religious movements' spiritual and material implications.

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

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  • In this episode of Didaché, host Justin Peters delves into the controversy surrounding Mark Driscoll's removal from the Stronger Men's Conference. The discussion begins with an analysis of Driscoll's contentious actions, including his provocative comments during the event, which are claimed to be a publicity stunt. Peters interviews Travis Allen, a pastor who has had direct past interactions with Driscoll, along with Gabe Hughes, to explore further Driscoll's history and the potential motivations behind his behavior. The episode offers a critical look at the implications of such actions on Christian ministry and leadership integrity.

    Gabe Hughes Church and Youtube channel | Church
     Travis Allen's church

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In a recent episode of Didaché, host Justin Peters addresses a controversial statement by Bill Maher regarding abortion, highlighting the blunt acknowledgment of abortion as murder, albeit one Maher accepts due to overpopulation concerns. Peters challenges Maher's cavalier attitude with a thorough biblical examination of the sanctity of life, referencing Psalm 139 to affirm life's inception at conception. The episode delves into the moral implications of such views and calls for a consistent application of the value of life, criticizing Maher's apparent disregard for its sanctity.

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In the latest episode of Didaché, host Justin Peters critically examines the claims made by David Hogan, a preacher known for his alleged miraculous acts, including raising people from the dead. Peters highlights discrepancies in Hogan's stories, challenges the theological implications of such claims, and scrutinizes the impact on followers. He delves into the lack of evidence supporting Hogan's assertions and critiques the broader charismatic movement for its acceptance and promotion of such controversial figures. This episode calls for discernment among believers, urging them to seek authenticity and scriptural alignment in Christian ministry.

    Link to eyewitness accounts of David Hogan's lies: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In a recent episode of Didaché, host Justin Peters critiques the interpretations and prophetic claims surrounding the solar eclipse by various charismatic leaders. Peters addresses the claims of prophetic significance attached to the solar eclipse date and format, using these examples to underscore his views on using biblical texts to promote such narratives. He argues against such interpretations' credibility and theological soundness, highlighting how they deviate from traditional Christian doctrines. The episode not only dissects these views but also emphasizes the need for scriptural integrity and caution against sensationalism in Christian teachings.

    WWUTT Channel

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In this episode of Didaché, host Justin Peters delves into the recent public call for repentance by televangelist Benny Hinn, as addressed by Dr. Michael Brown. The episode critiques Benny Hinn’s controversial fundraising tactics and alleged false prophecies. Peters examines the concept of true repentance and its implications in the context of biblical qualifications for ministry, questioning whether Hinn meets these standards. The podcast is a critical commentary on accountability and integrity within Christian leadership.

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • The latest episode of Didaché, hosted by Justin Peters, discusses the intersection of Christian views with contemporary social issues, notably the designation of Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) on Easter Sunday, which has caused significant controversy. Peters critiques the decision from a biblical perspective, emphasizing traditional Christian doctrines about human identity and the immutability of gender as created by God. He argues that such governmental proclamations conflict with Christian values and interprets them as a rebellion against divine order. The episode blends scriptural exegesis with current events, aiming to equip believers with theological responses to societal changes.

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In a compelling episode of Didaché, Justin Peters discusses the concerning phenomenon of Donald Trump accepting comparisons to Jesus Christ, sparked by social media interactions and commentary from his supporters.

    Peters delves into the implications of such comparisons, emphasizing Trump's non-Christian status based on his own admission of never seeking God's forgiveness and critiquing the evangelical leaders who endorse this blasphemous parallel. He points to the influence of Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation leaders, like Kenneth Copeland and Paula White, who have historically surrounded Trump, providing him with a skewed understanding of biblical teachings and his spiritual state.

    Justin urges caution and discernment within the Christian community. He advocates returning to biblical truths and rejecting the prosperity gospel that has led to misguided beliefs.

    *I mistakenly called it the International Church of Los Angeles. I meant to say Las Vegas. Sorry for the mistake.

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In a comprehensive episode of Didache, Justin Peters delves into the contentious debate surrounding the Flat Earth theory. He brings in Dr. Danny Faulkner, a physicist with Answers in Genesis and author of "Falling Flat," to counter common Flat Earth arguments. They address various claims, including the visibility of distant objects, the Antarctic Treaty, and supposed biblical support for a flat Earth, providing scientific and biblical rebuttals.

    The episode also includes interviews with Colonel Jeff Williams, a Christian astronaut, and Dr. Jason Lisle, adding credibility to their refutations with firsthand space experience and astrophysical insights. Peters and Faulkner aim to reach those swayed by Flat Earth rhetoric, offering a reasoned discussion emphasizing scientific evidence's consistency with a spherical Earth and the misinterpretation of Scripture by Flat Earth proponents.

    Dr. Faulkner's book Falling Flat
    Article on Flat Earth and Firmament
    Answers in Genesis
    Dr. Jason Lisle and Biblical Science Institute


    00:00 – 09:02 Introduction
    09:02 – 10:03 Interview with Dr. Faulkner begins
    10:03 – 11:10 Who is Dr. Danny Faulkner?
    11:10 – 12:01 What is our theology?
    12:01 – 12:59 Are we Free Masons?
    12:59 – 17:00 Why did you write Falling Flat?
    17:00 – 20:47 Has Flat Earth been the majority view throughout Christian history?
    20:47 – 25:45 What about the Antarctic Treaty?
    25:45 – 28:03 Who are some of the prominent FErs you have met?
    28:03 – 36:09 What about long-distance photography?
    36:09 – 42:12 Why doesn’t the atmosphere rush into the vacuum of space?
    42:12 – 46:29 How did the astronauts make it through the Van Allen belts? 4
    6:29 – 49:58 Did some Apollo astronauts become Christians?
    49:58 – 53:56 Is the moon's shadow during an eclipse too small?
    53:56 – 01:02:13 Does the moon produce cold light?
    01:02:13 – 01:06:41 Shouldn’t airplanes have to dip their nose for the curvature?
    01:06:41 – 01:09:42 How high must one be to see curvature?
    01:09:42 – 01:13:40 Isn’t the ISS too small to be seen if it is really that high?
    01:13:40 – 01:17:17 Does NASA in Hebrew mean “to deceive”?
    01:17:17 – 01:20:31 Don’t you have a Masonic symbol right there over your shoulder?
    01:20:31 – 01:22:53 Has NASA admitted we don’t have the technology to go to the moon?
    01:22:53 – 01:27:19 What is the ISS really?
    01:27:19 – 01:31:53 How does the FE model account for seasons?
    01:31:53 – 01:36:03 How does the FE model account for meteors?
    01:36:03 – 01:39:24 What about the shadow of Mt. Rainer on the bottom of clouds?
    01:39:24 – 01:43:14 What about different star constellations in different hemispheres?
    01:43:14 – 01:45:32 What about star trails?
    01:45:32 – 01:48:54 Can the FE model account for night and day?
    01:48:54 – 01:54:39 Can the FE model account for anything?
    01:54:39 – 01:56:52 How can we trust science when it tells us we came from apes?
    01:56:52 – 02:07:55 Does the Bible teach FE?
    02:07:55 – 02:14:47 Why is this such an important issue?
    02:14:47 – 02:15:48 What is the firmament?
    02:15:48 – 02:17:43 What is Space X?
    02:17:43 – 03:15:30 Interview with ISS Astronaut Col. Jeff Williams
    03:15:30 – 04:07:25 Interview with Dr. Jason Lisle
    04:07:25 – end Wouldn’t God make us the center of creation?

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In a heartfelt episode of Didache, Justin Peters addresses Kanye West's recent statements regarding his faith and self-proclaimed divinity. Kanye's interview, where he questioned the role of prayer and declared himself the "God of me," sparked concern and prompted Peters to offer a biblical perspective.

    Peters critiques Kanye's misunderstanding of Christianity and misapplication of faith as merely a means to an end. Reflecting on Kanye's journey from professing Christianity to his current stance, Peters emphasizes the importance of biblical discernment, the dangers of prematurely elevating new believers to leadership, and the Christian community's responsibility in nurturing genuine faith.

    He concludes with a compassionate call for Kanye to seek a proper understanding of the Gospel, offering guidance and resources for spiritual growth.

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In an informative and engaging episode of the Didache podcast, Justin Peters debunks the Flat Earth Theory using simple observations and scientific principles. He begins by addressing the surprisingly large following this theory has among Christians, expressing concern for the ridicule it brings upon Christianity and the misinterpretation of biblical texts.

    Peters showcases photographs taken from his iPhone to provide an irrefutable argument against the Flat Earth Theory. He illustrates how the sun's rays illuminate the underside of clouds, an occurrence impossible in a flat earth model. He explains the scientific basis of light reflection and the shape of the Earth, encouraging listeners to rely on common sense, scientific evidence, and a correct interpretation of the Bible to recognize the Earth's roundness.

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In this episode of the Didache podcast, Justin Peters critically examines the commonly cited advice of Gamaliel from Acts chapter 5 regarding how to discern true from false teachings. Peters challenges the notion that time alone will reveal a teacher's divine backing, using the advice as a cautionary tale against passivity in the face of questionable teachings.

    He points out that Gamaliel, a Pharisee and not a believer at the time, advised against opposing new movements outright, suggesting they would fail on their own if they were not from God. Peters argues this approach is flawed, citing the longevity of many false religions as evidence that time does not necessarily weed out untruths. He emphasizes the biblical mandate to discern and actively oppose false teachings, marking Gamaliel's advice as unwise and contrary to scripture.

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In a brief yet intriguing episode of the Didache podcast, Justin Peters introduces a segment from his series "Why Are Charismatic So Weird?" with a humorous touch. Move over, Michael Jackson!

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In this episode, Justin Peters engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Virgil Walker and Darryl Harrison about the complex legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., particularly focusing on whether he can be considered a true Christian given his theological views.

    The trio delves into King's early writings, which clearly depart from orthodox Christian doctrines such as the deity of Christ, the resurrection, and the virgin birth. They argue that, despite King's monumental contributions to civil rights and social justice, his theological positions remained inconsistent with core Christian beliefs throughout his life. This podcast also addresses criticisms of John MacArthur's statements regarding King's Christian faith, exploring the evidential basis for questioning King's theological and moral stance.


    Just Thinking with Virgil Walker and Darrell Harrison
    Just Thinking About the State
    Just Thinking About Ethnicity
    G3 Ministries
    Christianity Today article by Justin Giboney
    MLK Easter Sermon at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • In the latest episode of the Didache podcast, Justin Peters interviews Dr. Tom Pennington, pastor of Countryside Bible Church, on his book, "A Biblical Case for Cessationism: Why the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit Have Ended." The discussion delves into cessationism, the belief that miraculous gifts have ceased with the Apostolic Age, versus continuationism, which holds that such gifts persist. Pennington clarifies cessationism, countering misconceptions of the Holy Spirit's inactivity post-Pentecost, asserting the Spirit's ongoing, vital role through non-miraculous means like Scripture. The conversation covers the New Testament's categorization of spiritual gifts, historical patterns of miracles, and responses to common counterarguments, emphasizing the sufficiency of Scripture and the dangers of undermining it through extrabiblical revelations.


    Cessationist Book by Dr. Tom Pennington
    Cessationist Movie
    Cessationist Conference Oct. 3-5, 2024
    Dr. Tom Pennington's sermon on Cessationism at Strange Fire
    Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, TX
    God Doesn't Whisper by Jim Oman

    Time Stamps

    00:00 – 00:57 – Introduction
    00:57 – 07:04 – What is Cessationism and what are the miraculous gifts?
    07:05 – 11:10 What about the frequency of miracles? Were there really just 3 periods of miracles?
    11:11 – 18:58 What about the apparent fading of miracles chronologically through the NT?
    18:59 – 22:50 Does what we see today in the charismatic movement resemble what we see in the NT?
    22:51 – 26:03 Have many charismatics already ceded the basic cessationist premise?
    26:04 – 29:33 Does God still speak today but in a less authoritative way than He did in scripture?
    29:33 – 34:41 Does 1 Peter 4:11 say that God is still speaking in an authoritative way outside of scripture?
    34:42 – 39:02 What is the testimony of church history regarding the miraculous gifts?
    39:03 – 54:13 Why is this such an important issue?
    54:14 - 56:35 Do cessationists really have a low view of the Holy Spirit?
    56:36 – 01:03:11 The danger of the charismatic emphasis on signs, wonders, dreams, and visions over that of scripture

    ➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin

  • Steven Furtick, pastor of Election Church, is known for, shall we say, creative biblical interpretation. He recently made one of his most bizarre interpretations yet. In today’s program, we will discuss this and how it affects his qualifications to be a preacher.

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  • Bethel Church, led by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, is known for an emphasis on signs and wonders, including angel feathers appearing out of thin air in their services. They made this claim just recently, in February of 2024. Kris Vallotton has said he has seen angel feathers appear “on at least a couple hundred occasions.” If that is true, then I have an open challenge to Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton and Bethel Church in general. If they can meet this challenge, I will immediately and permanently shut down my ministry.

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  • Crossroads Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, is known for being seeker-sensitive. In today’s program, we will consider the outrageous behavior of the pastors of this church and discuss the seeker-sensitive approach to doing church. Should we make the church fun and entertaining to draw lost people in?

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  • In 2021, Steven Furtick raised a lot of eyebrows when he, in a hyper-emotive rant, said, "I am God Almighty." People excused that as him getting tongue-tied. Fair enough. But then I found a clip from two years earlier in which he said basically the same thing. Now, in 2024, he may have said the most blatantly heretical statement he has ever uttered. There is no excusing this one.


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