The Tennessee Initiative for Perinatal Quality Care (TIPQC) presents Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Tennessee. This podcast is a discussion with medical providers and other industry experts on all aspects of perinatal health. We will focus primarily on racial disparities and the current opioid crisis effecting moms and babies across our state.
Tennessee Initiative for Perinatal Quality Care (TIPQC) seeks to improve health outcomes for mothers and infants in Tennessee by engaging key stakeholders in a perinatal quality collaborative that will identify opportunities to optimize maternal and infant outcomes and implement data-driven provider- and community-based performance improvement initiatives. Visit for more information on our improvement work in Tennessee.
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Tennessee Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
TIPQC is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee. This podcast is brought to you through a cooperative agreement with the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM).
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¡Hola! Soy Isabel Viña Bas, Médico y divulgadora.
Además, desempeño el rol de cofundadora y mente creativa detrás de las cautivadoras fórmulas de los suplementos de IVB Wellness Lab. Mi reputación como una de las principales autoridades en el ámbito de la suplementación en España es sólida, habiendo dejado huella en numerosas charlas y brindando asesoramiento que están ayudando a miles de personas a través de mi plataforma en Instagram.
Cada sábado, en este podcast, despliego ante ti un enfoque único y claro sobre todo lo que siempre has anhelado conocer acerca de las hormonas y el intrincado mundo del metabolismo. Mi misión es iluminarte con conocimientos para que sepas más y por tanto puedas tomar decisiones informadas, permitiendo que tus hormonas se conviertan en tus aliadas inseparables de tu bienestar.
Los únicos requisitos previos para embarcarte en esta apasionante travesía son un corazón ávido de aprendizaje y un genuino interés en nutrir la salud hormonal. De todo lo demás, encárgate de despreocuparte, ya lo he gestionado por ti.
Sígueme en Instagram @isabelvina para mantenerte al tanto de las últimas novedades y no dudes en compartir tus valiosas sugerencias para futuros episodios.
Prepárate para sumergirte en una experiencia transformadora.
¡Estamos a punto de adentrarnos en un emocionante viaje de descubrimiento, asi que agarrate que vienen curvas! -
Una aventura es algo que está por suceder, y que no sabemos cómo saldrá. En este podcast conversaremos con personas que viven conectadas con su propósito, para inspirarnos de sus ideas, experiencias y hábitos. Cada uno de nosotros está en una aventura humana: no sabemos cuál será el resultado, pero podemos disfrutar el proceso, y construir la vida que soñamos desde decisiones cotidianas.
Lima Saludable es un espacio donde hablamos de diversos temas como emprendimiento, estilo de vida saludable, maternidad en todos sus aspectos ¡y mucho más!
Ale, hablará todas las semanas sobre sus propias vivencias y entrevistará a expertos en el tema.
Producido por Explora Podcasts. -
Plugged In To Nursing is the podcast that celebrates and informs the profession of Nursing. Plugged In to Nursing is a podcast led by nurses, for nurses, and it’s all about helping nurses stay informed about current nursing issues, and to provide an “on-the -go” resource for your clinical and professional learning and growth.
Get ready for a mind-expanding exploration of what it means to lead a life full of joy and purpose! This podcast provides practical wisdom for everyday so that you can be more open to life in all circumstances. Here, we discuss everything from philosophy to literature, art, sociology, and spirituality with one mission in mind: to understand what choices we need to make to lead a fulfilling life. Drawing upon the timeless wisdom of some of the greatest thinkers of the past and present, our goal is to provide a little something to guide you ask the right questions and reflect on what would be the best kind of life for yourself. In each session, you will be given practical tools and techniques that will encourage you to keep going to create the quality of life you desire with passion and enthusiasm. If this sounds like what you've been looking for, hit follow and subscribe!
In this podcast, highly respected, world-renowned, Okinawa Goju Ryu martial artist, and 9th Dan, Sensei Bakkies Laubscher share insights, lessons, and stories from his journey of almost six decades in pursuit of excellence in the mastery of his craft, the martial art of traditional karate.
This podcast is for Queer people by a Queer person, Bryn Brakeley. The host, Bryn, wants to bring a seat to the table for queer-identifying individuals. By reclaiming the slur, queer folks announce their presence in the LGBT+ community. Bryn aims to speak on what it means to be queer, queer vocabulary, and how to find your place in this world as a queer individual. Topics of discussion include honest and open coverage of pop culture, sex, therapy, and Bryn’s first hand experiences.
Hola, soy Karina Masias y siempre estoy buscando granitos de arena para crear un mundo mejor. Como este podcast. La empatía es considerada por grandes corporaciones como la habilidad del futuro, pero yo diría que del presente. En cada episodio veremos cómo y por qué desarrollarla. Te daré tips, herramientas y escucharás a grandes profesionales hablar de su aplicación y poder de alcance. Ya que si queremos seguir creciendo en nuestras vidas, siempre encontraremos con que necesitamos más empatía por favor.
Researchers would love if they can expand time to fit in that publication, article, or review of their topic of interest; if that were true, however, there is no end to bottomless scrolling and missing the important details. PubReading would read out the abstract, results, and discussions to allow hassle-free information and a chance to create connections with like-minded individuals.
This is a preview episode of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Podcast. Through each episode in this series, we speak with medical experts and people living with the condition to understand how to live well with this condition, and guide listeners to additional information and resources that can help. For informational purposes only. Please consult a registered health professional for advice. Visit for more information.
Bio-Hack Your Best Life podcast is a captivating podcast co-hosted by the knowledgeable duo, Billy and Elisabeth Carson, whose combined expertise spans a range of intriguing topics from ancient wisdom to modern science. This podcast stands out as a unique union of their diverse knowledge bases, offering listeners a comprehensive guide to optimizing life through bio-hacking. Each episode delves into different aspects of bio-hacking, such as improving mental clarity, boosting physical health, and enhancing emotional well-being.
Candace is the host of the ALL THINGS RELATABLE Podcast. Because Candace believes that growth and evolution are never complete and that there's always another layer to peel back, she’s all about finding gratitude in every single day and enjoying the journey - even when things suck. Candace understands the magic in storytelling; sharing stories from her own life to those of her diverse guest list from around the world, her mission will always be to Enlighten, Ignite and Inspire. Her podcast has listeners thinking deeper than the latest Tik Tok trend or their grocery list to ensure the next time they run into an old friend they haven’t seen in years, they will be amazed at how much they have grown and evolved.