Fearlessness is courage in the face of fear, not the absence of fear. When we are with someone who is dying, we are confronted by our own death. Our sense of self is fundamentally brought into question as we face our core spiritual problem: the truth of insubstantiality and impermanence. Vidyamala gives a strong account of working with suffering and sorrow in life, and of transforming your experience into one characterized by contentment and a sense of meaning. Excerpted from the talk Dying to Live, 2003.
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Lokeshvara shares how the impact of fear and anxiety led him to learn to meditate. Fear is a universal emotion that can be quite debilitating, but seen in another way, it’s like a little mini-death and an opportunity for Dharma practice. Excerpted from the talk Gesture of Fearlessness given at Buddhafield East, 2010.
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Vajragupta shares how her creativity and devotion flow to (and from) her collection of Barbies. Drawing on the imagery, chakras and mantras of the Five Wisdom Queens, she leads a meditation evoking each of their qualities in turn. Excerpted from the talk Barbies As the Five Wisdom Queens given at Norwich Buddhist Centre, 2024.
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Ratnaprabha tells the story of Queen Vaidehi languishing in prison and longing for a better world. The Buddha teaches her to meditate on the land of Bliss, Amitabha's Pureland. What is the significance of Pureland Buddhism? Excerpted from the talk Birdsong Dharma given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2018.
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In answering the question 'What is Buddhism?', Sangharakshita identifies higher evolution - the development of higher states of consciousness - with the twelve links in the progressive trend of the Buddha's teaching of conditioned co-production. Here he defines the second link, that of faith, translated from the sanskrit shraddha. Excerpted from the talk entitled Buddhism and the Path of the Higher Evolution, part of the series The Higher Evolution, given in 1969.
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Here Paramartha shares a story illustrating Milarepa as teacher, master, vertical kalyana mitra, in relation to Rechungpa, known as his ‘moonlight disciple’. A young but seasoned practitioner, a cotton-clad yogi, devoted to his teacher, but who was a bit head-strong and stuck in his practice. Excerpted from the talk Rechungpa's Unusual Faith given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2010.
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Faith is the sort of emotional response that you have when you are confronted by the embodiment of Enlightenment. Vajragupta shares a story from the life of Milarepa. Excerpted from the talk Faith: the Emotional Response That You Have When You Are Confronted by the Embodiment of Enlightenment given at Mid Essex Buddhist Centre, 2021.
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A lover of chocolate, trees and poetry, Jayaraja explores how to make the Buddha’s teaching real in our lives by looking at the connection between courage and shraddha, commonly translated as 'faith'. Excerpted from the talk Courage, Vulnerability and Healing Our Tempestuous World given as part of the series Seeds of the Heart given in the Dharma Parlour tent, Buddhafield, 2022.
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Suryadarshini retells the story from Sangharakshita's Know Your Mind about staying in contact with faith in the midst of a desert of suffering. She exhorts us to continue to turn towards our experience, even in the absence of pleasure or inspiration. Excerpted from the talk Faith and Doubt In Ten Minutes given at Norwich Buddhist Centre, 2018.
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Here Akashamitra takes us through the first of the five spiritual faculties, shraddha, often translated as faith or confidence. Excerpted from the talk entitled Confidence, part of the series The Five Powers of the Mind given at London Buddhist Centre, 2024.
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Vajradevi explores aspects of faith, including faith and receptivity, the relationship of confidence and doubt in our own practice. She goes on to look at how 'faith is wisdom, but not fully realised.' Excerpted from the talk entitled Exploring the Faculty of Faith, part of the series Pathways to the Beautiful Mind given at Bristol Buddhist Centre, 2019.
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The jewel in Buddhism represents the deepest nature of our being. Punyamala explores the symbol of the jewel in the lotus as evoked in the White Lotus Sutra. Excerpted from the talk entitled Jewel In the Lotus given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2007.
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Just as plants need soil, warmth, light, and rain to grow, so humans need health and leisure, spiritual friendship, intellectual clarity, and the 'Rain of the Dharma'. Sangharakshita draws out the White Lotus Sutra's 'Parable of the Rain Cloud', in a talk entitled The Rain of the Dharma given in the USA, 1993.
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Subhadramati explores the parable of the rain cloud drawing out the dharmic significance of how things arise. Excerpted from the talk Symbols of Life as part of the series Myths and Parables From the White Lotus Sutra given at London Buddhist Centre, 2015.
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Vadanya explores the parable of 'The Return Journey' in the White Lotus Sutra. Excerpted from the talk entitled The Return Journey given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2008.
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In his stirring way, Guhyavajra recounts the parable of the burning house and offers his reflections on its relevance to our lives now. Excerpted from the talk entitled Escape from the Burning House, part of the series The Burning House - an Image from the White Lotus Sutra given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2002.
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When insight arises we feel that it has come of its own accord. Once upon a time a young man abandoned his father and went to live in another country... Akashamitra re-examines the eternal allegory for our times. Excerpted from the talk Myth of the Return Journey as part of the series Myths and Parables From the White Lotus Sutra given at London Buddhist Centre, 2015.
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Jnanavaca kicks off a new seminar series exploring the myths and parables of the glorious White Lotus Sutra. Here he unpacks the wisdom of the parable of the Burning House. Excerpted from the talk Parables From the White Lotus Sutra - The Burning House, given at the London Buddhist Centre, 2015.
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Pursuing the theme of the Mahayana, Sangharakshita outlines its path, its historical roots and its principal scriptures, giving introduction to the White Lotus Sutra as a drama of cosmic enlightenment. Excerpted from the talk The Universal Perspective of Mahayana Buddhism, part of the series Parables, Myths and Symbols of Mahayana Buddhism in the White Lotus Sutra given in 1971.
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In this talk, Nagapriya introduces his new book, "Visions of Mahayana Buddhism." Here he condenses the definition of Mahayana Buddhism from his earlier talks then describes the process of writing the book, why he felt it was needed, and how its structure serves to make the study of Mahayana Buddhism accessible. From the talk Visions of Mahayana Buddhism, the fifth and final talk in a five-part series by Nagapriya exploring Mahayana Buddhism part of the series of the same name, given at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2009.
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