
  • #269: As developers, when we begin writing applications, the focus is often on the code itself. But what if we prioritized the user from the very beginning? This is where human-centered computing comes in. It's about placing the user at the heart of the development process, not merely making assumptions but actually going out and talking to them to understand their needs.

    In this episode, we speak with Katharina Sick about her experiences with human centered computing and how that has helped her as team member of the Dynatrace platform engineering team.

    Katharina's contact information:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katharinasick/

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  • #268: Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, but its true strength lies in its API. Today, containers are prevalent, but tomorrow we might be dealing with a completely different runtime. The Kubernetes API, with its robust and flexible design, is poised to support these transitions seamlessly.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor talk about a few of the different ways that Kubernetes is currently being used and also where it might be headed in the future.

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  • #267: In the fast-paced world of Kubernetes development, ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of applications is crucial. End-to-end testing plays a vital role in detecting bugs, ensuring proper functionality, and maintaining the overall quality of Kubernetes resources.

    But what happens when existing testing tools fall short of meeting the evolving needs of developers and testers? This is what happened to the team working on Kyverno. They were using a tool but they ended up creating Chainsaw to solve their problem.

    In this episode, we speak with Charles-Edouard Brétéché about the struggles the Kyverno team had with existing tools and what the team ended up doing to solve the problem.

    Charles-Edouard's contact information:

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  • #266: The tech industry has witnessed an explosion of new configuration languages that are reshaping the way we manage data structures and generate configuration files. From traditional formats like JSON and YAML to newer languages like Pkl, CUE, and KCL, the landscape of configuration languages is constantly evolving to meet the demands of modern software development.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor talk about where these languages fit in to our projects and how they can help make our lives easier if we are willing to put in the work.

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  • #265: The worlds of Kubernetes and GitOps are constantly evolving, each iteration bringing us closer to a more streamlined, efficient, and powerful way of managing and deploying our software architectures. Kubernetes has become the cornerstone of container orchestration, offering an unmatched level of flexibility and scalability. Meanwhile, GitOps practices are revolutionizing how we view and implement CI/CD pipelines, emphasizing a declarative way to manage infrastructure and applications.

    As the Kubernetes landscape matures, clear winners in each category, such as Cilium for CNI and CertManager for certificate management, are emerging, streamlining the selection process for Kubernetes tooling. This maturation leads to a consolidation of best practices and tools, analogous to the evolution observed in Linux distributions. While diversity in tools offers flexibility, a certain level of standardization is necessary for broader adoption and ease of use.

    In this episode, we talk with John Dietz, CEO and Cofounder of Kubefirst, about a potential future where Kubernetes becomes an unseen yet omnipresent force in software development.

    John's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/vitamindietz

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jd-k8s/

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  • #264: In recent years, the very definition of open source has been subject to scrutiny and reinterpretation. Where once open source projects were largely managed and maintained by individuals or small groups for passion or as a hobby, today, they are at the forefront of business, technology, and innovation. The world's dependence on open-source software is undeniable. From infrastructure to development frameworks, open source underpins much of the digital world.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor reflect on how the adoption and demand for open-source software have evolved. This evolution demands a proportional change in the amount of effort that goes into these projects. No longer are they just "Saturday afternoon fun." They have become critical to business and societal functions. This shift raises a pivotal question. How do we, as a community, sustain and support the growth and maintenance of these projects.

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  • #263: In an era where technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate, the role of a DevOps architect has become increasingly significant. This career path is not just about overseeing development and operations. It involves a deeper understanding of the entire system, requiring a unique blend of experience across development, operations, and beyond.

    The role of a DevOps architect is nuanced, blending the lines between a developer, an operations professional, and ultimately, an architect of comprehensive systems. It's a position that one doesn't simply step into right out of college. Rather, it is the culmination of years of evolving through the tech ranks, acquiring a deep understanding of both the development and operational sides of the aisle.

    In this episode, we speak with Ádám Szücs-Mátyás about his role as a DevOps Architect at a large SaaS company.

    Ádám's contact information:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-szucs/

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  • #262: In the ever-evolving world of software development and IT infrastructure, striking the right balance between ambition and realistic expectations is a common challenge. This balance becomes even more precarious when dealing with the development and implementation of projects, be it in a Greenfield scenario or maintaining and upgrading existing systems.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor review a blog post from Ricardo Castro titled "Engineering Success: Prioritize Progress Over Grand Overhauls".

    Engineering Success: Prioritize Progress Over Grand Overhauls


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  • #261: The future of developer portals is one of seamless integration and intuitive operation. By bridging the gap between complex platforms and the developers who use them, portals can significantly enhance productivity and innovation.

    This vision aligns with the ethos of companies like Port, which emphasizes an open and adaptable approach to developing internal developer portals.

    In this episode, we speak with Zohar Einy, the CEO at Port, about the rapidly evolving landscape of software development and operations and the distinction between developer portals and platforms.

    Zohar's contact information:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zohar-einy/

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/ZoharEiny



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  • #260: In the fast-paced world of technology, advancements are constantly reshaping the way we work. As we strive to stay ahead of the curve, the debate between embracing innovation and resisting change becomes more relevant than ever.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor talk about where they see how AI is being used now, as well as how it will be used going into the future.

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  • #259: Terminals have been around for decades, serving as the backbone of many workflows and operations in the tech world. From managing servers to local file manipulation, terminals offer a direct line to the heart of computing. However, with the advent of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), the terminal's prominence has waned among the general user base, though it remains a powerhouse for those who know how to wield it.

    Wave Terminal has emerged as a beacon of innovation in the static terminal landscape, bringing with it a host of features that leverage today's technology without abandoning the terminal's foundational principles. This modern terminal solution integrates technology, specifically Electron and Go, to create a user interface that feels familiar yet vastly more powerful.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor discuss these topics in depth with Mike Sawka, the founder of Wave Terminal, shedding light on the innovative features and the vision for Wave Terminal's future.

    Mike's contact information:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikesawka/

    Wave Terminal


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  • #258: As startups journey through their growth phases, the choices made regarding technology infrastructure can significantly impact their agility, scalability, and ultimately, their success.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor discuss a blog post from someone that leads infrastructure at a startup where he writes about the decisions that they made as they were building their startup.

    (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret after 4 years running infrastructure at a startup


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  • #257: As the digital world continues to evolve, businesses and technology leaders find themselves at a critical inflection point, particularly when it comes to the deployment and management of infrastructure. The journey from traditional IT to cloud-native platforms has been significant, pushing the boundaries of innovation and efficiency. Yet, the continuous evolution raises a fundamental question: What lies ahead for Kubernetes, cloud-native platforms, and the burgeoning field of edge computing?

    In this episode we speak with Joseph Sandoval about how Adobe's journey, from pioneering with its own Kubernetes distribution to embracing cloud providers' managed services and exploring edge computing, mirrors the broader industry's trajectory. Adobe's approach, focusing on developer experience and scalability, showcases the practical applications and considerations at the intersection of Kubernetes and edge computing.

    Joseph's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/cloudtaquero

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephrsandoval/

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  • #256: KubeCon season has started again and in this episode, we give you our thoughts on KubeCon EU 2024, along with our friend Whitney Lee.

    Whitney's contact information:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/wiggitywhitney

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/whitneylee/

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  • #255: In an era where software development and operations are increasingly converging, the need for effective and efficient observability tools has never been more critical. As systems grow in complexity and the lines between development and operations blur, the role of observability in understanding and managing these systems becomes more prominent.

    One significant problem is the dichotomy developers face: either being completely isolated from production observability data or overwhelmed by the volume of information available, most of which may not be directly relevant to their specific tasks.

    In this episode, we talk with Liran Haimovitch from Rookout about developer observability. This concept prioritizes making observability tools and data accessible and understandable for developers, allowing them to gain insights into how their code operates in production environments. This shift is not about discarding the importance of operations in observability but rather enhancing the collective capability of teams to monitor, diagnose, and resolve issues more effectively.

    Liran's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/liran_last

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liran-haimovitch/

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  • #254: When you first started out working with infrastructure, you probably used point and click to get your work done. Over time, you created scripts to replace some of that point and click work.

    But then, many infrastructure as code tools exploded on the market. You may have started working with one or two or you may have chosen to just keep doing what you were doing, but you soon realized you were falling way behind what was going on in the industry.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor discuss many of the ups and downs of using infrastructure as code and why not every infrastructure as code tool may be the right tool for you.

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  • #253: As we move forward in 2024, one thing stands firm - platform engineering remains a significant focus for companies and has become a key component in the digital transformation journey.

    This realization drove the creation of the Platform Engineering Maturity Model, a comprehensive guide that serves organizations in various stages of their platform engineering journey.

    In this episode, we speak with Abby Bangser, one of the lead authors of the Platform Engineering Maturity Model published by CNCF.

    Abby's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/a_bangser

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abbybangser/

    Platform Engineering Maturity Model


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  • #252: In today's rapidly evolving technology landscape, it's crucial for organizations to keep their software stacks up-to-date. This is especially true for complex systems like Kubernetes, which require regular upgrades to ensure stability, security, and performance.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor delve into the challenges of upgrading Kubernetes and discuss best practices to follow during the upgrade process.

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  • #251: We're becoming more and more dependent on sophisticated systems that transport data from one part of our application to another. This infrastructure, often referred to as message brokers, is a vital backbone supporting many products we use daily. But are we fully leveraging their power and simplicity?

    In this episode, we speak with Valera Bronshtein, Director of Infrastructure at Memphis.dev, about event-based architectures and why using effective message brokers doesn't have to be hard or complicated.

    Valera's contact information:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ValeraBronsht

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerabr/

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  • #250: Sure, we can use Generative AI to write code for us and generate cool pictures...sometimes.

    But who has the responsibility for making sure all that infrastructure stays up and running? Look no further than your favorite sysadmin or cloud engineer. There is nothing new under the sun...

    In this 250th episode, we have our friend Patrick Debois back on to talk about how he's researching we can use Generative AI beyond just the typical use cases that we see today and why understanding how to integrate all these new tools together may be more important than learning how to be a prompt engineer (whatever that means).

    Patrick's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/patrickdebois

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickdebois/

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