School is out for summer!!! With empty desks and empty classrooms, Josh and Matt sit back and recount adventures from their D&D games in club. No rules, No lesson plans, just two teachers telling stories about the fun they had playing D&D with their students over the 2022 - 2023 school year.
Did these two teachers help you finish the greatest D&D story ever played? Help them out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Our Longest Lesson Title Yet!
On this special lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Matt and Josh interview Adam Davis of Game to Grow about his new book Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games The Game to Grow Method.
If you were ever interested in what is happening at Game to Grow, therapeutic applications of TTRPGS, or how to integrate some or all of these techniques into your own club then this interview with Adam is a must listen.
If you are interested in purchasing this book, you can find it for sale here:
You can learn more about Game to Grow and their mission by visiting their website at: http://gametogrow.org/
For more information, you can reach Game to Grow via email at:
Did this interview inspire you further your understanding of therapeutic TTRPGs?
Then please rate and subscribe to Detentions and Dragons! Or help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Saknas det avsnitt?
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about how to level up player characters. They discuss what leveling up is, what is changed and what stays the same when a character levels up, and demonstrate how to update a player's character sheet.
Did these two teachers help you reach a new level at your own club or table ? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Music provided by Komiku.
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about Short and Long Rests. They discuss what these are, mechanics and requirements for resting, and yes, they even demonstrate restoring HP and spells slots through semi-scripted role play.
Did these two teachers help you to understand the minutiae of resting in D&D ? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Music provided by Komiku.
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about using reactions in combat. They discuss what the reaction action is, when and why a player might use them, and demonstrate reaction through semi-scripted role play.
Note: Some characters gained access to spells that they typically don't have for the sake of the demonstration. And... because I forgot level 3 wizards don't get level 3 spells.
Did these two teachers help successfully counter any potential problems in your next D&D game? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Music provided by Komiku.
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about bonus actions in combat. They discuss what bonus actions are, when and why a player might use them, and demonstrate bonus actions through semi-scripted role play.
Did these two teachers help successfully add a bonus to your next D&D game? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Music provided by Komiku.
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about the improvised actions in combat. They discuss what improvised actions are, when and why a player might use them, and how a DM can fairly and collaboratively integrate these into the story. And of course, Matt and Josh demo improvised actions through semi-scripted role play.
Did these two teachers help successfully add more improv to your game ? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Music provided by Komiku.
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about the other combat actions. Characters can cast spells and make melee attacks, but those aren't the only ways they can participate in battle They discuss the basics of actions like dodge and disengage, why a player might use them, and demo these actions magic through semi-scripted role play.
Did these two teachers help you vary up your combat verbs? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Music provided by Komiku.
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about the basics of using magic combat. They discuss the basics of spells, the requirements of spell casting, and demo combat magic through roll play.
Did these two teachers help you cast your next great spell? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Music provided by Komiku.
The holiday tradition returns once more! To celebrate the holiday season, Matt gives Josh the present he wants most in life: a chance to talk about fun stories from his D&D games. Listen as Josh and Matt ramble on and embellish their stories and inside jokes from their personal campaigns around the fireplace!
Music: Brother Christmas by Lemon Yellow Hayes (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lemon_Yellow_Hayes/)
Fireplace Sound Effects: hansende (https://freesound.org/people/hansende/sounds/263994/)
Happy Holidays!! And thank you for all of your support throughout the year!
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about the basics of combat. They discuss how set up combat, roll for initiative, and the demo through roll play some basic combat.
Did these two teachers help you roll above your opponents armor class? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Music provided by Komiku.
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about how to do an ability check. They discuss what an ability check is and then role model ability checks in a mini-session of D&D.
Did these two teachers help you pass your ability check? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Atmospheric town audio provided by Tabletop Audio.
Music provided by Komiku.
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about how to fill out a character sheet. They discuss what needs to be considered before making a character and then take a step-by-step approach to filling out the stats and abilities portion of the aforementioned character sheet.
This is a great tutorial for new players! It also provides a model for experienced Dungeon Masters looking to help rookie players with character building at their own table.
Did these two teachers teach you how to make your first character? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
On this special crossover lesson, Matt and Josh join Neal on the Dungeon Master's Block podcast to interview Senior Brand Manager of D&D and Co-host of the Dragon Talk podcast Shelly Mazzanoble and veteran teacher Kade Well. The topic of this interview: Bringing D&D into Education!
Checkout this link for more D&D education resources from Wizards of the Coast here:
You can find Shelly Mazzanoble on Twitter @shellymoo
You can find Kade Wells' YouTube Channel here:
Did this interview inspire you to bring D&D into your school?
Then please rate and subscribe to Detentions and Dragons! Or help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is back and ready to kickoff their 6th season of the podcast!
Josh and Matt have always focused on making D&D fun and accessible for new players and new teacher DMs. However, at the start of the 6th year of the podcast, they thought they would start the new season by establishing a theme.
That theme: Roll Models!
Specifically, this season's lessons will focus on three major topics:
1. Modeling actual D&D play.
2. Reviewing model modules and materials.
3. Interviewing role models in the community.
On this lesson, they also talk about how to get the ball rolling on at the beginning of a new campaign!
Did these back-to-school mentors help motivate you for the new year? Help them out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
Additional Music in this Lesson's Podcast:
Music by Komiku
School is out for summer!!! With empty desks,empty classrooms, and empty Zoom meetings, Josh and Matt sit back and recount adventures from their D&D games in club and in the classroom. No rules, No lesson plans, just two teachers telling stories about the fun they had playing D&D with their students over the 2021 - 2022 school year.
Highlights from their adventures include:
-Girl Scout Cookies
-Mattress Surfing
-Lord Chalupa
Summer Note: Josh and Matt are taking a little break to recharge after a long school year. Detentions and Dragons will be back on around mid-August with a new episode. Thanks again for all the support from all listeners, teachers, players, DMs, and students. We couldn't have made it through our first two years without you!
Did these two teachers help you finish the greatest D&D story ever played? Help them out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about running in campaign social interaction. They discuss the official published rules for running social interactions, when to role play and when to roll play conversations, and ways to determine possible outcomes of NPCs with their on agency.
Did these two teachers inspire you to be a run social interaction in a different way? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about the controversial topic of splitting the party. They discuss what it is, why most DMs advise against it, and thoughtful ways to integrate this narrative device into your D&D campaign. While splitting the party often leads to disastrous results, a conscientious scenario can lead to unique game play opportunities for all people at the table!
Did these two teachers inspire you to follow a new path in your D&D game? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about vintage magical items for your D&D campaign. D&D 5E has many fantastic published and homebrewed items. However, why should we limit ourselves to just the current edition? Go find some old volumes of TSR's Encyclopedia Magica (or use the ones discussed in this lesson) and add some vintage artifacts to your next session!
Ambient tavern music provided by Tabletop Audio. You can find out more about them here: https://tabletopaudio.com/
Did these two teachers inspire you visit your fantasy thriftshop and purchase some new-to-you items? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
On this lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt talk about advanced ability checks. They discuss the variant ability check rule, some examples of checks using the variant rules, and pros and cons of utilizing this into your own D&D game. They also demonstrate these ability checks in a short D&D game with (some) SOUND EFFECTS!
Ambient tavern music provided by Tabletop Audio. You can find out more about them here: https://tabletopaudio.com/
Did these two teachers inspire you to try some new ability checks in your game? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!
Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!
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