
  • Enjoy a transformative journey towards achieving inner balance and wholeness by creating harmony between their masculine and feminine energies.

    The podcast aims to change listeners' relationship with their body, pleasure, and power, guiding them through intentional breathing and visualization exercises focused on balancing the second and sixth chakras.

    This session emphasizes the importance of emotional body health, intuitive development, and the cultivation of personal power by integrating and honoring both solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) energies within. Christel offers insights into how these energies can complement one another, leading to a state of peace, ease, and embodied love.

    Are you for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series transforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.

    Schedule your life-changing series at www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

    00:00 Unlocking Inner Balance: The Journey Begins
    00:21 Introducing the Desire Sessions Podcast
    00:39 Embarking on a Healing and Hypnotic Audio Journey
    00:53 Setting the Stage for Inner Exploration
    02:41 Exploring the Power of Masculine and Feminine Energies
    05:00 Diving Deep into the Emotional Body
    10:46 The Art of Emotional and Mental Harmony
    15:56 Cultivating Elemental Forces for a Greater Good
    23:00 Concluding Reflections and Invitations

  • Healing the Mother Wound: A Journey to the Sacred Feminine Within

    this episode of the Desire Sessions Podcast invites listeners on a transformative audio journey aimed at healing the mother wound and reconnecting with the sacred feminine principle. Through a mix of guided meditation, hypnosis, and healing practices, Christel seeks to help listeners shed societal conditioning and pain to reignite their inner flame. T

    he healing journey offers insights into accessing divine energy, embodying personal power, and balancing feminine and masculine forces, regardless of gender or parental status.

    Listeners are encouraged to relax and allow for deep healing as they are guided through breathing exercises and a visualization that connects them with their ancestors and the Great Mother's unconditional love.

    The episode not only aims to heal wounds related to one's own mothering experiences or those inherited from female ancestors but also to restore listeners' nervous systems and empower them to be self-nurturing.

    To schedule your Desire session to Heal the Mother Wound visit www.DesireSession.com

    Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

    if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

    I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I am sending you so much love!

    00:00 Unlocking the Sacred Feminine Within
    00:55 Introducing Christel Arcucci and the Desire Sessions Podcast
    01:35 Embarking on a Hypnotic Journey to Heal the Mother Wound
    03:29 Exploring the Timeline of Your Life and Ancestry
    11:11 Receiving and Offering Love with the Great Mother
    20:50 Healing and Reconnecting with the Divine Feminine
    22:49 Returning to the Present Moment and Embracing Rebirth
    25:14 Invitation to Further Healing and Personal Growth

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  • Awakening with the Seven Chakras: A Journey to Embodied Spirituality

    In this episode of the 'Desire Sessions' podcast listeners are invited on a transformative healing journey through the seven main chakras, from the root to the crown.

    Christel aims to change listeners' experiences by exploring the mysteries, unlocking the strengths, and addressing the challenges of each chakra to harmonize life aspects.

    She emphasizes the importance of these energy centers in influencing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and integrates traditional yoga teachings with insights from Western psychology.

    Throughout the journey, Christel shares practices, including visualizations, sacred sounds, and power statements, to help listeners explore and tune into their chakras' energies.

    The episode is a guide to harnessing one's inner energy and stepping into full radiant power, offering an opportunity to delve into personal desires, clear blockages, and engage in a sensual experience of awakening and embodiment.

    Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

    if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

    I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I am sending you so much love!

    00:00 Introduction to Healing Journey Through Chakras
    00:24 Meet Your Guide: Christel Arcucci
    00:35 The Essence of Desire Sessions Podcast
    00:53 Embarking on a Hypnotic Audio Journey
    01:10 Understanding the Seven Main Chakras
    08:21 Exploring the Root Chakra: Grounding and Stability
    11:12 Journey Through the Chakras: Sacral to Crown
    15:20 Applying Chakra Practices to Daily Life
    18:59 Personalized Healing and Invitation
    20:03 Closing Thoughts and Encouragement

  • Embodying Your Soul's Purpose through Healing and Awakening

    Are you ready to release the wounded healer story that has held you back, and step into your power as a healer who has not only witnessed suffering but has transmuted the experiences into deep wisdom, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to your own healing and growth?

    In this episode of the Desire Sessions podcast, Christel Arcucci guides listeners on a healing and hypnotic audio journey designed to support the restoration of the nervous system and the enhancement of personal power.

    The session focuses on releasing the 'wounded healer' narrative to embrace a healed identity that transmutes suffering into wisdom, compassion, and growth.

    The journey navigates through visualization exercises, exploring interactions between wounded and wise aspects of the self, represented by the inner child, the inner feminine, and the inner masculine.

    It aims at working with these archetypes to heal core wounds, unlock potential, and integrate all experiences as parts of one's soul purpose.

    Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

    Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

    if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    00:00 Introduction: Embracing Your Healing Power
    00:28 The Desire Sessions Podcast: A Journey to Self-Discovery
    00:45 Embarking on a Healing and Hypnotic Audio Journey
    03:12 Exploring the Magical Redwood Forest: A Guided Visualization
    04:30 Encountering the Six Archetypes: Wounded and Wise
    09:07 The Healing Process: Interacting with Inner Archetypes
    18:21 Concluding Thoughts: Embodying the Inner Healer

  • Harnessing Personal Power for Healing and Self-Discovery

    What if the challenges you're facing right now are not just obstacles, but opportunities for growth and self-discovery?

    This healing journey with personal power reframe is for you.

    In this episode of the Desire Sessions podcast, Christel Arcucci guides listeners through a healing and transformative journey designed to help them reclaim their personal power and navigate life's challenges with resilience and wisdom.

    Through a deeply immersive audio experience, listeners are invited to explore their desires, confront obstacles, and engage in a process of self-discovery and growth. The session emphasizes the importance of asking for what one wants and receiving without apology, framing it as a revolutionary act.

    Through meditative practices, the visualization of overcoming past challenges, and the cultivation of self-awareness, listeners are encouraged to see their struggles as opportunities for growth.

    Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

    I want to extend a special invitation to our listeners. If you're craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they be personal or professional, consider booking a Desire session by phone with me. It's a unique opportunity to delve into your dreams, purpose, and clear limiting belief codes that are blocking you.

    To schedule your Desire session visit www.DesireSession.com

    Your desires deserve attention, and I’d love to support you.

    Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

    if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

  • What does it feel like to accept ourselves fully, flaws and all? How can we cultivate this depth of self-acceptance?

    This healing journey is about the Intimacy of Self-Acceptance: Creating a Secure Relationship with Yourself

    In this episode of the Desire Sessions podcast, Christel Arcucci guides listeners on a healing and hypnotic journey towards self-acceptance and a secure relationship with oneself.

    The session begins with listeners being encouraged to relax and place their hands on their body to connect with their breath and physical presence.

    The audio journey takes listeners through a metaphorical sacred garden, symbolizing stages of life and self-growth, to deepen their connection with themselves, embrace the present moment, and cultivate a loving and accepting relationship with their inner self.

    Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

    if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app or visit https://desiresessionspodcast.com/

    I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I am sending you so much love!

    00:00 Introduction to Self-Acceptance and Healing
    00:21 Meet Christel Arcucci: Changing Your Experience of Pleasure, Power, and Money
    00:33 The Desire Sessions Podcast: A Journey to Self-Discovery
    00:52 Embarking on a Healing and Hypnotic Audio Journey
    01:09 Guided Meditation: Cultivating Self-Acceptance and a Secure Relationship with Yourself
    04:27 Exploring the Sacred Garden: A Symbolic Journey to Self-Love
    09:33 Reflections in the Magical Mirror: Embracing Self-Compassion
    19:55 Returning from the Sacred Garden: Integrating Lessons of Self-Acceptance
    21:59 Closing Thoughts: Deepening Your Relationship with Yourself
    22:40 Special Invitation: Explore Your Desires with Christel Arcucci

  • Have you ever felt like there's a part of you that you just can't let the world see? A side that's too messy, too raw, too unacceptable to bring into the light? Well, what if I told you that embracing those shadowy aspects of yourself could be the key to living a truly authentic and whole life?

    On today's episode, we're cracking open the lid on shadow integration - the powerful work of making peace with the parts of you that you've been hiding away. Get ready to befriend your shadows and transform into allies on the path to radical self-acceptance.

    This episode of the Desire Sessions podcast explores the concept of shadow integration and how embracing one's shadows can lead to living a more authentic and whole life.

    Christel invites listeners to embark on a healing audio journey designed to support nervous system restoration and power reclamation.

    Through guided meditation, listeners are encouraged to explore their shadow aspects, shifting perception of these parts from enemies to allies, and utilizing them as raw material for creating a more enriched, purposeful life.

    Are you ready for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

    if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    00:00 Unlocking Your Shadow: The Path to Radical Self-Acceptance

    00:42 Meet Your Guide: Christel's Mission

    00:53 The Desire Sessions Podcast: A Journey of Discovery

    01:10 Embarking on a Healing and Hypnotic Audio Journey

    03:02 Exploring Your Shadow Aspects: A Guided Meditation

    05:18 The Power of Shadow Integration: Transforming Inner Conflict

    07:00 Reclaiming Your Power: The Dance of Light and Shadow

    08:43 Visualizing Your Shadow Desires: A Cave of Insights

    10:20 Embracing the Shadow: A New Perspective on Power and Desire

    13:24 The Eternal Dance: Integrating Shadows as Allies

    21:49 Returning to the Physical: A New Beginning

    23:36 A Special Invitation: Deepen Your Journey with Christel

  • Would you like to access greater power from challenging emotions? How can you enjoy a full spectrum of emotions with curiosity, humor and play?

    In this episode of the Desire Sessions podcast, Christel guides listeners on a transformative audio journey designed to enhance emotional resilience and confidence.

    Through a mix of meditation, visualization of nature's beauty, and the embracing of all emotions, Christel aims to help listeners navigate life's challenges with greater ease, curiosity, and playfulness. She emphasizes the power of welcoming a full spectrum of emotions and seeing triggers as invitations for growth and creativity.

    The session includes a guided visualization involving a country road, an awe-inspiring rainbow, and the changing seasons, symbolizing the dynamic nature of emotions and the beauty in embracing them.

    If you're craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they be personal or professional, consider booking a Desire Session by phone with me. It's a unique opportunity to delve into your dreams, purpose, and clear limiting belief codes that are blocking you.

    To schedule your Desire session visit www.DesireSession.com

    Your desires deserve attention, and I’d love to support you.

    Ready for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

    To explore working with me to Embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    00:00 Unlocking Emotional Resilience and Confidence

    00:25 Introducing Christelle Arcucci and the Desire Sessions Podcast

    00:55 Embarking on a Healing and Hypnotic Journey

    01:08 Guided Relaxation and Body Awareness Exercise

    04:06 A Walk Through Nature: Visualization for Emotional Healing

    05:26 Exploring the Emotional Landscape with the Rainbow Metaphor

    09:48 Embracing the Full Spectrum of Emotions

    16:46 Finding Humor and Lightness in Emotional Challenges

    18:23 Reclaiming Emotional Resilience and Confidence

    21:42 Returning to the Present Moment and Closing Thoughts

  • Unlocking Your Power and Jumping Timelines: A Guide to Embodying Your Soul Purpose

    Are you ready Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment? In simple terms what that means is to release habits, patterns and ways of being that no longer serve you so you can experience more ease and joy in your life?

    This journey guides listeners to shed disempowering habits and beliefs to embrace joy and ease in life. It introduces practices and concepts centered on reclaiming personal power, pleasure, and financial abundance through an exploration of shifting timelines - a metaphor for changing life paths towards more desired outcomes.

    The episode guides listeners through meditative and visualization exercises aimed at grounding in the present moment, anchoring the self in body, mind, and intuition, and redirecting life force energy towards preferred futures.

    It emphasizes the importance of being present and making conscious choices about where to direct attention and energy.

    Ready for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

    if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    00:00 Introduction: Embracing Empowerment and Transformation
    00:29 The Desire Sessions Podcast: A Journey to Reclaim Your Power
    01:02 Guided Meditation: Connecting with Your Inner Power
    06:31 Exploring Timelines: Choosing Your Desired Life Path
    08:33 Practical Steps to Reclaim Your Power and Focus
    14:02 Embodied Liberation: Directing Your Energy for Change
    20:05 Daily Practice: Living in Alignment with Your Desires
    22:13 Closing Thoughts: Your Power to Shape the Future
    22:43 Special Invitation: Deepen Your Exploration of Desires
    23:13 Embody Soul Purpose Series: A Personalized Journey
    23:50 Final Words and Invitation to Connect

  • This episode of the Desire Sessions podcast invites listeners on a hypnotic audio journey focused on embodying the feeling of abundance, reducing stress, and reclaiming personal power.

    The session includes guided relaxation and breathing exercises designed to restore the nervous system and shift away from fear, lack, and limitation by focusing on the miracle of breathing and the body's automatic processes.

    By visualizing the vastness of the universe, the infinity of air, and the abundant opportunities in everyday life, listeners are encouraged to adopt a mindset of abundance, enjoy life more deeply, and let go of old stress-inducing habits.

    The podcast aims to support spiritual awakening and offers personal Desire Sessions to explore and clear limiting beliefs, promoting a pleasure-led movement towards realizing one's soul purpose.

    If you're craving a deeper exploration of your desires consider booking a Desire Session with Christel www.DesireSession.com

    For more information to Embody Soul Purpose visit www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    00:00 Welcome to the Abundance Journey
    00:30 Introducing the Desire Sessions Podcast
    00:50 Embarking on a Healing and Hypnotic Audio Journey
    01:04 Deep Dive into Breathwork and Relaxation
    04:07 Visualizing the Feather: A Symbol of Ease and Release
    06:25 Expanding Your Perception: From Local to Universal Abundance
    09:01 Embracing the Art of Abundance
    09:27 The Ocean's Lesson: Enjoyment and Release
    12:38 Unlocking Subconscious Abundance
    15:20 Returning to Presence and the Infinite Universe
    20:13 Invitation to Explore Your Desires and Embody Soul Purpose

  • In this episode of the Desire Sessions podcast listeners are guided on a healing journey to discover and amplify your desires, while clearing the blockages that prevent them from receiving.

    The session focuses on cultivating a deeper appreciation for beauty in everyday life and embodying the power to create positive change from within. T

    hrough a series of relaxing and introspective exercises, participants are encouraged to shift their perspective, embrace their creative potential, and see their life as a living work of art.

    If you’re craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they are personal or professional, consider booking a desire session to delve into your dreams and clear limiting belief codes. Your desires deserve attention: https://www.desiresession.com

    To learn more about Christel’s work and the Embody Soul Purpose Series visit: https://www.embodysoulpurpose.com

    00:00 Introduction: Seeking Deeper Meaning in Life
    00:35 The Revolutionary Act of Receiving Unapologetically
    00:46 Beginning the Healing and Hypnotic Audio Journey
    01:02 Guided Meditation: Connecting with Your Body
    03:22 Journey into Your Heart and Body
    04:43 Walking Down into a Deeper State of Relaxation
    05:39 Discovering the Beauty in Your Surroundings
    06:39 Seeing Yourself in the Mirror: The Beauty That is You
    07:41 Pushing the Edges of Your Imagination
    09:26 Entering a Room: Seeing Your Life as It Is
    10:10 Creating Beauty in Your Everyday Life
    12:00 Amplifying Your Power: Living Your Life as Art
    14:47 Creating Positive Change from the Inside Out
    15:30 Navigating Challenges with Grace, Ease, and Miracles
    16:15 Seeing and Creating Beauty: Your Soul Assignment
    20:36 Walking Back into the Room: Returning to Reality
    21:52 Invitation to the Pleasure Led Movement
    22:52 Conclusion: Believing in the Magic Power of Your Soul

  • Embodying Your Legacy: A Journey into Conscious Practice and Mindfulness

    In this episode of the Desire Sessions podcast, the host, Christel Arcucci, guides listeners through a hypnotic audio journey designed to restore the nervous system and reclaim personal power.

    The focus is on understanding and embodying one's legacy and making the most of the present moment. Christel emphasizes mindfulness, conscious practice, and embracing life's experiences in their full color, moving away from fear of failure. She uses an analogy of living in vibrant colors as compared to living life through a black-and-white television screen.

    The episode concludes with an invitation for listeners to book a personal desire session with Christel at www.DesireSession.com

    Explore working with Christel and the Empowered Healer Code at www.EmpoweredHealerCode.com

    00:00 Introduction and Invitation to the Journey
    01:01 Understanding the Concept of Living in Full Color
    02:52 The Power of Embodying Your Legacy
    04:36 Guided Meditation: Settling and Relaxing
    07:05 Journey Down the Spiral Staircase
    09:32 Discovering the Golden Key
    11:06 Stepping Towards Your Throne
    16:19 Taking Your Seat on the Throne
    18:40 Returning to Your Physical Body
    21:27 Invitation to a Desire Session
    22:09 Closing Remarks and Farewell

  • In this episode of the Desire Sessions Podcast, host Christel Arcucci guides listeners through a hypnotic audio journey aimed at restoring the nervous system and reclaiming personal power.

    She invites listeners to engage in a mental visualization of a lamp to symbolize their personal power and teaches them how to 'plug it back in' to reconnect with their power source, emphasizing that it is as simple as plugging in a lamp.

    She guies you deeper into an exploration of your dreams being a gian bonefire, where they can fuel it with their life force and make it bigger or they can distract themselves from it.

    She concludes the podcast by inviting listeners to book a desire session at www.DesireSession.com to explore more of their desires and dreams, and to clear any limiting beliefs that may be blocking their path.

    To learn more about Christel and her work, visit www.EmpoweredHealerCode.com

    00:00 Introduction: The Journey to Personal Power
    00:28 The Desire Sessions Podcast: A Revolutionary Act
    00:48 The Healing Journey: Reclaiming Your Power
    04:20 The Spiral Staircase: A Journey to Your Inner Self
    06:06 The Lamp: A Symbol of Your Personal Power
    15:05 The Bonfire: Fueling Your Dreams
    18:09 Returning to Reality: Maintaining Your Connection to Power
    20:14 Conclusion: The Pleasure Led Movement and Your Desires

  • Exploring Soul-Aligned Abundance: Bridging Spirituality and Wealth

    In this episode of Desire Sessions Podcast Christel assists listeners in reconciling the perceived conflict between spirituality and the desire for rich, fulfilling lives.

    She guides them through a meditative exercise to harmonize their desires for simple living and significant wealth, inviting listeners to embrace abundance can help address various societal issues.

    The episode emphasises the importance of understanding money from a spiritual perspective and harnessing it as a force of good rather than viewing it as an adversary.

    Christel also highlights the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own experiences, and to not allow external factors dictate their state of mind.

    She concludes by inviting listeners to book a Desire Session www.DesireSession.com for a deeper exploration of their desires.

    00:00 Introduction: The Journey to Soul Aligned Abundance
    00:24 The Desire Sessions Podcast: A Revolutionary Act
    00:46 The Healing and Hypnotic Audio Journey: Reclaim Your Power
    03:13 Embodied Shadow Work: Embracing the Full Spectrum of Human Experience
    06:18 The Spiritual Power of Money: Creating Change in the World
    08:34 The Conflict: Simplicity vs Wealth
    11:06 The Journey: Crossing the Creek
    14:03 The Decision: Which path?
    17:24 The Redwood Tree: Gaining Clarity and Power
    20:48 Crossing the Divide: The Integration of Simplicity and Riches
    22:54 Conclusion: The New Reality of Being Simply Rich
    24:36 Invitation: Desire Session and Empowered Healer Code

  • Ep 35 In this transformative episode, we explore the profound journey of a dark night of the soul, a spiritual awakening, and the opening of intuitive and psychic gifts. If you find yourself amidst a challenging initiation, questioning your identity, or navigating the depths of your being, this episode is a guiding light.

    I take you through a healing and hypnotic audio journey designed to support you in restoring your nervous system and reclaiming your power. As we face the challenges of a dark night of the soul, we delve into the shadow, dance between light and dark, and explore the depths of the human experience.

    This episode offers insights into the soul's transformative lessons and initiations, helping you gracefully navigate the profound shifts in your life. We discuss the cultural challenges around facing death and the ego's death, providing tools and resources to support your journey.

    As we collectively experience intense energies on Earth, this episode serves as a beacon, guiding you through the process of surrender, letting go, and embracing the unknown. Together, we explore the concept of dying while still living and the powerful strength that emerges from such experiences.

    Join me on the lightning path as we confront the beast within, surrender to the void, and rediscover the infinite self. This healing journey is an opportunity to release old identities, embrace the unknown, and float in the sea of infinite consciousness, held by the Great Mother.

    As you navigate the challenges, remember that you are not alone. Discover the support from the spirit realm, the edges of the galaxy, and the interconnected web of life. Embrace your infinite power with grace, alignment, and love.

    Thank you for being part of the Pleasure Led Movement. If you're craving a deeper exploration of your desires, consider booking a Desire Session at https://www.DesireSession.com.

    For those interested in the Empowered Healer Code visit https://www.EmbodyYourLegacy.com.

  • Are you a spiritual seeker challenged by the emotional intensity of the state of the world? Would you like to move out of right or wrong/ black or white judgement and into a vibrant experience of all the flavors, colors, textures, frequencies available in the full spectrum of human experience? This journey is for you.

    Playful Curiosity to Create Emotional Freedom

    I’m Christel Arcucci and I’m on a mission to change our experience of pleasure, power, and money.

    The Desire Sessions Podcast is the lightning path to discover your soul’s desires & clear what’s blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act.

    This hypnotic audio journey is designed to restore your nervous system, create healthy boundaries & reclaim your power. It’s ideal that you’re listening in a place you can relax and receive.

    Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

    I want to extend a special invitation to our listeners. If you’re craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they be personal or professional, consider booking a Desire session with me. It’s a unique opportunity to delve into your goals, dreams, and purpose, and clear limiting belief codes that are blocking you.

    To schedule your Desire session visit www.DesireSession.com

    Your desires deserve attention, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

    if you are interested to explore one-on-one mentorship with me please visit www.embodyyourlegacy.com to fill out an application.

    Please leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

    I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I am sending you so much love!

  • The Desire Sessions Podcast is the lightning path to discover your soul's desires & clear what's blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act.

    This audio journey is designed to recode soul contracts in order to restore your nervous system, create healthy boundaries & reclaim your power.

    Audio Journey for Awaken your Sensual Body to Receive Wealth

    It’s a pleasure to co-create and embody wealthy with you.

    I want to extend a special invitation to our listeners. If you're craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they be personal or professional, consider booking a Desire session with me. It's a unique opportunity to delve into your goals, dreams, and aspirations, and clear the beliefs and codes that are blocking you.

    To schedule your Desire session visit www.DesireSession.com

    Remember, your desires deserve attention, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

    if you are interested to explore one-on-one mentorship with me please visit www.embodyyourlegacy.com to fill out an application.

    For more revolutionary teachings and tools please leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app or visit https://desiresessionspodcast.com/

    Thank you for being a part of our community. I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I am sending you so much love!

    You're listening to the Desire Sessions Podcast. The lightning path to discover your soul's desires & clear what's blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act.

  • What if the point of having nothing left to lose isn’t a failure but a gateway to reclaim your power?

    I’m Christel Arcucci. You're listening to the Desire Sessions Podcast. The lightning path for spiritual women to quit people-pleasing, reclaim power, and create a pleasure-led legacy of sensual freedom and embodied wealth.

    It’s a pleasure to co-create and embody soul purpose with you.

    I’m now offering single sessions, called a Desire Session. The focus is to discover your soul's desires & clear what's blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act.

    It’s a one-to-one phone session that includes: Pleasure Body Breath + Sensual Hypnosis + Akashic Recode. I would love to share it with you. You can book your desire session at www.DesireSession.com

    if you are interested to explore co-creating one-on-one with me for 3 months or longer, please visit www.embodyyourlegacy.com to fill out an application.

    For more revolutionary teachings and tools please leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app or visit https://desiresessionspodcast.com/32

    I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I am sending you so much love!

  • Access the Pleasure of Being in the simple ecstasy of pleasure with the Mother Goddess Creation Code in this episode.

    The Embody Wealthy Podcast is the lightning path for soul-centered women and empaths to quit people-pleasing, reclaim power, and create a pleasure-led legacy of sensual and financial freedom.

    Healing Audio Journey - Mother Goddess Creation Code: Be Divine in a Human Body

    It’s a pleasure to co-create and embody wealthy with you.

    I’m now offering single sessions, called a Desire Session. The focus is to discover your soul's desires & clear what's blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act. Access the Creative Power of Desire to Enjoy your Pleasure-Led Legacy

    It’s a one-to-one phone session that includes: Pleasure Body Breath + Sensual Hypnosis + Akashic Recode. This is an exciting evolution of my work and I would love to share it with you. You can book your desire session at www.DesireSession.com

    if you are interested to explore co-creating one-on-one with me for 3 months or longer, please visit www.embodyyourlegacy.com to fill out an application.

    For more revolutionary teachings and tools please leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app or visit https://desiresessionspodcast.com/31

    I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I am sending you so much love!

  • How easy is it for you to relax, rest, and receive wealth and pleasure? This audio healing journey is for you if this is a challenge for you.

    I’m Christel Arcucci. You're listening to the Embody Wealthy Podcast. The lightning path for spiritual women and empaths to quit people-pleasing, reclaim power, and create a pleasure-led legacy of sensual and financial freedom..

    Sensual Hypnosis Journey - Nourish Feminine Yin to Receive like a Queen

    It’s a pleasure to co-create and embody wealthy with you.

    I’m now offering single sessions, called a Desire Session. The focus is to discover your soul's desires & clear what's blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act. Access the Creative Power of Desire to Enjoy your Pleasure-Led Legacy

    It’s a one-to-one phone session that includes: Pleasure Body Breath + Sensual Hypnosis + Akashic Recode. This is an exciting evolution of my work and I would love to share it with you. You can book your desire session at www.DesireSession.com

    if you are interested to explore co-creating one-on-one with me for 3 months or longer, please visit www.embodyyourlegacy.com to fill out an application.

    For more revolutionary teachings and tools please leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app or visit https://desiresessionspodcast.com/30

    I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I am sending you so much love!