The bubbly and loving Leo Buscaglia is back on the show to encourage us to live without regrets.
Source: Leo Buscaglia – The Art of Being Fully Human
Connect with Leo Buscaglia:
Website: https://leobuscaglia.org
Book: Born for Love: Reflections on Loving
Previous Episodes:
938 | Leo Buscaglia: “Live.”
867 | Leo Buscaglia: "Wasting So Much Time."
813 | Leo Buscaglia: "Most Of Us Are Stuck With Who We Are, Unless…"
582 | Leo Buscaglia: "Too Lazy To Jog – Laugh."
424 | Dr. Leo Buscaglia: "Live Happily Ever After."
353 | Leo Buscaglia: "You Can Live, You Can Live."
236 | Leo Buscaglia: "Don't Wait."
205 | Leonardo Buscaglia: "Everything's A Risk."
172 | Leo Buscaglia: "You Are Not Really You."
134 | Leonardo Buscaglia: "You've Got To Be The One..."
111 | Leonardo Buscaglia: "There's No End To The Process Of Wanting And Needing. The Only Time It'll Be Enough Is When You're Enough."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
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Speaker: Brene Brown (NYT bestselling author, speaker, researcher, educator, and college professor)
Message: How to use Resilence, spirituality, Gratitude and Joy to live ,more wholeheartedly.
Source: Session 5 Of The Power of Vulnerability Teachings of Authenticity, Connection, and Courage
Website: https://brenebrown.com
Instagram: brenebrown
Twitter: Brené Brown @BreneBrown
Most Recent Book: Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience
Previous Episodes:
844 | Brené Brown: "Choose Discomfort Over Resentment."
733 | Brené Brown: "A Piece Of Chocolate."
673 | Brené Brown: "Feed Your Soul."
665 | Best Of 2023 | Brené Brown: "What Do You Need To Get Back On Your Feet?"
423 | Brené Brown: "What Do You Need To Get Back On Your Feet?"
320 | Brené Brown: "Walk Into The Stories."
212 | Brené Brown: "Show up And Let Yourself Be Seen."
173 | Brené Brown: "In The Absence Of Love And Belonging, There Is Always Suffering."
140 | Brené Brown: "Blame Is Simply The Discharging Of..."
070 | Brené Brown: "Shame Is The Gremlin Who Says, 'You're Not Good Enough'."
057 | Brene Brown: "I Trust You OR I Don't Trust You."
033 | Brene Brown: "When We Stop Caring What People Think, We Lose Our Capacity For Connection, When We Become Defined By What People Think, We Lose Our Capacity To Be Vulnerable."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Follow The Show On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
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New York Times bestselling author, change maker, and renowned teacher Dr. Joe Dispenza returns to teach us the secret to breaking the habit of being ourselves and becoming someone new.
Source: Reprogram Your Brain to Create Your Dream Life with Dr Joe Dispenza
Connect with Dr. Joe Dispenza:
Website: https://drjoedispenza.com
Instagram: drjoedispenza
YouTube: drjoedispenza
Youtube: Stories Of Transformation
Books Mentioned:
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon
You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter
Previous Episodes:
880 | Dr. Joe Dispenza: “Cross The River.”
647 | Dr. Joe Dispenza: "It's The Law."
430 | Dr. Joe Dispenza: "You Can Change Your Brain Just By Thinking Differently."
267 | Dr. Joe Dispenza: "Feel That Emotion."
195 | Dr. Joe Dispenza: "Look At The Emotions That You've Memorized."
135 | Dr. Joe Dispenza: "The Best Way To Predict Your Future Is To..."
035 | Dr. Joe Dispenza: "Most People Try To Create A New Personal Reality As The Same Personality, And It Never Works."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Give Me A Shout:
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NYT bestselling author, speaker, and pastor John Maxwell returns to the show to talk about the law of The Niche.
Source: John C Maxwell - 03 The Law Of The Niche
Connect with John C. Maxwell:
Website: https://johnmaxwellteam.com
Instagram: johnmaxwellteam
YouTube: Maxwell Leadership
Book: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential
Podcast: Maxwell Leadership Podcast
Previous Episodes:
805 | John C. Maxwell: "The Only Guarantee That Tomorrow Will Get Better, Is That You Get Better Today."
728 | John C. Maxwell: "We Underestimate What We Can Do."
465 | John Maxwell: "Pay Now, Play Later."
295 | John C. Maxwell: "You Got To Ask."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Let's Connect: (I Personally Respond, The Real Me)
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
Support The Show: Donate
Speaker: Bob Proctor
Message: Teach us the three essential phases of creation.
Source: The Creative Process 🎨 Bob Proctor
Connect with Bob Proctor:
Website: https://www.proctorgallagherinstitute.com
Instagram: proctorgallagher
YouTube: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Book: Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life
Previous Episodes:
929 | Bob Proctor: "Same Frequency."
916 | Bob Proctor: "Take The Lid Off."
866 | Bob Proctor: “Quit Thinking Of What You Don’t Want”
815 | Bob Proctor: "Who Am I? Where Am I? And Where Am I Going?"
736 | Bob Proctor: "We Are Spiritual Beings Living In Physical Bodies."
684 | Bob Proctor: "The People You Mix With Have A Greater Influence On Your Life Than Anything Else."
561 | Bob Proctor: "It Doesn't Matter What The Situation Is."
340 | Bob Proctor: "It's Better To Be Safe Than Sorry..."
271 | Bob Proctor: "There Isn't Any Finish Line."
216 | Bob Proctor: "All You Have To Do Is Hold The Image."
166 | Bob Proctor: "We Have Been Endowed With Something No Other Form Of Life Has Been Endowed With."
132 | Bob Proctor: "If You Really Want It You Will Get It, But You've Got To..."
076 | Bob Proctor: "It Doesn't Matter How Hard You Work, If The Paradigm Does Not Change Ultimately Everything's Gonna Remain The Same."
058 | Bob Proctor: "If I Want To Be Free, I've Got To Be Me."
034 | Bob Proctor: "Your Subconscious Mind Must Accept Whatever You Give To It, It Doesn't Matter How Far Out Of The Box It Is, It Must Accept What You Give To It. It Cannot Differentiate Between What's Real And Whats Imagined."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Louise Hay is back on the show to encourage us to be open to the totality of possible instead of believing our self limiting beliefs.
Source: Louise Hay and the Totality of Possibilities
Connect with Louise Hay:
Website: https://www.louisehay.com
Instagram: hayhouseinc
YouTube: Hay House
Book: I Can Do It: How to Use Affirmations to Change Your Life
Previous Episodes:
738 | Louise Hay: "Thoughts That We Think Over And Over Are Like Drops Of Water."
288 | Louise Hay: "It's Very Easy To Blame."
248 | Louise Hay: "You Are Never Wrong."
171 | Louise Hay: "Every Thought We Think, And Every Word We Speak Is An Affirmation."
125 | Louise Hay: "The Quickest Way To Change Any Problem In Our Life Is To..."
081 | Louise Hay: "If You Really Want to Love Yourself It's Essential That You...."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
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Email me: [email protected]
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Leadership author and speaker Jon Gordon debuts on the show to encourage more love, care, and service.
Connect with Jon Gordon:
Website: https://jongordon.com
Instagram: jongordon11
YouTube: Jon Gordon @JonGordon11
Most Recent: Difficult Conversations Don't Have to Be Difficult: A Simple, Smart Way to Make Your Relationships and Team Better (Jon Gordon)
Most Popular: The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy
Previous Episodes: 902 | Jon Gordon: “We Must Talk To Ourselves Instead Of Listen To Ourselves.”
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Let's Connect: (I Personally Respond, The Real Me)
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
Support The Show: Help Grow The Show By Donating
In todays clip, speaker, author and professor Fred Luskin, Ph.D. returns to the show to discuss the importance of Forgiveness, Gratitude, compassion.
Source: The Key Role of Forgiveness: Peace With Your Life by Dr. Fred Luskin
Connect with Fred Luskin, Ph.D.:
Book: Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health and Happiness
Previous Episodes:
888 | Fred Luskin: “It's The Biggest Challenge That We All Have.”
772 | Fred Luskin, Ph.D.: "Love Ends."
599 | Fred Luskin Ph.D.: "You're Gonna Be Hurt By People You Care For."
428 | Fred Luskin, Ph.D.: "They're Both Inadequate."
254 | Fred Luskin, Ph.D: "Forgiveness Is The Ability To Make Peace With The Word
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Let's Connect: (I Personally Respond, The Real Me)
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
Support The Show: Help Grow The Show By Donating
In todays Clip, Professor of business, speaker, and wealth and personal development author, Dr. Dennis Kimbro talks about the power of hope and love.
Source: Empowerment, Hope, and the Power of Love - Dr. Dennis Kimbro
Connect with Dr. Dennis Kimbro:
Website: Dr. Dennis Kimbro
Instagram: drdenniskimbro
Book: The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires
Previous Episodes:
851 | Dr. Dennis Kimbro: "You Can't Succeed Being Like Everybody Else."
690 | Dr. Dennis Kimbro: "Read– Or Learn To Fail Gracefully."
556 | Dr. Dennis Kimbro: "What Would You Do For Free?"
379 | Dr. Dennis Kimbro: "You Get 30,000 Days On Earth."
115 | Dr. Dennis Kimbro: "I Was Dead Broke."
268 | Dr. Dennis Kimbro: "Don't Think Chicken Thoughts."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Let's Connect: (I Personally Respond, The Real Me)
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
Support The Show: Donate
Multiple NYT best selling author and top speaker, Brendon Burchard returns to share his thoughts about how to live alongside fear.
Source: Redefining Fear
Connect with Brendon Burchard:
Website: https://brendon.com
Instagram: brendonburchard
YouTube: Brendon.com
Book: High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way
Previous Episodes:
911 | Brendon Burchard: "Fear Is Poor Management Of The Mind."
858 | Brendon Burchard: "Time For Yourself Is Not The Same As Time Listening To Yourself."
801 | Brendon Bruchard: "You Plant That Seed Of 'Later' In Your Life, It Just Keep Springing Up."
667 | Brendon Burchard:"Fail To Address It, It Gets Worse."
611 | Brendon Burchard: "Get Help To Grow New Skills And Get Better."
544 | Brendon Burchard: "You Have To Self-Will How You Want To Feel."
391 | Brendon Burchard: "No One Knows You."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Give Me A Shout:
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
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Speaker: Brian Tracy (motivational public speaker and self-development author)
Message: Teach us how to best affirm our goals and dreams.
Source: Brian tracy full seminar
Connect with Brian Tracy:
Website: https://www.briantracy.com
Instagram: thebriantracy
YouTube: Brian Tracy Brian Tracy @BrianTracyOfficial
Book: Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income
Previous Episodes:
897 | Brain Tracy: "Vividness Is The Most Important Thing Of All."
812 | Brian Tracy: "Create The Feeling."
737 | Brian Tracy: "Bad Habits Are Easy To Form But Hard To Live With."
634 | Brian Tracy: "96% Of What You Worry About Is A Waste."
455 | Brian Tracy: "The Longer You Take To Make An Important Decision, The Better The Decision Will Be."
342 | Brian Tracy: "Ten Goals."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Give Me A Shout:
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
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Speaker: Connie Podesta (Author, motivational speaker, comedian, therapist)
Message: The difference between how men and women get their hunger needs met.
Source: Connie Podesta: Attracted to People For Our Own Weaknesses?
Connect with Connie Podesta:
Website: https://conniepodesta.com
YouTube: Connie Podesta Presents
Book: Happiness is Serious Business: a Powerhouse Mindset for Success.
Previous Episodes:
759 | Connie Podesta: "How Do You Know If A Guy Loves You?"
413 | Connie Podesta: "The Most Important Two Questions You'll Ever Be Asked In Your Life."
073 | Connie Podesta: "None Of Us Deserve To Be Happy."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Give Me A Shout:
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
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Speaker: Pema Chödrön (Tibetan Buddhist, Speaker, Author)
Message: Highlights the three kinds of suffering
Source: Changing Your Heart Towards Pain - Pema Chodron #Buddhism
Connect with Pema Chödrön:
Website: Pema Chödrön https://pemachodronfoundation.org/
Instagram: anipemachodron
YouTube: Pema Chodron Foundation
Book: When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times
Source: Changing Your Heart Towards Pain - Pema Chodron #Buddhism
Previous Episodes:
913 | Pema Chödrön: "Become More Familiar With It."
843 | Pema Chödrön: "We Don't Really Want To Suffer."
654 | Pema Chödrön: "Stay Present With Something That Is Painful."
558 | Pema Chödrön: "Where Do We Look When We Are Afraid?"
272 | Pema Chödrön: "What Are You Afraid Of?"
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Give Me A Shout:
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
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Speaker: Bruce Lipton (Cell Biologist, NYT Bestselling author, Epigenetic Expert)
Message: The power of our mind, our perception, and our beliefs.
Source: "This Is PROOF Your Beliefs Create Your Reality" - Dr Bruce Lipton
Connect with Bruce Lipton:
Website: https://www.brucelipton.com
Instagram: brucelipton
YouTube: Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. @BruceHLiptonPhD
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth
Previous Episodes:
147 | Bruce Lipton: "The Mind Is Designed To Take You Take Your Programs And Beliefs And Turn Them Into..."
490 | Bruce lipton: "You Came Here To Create."
887 | Bruce Lipton:"Change These Genes."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Give Me A Shout:
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
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Speaker: Dr. Eric Thomas (# 1 motivational speaker and authors
Message: Encourages us to become more disciplined thinkers to connect to our inner dialogue deeply.
Source: Eric Thomas | The 1% Routine (Eric Thomas Motivation)
Connect with Dr. Eric Thomas:
Website: https://www.etinspires.com
Instagram: etthehiphoppreacher
YouTube: etthehiphoppreacher
Book: You Owe You: Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why
Previous Episodes:
856 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "Why?"
786 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "Thank God It's Monday."
701 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "TV Programs."
621 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "You're Focused On The Stuff That's Wrong."
464 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "Stop Making Plates For People."
406 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "Don't Complain, Don't Murmur, Don't Talk Negative."
355 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "Sacrifice What You Are For What You Will Become."
310 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "We'll Get Through This."
187 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "You're Already Your Own Superhero."
118 | Dr. Eric Thomas: "If You Have Five Friends And You Had To Get Rid Of One Of Them, You Already Know Which One You're Getting Rid Of."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Give Me A Shout:
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Speaker: Tali Sharot (Neuroscientist and professor of cognitive neuroscience)
Message: How to effectively change someone's mind.
Source: Tali Sharot: Intelligent People Have Greater Difficulty Changing Their Beliefs
Connect with Tali Sharot:
Website: N/A
Instagram: N/A
Book: Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There
Previous Episodes:
885 | Tali Sharot:“What Makes Up A Good Life.”
750 | Tali Sharot: "What Makes People Happiest."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Let's Connect: (I Personally Respond, The Real Me)
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
Support The Show: Donate
Speaker: Zig Ziglar (Author, speaker, and one of the original pioneers of personal development)
Message: The key point to build winning relationships with others.
Source: Zig Ziglar | How To Build Winning Relationship | زيج زيجلار | كيفية بناء علاقة رابحة | Great Speech
Connect with Zig Ziglar:
Website: https://www.ziglar.com
Instagram: thezigziglar
YouTube: Ziglar Inc. Ziglar Inc. @ZiglarLife
Book: 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times: Coaching Your Team Through Immense Change and Challenge
Previous Episodes:
879 | Zig Ziglar: “Criticize the Performance And Praise The Performer.”
799 | Zig Ziglar: "You Can Have Everything In Life You Want If You'll Just Help Enough Other People Get What They Want."
681 | Zig Ziglar: "Do You Respond Or Do You React."
596 | Zig Ziglar: "The Basic Problem Is Not Lack Of Time, It Is Lack Of Direction."
443 | Zig Ziglar: "Whose Cat Have You Been Kicking."
331 | Zig Ziglar: "Positive Thinking Won't Let You Do Anything." (Most Popular)
289 | Zig Ziglar: "You're Not Gonna Change Anybody Else."
196 | Zig Ziglar: "Work At Changing The Picture."
Let's Connect: (I Personally Respond, The Real Me)
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
Support The Show: Donate
Bestselling author, blogger and inspirational speaker Danielle LaPorte Returns to the show to speak the raw truth about the problem with self help and how to fix it.
Source: Danielle LaPorte at Archangel Summit in Toronto, Canada
Connect with Danille LaPorte:
Website: https://daniellelaporte.com
Instagram: daniellelaporte
YouTube: Danielle LaPorte @daniellelaporteofficial
Book: How to Be Loving: As Your Heart Is Breaking Open and Our World Is Waking Up
Previous Episodes:
903 | Danielle LaPorte: “Stop Trying To Change Yourself.”
648 | Danielle LaPorte: "Fearless."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Let's Connect: (I Personally Respond, The Real Me)
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
Support The Show: Donate
Speaker: Seth Godin (Entrepreneur, Multiple time NYT Bestselling author and public speaker).
Message: The importance of defining ourself and using that to make embodied definition of ourself to make big changes.
Source: Seth Godin at Archangel Summit in Toronto, Canada
Connect with Seth Godin:
Website: https://www.sethgodin.com
Instagram: sethgodin
YouTube: Seth Godin @BrandsinPublic
Book: This Is Strategy: Make Better Plans (Create a Strategy to Elevate Your Career, Community & Life)
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Previous Episode:
894 | Seth Godin: "What Would You Ask For ?"
Let's Connect: (I Personally Respond, The Real Me)
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
Support The Show: Donate
Speaker: Steve Harvey
Message: Shares his story to encourage us to follow our dreams.
Source:From Homeless to Hopeful: Steve Harvey's True Struggle Story
Connect with Steve Harvey:
Website: https://steveharvey.com
Instagram: iamsteveharveytv
YouTube: The Official Steve Harvey
Book: Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success: Discovering Your Gift and the Way to Life's Riches
Most Recent Episodes:
910 | Steve Harvey: "Just Go."
871 | Steve Harvey: "If You Wanna Grow You Have To Change."
816 | Steve Harvey: "Keep Failing Until You Get A Hit."
716 | Steve Harvey: "Start With The Hope."
671 | Steve Harvey: "Chase That Dream."
589 | Steve Harvey: "Wait Till It Dry, It’ll Fall Right Off."
550 | Steve Harvey: "It's Not Money, It's Information."
452 | Steve Harvey: "Money Don't Change People."
415 | Steve Harvey: "Inch By Inch Anything's A Synch."
Hosted by Malikee Josephs (Pronounced Muh leek Jo seffs)
Give Me A Shout:
Follow Me On Instagram @DepressionDetoxShow.
Email me: [email protected]
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