
  • Photojournalist in Seattle, Terrence Wynder has been covering the protest area since it started. He details the difficulties he has encountered. It is difficult for one photographer to cover an event spanning several weeks of 24 hour activity that is large, rapidly changing, and moving. It is difficult to preserve the privacy of people being photographed. Police use of dangerous methods are sometimes a threat to all journalists. Limited and often inaccurate reporting by major media make it all the more imperative that independent journalists try to cover these events. Recorded 2020-07-02 Duration 8:25


    See our blog: https://democracycast.libsyn.com/ .

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    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • Pink Umbrella Riot update by Mark Taylor-Canfield in Seattle on June 11. On Monday June 8th the Police Department removed valuables, boarded up, and evacuated the East Precinct headquarters as a deescalation technique. Demonstrations in that area had been ongoing for a couple of weeks.The civil occupation, also referred to as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, has continued with rally's, teach-ins,and speeches. Wikipedia. So far it has not been damaged. June 14 Update. USA Today.

    Mark reports that 15,000 complaints of police misconduct were filed during the two weeks prior to the occupation. There have been many false narratives, some extreme, being published by some media outlets. What It Is Like in the Autonomous Zone-NPR

    The Truth About Seattle Autonomous Zone - A View From Inside by Mark Taylor-Canfield

    Recorded 2020-06-11 Duration 45:43

    See our blog: https://democracycast.libsyn.com/ .

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  • Mark Taylor-Canfield reports on the police riot occasioned by the opening of umbrellas at the police line on Monday June 1, 2020 in Seattle. Mayor Jenny Durkin is receiving requests to resign by citizens who feel that she is more interested in protecting and asserting her power than in listening and responding to concerned citizens. Peaceful protests are being met with pepper balls, concussion grenades, teargas, and rubber bullets. Clouds of teargas are seeping into residents homes. Police behavior toward peaceful protesters is drawing more and more citizens to the protests every day. Internationally the movement is growing. Protesting police violence is being referred to as either the Black Lives Matter or the George Floyd protests.

    Recorded 2020-06-04. Duration 1:00:59

    Protests across the globe https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/06/world/gallery/intl-george-floyd-protests/index.html

    Pink Umbrella becomes a symbol https://www.seattlemet.com/news-and-city-life/2020/06/how-umbrellas-became-the-symbol-of-seattle-george-floyd-protests

    Officer Snatches Pink Umbrella https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2020/06/02/43818002/slog-am-police-pepper-spray-protesters-over-pink-umbrella-escalating-fourth-day-of-police-brutality-protests

    Video of Confrontation https://heavy.com/news/2020/06/seattle-protest-umbrellas-pink-video/

    #PoliceViolence,#UseOfForce,#LawInforcement,# PoliceRiot,Seattle,USCitiesMayors,SpecialReport,BreakingNews,Seattle,PoliceReform,MTCReport,DWatchNews,PeacefulProtest,FirstAmmendment,PinkUmbrella,ConcussionGrenades

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    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • Journalist/actor/musician Mark Taylor-Canfield talks about the inspiration behind his radio mystery drama series "Nick Savage Private Eye." MTC plays the role of Nick Savage, a Seattle private detective circa 1947. His culture jamming project is a tribute to all the old classic radio and film detectives including Raymond Chandler's Phillip Marlowe, and other characters developed by authors Dashiell Hammett, Graham Greene, Mickey Spillane, Daymon Runyan, etc. Mark explains how his grandfather inspired his love for radio theater, film noir and detective mystery dramas, including Orson Welles as The Shadow. Recorded 2020-05-06. Duration 17:13

    Mark Taylor-Canfield's private eye character is based on his novel "Nick Savage Private Eye." For more episodes of the Nick Savage radio detective series go to MTC's Youtube channel where you will find over 400 original videos including MTC's journalism, his guest appearances on the Jeff Santos Show, classic radio drama and films, animated political satire cartoons, and Mark's music videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/mtctvmedia

    Mark is the vocalist on a rock band called MTC & The Rebel Saints.

    MTC is a weekly guest at the Jeff Santos Show.

    All shows are archived at MTC's Youtube channel and you can listen live or to past shows at https://revolutionradionetwork.com

    You can also follow MTC at Facebook, Twitter, Tumble, Blogger, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

    Mark is Executive Director for the news organization Democracy Watch News: https://democracywatchnews.org

    Check out MTC's interviews with interesting guests at the "Democracycast" podcast.

    He blogs at Daily Kos, reports and serves as Executive Director and Contributing Editor for Democracy Watch News has been a guest columnist at The Capitol Hill Times.

    Jeff Santos Show https://revolutionradionetwork.com

    Mark Taylor-Canfield's website:


    Mark's Portfolio/Biography posted at this link: http://muckrack.com/mark-taylor-canfield

    MTC Blog:


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  • An archival report. Democracy Watch News Executive Director Mark Taylor-Canfield reports from Seattle on the 2018 primary election in the 9th congressional district of Washington State. 30 year old democratic socialist and berniecrat Sarah Smith challenged incumbent congressman Adam Smith for the Democratic Party’s nomination. Duration 10:09 Recorded 2018-07-19


    Send listener feedback to dwatchnews@earthlink.net

    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • Ever wonder what the staff of a news organization does on a daily basis? Welcome to the Democracy Watch News virtual newsroom! We describe our roles in the organization. Duration 24:23. Recorded 2020-01-15


    Send listener feedback to dwatchnews@earthlink.net

    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • Special Archived Report From Togo - 50 Year Dictatorial Regime: Suppression of Press Freedom and Democracy. Farida Bemba Nabourema, a correspondent and activist from Togo, briefs Democracy Watch News on the lack of press freedom and democracy in her country.

    Duration 10:13. Recorded 2018-06-07



    2017–2018 Togolese protests


    faridabembo on Skype

    Nobel Women’s Initiative


    Women Activists. 6 pages worth



    Send listener feedback to dwatchnews@earthlink.net

    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • In this archived report Mark Taylor-Canfield reports from Seattle. Seattle elections have strong support for the publicly financed option. Amazon flooded the current election by investing $1.5 million in Seattle City Council elections in 2019. Duration about 21:01. Recorded 2019-11-07

    Amazon spends big in a publicly financed election.


    5 Things to know about Seattle’s crucial city council race



    Send listener feedback to dwatchnews@earthlink.net

    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • Special archived report from Ethiopia with Mohommed Ademo Amo about the Oromia state. Oromo pride opinion piece. Oromo is the largest ethnic group with about ½ of the population of Ethiopia. Oromo region is about the size of Texas. They lack control over their affairs. The central government is in control. They are coming out of a monarchy. The Oromo region is the most fertile area in the country. Resources are not supporting the local people. They want release of all political prisoners, change domination by one ethnic group, Opening of the democratic State, Equalization of benefits from the economy between rich and very poor.

    Ethiopia is 2nd behind Syria for numbers of jailed and killed journalists. Bloggers are being targeted now. Recorded 2017-03-14. Duration 52:51

    'It's life and death': how the growth of Addis Ababa has sparked ethnic tensions. 3-13-17




    U.S. 2016 Annual Human Rights report on Ethiopia: https://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/humanrightsreport/#wrapper




    Signup for Quartz newsletter https://qz.com/emails/africa-weekly-brief/

    OPRIDE’s coverage of Oromo protests: http://www.opride.com/tag/oromo/

    Mohammad Ademo. Freelance journalist, mea2164@columbia.edu, Past @AJAM opinion, Founder and editor@OPride.com , @ColumbiaJourn @Columbia


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    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • Seattle Campaign To Save The Showbox Theater From Demolition. An archived Report by Democracy Watch News Executive Director Mark Taylor-Canfield from Seattle City Hall where people gathered to testify at a public comment period on why the Showbox Theater should be preserved as a historic music venue. MTC interviews photographer Thomas De Soto and 17 year old Seattle music fan Neah Huber about their thoughts on the historic building and the campaign to save it from destruction by real estate developers. Local big bands took out a full page advert asking for historic preservation consideration. Recorded 2018-08-08. Duration 23:49

    #Seattle, #ShowboxTheater, #Music, #History, #Architecture, #SaveTheShowBox

    Send listener feedback to dwatchnews@earthlink.net

    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • Dean Edwards, editor and news anchor for Democracy Watch News interviews, retired U.S. Sen. Mike Gravel, about his book, The Failure of Representative Government and the Solution: A Legislature of the People. https://www.authorhouse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/789312-the-failure-of-representative-government-and-the-solution


    Senator Gravel explains on Youtube https://youtu.be/0NajtA-oH-o

    From his book’s intro; “Like many political observers, I believe that our governmental institutions are in disarray and in many cases outright dysfunctional. As a result, our political constituencies are deeply and bitterly divided. This is the case of not just the United States’ political system. It’s a worldwide phenomenon affecting nations we call democracies—meaning governments where people vote to elect their political leaders.”

    People were denied sovereignty and direct democracy from the beginning of the U.S.A in order to protect the practice of Slavery.

    In grammar school he was called the local communist because he pointed out the plight of the poor. He got into politics at age 15 and the recognition from elected officials inspired him to get involved in many electoral campaigns as a grunt. He spent some time in New York at the Society for St. Tammany.


    An influential book for Mike was These Truths: A History of the United States


    Another influential book for the young Mike Gravel was The Anatomy of Peace by Emery Reves


    In 1971, U.S. Senator Mike Gravel took advantage of congressional privilege to disclose the contents of the Pentagon Papers, that were then kept secret.


    #DirectDemocracy,#UnitedStates,#Constitution,#CitizenLegislation,#Philadelphia2,#MikeGravel,#ConstitutionalReform, #ParticipatoryDemocracy

    Duration 1:11:37

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    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • Our call participants describe the impact of the COVID 19 virus in their local areas. Seattle, Oregon, Pittsburgh, N.Y.C, and from India - Nitin Ronghe.

  • http://traffic.libsyn.com/democracycast/FERC--Ciltizen_Action.mp3

    Jerome Wagner, Sally Gellert and three others attempted to get citizen’s recommendations heard by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during a recent FERC meeting in Washington D.C.. Their recommendations were to rapidly move to the use of renewable energy sources and phase out dependence on fossil fuels. Since public comment at these meetings is not allowed, they disrupted the meeting. They were representing FERC action, organized by Beyond ExtremeEnergy. Duration 17:12

    https://beyondextremeenergy.org (home page currently has an article on the action, with links to press release and videos)

    https://www.ferc.gov/about/com-mem.asp There are currently 3 commissioners, 2 vacancies

    @NancyAndrews, independent journalist from Pittsburgh, also covered this FERC action


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  • Our reporter, Mark Taylor-Canfield attended the 2020-02-19 Bernie Sanders political rally at the Tacoma Dome. About 17,000 supporters attended. Bernie called the President a "frawd," a "lyah," a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe, and a homophobe, he reminded everyone that Trump tried to kick 32 million Americans off their health care, and then highlighted the fact that Trump’s new budget cuts Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

    Bernie Sanders Campaign Event - Tacoma Dome February 19, 2020




    The Guardian - Sanders Vs Democratic Establishment


    CNBC - Mega Donor Urges Pelosi To Pick Candidate To Stop Bernie Sanders


    Center For Public Integrity - 9 Things You Should Know About Bernie Sanders


  • Continuing an interview with radio theater personality Tom Lopez, known on-air as Meatball Fulton. He is a creator of ZBS media which has created and published audio theater since 1970. https://www.zbs.org/index_new.php/about_zbs

    Interviewed on 2020-02-13. Duration 43:36. Mark Taylor-Canfield - a long-time fan of the genre interviews Tom. Listener feedback. dwatchnews@earthlink.net

    Radio Drama's Leading Man, Still Adventuring : NPR

    May 8, 2016 - Radio drama is in the midst of a resurgence. And producer Tom Lopez, who's been working from his upstate New York ... Lopez began his radio career in the early 1960s, when razor blades ... Listeners knew him as Meatball Fulton, an alter ego he still uses in his ZBS podcast ... You know, that kind of thing.

    Current Article on Tom Lopez Mentions he worked with Yoko Ono:


    In Praise of the Sony PCM-F1 - Audiophile Review

    Dec 31, 2012 - Often purchased with Sony's SL-2000 VCR recorder, the PCM F1/SL-2000 system was the first portable, affordable, digital recording system. Although bulky by today's standards, the two pieces

    shared a rechargeable battery system that made it possible to actually record in the field without AC power.

    Ruby Galactic Private Eye Series -


    A quick demonstration of binaural recording technique.


    Listen To A Binaural 3D Recording With Video -


    Mark Taylor-Canfield’s electronic music tracks are available at his website and Youtube channel. This experimental music video is called "Ruby 3" and is based on a character from the ZBS Productions science fiction series of the same name. Ruby is a galactic gumshoe (private detective). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM1Gy7SICgk

    MTC’s website: https://mtc2010usa.wixsite.com/mark-taylor-canfield

    MTC’s Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mtctvmedia

    We also discuss Binaural Audio


    What is Binaural Audio, with sources


    The Best Albums Recorded in Binaural Audio


    Throwing away ancient wisdom, painting with sound and ...

    Mar 8, 2010 - For four decades, Thomas Lopez, also known as Meatball Fulton, ... In America, they generally would call it “audio theater,” but it was ... We did start off in 1972 with the very first, The Fourth Tower of ... He was more of a standard protagonist of radio fiction early on, but what has he developed into over time?

    ZBS in 3D Sound Tom Lopez - Apple Podcasts

    3D sound experience. ... Fulton demonstrates Fritz by playing a 3D thunderstorm, and Episodes 1 & 2 of 3D radio series, “Fat Cats.” PLAY; 30 min. 31 JUL 2017.


    Our production team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing

  • An interview with radio theater personality Tom Lopez, known on-air as Meatball Fulton. He is a creator of ZBS media which has created and published audio theater since 1970. https://www.zbs.org/index_new.php/about_zbs

    Interviewed on 2020-02-13. Duration 43:36. Mark Taylor-Canfield - a long-time fan of the genre interviews Tom. Listener feedback. dwatchnews@earthlink.net

    Radio Drama's Leading Man, Still Adventuring : NPR

    May 8, 2016 - Radio drama is in the midst of a resurgence. And producer Tom Lopez, who's been working from his upstate New York ... Lopez began his radio career in the early 1960s, when razor blades ... Listeners knew him as Meatball Fulton, an alter ego he still uses in his ZBS podcast ... You know, that kind of thing.

    Current Article on Tom Lopez Mentions he worked with Yoko Ono:


    In Praise of the Sony PCM-F1 - Audiophile Review

    Dec 31, 2012 - Often purchased with Sony's SL-2000 VCR recorder, the PCM F1/SL-2000 system was the first portable, affordable, digital recording system. Although bulky by today's standards, the two pieces

    shared a rechargeable battery system that made it possible to actually record in the field without AC power.

    Ruby Galactic Private Eye Series -


    A quick demonstration of binaural recording technique.


    Listen To A Binaural 3D Recording With Video -


    Mark Taylor-Canfield’s electronic music tracks are available at his website and Youtube channel. This experimental music video is called "Ruby 3" and is based on a character from the ZBS Productions science fiction series of the same name. Ruby is a galactic gumshoe (private detective). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM1Gy7SICgk

    MTC’s website: https://mtc2010usa.wixsite.com/mark-taylor-canfield

    MTC’s Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mtctvmedia

    We also discuss Binaural Audio


    What is Binaural Audio, with sources


    The Best Albums Recorded in Binaural Audio


    Throwing away ancient wisdom, painting with sound and ...

    Mar 8, 2010 - For four decades, Thomas Lopez, also known as Meatball Fulton, ... In America, they generally would call it “audio theater,” but it was ... We did start off in 1972 with the very first, The Fourth Tower of ... He was more of a standard protagonist of radio fiction early on, but what has he developed into over time?

    ZBS in 3D Sound Tom Lopez - Apple Podcasts

    3D sound experience. ... Fulton demonstrates Fritz by playing a 3D thunderstorm, and Episodes 1 & 2 of 3D radio series, “Fat Cats.” PLAY; 30 min. 31 JUL 2017.


  • Mark Taylor-Canfield recounts his witness of the Seattle protests in 1999 during the World Trade Organization negotiations on economic globalization. The conference ended with participants unable to reach an agreement, in part due to the protests.

    Known as the Battle-in-Seattle. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets on November 30 objecting to the lack of representation for the environment, developing nations, worker safety, and human rights. On December 3 the conference ended with participants unable to reach an agreement, in part due to the protests. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Seattle_WTO_protests

    Duration 18:45 Recorded 2019-12-12

    Mark Taylor-Canfield "Lessons of the WTO 20 Years Later (Seattle Times)


    Mark's song about the WTO protests: "The Ballad of N30"


    MTC on Jeff Santos Show:WTO ANniversary Report etc. Part 1


    MTC on Jeff Santos Show: WTO Anniversary Report etc. Part 2


    MTC Article on WTO Anniversary


    Community Alliance For Global Justice WTO Anniversary


    CAGJ WTO Anniversary Photos/Video


    WTO Research Resources


    Washington Fair Trade Coalition Event


    Town Hall Seattle Event With Joseph Stiglitz


    Crosscut Panel Discussion


    Museum of History & Industry Event



  • In honor of the 20th Anniversary of the WTO protests in Seattle. In November 1999, tens of thousands of people filled Seattle’s streets to protest the World Trade Organization. For an entire week, the whole world watched as grassroots activists, labor, environmentalists, farmers, anarchists, and artists made history. Recorded 2019-11-21. Duration: 15:24. Our guests Jill Freidberg and Mark Taylor-Canfield were there.

    Jill Friedberg Screening WTO Anniversary NW Film Forum

    This Is What History Looks Like: Archival Footage from the 1999 WTO Protests

    1999 Seattle WTO protests Wikipedia

    This is What Democracy Looks Like Purchase the Documentary

    Jill Freidburg. Award winning documentary editor in Seattle, Washington. Seattle Independent Media Center

    Award winning documentary editor in Seattle, Washington


    Some of Jill’s video productions

    Jill Freidberg / Corrugated Film

    Movie Database


    Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound

    #WTO,#Seattle,#DirectAction,#Protest1999,#WorldTrade,#JillFreidberg,#StormingSeattle,#People’sAction,#AntiGlobalization,#PepperSpray,#TearGas,#StunGrenades,#FairTrade,# EnvironmentalProtection,#CivilDisobedience,

  • Dennis Edwards, an independent insurance adjusters details the effects of climate change on fire and flood insurance. Also, how drones are changing the insurance industry.52 minutes.

    California Bans Insurers From Dropping Policies Made Riskier by Climate Change


    Insurance companies usually do not cover floods if you live in a floodplain. You need to get Federal flood insurance.


    Independent insurance adjusters. https://www.independentagent.com/default.aspx



    Government actions are not covered by private insurance. You would need to file a civil suit against the government.


    Send feedback to: dwatchnews@earthlink.net


  • Thomas DeSoto discusses his career as a professional photographer with Democracy Watch News Executive Director Mark Taylor-Canfield.

    Thomas DeSoto is an internationally recognized photographer whose body of work includes images of cultural icons in the worlds of sports, politics, and the arts. His credits also include wildlife photography in Africa. Duration 1:08:23

    DeSoto's clients have included the Rolling Stones, Universal Studios and Time Life Inc. DeSoto also photographed environmental activist Julia Butterfly during her tree-sit protest.

    He is also an accomplished musician and painter.

    In this interview Thomas DeSoto talks about meeting science fiction writer Harlan Ellison and his experiences photographing influential folks in the entertainment and sports industries like Tiger Woods, Lee Trevino and Jack Nicklaus.





