SOM TÁ, ktorá napriek životným ,,príležitostiam” si udržala svetlo v srdci, radosť v očiach, optimizmus a mnoho ďalšieho krásneho… Možno aj preto sa život diaľ, aby som mala skúsenosti skrz, ktoré sa viem vcítiť do do vás a nasmerovať tam, kde cíti vaše Ja nie ego, že sa chce posunúť. Nemám žiadny patent iba žijem život v spokojnosti, ľahkosti, jednoduchosti a bola by som veľmi rada, keby sme tak žili všetci (teda samozrejme kto chce, pretože slobodná vôľa je prvoradá). Aby sme prebrali zodpovednosť za svoje životy a prijali samých seba ako DAR, ktorým SME. Som ŽENOU v každom zmysle chápania, cítenia, vnímania.
Vítejte u podcastu Guru do kapsy.
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Na herohero naleznete ještě více inspirativních rozhovorů bez reklam a také seberozvojová výuková videa.
Vstupte do platformy Guru do kapsy a aktivně navyšujte celosvětovou úrověň vědomí.
Hlavní partneři Guru do kapsy jsou a -
Rainbows are Circles is a podcast celebrating the magic, wonder and possibility of life! Get fresh insights from inspirational guests discussing personal development, spirituality, alternative health and "magical" practices (think astrology, crystals, and energy healing, oh my!)
Much of what we discuss is not mainstream or scientifically proven - which is exactly why it's so important to approach the topics with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be guided by our own direct experiences.
I invite you to join me on this journey of personal development and life exploration. Let's push our boundaries, challenge the status quo, and wake up to wonder... together! -
V tomto podcastovom seriáli budeme s mojimi hosťami hľadať odpovede na zásadné otázky, akými sú autentickosť, rešpekt, sebaláska, sebarozvoj, prijatie a iné. Uvedomenie si vlastnej hodnoty, najmä vnútornej sily nám pomáha veci ovplyvniť a zmeniť. Táto vnútorná sila, tento nástroj, je v každom z nás. Ako ho nájsť pomocou koučingu a použiť na ceste za naplneným životom, sa dozviete v nasledujúcich epizódach.
Volám sa Martin Komínek. Už viac ako 8 rokov sa profesionálne venujem hypnóze a hypnoterapii. Hypnoterapia dokáže pomôcť s množstvom problémov, ako sú napríklad zlozvyky, strach, fajčenie či nadváha alebo pomocou hypnoterapie môžete objavovať svoj vnútorný svet. Rozhodol som sa ju priblížiť obyčajnou, ľudskou rečou, pretože som presvedčený, že môžeme zmeniť náš život a mať ho o niečo krajší.
Ak vás zaujíma hypnoterapia, pozrite si aj stránku: -
My name is Lea. I’m on my weallness journey for about a year and I want to share some tips with you and help you with self growth, and I hope you will like it. Lea talks about wellness, habits and how to change your life. All about how to become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself. Love you, Lea.
An educational podcast designed to inform you, push you, and better you in all areas of your life journey. Ashley Marcum and Ashley Spilker, the co-hosts of the Holding Center Podcast, tackle their own lives, and talk shop about health, fitness, bodybuilding, mental health and more. Tune in to this podcast if you want to learn and level up not just your health, but also your life. Let's Hold Center.
Have You Ever Felt Frustrated About Life?
Maybe you had some plans such as a birthday, a wedding, a business event that had to be changed because of an unexpected event.
Or maybe you were expecting a promotion at work, but things just did not turn out the way you would like.
Or possibly you just get frustrated by simple things that other people do that affect your plans...
Do you feel that you sometimes lose control in these situations?
And that you feel helpless...
And sometimes regret the things you do after these events happen?
Now imagine...
What if you were able to decide how you feel and how you respond to them?
What if you could always feel good, even during these hard and unexpected changes of event?
Would that not put you back in control of your life?
Well, this is exactly what this podcast is about.
It has been created during one of the worst global pandemic ever experienced...
Not because of the number of deaths recorded, but because of the ongoing effects this event will have on the whole world for the years to come.
If your life has been affected by the effects of Covid 19 and the lock downs, you will want to listen to this podcast...
This is because this podcast was created with the main purpose of sharing what power you already have in your mind.
In this podcast you will:
- Discover Why The School System Has FAILED Us And What You Can Do To Reverse This
- 3 Key Strategies To Always Feel Happy Even When Nothing Seems To Work (This Does Not Involve Drugs Or Alcohol)
- Find Out More Than 34 New Concepts About Your Brain That Will Shock You, And Open Your Mind To New Possibilities
- You'll Learn The 3rd Certainty In Life That People Don't Realise Is More Important Than Taxes And Death.
- Get A Sneak Peek Into The Life Of People Who Are Always Positive And Always Seem To Be Lucky.
- You Will Learn How To Allow Your Brain To Make You Successful.
- Revealed In The Podcast Is The 1 Simple Trick That Will Double Your Memory Overnight
The first episode in the podcast, will tell you exactly why you should listen to the podcast.
I look forward to speaking to you then.
In the meantime, I have a special gift for you:
Click on the link to access my '4 Steps To Eliminate Negative Thoughts' ebook valued at £97:
Follow me on -
Linkedin: -
Real people talking about real recovery. Get inspired, get in action, and get sober by following in the footsteps of other addicts who have walked the path of recovery before you. You don’t have to do it alone, and you should not do this alone. That’s why we’re here. That’s why you should listen. Download a new episode every Tuesday and listen to it any time you need an uplifting voice in your ears. The Recovery Lifestyle is fun, healthy and fulfilling. We will help you to achieve it.
Hey stranger, moje meno je Alexandra Zoe a vítam ťa pri mojom novom podcaste s názvom I did it so you don´t have to.
Podcast je zameraný na rôzne témy ako osobnostný rozvoj, dospievanie, zdieľanie životných skúseností a mnoho ďalších zaujímavých tém.
Ak sa chceš stať členom našej komunity sleduj I did it so you don´t have to podcast na Kde po novom máš prístup ku dlhším epizódam a prístup ku novej poradni You did it so we can talk about it.
Ak chceš sledovať môj osobný profil nájdi si ma na instagrame: @zoexxandra. Teraz sa už ale pekne usaď, uvoľni sa a ideme si pokecať!
On Longevity.FM, as industry insiders we talk to leading experts and enthusiasts in the field, sharing exclusive insights - to help you separate proven science from all the nonsense.
Remember: It's Your Health. It's Your Life. Take Control!
Longevity.FM is presented to you by Biolytica.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
There is only one thing in your way of achieving your DREAMS, and that one thing is not really a thing at all.
It’s a just feeling, a feeling called FEAR.
Come Join Ken Wolf, Theatre Creator, Trainer, Yogi, Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner, for Release Your Fear and Get Clear, a weekly podcast to help you release your fear, and create the life of your dreams.
Each week, Ken will share tips, stories and strategies to help you become FEARLESS, along with interviews with Fear-busting professionals, and so much more. -
Hello, I am Dhiraj, Ph.D. Scholar in Psychology and your host.
Welcome to Understanding Body Shaming, a podcast series dedicated to exploring the complex world of body shaming, its impact on mental health, and the journey towards self-acceptance and body positivity. This series is designed to educate, inform, and empower listeners as we delve into the various aspects of body shaming and body image disturbances, drawing on the biopsychosocial model to analyse the interconnectedness of biological, psychological, and social factors.
Throughout this series, we'll cover a range of topics, including the different types of body shaming, the consequences of body shaming on physical and mental health, and practical strategies for coping with and overcoming body shaming. We'll feature expert opinions, research-backed insights, and personal stories to create a supportive and inclusive environment for our listeners.
Join us on this enlightening and inspiring journey as we tackle the pervasive issue of body shaming, promoting self-acceptance and body positivity and fostering healthier, happier lives for all. Subscribe to "Understanding Body Shaming" and stay tuned for new episodes that will empower you to embrace your uniqueness and celebrate the beauty of diversity.
You could also watch this as video series on YouTube
Visit our website
Welcome to the Happy Healthy and Rich podcast, formerly the Suzanne Show! I developed the Happy Healthy and Rich brand in 2016 to help women just like you have some real discussions about personal development, navigating the ins and outs of being a woman, women's health, and how to find more joy. Come on in friend! I'm Suzanne Proksa, multitalented founder of SuzPro Innovations, and I'm proud to serve women, online business, and the People Ops/HR community. I'm also a former Featured Etsy seller, plant addict, concert lover, gardener, and human straight up obsessed with helping others and cheering on women. Grab your coffee or your wine, break out one of your hundreds of notebooks, light that soy candle, and let’s dive in!
Autism is a thoughtfully structured podcast series designed to deepen understanding, raise awareness, and foster acceptance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Across its episodes, the series explores various facets of autism, from basic definitions and personal stories to the challenges and successes experienced by individuals with autism in education, the workplace, and daily life. It includes interviews with individuals on the spectrum, their families, educators, employers, and experts in the field, offering a rich, multi-perspective insight into the lives of those affected by autism. The podcast also delves into the latest research, advocacy efforts, and ways listeners can get involved in supporting the autism community. Each episode aims to educate the audience on the diversity within the autism spectrum and the importance of inclusive practices and acceptance in society, making Autism an essential listen for anyone looking to understand autism beyond the stereotypes.
Are you a busy professional struggling with stress, anxiety and overwhelm more often than you're willing to admit to? Are you experiencing burn-out and compassion fatigue, to the point where you're questioning how much longer you can stay in your current position, or your chosen profession? Has your professional life bled heavily into your personal life? Does fear hold you back? Do feel stuck more often than not?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you're in the right place friend! Welcome to a A Dose of Perspective with your host, Dr. Fay Hosseini - certified life coach and ER pharmacist, at a Level I Trauma Center. This is the podcast where busy professionals like you, come to learn how to master emotional resiliency, by harnessing the power of your own mind. Whether it's a solo episode or an interview with a special guest - you will walk away feeling refreshed, motivated and inspired to take action. On a biweekly basis, you can expect to learn various coaching concepts, tools, tips, tricks and mind hacks, that are designed to help you shift perspective, while maintaining forward momentum in your own life. Adversity doesn't have to set you back - it's the perfect classroom for you to grow, and set yourself up for your remarkable come back. E V E R Y T I M E.