Fråga juristen är podcasten som hjälper dig genom den vardagsjuridiska djungeln. Programledaren Fritte Fritzson och juristen Mirjam Waltré pratar om juridik så att du förstår och svarar på lyssnarfrågor. Fråga juristen dimper ned i din poddspelare varje onsdag, varannan gång med lyssnarfrågor, varannan gång med en lite mer djuplodande genomgång av ett ämne.
#LovinLebanon is more than just a hashtag, it's a way of life in Lebanon, Indiana. The #LovinLebanon movement looks for, and highlights the things that make Lebanon, IN great!
The #LovinLebanon Podcast serves as a behind-the-scenes, informal look at various endeavors taking place throughout the city. Current and upcoming projects, citywide events, organizations, and establishments are all featured here.
Have a question for a city official? Have an idea for a segment? Want to get your organization or business featured?
Drop an email to:
[email protected] -
For years I (@JTHundp) have been casting weekly e-mail messages to colleagues of the United Nations Development Programme (@UNDP) on topical issues of development, resilience and recovery in Nigeria, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen. Presented by a wannabee radio news-maker and anchor (OOG Omroep Groningen, The Netherlands), this podcast hopes to inform, inspire and stir the pot for UNDP colleagues and other humanitarian and development professionals.
Folke Bernadotteakademin (FBA) är den svenska myndigheten för fred, säkerhet och utveckling. Som en del av Sveriges bistånd arbetar vi för att bygga fred i konfliktdrabbade länder. Här berättar vi om vårt arbete runt om i världen.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tactical Talk sounds like nothing else. Who hasn’t wanted the chance to hang out with the real life warriors who can do Jason Bourne and James Bond type stuff?
And here’s the thing…how would you ever find these guys to buy them a beer and hopefully hear a story or two? They excel at all things covert and the most talented operators tend to be incredibly humble, true to the code of “quiet professionals” – so it will definitely not be obvious that they are, who they are...folks in the business of protecting the United States and impossibly good at it.
Well, now you know where to find them. Every week, you’ve got a seat at the table. From Special Operations ultimate tactical professionals through to 4-Star Generals and Admirals, host Allison Barrie will introduce you to a line up of fascinating warriors who you need to meet.
So what do these guys talk about when they hang out together? Download to pull up a bar stool and find out. -
Inom Leksands kommun finns 191 olika yrken. Tillsammans jobbar cirka 1 500 medarbetare med att göra livet enklare för alla Leksandsbor. Men vad gör vi på jobbet egentligen?
För att ge Leksandsborna en större inblick i kommunens olika verksamheter sänder vi ”Kommunpodden – Vad gör vi på jobbet egentligen?”. I podden får ni träffa några av alla medarbetare runt om i kommunen. -