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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses strategies for decluttering when dealing with social anxiety and anxiety in general. She shares her personal experiences and offers tips for navigating decluttering tasks that may trigger anxiety. Some strategies include finding alternative ways to donate items, using Google Maps and Street View to familiarise yourself with locations, building relationships with charity shop staff, and utilising online communication methods instead of phone calls. Heather emphasises the importance of accommodating your needs and not beating yourself up for needing extra support.


    Strategies for Decluttering with Social Anxiety

    Alternative Donation Methods to Alleviate Anxiety

    Using Online Resources to Navigate Decluttering Tasks

    Building Relationships with Charity Shop Staff

    Managing Phone Calls and Communication Anxiety

    Accommodating Your Needs in the Decluttering Process

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    In this episode of "Decluttering Untangled," host Heather Tingle explores the common tendency to save things for special occasions and the impact it has on our lives and homes. Drawing from personal experiences and observations, Heather shares insights into why it's essential to break free from this habit and embrace using the special every day.

    Key Points:

    The "Saving for Best" Syndrome: Heather reflects on her own past habit of saving the best parts of food for last, only to miss out on enjoying them due to feeling too full. She parallels this with the common practice of saving items for special occasions, such as fine crockery and heirlooms, which often end up gathering dust and going unused.

    The Burden of Perfectionism: Heather discusses the fear and perfectionism associated with preserving items for best, highlighting how this mindset can prevent us from experiencing joy in our everyday lives. She emphasises the importance of reframing these beliefs and recognising the fundamental purpose of the items we cherish.

    Practical Examples: Using personal anecdotes, Heather illustrates the consequences of saving items for best, such as perfume spoiling over time and cherished possessions becoming damaged or ruined. She encourages listeners to reconsider their approach to using and enjoying the things they value.

    Creating Meaningful Connections: Heather emphasises the significance of using cherished items regularly, rather than relegating them to storage. She shares memories of her grandparents and how witnessing their enjoyment of special possessions created lasting connections and meaningful experiences.

    Embracing Self-Worth: Heather challenges listeners to confront feelings of unworthiness associated with using luxury items, advocating for self-care and self-expression through everyday indulgences. She encourages wearing special attire, using fine crockery, and enjoying luxury items without waiting for a special occasion.

    The Freedom of Letting Go: Heather emphasises the liberation that comes from letting go of the need to preserve items for best, urging listeners to embrace the joy of using and appreciating their possessions every day. She shares personal anecdotes of broken items that brought less regret when they had been enjoyed regularly.

    In conclusion, Heather encourages listeners to break free from the "saving for best" mindset and embrace the luxury of everyday living. By reframing our relationship with cherished possessions and prioritising joy over perfectionism, we can create a more fulfilling and authentic life. Remember, be kind to yourself, you're not alone, and keep untangling.

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    Episode Title: Making Moving House Less Stressful with Guest Expert Jonathan Bramwell

    Heather Tingle welcomes Jonathan Bramwell, founder of Bramwell Relocation, to Decluttering Untangled. Jonathan has 40 years of experience in the moving industry and shares valuable insights into making moving less stressful.

    Background of Bramwell Relocation:
    Jonathan founded Bramwell Relocation 40 years ago, which has transitioned from a large-scale operation to a family-run business with 10 staff, including Jonathan, his wife Beverly, daughter, and son. The business is renowned in South Yorkshire for its expertise and reputation.

    Challenges of Moving:

    Moving house is often cited as one of the most stressful life events, despite its potential for excitement.Heather discusses how clutter exacerbates the stress of moving for many people, leading some to abandon the idea of moving altogether.

    Choosing a Removal Company:

    Jonathan advises researching removal companies through social media reviews and seeking impartial feedback from previous clients.Genuine recommendations from people who have used the services are more valuable than endorsements from friends or family.Heather emphasises the importance of feeling comfortable with the chosen removal company and ensuring clear communication regarding specific needs and budgets.

    Packing Services:

    Bramwell Relocation offers customisable packing services, ranging from comprehensive packing to assistance with specific items.Jonathan explains the benefits of professional packing, such as saving time and ensuring proper handling of delicate items.Heather highlights the significance of adequately preparing for the move, including packing valuables securely and labeling boxes accurately.

    Common Mistakes and Tips for Packing:

    Heather and Jonathan discuss common mistakes people make when moving, such as underestimating the task's magnitude.Jonathan shares tips for packing valuables, including overpacking to provide extra protection and using appropriate packing materials.

    Planning and Preparation:

    Heather advises starting the packing process early, focusing on seldom-used items like those stored in lofts or sheds.Jonathan emphasises the importance of estimating volumes accurately and planning room assignments for packed boxes to streamline the unpacking process.


    Jonathan emphasises the value of research and preparation when moving, including choosing the right removal company and packing materials.Heather underscores the importance of ensuring boxes are liftable and using suitable packing methods to protect delicate items.

    Contact details
    Website : Bramwell Relocation (UK Based)

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the habit of keeping boxes and the impact it has on clutter in our homes. She explores the reasons why people keep boxes, such as the sentimental value or the belief that they may need them in the future. Heather encourages listeners to evaluate the cost of keeping boxes and the benefits of decluttering. She also provides tips on how to determine whether to keep a box or let it go.


    Keeping boxes can lead to clutter and take up valuable space in our homes.It's important to evaluate the reasons for keeping a box and consider if it is truly necessary.Boxes that have sentimental value or can be repurposed for storage can be kept, but boxes kept solely for resale purposes may not be worth the space they occupy.Checking return policies and considering alternative solutions can help alleviate the fear of discarding boxes.Letting go of unnecessary boxes can create a more organized and spacious living environment.


    The Habit of Keeping Boxes and Its Impact on Clutter

    The Cost of Keeping Boxes and the Benefits of Decluttering

    Creating an Organised and Spacious Living Environment

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle challenges the idea of having separate summer and winter wardrobes. She argues that it is unnecessary and causes more difficulties in terms of storage, decision-making, and accessing clothes. Heather suggests minimising the wardrobe to the available space and being able to mix and match outfits for different seasons. This allows for easier decision-making, frees up valuable space, and makes getting dressed and decluttering easier.


    Having separate summer and winter wardrobes can be unnecessary and cause difficulties in terms of storage and accessing clothes.Minimising the wardrobe to the available space and being able to mix and match outfits for different seasons can make decision-making and getting dressed easier.Having a clutter-free wardrobe frees up valuable space in other areas of the home.Being able to see all the clothes you have allows for better decision-making and makes decluttering easier.


    The Problem with Summer and Winter Wardrobes

    Minimising the Wardrobe for Easier Decision-Making

    The Benefits of a Clutter-Free Wardrobe

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle interviews Maddie Alexander-Grout, an ADHD money specialist, about shopping addiction and impulsive spending. Maddie shares her personal experience of getting into £40,000 of debt and how she managed to get herself out of it. They discuss the challenges of impulse spending and provide tips on how to counteract it, such as keeping a spending log, separating emotions from purchases, and making it harder to spend by using cash or unlinking cards from online platforms. They also emphasise the importance of conscious spending and setting strict rules for shopping.

    In this conversation, Heather and Maddy discuss strategies for managing impulsive spending and budgeting for individuals with ADHD. They emphasise the importance of delayed gratification, conscious spending, and creating a budget that works for you. They also discuss the role of decluttering in improving mental health and reducing the urge to shop. Maddy shares her personal experiences and provides practical tips for overcoming spending challenges. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for self-awareness, mindset shifts, and finding strategies that work for each individual's unique circumstances.


    Introduction and Guest Expert

    Tips for Countering Impulsive Spending

    Maddie's Journey to Financial Stability

    Setting Rules for Shopping and Budgeting

    Gamifying Your Life and Selling to Buy

    Recognising the Link Between ADHD and Money Problems

    Avoiding Triggers and Changing Mindset

    Maddy Alexander-Grout can be found on TikTok @madaboutmoneyofficial, or on Instagram @maddytalksmoney. Her app is @madaboutmoney.

    Please note: by having a guest on the podcast is does not mean I endorse, agree with nor recommend their views, opinions or products.

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the concept of a 'floordrobe' and the reasons why clothes end up on the floor instead of being put away. She shares her personal experience of struggling with keeping her clothes organised and the emotional toll it took on her. Heather explains that the main reason everyone thinks for having a floordrobe is having too many clothes and not enough storage space, however this is not the case. She also addresses the barriers to putting clothes away, such as broken drawers and the perception that it takes too much effort. Heather provides practical tips for decluttering clothes and making the process of putting them away easier.


    Having too many clothes is the main reason for having a floordrobe.Broken drawers and physical barriers can make it difficult to put clothes away.The perception that putting clothes away takes too much effort is a common barrier.Practical tips for decluttering clothes and making the process easier include fixing broken drawers, creating designated spaces for different types of clothes, and using competition and gamification to motivate oneself.

    Sound Bites

    "I felt really, really bad because he was a really tidy person. And I obviously am not, and I'm still not to this day.""I find it easy to wear every single day. Every single day it is simple for me to get an outfit together. I adore all of my items, I have clothes for all occasions and I love them all.""You need to ask yourself why is it so hard to put the items in your wardrobe or in your drawers or wherever you keep your clothes? What are the barriers?"


    The Emotional Toll of a Floordrobe

    The Main Reason for Having a Floordrobe

    Barriers to Putting Clothes Away

    Practical Tips for Decluttering and Organising Clothes

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the challenges of dealing with gifts and the guilt associated with letting go of them. She emphasises the importance of removing the guilt and shame and focusing on the act of love behind the gift. Heather also provides tips on how to handle unwanted gifts, set boundaries, and ask for specific items. She encourages decluttering and enjoying gifts immediately, rather than saving them for a special occasion. Ultimately, she highlights the value of experiences and memories over material possessions.


    Gifts can cause stress and clutter when we already have a full house.Remove the guilt and shame associated with letting go of gifts.Set boundaries and ask for specific items to make gift-giving easier for others.Declutter and enjoy gifts immediately, rather than saving them for a special occasion.Focus on experiences and making memories, which are more valuable than material possessions.


    Introduction and Gratitude

    The Challenges of Dealing with Gifts

    Setting Boundaries and Asking for Specific Items

    Decluttering and Enjoying Gifts Immediately

    Valuing Experiences and Making Memories

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    In this episode, Heather reflects on the concept of keeping souvenirs and mementos as a way to preserve memories. She shares a personal experience of her daughter's operation and how it made her realise the importance of letting go of negative memories.

    Heather encourages listeners to think about the significance of the items they choose to keep and suggests creating a 'Blow My Own Trumpet' folder for important achievements.

    She also discusses the pressure to buy souvenirs and the role of fridge magnets as memory triggers. The episode concludes with a reminder to keep happy memories in a way that works for each individual.


    Introduction and Personal Experience

    Keeping Negative Memories

    Creating a 'Blow My Own Trumpet' Folder

    Not Feeling Obligated to Buy Souvenirs

    Fridge Magnets as Memory Triggers

    Enjoying and Displaying Memories

    Individuality in Choosing Keepsakes


    Link to the Guardian Article on Fridge Magnets

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the challenges faced by people suffering with hoarding disorder, including the issue with the term 'hoarders'. She discusses the importance of understanding hoarding disorder as a mental health condition. She emphasises the need for empathy and respect when working with HD clients, debunking misconceptions and stereotypes. Heather also highlights the trauma caused by forced clearance and the negative impact it can have on hoarders. She emphasises the importance of external support and minimising risk in hoarding situations. Additionally, Heather provides practical tips for creating zones, labelling items, and implementing no buy lists to support those with full homes in their decluttering journey.


    Understanding Hoarding Disorder

    Challenges Faced by people affected by Hoarding Disorder

    The Trauma of Forced Clearance

    Hoarding and Neurodivergence

    External Support and Minimising Risk

    Creating Zones and Labelling Items

    No Buy Lists and Purposeful Shopping

    Building Trust and Respecting Boundaries

    Understanding Trauma and Going at Their Pace

    Jasmine Harman documentary - Youtube - 'My hoarder mum and me'.

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    In this episode of Decluttering Untangled, Heather Tingle discusses what to do with items that are not good enough for charity. She emphasises the importance of having a plan for each item and avoiding analysis paralysis. Heather provides practical tips for addressing issues with items, such as washing stained clothes and de-bobbling worn-out clothing. She also suggests finding alternative uses for items, repurposing them, and recycling them. Heather encourages thinking outside the box and using platforms like OLIO to find new homes for unwanted items. Ultimately, she emphasises the importance of finding an exit plan that moves you forward.


    Having a plan for each item is crucial to avoid feeling stuck and overwhelmed.Address issues with items, such as washing stained clothes or de-bobbling worn-out clothing.Consider alternative uses for items, repurposing them, or recycling them.Think outside the box and use platforms like OLIO to find new homes for unwanted items.


    Feeling Stuck Without a Plan

    Addressing Issues with Items

    Letting Go of Items with Missing Parts

    Repurposing and Recycling

    Thinking Outside the Box

    Repurposing Items

    Finding an Exit Plan

    You can use my code UNTANGLED at checkout to get 10% off your entire purchase at Minky - www.minky.com

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the common belief that holding onto items because they cost money is a valid reason. She introduces the concept of the sunk cost fallacy and explains that the money spent on an item is gone once it is purchased. Heather emphasises the importance of detaching emotional value from an item and recognising that its worth may have changed over time. She advises listeners to research the actual selling prices of similar items to determine their true value. Heather also encourages donating items to charity instead of dealing with the stress of selling them. Finally, she highlights the financial and emotional costs of living with clutter and urges listeners to consider the true cost of keeping unnecessary items.


    The sunk cost fallacy leads us to believe that because something cost money, it is still valuable. However, once the money is spent, it is gone, and the item's worth may have changed.Emotional attachment to an item can make us believe it is worth more than it actually is. It is important to detach ourselves from the idea that an item's value is determined by our personal connection to it.To determine the true value of an item, research its selling prices on platforms like eBay. Look at completed and sold listings to get an accurate understanding of what similar items are actually selling for.Donating items to charity can be a more fulfilling and stress-free way to let go of things we believe are valuable. It allows us to see the impact our donation can make and avoids the devaluation and haggling that can come with selling.Living with clutter can have significant financial costs, such as fines for not being organised, paying for replacements due to breakage, and higher expenses due to disorganisation. Consider the true cost of keeping unnecessary items.



    The Sunk Cost Fallacy

    Knowing the Real Value

    Donating to Charity

    Pricing to Sell

    The Cost of Keeping Clutter


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    In this episode of Decluttering Untangled, Heather Tingle discusses the mindset of keeping items because they might come in handy one day. She explores the origins of this mindset and how it clashes with the reality of living in a disposable society. Heather provides practical tips for evaluating the usefulness of items and encourages listeners to live in the present rather than holding onto future plans. She emphasises the importance of finding an exit plan for unused items and considering alternatives such as borrowing. The episode concludes with a reminder to be kind to oneself and continue the decluttering journey.


    Evaluate the practicality of keeping items based on their likelihood of being used.Consider alternatives such as borrowing or finding an exit plan for unused items.Live in the present and let go of future plans that may not materialize.Be kind to yourself throughout the decluttering process.


    Introduction to the PAVES system

    The mindset of 'it'll come in handy'

    Considering the practicality of keeping items

    Living in the present and letting go of future plans

    Finding an exit plan for unused items

    Considering alternatives and borrowing

    Assessing the likelihood of using an item

    Final thoughts and conclusion

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses what happens when declutterers are brought into a home as an intervention, particularly in cases involving hoarding disorder. She aims to demystify the process and alleviate fears by explaining how declutterers work and what to expect. Heather emphasises the importance of prioritising safety and basic needs, such as ensuring easy access and functionality in the home. She also discusses the process of zoning and organising items, understanding normal volume and anxiety, and changing the mindset of keeping items for 'one day.' Additionally, Heather highlights the significance of fire and safety precautions, reducing avalanching and trip hazards, and addressing the stigma associated with hoarding. She concludes by encouraging listeners to seek holistic support and join support groups to feel less alone in their journey.


    When declutterers are brought into a home as an intervention, it is often in response to a crisis or concern for the individual's safety and well-being.
    Prioritising safety and basic needs, such as easy access and functionality, is crucial in the decluttering process.
    Understanding normal volume and anxiety can help individuals make decisions about their belongings and reduce feelings of panic or worry about running out of items.
    Joining support groups and seeking holistic support can provide a sense of community and help individuals feel less alone in their decluttering journey.


    00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Episode
    00:59 When Declutterers are Brought In
    02:23 Prioritising Safety and Basic Needs
    03:47 Ensuring Easy Access and Functionality
    05:12 Zoning and Organising Items
    06:40 Understanding Normal Volume and Anxiety
    07:39 Gathering Items and Changing the 'One Day' Attitude
    09:06 Fire and Safety Precautions
    10:29 Reducing Avalanching and Trip Hazards
    11:57 Addressing the Word 'Hoard' and 'Hoarding'
    12:55 Rare Use of Skips and Client Involvement
    16:08 Holistic Support and Finding Joy
    17:37 Feeling Less Alone and Joining Support Groups
    18:08 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Hoarding icebreaker form to take to your GP
    Hoarding UK
    Clouds End CIC
    Hoarding Disorders UK
    Hoarders (USA)
    International OCD Foundation (USA)
    Institute for Challenging Disorganization (USA)

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the challenges of object permanence and the tendency to forget about things that are out of sight. She explores the issue of having things out as a reminder, but how they often get piled up or blend into the background. Heather shares strategies for staying organised, such as using a diary to track tasks and keeping items in designated homes. She also suggests using visual aids like Post-it Notes, labels, and pictures to help with organisation. Additionally, she provides tips for organising the fridge, utilising clear containers and open bins, and creating a designated space for essential items before leaving the house.


    Object permanence can be a challenge for individuals with ADHD and others who struggle with out of sight, out of mind.

    Having things out as reminders can lead to clutter and make it difficult to find items when needed.

    Using a diary and designated homes for items can help with organisation and reduce stress.

    Visual aids like Post-it Notes, labels, and pictures can assist with remembering where things are stored.


    00:00 Introduction: Object Permanence and Out of Sight, Out of Mind
    01:27 The Issue with Having Things Out
    02:26 Clutter Blindness and the Strain on Memory
    03:22 The Ineffectiveness of Piles of Paperwork
    04:20 Using a Diary to Stay Organized
    05:16 Transitioning from Having Things Out to Having Homes
    06:16 Using Post-it Notes and Labels for Visual Organization
    07:41 Reimagining the Salad Drawer
    08:40 Using Pictures and Notes to Keep Track of Fridge Contents
    09:34 Using Whiteboards and Visual Aids for Organization
    10:33 Utilizing Clear Containers and Open Bins for Easy Access
    11:58 Creating a Go Drawer or Go Box for Essential Items
    12:57 Designing a Leaving the House Space
    13:22 Conclusion: Making Your Home Work for You

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the pros and cons of using a skip for decluttering purposes. She shares alternatives to skips, such as organised curbside pickups and hiring a man with a van. Heather highlights the downsides of skips, including limited access, skip divers, and the risk of others putting their rubbish in your skip. She emphasises the impact of decision fatigue and explains why skips may not be effective for most clients. However, she acknowledges that skips can be useful for disposing of large, heavy, or dirty items. Heather provides practical considerations and tips for using skips, including making a list of items, planning logistics, and being mindful of items not suitable for skips. She concludes by encouraging listeners to be intentional and thoughtful when using a skip.


    Consider alternatives to skips, such as organised curbside pickups or hiring a man with a van.Skips have downsides, including limited access, skip divers, and the risk of others putting their rubbish in your skip.Decision fatigue can make skips ineffective for most clients.Skips can be useful for disposing of large, heavy, or dirty items.Before getting a skip, make a list of items, plan logistics, and be aware of items not suitable for skips.Be intentional and thoughtful when using a skip to avoid regrets.


    Introduction and Purpose of the Episode

    Alternatives to Skips

    Downsides of Skips

    Decision Fatigue and Ineffectiveness of Skips

    Pros and Appropriate Use of Skips

    Considerations Before Getting a Skip

    Logistics of Getting a Skip

    Items Not Suitable for Skips

    Loading and Managing a Skip

    Emotional Considerations of Using a Skip

    Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the positives and negatives of the KonMari method of decluttering and organising. She shares her personal experience with the method and highlights the aspects that were life-changing for her. Heather emphasises the importance of having a system to follow and using emotions, rather than logic, to decide what to keep. She also explores the concept of finding gratitude when letting go of items and the benefits of tidying by categories instead of locations. Heather acknowledges the drawbacks of the method and encourages listeners to adapt it to their own circumstances. She concludes by inviting listeners to try the KonMari method and share their experiences.


    Having a system to follow can be life-changing when it comes to tidying and organising.

    Using emotions, rather than logic, to decide what to keep can lead to more meaningful and joyful spaces.

    Finding gratitude when letting go of items can help in the decluttering process.

    Tidying by categories instead of locations is more effective in creating clutter-free spaces.

    Adapting the KonMari method to fit your own needs and circumstances is important for success.

    The folding method can be a game changer in organising clothes.

    Creating systems and strategies to maintain tidiness is crucial for long-term success.

    Marie Kondo's impact on the decluttering industry has raised awareness and provided resources for those seeking help.

    The KonMari method is not about minimalism, but rather about decluttering and keeping items that bring joy.

    Misquotes and changes in Marie Kondo's approach should be considered when interpreting her method.

    Link to Marie Kondo's Books HERE. (affiliate link)


    00:00 Introduction to the KonMari Method
    02:23 The Benefits of Having a System to Follow
    03:48 Using Emotions to Decide What to Keep
    04:47 Finding Gratitude When Letting Go
    05:43 Tidying by Categories Instead of Locations
    07:07 Adapting the Method to Fit Your Needs
    08:01 The Folding Method and Its Benefits
    09:24 Keeping Up with Tidying and Organization
    11:19 Becoming a Certified Marie Kondo Organizer
    12:46 Marie Kondo's Impact on the Decluttering Industry
    13:35 The Difference Between Tidying and Decluttering
    15:30 The Misconception of Minimalism and Marie Kondo
    16:24 Clarifying Misquotes and Changes in Marie Kondo's Approach
    17:48 Conclusion and Invitation to Try the KonMari Method

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    In this episode, the host explores the question of whether decluttering can make one happy. While acknowledging that decluttering is not a magic solution to all problems, the host shares personal experiences and insights on the positive impact of decluttering. The conversation covers various themes, including the transformational power of decluttering, shifting embarrassment and perfectionism, uncovering problems and taking action, easier home maintenance and improvement, increased self-esteem and freedom from judgment, gratitude and contentment, living in the present, removing shame and embracing authenticity, reduced stress on relationships, sense of achievement and decision-making, freedom from hiding and increased opportunities, more downtime and less isolation, a calmer and more relaxing environment, personal expression and less reliance on possessions, saying yes to experiences, feeling in control and organised, and how decluttering can support happiness and well-being.


    Decluttering can have a transformational impact on various aspects of life, making it easier to deal with challenges and improving overall well-being.While decluttering can bring positive changes, it is important to recognize that it is not a magic solution to all problems and that personal growth and self-acceptance are ongoing processes.Decluttering can lead to increased self-esteem, freedom from judgment, and a sense of achievement.A decluttered home can reduce stress on relationships, create a calmer environment, and provide more opportunities for experiences and personal expression.Living in the present, practicing gratitude, and feeling in control are some of the ways decluttering can support happiness and well-being.


    Introduction: Will Decluttering Make Me Happy?

    The Transformational Power of Decluttering

    Shifting Embarrassment and Perfectionism

    Uncovering Problems and Taking Action

    Easier Home Maintenance and Improvement

    Increased Self-Esteem and Freedom from Judgment

    Gratitude and Contentment

    Living in the Present

    Removing Shame and Embracing Authenticity

    Reduced Stress on Relationships

    Sense of Achievement and Decision-Making

    Freedom from Hiding and Increased Opportunities

    More Downtime and Less Isolation

    Calmer and More Relaxing Environment

    Personal Expression and Less Reliance on Possessions

    Feeling Less Beholden to Stuff

    Saying Yes to Experiences

    Feeling in Control and Organized

    Supporting Happiness and Well-Being

    Conclusion: A Balanced View on Decluttering and Happiness

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses how to declutter when dealing with chronic depression. She emphasises that motivation doesn't magically appear and suggests accepting that starting will be difficult. She recommends starting with throwaway tasks and using rest periods between structured decluttering sessions. Heather advises taking time and acclimatising to decluttering, turning rooms into micro categories, and rewarding small declutters. She also discusses working on emotional attachment and getting support to remove items. Heather concludes by encouraging listeners to be kind to themselves and reminding them that decluttering is doable.


    Motivation doesn't magically appear, so accept that starting will be difficult.Start with throwaway tasks and use rest periods between structured decluttering sessions.Take time and acclimatise to decluttering, turning rooms into micro categories.Reward yourself for small declutters and work on emotional attachment.Get support to remove items and consider donation drop-off points.


    Introduction and Trigger Warning

    Decluttering with Chronic Depression

    Motivation and Depression

    Starting with Throwaway Tasks

    Structured Decluttering and Rest Periods

    Taking Time and Acclimatising to Decluttering

    Turning Rooms into Micro Categories

    Rewarding Small Declutters

    Working on Emotional Attachment

    Getting Support to Remove Items

    Donation Drop-off Points

    Conclusion and Encouragement

    Link to Amazon Best Seller Declutter your Home Planner HERE. (affiliate link)

    Join my free Declutter Community for real support, tips and advice from Heather and other Untanglers that are just like you!

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    Buy my Declutter Your Home Planner from Amazon to start to declutter your home yourself! (affiliate link)

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    In this episode, the host discusses strategies for decluttering while dealing with depression. She shares her personal experience with depression and how decluttering has improved her mental health. The different types of depression, including situational and chemical depression, are explored. The impact of decluttering on mental health is emphasised, highlighting the importance of creating a calming and safe space. The host also provides tips for decluttering during a blip and suggests easy throwaway tasks that can be done to make life easier. Various areas for decluttering, such as digital clutter, the bathroom, the car, and the kitchen, are discussed. The episode concludes with a reminder to take small steps and do what makes life easier for the future self.


    Decluttering can support mental health by creating a calming and safe space.Different types of depression require different approaches to decluttering.During a blip of depression, focus on small, easy throwaway tasks to make life easier.Areas for decluttering include digital clutter, the bathroom, the car, and the kitchen.


    Introduction and Trigger Warning

    Personal Experience with Depression

    Different Types of Depression

    The Impact of Decluttering on Mental Health

    Emotional Attachment to Items

    Approaches to Decluttering Based on Depression Type

    Productivity Tips for Decluttering During a Blip

    Easy Throwaway Tasks for Decluttering

    Digital Decluttering

    Decluttering in the Bathroom

    Decluttering in the Car

    Matching Socks and Other Small Tasks

    Decluttering the Kitchen

    Preparing for Tomorrow


    Join my free Declutter Community for real support, tips and advice from Heather and other Untanglers that are just like you!

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    Buy my Declutter Your Home Planner from Amazon to start to declutter your home yourself! (affiliate link)

    Grab my current freebies to support a cleaner, tidier home.

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