
  • Episode 34 - Dua for Getting Out of Debt

    This episode is a special sneak peek into the half-day Debt Free Muslims workshop we have been conducting in various Islamic centers and MSA's across North America.

    To host one in your community, please email adam@qalaminstitute.org

    In this episode we cover a special dua that the Prophet (s) taught to one of the companions who was struggling with debt.

    You can find the dua here: http://sunnah.com/bukhari/80/66


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    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Episode 33 - Marriage & Money with AbdelRahman Murphy

    AbdelRahman Murphy is an Imam and instructor with Qalam Institute. He's a photography, coffee, and cat enthusiast. He holds a Master's in Mental Health Counseling, and is renown for his youth work through his organization Roots.

    In this episode we cover

    *The relationship between secular marital counseling and Islamic counseling, and spirituality in the field of mental health

    *Love conquers all… except financial issues

    *How we model financial behavior in marriage, and the role of culture, and dealing with uncomfortable questions while in the “in love” phase

    *What about when the wife makes more money than the husband

    *How to bring up finances before marriage, and a look at pre-marital counseling

    *Cultural taboos around pre-marital counseling

    *What financial questions to ask before marriage

    *Discussing debt before marriage

    *Compatibility and financial habits

    *How to handle life situations like a new mom leaving her career/income

    *How should couples handle disagreements over money

    *Emotional attachment to money

    Connect with AbdelRahman Murphy

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/abdelrahmanm
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/@abdelrahmanm
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/abdelrahmanm
    Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/abdelrahmanm

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    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

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  • Episode 32 (1st episode of Season 3!) Guest: Carl Richards

    Carl Richards is a Certified Financial Planner and the creator of the weekly Sketch Guy column in the New York Times and is a columnist for Morningstar Advisor.

    Carl has also been featured on Marketplace Money, The Leonard Lopate Show, Oprah.com and Forbes.com. In addition, Carl has become a frequent keynote speaker at financial planning conferences and visual learning events around the world.
    Through his simple sketches, Carl makes complex financial concepts easy to understand. His sketches also serve as the foundation for his two books, The One-Page Financial Plan: A Simple Way to Be Smart About Your Money and The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money (Portfolio/Penguin). Carl’s art appeared in a solo show at the Kimball Art Center, in Park City, Utah. Other showings include The Parson’s Gallery in New York, The Shultz Museum, and an exhibit at the Mansion House in London. His commissioned work is on display in businesses and educational institutions across the country. He lives with his family in Park City, Utah.

    In this episode we cover:

    (2:50) Balancing fear with the uncertainty of the real world

    (6:33) Why immigrant parents want their kids to become doctors and our advice to college students in selecting a major

    (12:05) Fear and greed through the lens of investing

    (15:15) What you should do for investing instead of 'buy low, sell high'

    (16:00) How to identify your goals for a financial plan in an easy and stress-free way

    (18:55) Long term financial planning for college students, and not ending up as a financial statistic. Carl also tells us the difference between students who graduate with debt and those who don't

    (21:10) 3-step process to filter all the financial advice given by friends and experts alike

    (27:05) Happiness, priorities, mindfulness, and consumption

    (31:15) Financial planning - process vs. plan and handling important but not urgent financial goals

    (34:50) Dealing with emotions and mitigating their impact in financial decisions

    (36:50) The power of positive thinking, fake it til you make it, vision boards, buying Bentleys, and the most dangerous personal finance book ever

    (41:30) The 3 things everyone needs to pay attention to

    (42:10) Carl turns the tables to ask about how to balance Islamic teachings about debt and interest in a modern American context

    Connect with Carl Richards:

    1. Tweet at him and tell him something you learned from this podcast: http://twitter.com/@behaviorgap

    2. Sign up for his newsletter at http://behaviorgap.com

    3. Sketch Guy column at the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/your-money/carl-richards-gallery.html

    Get his books here:

    Behavior Gap: http://amzn.to/2dbwbNt

    One Page Financial Plan: http://amzn.to/2dDPefi


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.

    iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcast

    Stitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcher

    Android (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss

    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • In this weeks episode, we show how Shaykh AbdulNasir's parents and teachers had a lasting influence on his financial convictions today. Connect with Shaykh AbdulNasir:Twitter: http://twitter.com/abdulnasirjFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/abdulnasirjangdaWebsite: http://www.qalaminstitute.org/Episode sponsor: BeingThere (beingtherenp.org) Season 2 of the podcast was mixed and edited by Freedom Podcasting.Twitter: https://twitter.com/podcastfreedomFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomPodcastingWebsite: http://www.freedompodcasting.comIf you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrssYou can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Guest: Mohamed Hussein -10 Tips for Muslims with Student Loan Debt http://www.muslimmoneyguide.com/ten-tips-for-muslims-with-student-debt/-How to view the test of student loans and deal with its burden-Making dua specifically in regards to debts and student loans-Importance of a mentality of making sacrifice-Importance of good company-Tawakkul in context of finances Connect with Mohamed Hussein-Twitter: https://twitter.com/mhusseinva-Muslim Money Guide: http://www.muslimmoneyguide.com/author/abuanas/ If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrssYou can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Episode 29: Islamic Investing with Fatima Iqbal Guest: Fatima Iqbal, Azzaad Funds Topics Covered:-How Fatima got involved in Islamic Finance-Why is the US behind other countries in Islamic finance?-Advice for someone who wants to start investing-What your financial picture should look like before investing-Assessing the risk of investing-Retirement goals-7 Tenets of Halal Investing-Estate planning Connect With Azzaad Funds-Twitter: https://twitter.com/azzadfunds-YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXUb7C3OwOyI4OkTQeRxkng If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrssYou can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan is the founder and CEO of Bayyinah Institute and aims to redefine the way Qur'an and Arabic is taught. He was recently listed among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world. Millions of online users across the globe enjoy and benefit from his simple, clear, and entertaining approach to unraveling complex subjects in the Quran. The father of six relates well to the youth and tackles important but under-addressed issues. Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan decided to take on Bayyinah full-time in 2005 after serving as a professor of Arabic Studies at Nassau College. Since then, he has completed a comprehensive video library on Bayyinah TV of the entire Qur'an, catering to a contemporary audience, Muslim or otherwise. He has taught over 200,000 students in live settings and has touched the lives of millions online. He currently resides in Texas, USA and is focusing on teaching his students and developing media content for Bayyinah TV. In this episode, Nouman Ali Khan speaks about: – The history of Bayyinah and it's early financial struggles – The role of entrepreneurship and why it's important - Advice for people who are going through difficulties Connect with Bayyinah:– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bayyinahinstitute– Twitter: https://twitter.com/bayyinah– Website: http://bayyinah.com/ If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrssYou can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Usman Mughni is a Marriage & Family Therapist and holds a Master's of Science degreein Marriage and Family Therapy from Northern Illinois University and a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Maryland, along with a degree in diagnostic medical imaging.

    He worked as a therapist at Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital in the Center for Addiction Medicine. Usman has experience providing counseling to individuals, couples, and families at Northern Illinois University's Family Therapy Clinic along with experience working with individuals, couples, and families struggling with chemical dependency and mental health diagnoses and running psychoeducational group therapy at Centegra Specialty Hospital's partial hospitalization and intensive utpatient programs.

    Usman enjoys working with couples to help bring tranquility back into their marriage and providing premarital counseling to couples who hope to have a successful marriage at a time when divorce seems to be on the rise. Usman also works with individuals and their families struggling with addiction along with other mental and emotional struggles they may be having. His counseling site is http://www.peacefulyou.org/.In this episode, Usman Mughni speaks about:- The many problems (including financial) that lead to divorce- In-laws dictating finances or other aspects of a couples life- What causes fights in a marriage and how to handle them- The common stigma that surrounds counselingConnect with Peaceful You:- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeacefulY0U- Twitter: https://twitter.com/peacefulyouinc- Website: http://www.peacefulyou.org/If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss
    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • In this episode, brother Saeed Sheikh shares his debt free story with us. We talk about the following:

    How common is it for college students to get into credit card debt without realizing itThe ways we rationalize purchasesBehavioral and spiritual changes during his debt free journey

    Saeed's article on his debt free journey can be found here: http://debtfreemuslims.com/reflections-my-journey-to-debt-freedom/

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.

    iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss

    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • In this episode we're joined by Joe Mihalic author of "No More Harvard Debt" on the following topics:How he got $90,000 of student loan debt from going to Harvard Business SchoolMaintaining the drive/motivation on getting a second jobThe lowest point of trying to pay off his debt and how he worked through itStruggles of selling items you own and even getting extra roommates and how that changed his perception on materialism

    Joe is the author of the following books (both available on Amazon):

    No More Harvard Debt: A Mission to Destroy $90k of Student Debt in Ten Months (http://amzn.com/B008L5LZS2)Destroy Student Debt: A Combat Guide to Freedom (http://amzn.com/B00929U3RU)

    Joe also runs a blog at http://nomoreharvarddebt.com/

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss

    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • In this episode we're joined by Dr. Jerry Hionis and Br. Omar Usman doing a program on decision making. We'll be covering economics, food, car buying, and a whole host of other issues. You don't want to miss this episode. A few relevant links: 1) Decisive http://amzn.to/1FoiPnl - This book forms the basic foundation of the WRAP framework that we modified to WRAPS 2) Muslim Money Guide - http://www.muslimmoneyguide.com/ 3) New Gen Muslims - Project of Mufti Niaz Hannan https://www.facebook.com/newgenmuslims

  • This episode covers: Picking a career path The importance of low-risk experiments like internships How LaunchGood started, and what all this "crowd-funding" business really is Challenges with crowd-funding specific to the Muslim community How crowd funding is changing as it grows, and a critical look at personal/individual crowd-funding campaigns LaunchGood's filtering process for what they allow on their site, and promoting responsible crowd-funding. Providing a means of giving sadaqah in a directly impactful way Misconceptions about crowd-funding Should you donate to relief projects through crowd-funding instead of established charities? Should you use crowd-funding to get out of personal debts? Why LaunchGood turned down a Masjid's crowd-funding campaign, and how they ended up raising the money anyways People raising funds for Islamic education, challenges dealing with your local community, and accountability Chris' favorite LaunchGood project Creating win-win crowd-funding campaigns Links: Website: http://launchgood.comLaunchgood on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/launchgoodLaunchgood on Twitter: https://twitter.com/launchgood If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrssYou can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Guest: Navaid Aziz Topics Covered:-How communities can help provide alternatives to student loans-How to apply the fatwa that says student loans are a necessity-How to buy a car with halal financing (easier than you might think)-House buying-How to increase the barakah in your finances Connect With Navaid Aziz-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/navaidaziz-Twitter: http://twitter.com/NavaidAziz-YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/iiscmultimedia If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrssYou can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • We're really excited speak with Eyad Alnaslah who is a CPA in the Southern California area. Eyad wrote an article for Suhaib Webb's website back in 2013 called "M&M's: Marriage and Money." Here are some of the topics I discuss with Eyad about marriage and money:Financial compatibility in a marriageFocusing on work ethicsHow to grow financially as a coupleOverindulgence in regards to many financial aspects of marriage Resources mentioned in the podcast:Eyad's article on marriage and money: http://www.virtualmosque.com/islam-studies/hot-topics/mms-marriage-and-money/How to create a budget by Haroon Malik: http://debtfreemuslims.com/basics-budgeting/If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastStitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcherAndroid (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrssYou can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Really excited about this episode as we interview brother Hamzah Ghia and how he graduated both his undergrad and got his Masters degree completely debt free!

    Hamzah is currently the Qur'an teacher at Masjid Hamzah in Houston, Texas.

    Some of the topics we cover:

    What his process was in going to college without student loansHis scholarship application process while was in high schoolThe benefits of hard work and how that carries over into your professional career
  • This episode features an interview with Ron Lieber. Since 2008, He has been the “Your Money” columnist for The New York Times, where his columns about student loans won the 2011 Loeb award, business journalism’s highest honor, in the personal finance category.

    He is also the author of the newly released book, The Opposite of Spoiled.

    Some of the topics we cover:

    *What makes kids spoiled?

    *Should you tell your kids how much money you make?

    *How social media has affected money conversations with kids

    *Using money as a tool to teach your kids values


    Purchase The Opposite of Spoiled: http://amzn.to/1KK1F15

    Ron's Facebook Community that helped with this book: https://www.facebook.com/ronlieberauthor

    Follow Ron on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ronlieber


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.

    iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcast

    Stitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcher

    Android (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss

    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Ramadan is season of fundraising

    Negatives of fundraising system and need for financial stability - particularly how it affects things like juma

    Even as we seek financial stability, individual giving is still 80% of philanthropy in the US. Are we set up to sustain our institutions?

    How being in debt affects our ability to give and contribute

    Making it a goal to donate large amounts - make dua to be able to do it

    Monthly increase of sadaqah envelope


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.

    ITunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcast

    Stitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcher

    Android (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss

    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • About Joe Bradford:

    Joe is traditionally and academically trained in the Islamic sciences. He holds a graduate degree in Islamic law from the University of Medina. He likes steak, star gazing, corny about pages, and long walks in the park. He has way too many kids. He currently works in finance and is an adviser to institutions and private individuals.

    In this episode we discuss:

    The obligation of paying ZakatWhat every Muslim should know about the minimum requirements of paying ZakatWhat is a Nisab?Zakat & Debt (house, student loans, etc)Paying Zakat on goldPaying Zakat on investments (401k, Roth IRA, etc)

    Connect with Joe Bradford:

    Website: JoeBradford.netTwitter: https://twitter.com/joebradfordnetFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bradford.Joe

    Further resources:

    20 Questions on ZakatEssential Information on Zakat


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.

    ITunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcast

    Stitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcher

    Android (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss

    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Debt Free Muslim Podcast Episode 16

    This episode is brought to you by MuslimMatters.org – Because Muslims matter.

    About Mufti Menk:

    Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He was tutored by his father who is a well known scholar and Da’ee.

    He completed his hifz and recitation courses at an early age and learnt the Arabic and Urdu languages whilst studying Shariah under his father. At the same time he attended an Academic College in Harare where he completed his secondary secular education. He then attained a degree in Shariah from the University of Madinah and later specialised in Iftaa at Darul Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat.

    This episode covers:

    -The race behind materialism is a never ending game of trying to play catch-up.

    -Not having the means to own something but still striving to get it only enters you into a dangerous cycle of incurring debt.

    -We are taught as Muslims to be happy with what Allah has blessed us with and be content with it.

    -Tailor your life according to your budget.

    -Buying what you cannot afford will only be a constant burden on your shoulders and a distress of the mind.

    -Be mindful of your salary and spend accordingly, not purchasing a car, house, furniture etc., that is out of your range.

    -Certainly, we should aim for the skies, but don’t pretend as if you are in the heavens when you’re not yet above the ground.

    -When you constantly strive for materialistic gain, this disease can spread to other parts of your life as well.

    -More money does not solve your problems.

    -Wealth does not spoil you. It gives you the opportunity to show others who you always were inside.

    -Distinguish between the wants and needs and budget carefully.


    Connect With Mufti Menk:

    Homepage: http://www.muftimenk.co.za/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muftimenk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/muftimenk


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.

    ITunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcast

    Stitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcher

    Android (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss

    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/

  • Debt Free Muslim Podcast Episode 14

    This episode is brought to you by MuslimMatters.org – Because Muslims matter.

    We're excited to have Shaanaan Dawda as our guest today. An Atlanta Native, Shannaan Dawda was born at Grady Memorial Hospital in 1986. Although a proud Grady baby and Southerner, his parents moved from Accra, Ghana to Georgia in the spring of 1982 to experience a different way of life. Growing up in a household that valued education, hard work and perseverance, Shannaan graduated from Georgia Southern University 2009 Cum Laude with degrees in Accounting and Finance. From there, he began working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Savannah, GA before moving back to Atlanta in 2012 to work for Frazier and Deeter CPA Firm. He officially passed all parts of his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam in February of 2013 and soon afterwards founded True Financial LLC. True Financial was founded in order to empower people to regain financial control of their lives by providing the necessary coaching and tools to help them become financially self-sufficient. In September of 2013 Shannaan was trained by Dave Ramsey to be an even better financial coach. Shannaan is actively involved in the community through organizations such as Alpha Phi Alpha, Atlanta Muslim Young Professionals, and Camp Horizon. He currently resides in Atlanta.

    This episode covers:

    - How he got started with True Financial

    - Joy of getting yourself out of debt and now helping other people

    - What is your advice on getting people out of debt?

    - Why do budgets get a bad name?

    - Importance of small wins in finances

    - The many challenges facing Muslims and debt


    Connect With True Financial:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/True-Financial

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/True_Financial

    Homepage - http://truefinancialcoaches.com/


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to share with a friend and RATE and SUBSCRIBE in iTunes.

    ITunes Link: http://bit.ly/dfmpodcast

    Stitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/dfmstitcher

    Android (RSS): http://bit.ly/dfmpodcastrss

    You can also visit our website and sign up for the email list to be notified of new episodes, articles, and get our FREE ebook – A Practical Guide to Debt and Personal Finance for Muslims: http://debtfreemuslims.com/get-our-free-ebook/