
  • And just like that, we’ve come to the end of the second season of The Lion’s Roar. Throughout discourses 4 to 6, Swami has granted us enough guidelines and pointers. The ball’s now in our court! Are we going to brave the internal path? Or go round and round on the external path?

    We are truly honoured to have been on this journey with you, fellow seekers. Your thoughts and comments on this survey will be very valuable to us - http://bit.ly/TLR-S2. And, if you have something further you’d like to share with us, drop us a mail at [email protected]! As always, our Telegram channel is available if you’d like to venture further into the den with some bonus content -  https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg.

    || Credits ||
    Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| “Dance of Creation” by Siddartha Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) | “The Lion’s Roar Intro”,“Two Paths” & “Leaders like Lions”  by SYAA |

  • In this final section of Discourse 6 of Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990, Swami links it all together (all the way to world peace!) as He shows us just how far reaching the power of good thoughts are. Swami brings to the table everything we’ve learnt so far, as He serves us the most moving meal we’ve ever had - chapathi with a side of TRUE surrender!

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Sharangati definition from: Sathya Sai Baba (October 8, 1981), Divine Discourse (Dasara, Vijayadasami) | Three types of peace: Radio Sai (2009) Conversations With Sai: Satyopanishad Part 21: Direct Directions from the Divine. Retrieved from: https://media.radiosai.org/journals/Vol_07/01NOV09/01-conversations.htm

    || Sound Effects ||
    Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| AE0090 Volvo 740 GLE handbrake turn 01.flac by audible-edge https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0 | Fly 1.wav by Benboncan (freesound.org) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | "Thunder, Very Close, Rain, A.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/|Rain light 1 (rural) by jmbphilmes (freesound.org)  https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ | POWER06.WAVby mad-monkey (freesound.org) https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ | “Constellations” “There is only this Love” by Siddartha Corsus (Freemusicarchive.org) | “Peace not Pieces'' [One in Your Love] by Youth4Sai | “DEARSAI: The Lion’s Roar Intro & Outro” “A Background of Oneness'' “Path to You”  by SYAA |

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  • Swami exposes the roots of our individualistic thinking as He tells us to mind ourself(ish) and arms us with a 2-step plan! Why do tomorrow what we can do today? This human birth is precious and it’s time to tap into the treasure of peace that lies within. With the mantra, ‘I am man, I am not an animal’ Swami draws us deeper into this next section of the sixth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series. 

    If you're a wide-eyed ‘wonderer’ and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Selfishness: Sathya Sai Baba (August 21, 1992), Divine Discourse (Krishna Jayanthi), Poornachandra Auditorium | Uniqueness of Human Birth derived from: Hislop, J. S. (1999), Conversations with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA | The Presence (Benevolential) by Siddartha Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) | Container by Bio Unit (freemusicarchive.org) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ | Beast Roar from raw to finish.wav by cyclon8472 (freesound.org) | Knife Sharpen by GlenCurtisAdams (freesound.org) | Cat Meow by YourFriendJesse (freesound.org) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode |

  • Two roads diverge as Swami presents an inner path and an outer path. The question is not which one should we take; it’s whether we’re going to take the one Swami is leading us on. Swami sprays away bad thoughts and purifies our mind as we continue with the sixth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| Sorry - Lofi Hiphop beat by Prof. Riddiman (https://youtu.be/jZLcg7IGdnk) | Aerosol by Chrisdjlong (freesound.org) | 20070918.galloping.horse by dobroide (freesound.org) | Maxheadroom’s Galloping Horse by Podsburgh (freesound.org) | horse_galloping.wav by telezon (freesound.org) | Wild Purple Flowers by Siddharta Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) |

  • Enter the Maze… We know how to get in, but can we get out? Swami shows us an amazing way as He brings on the axe and dispels the root of fear. He even gives us swimming lessons as he teaches us to go against the current of division and streamline our minds towards good thoughts! What’s the difference between a good thought and a bad thought? Jump into this next section of Discourse 6 as our lifesaver Swami pulls us along! 

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| 'Thought-watching' and 'Bhayam Bhayam' BGM by Sai Young Adults Australia (2021) | Illumination by Siddhartha Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) | The fountain of Living Waters by Siddartha Corsus (freemusicarchive) | Empire of Light by Siddhartha Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) Attribution license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode | Hope and fear by Dee Yan-Key (freemusicarchive.org) licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode |  Big Tree fall in forest by Kinoton (freesoundarchive.org) https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode | Wood_chop_01 by dheming (freemusicarchive.org) https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode | Ambient Battle Noises Swords And Spears by pfranzen (freesound.org) |

  • We’re on a bit of a sticky wicket as Swami points out just how deep and subtle the concept of  division runs in our minds, in the very fibres of how we think and perceive the world. How do we restitch these seams? Will Swami get us ‘across the line’ or will the mind hit us for six?  It’s nail-biting stuff, as we open on the sixth discourse of the 1990 Summer Showers in Brindavan series: ‘Hold the Reins’!

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Lock & Key analogy derived from: Sathya Sai Baba  (April 4, 1992), Divine Discourse (Ugadi), Brindavan |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| Door Unlock by angelkunev (freesound.org) | BaseballHitAndCrowdCheer.mp3 by Amish Rob (freesound.org) | Cricket Ball Hit &' Fans Hooting Sound Effect by Audio Vampire Sound Effects (Youtube.com) | Door and lock by Liefdier101 (freesound.org) | Slide whistles by sheepfilms (freesound.org) | Umpire saying you’re out sound effect by Best Quality Sound FX (Youtube.com) | Siddartha Corsus - There is only this Love (freemusicarchive.org) |

  • We see the world through a glass-bottomed boat as four words take on a whole new perspective. Swami waves away everything we think we know when it comes to culture, religion, what is worldly and what is spiritual. All divisions dissolve as we dive into the ocean of oneness in this final section of the fifth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | This is a cup intro derived from:  Sathya Sai Baba (November 23, 1968), Divine Discourse (Birthday), Prasanthi Nilayam | True spirituality extract from: Sathya Sai Baba (March 12, 2002), Divine Discourse (Shivaratri), Prasanthi Nilayam | Ocean analogy derived from: Sathya Sai Baba (March 8, 1997), Divine Discourse (Shivaratri), Prasanthi Nilayam |

    || Sound Effects ||
    Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA|

  • As the welcome blanket of sleep is laid upon the Kaurava camp, a lone, cloaked figure of regal bearing gracefully and silently flits through the shadows. She moves with purpose towards the tents of the opposing army’s upper echelons. The woman in question is the Pandava Queen, Draupadi. Why would the queen herself make her way through the enemy camp? What is she doing?  As the plot unfolds in this sweet epi-shoe-de from the Mahabharata, Swami leads us to think deeply about the end-point of sense control. 

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA | The Presence by Siddhartha Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) | Walking woman by Damiaan (freesound.org) | Bangles by Think Sound Effects (Youtube.com) | Horror Payal Sound effect|Scare your friends|Footstep|Rattle|Movement | Scary By Think Sound EFfects | Sword Item Drop by EminYILDIRIM (freesound.org) | Drop Object on Floor - Sound Effects by Audio Library (youtube.com) | Single clangs by CGEffex (freesound.org) | MetalClang1_Loud_bip.wav by passAirmangrace  (freesound.org) | Ambient Battle Noises Swords And Spears by pfranzen (freesound.org) |

  • What’s a husband to do? Invitations are sent and we pitch a tent as young Prahlada tells a story to lead us to enlightenment. Where does sense-control begin and end? Swami refines our every move; how we walk, talk, sit, sleep - even study, with a noteworthy list of practical guidelines.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA | Youth4Sai (1994). Follow on Follow Your Heart [CD] SYWA | ‘The order of control’ - Mystic Gate by Siddhartha Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) | Harp flourish - nathanmanaker (freesound.org) |Crowd of extras in a waiting room by nebulousflynn (freesound.org) | City sound - early saturday morning, setting up a farmers market by Civic 6 |  Cricket chirping by Lonofi (freesound.org) | A walk with stop by Strategy | Hooded Crow by Straget (Freesound.org) |

  • The post is in! A letter from the Elizabethan era brings to our attention the gift we didn’t know we already had. Swami talks us through excessive talk in this next section of the sixth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series. We won’t say much more than this but - Swami always has the last word. Word.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Sound is God extract from: Sathya Sai Baba (August 31, 2001), Divine Discourse (Onam), Prasanthi Nilayam | Ringler, W. A. (2020) Sir Philip Sidney - English author and statesman. Available at: Encyclopedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Philip-Sidney | Swami Vivekananda’s story derived from: Sathya Sai Baba (October 6, 1997), Divine Discourse (Dasara), Prasanthi Nilayam |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| | Combined Choir from Northwest University and University Presbyterian Church Seattle: "In the Beginning Was the Word and the Word Was God." 2010 | Osho Baba by Siddhartha Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) | Tap water 2 by Owlstorm (freesound.org) | Blah Blah Female by lua_lua (freesound.org) | Mother of all Saints by Siddharta Corsus (freemusicarchive.org) | Bug Zapper_Long moth electrocution.wav by CGEffex  (freesound.org) | elephant by y89312 (freesound.org) | Bubbling, Large, A.wav by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org |Bee Buzzing by JonCon_Library (freesound.org) |

  • If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If your eyes haven’t seen the picture does the picture exist? It’s a case of “AT.MA. Phone. Home” as Swami lovingly ushers us into the path of Enquiry - the only way to really transcend our human limitations.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ |
    Atma as the unchanging basis derived from: Sathya Sai Baba, Gita Vahini (2010) Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam|

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| Casa Bossa Nova by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com/ | Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/ioi_-5sAuXQ | Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5 | Supermarket [Scanner Beeps, checkout Sound Effects - by All Sound (Youtube) | Nirvana Arcade by Siddhartha Corsus  (FreeMusicArchive) |

  • The tongue is the square root of control. With a bridle, a rudder and a spark of fire, Swami shows us just how powerful our speech is. We launch into the fifth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series as Swami leads us down a sacred, royal road into true silence.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Leaky Pot: Sathya Sai Baba (November 23, 1968), Divine Discourse (Birthday), Prasanthi Nilayam | Atma as the unchanging basis derived from: Sathya Sai Baba, Gita Vahini (2010) Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam|

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| Leaky pot sound fx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9wZIIachtk | Riviere-river.ogg by Glaneur de sons (freesounds.org) | Hurricane Sound Effects All Sounds by AllSound (youtube.com) | Sound Effects For Ship Creaks : High Quality Audio by nBeats (Youtube.com) |

  • On this most auspicious New Year’s day, Swami ushers us into the fifth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series: The Road to Divinity. What does it take to make our lives worthwhile? The effort that is required is purely to seek, to examine, to enquire… “Who is powering the eyes with which I am reading these words?” An illuminating start to the discourse and the year!

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA|

  • We look back on this most eye-opening discourse on the wonder-inducing senses. In those moments of weakness when the beast can’t be tamed, this list of Swami’s sensory solutions will guide us along the way. Swami's packed a lot into this trip so let’s get our bearings before we take the next turn on this Road to Divinity.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content! 

    We’d also love to hear from you! Connect with us by email at [email protected].

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Atma Drishti derived from: Sathya Sai Baba, Summer Showers in Brindavan 1973 (ND). Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA | Snorting horse.wav by soundslikewillem | Horse shifting on gravel by n_audioman |

  • Should we give in to our senses: Yes or no?

    If the answer to this question seems difficult, then the words from Swami that we’re about to see will grant us sagacious vision and remove the misconceptions that have allowed our senses free reign. In this final part of the fourth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series, we unflinchingly march towards the end goal of sense control: True Freedom.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA | PurplePlanet | Satya_Yuga by Jesse Gallagher | Sheep in Field by Soundmary (freesound.org) | Level-Up Sound FX by elmasmalo1 |

  • Lord Krishna has had a plate full of it as the severity of the situation comes to a head. The 101st misdeed emerges in a mystery - and makes us question the truth behind the sense-sational palettes we have been creating with our sensory palate! Swami reveals God’s impartiality as He expands and corrects our coloured, partial vision of creation.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Sishupala’s story adapted from: Sacred Texts - Mahabharata, Section XXXIX (Sisupala-badha Parva). Available from: https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m02/m02039.htm | World is a Mirror from: Hislop, J. S. (1999), Conversations with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Savfk:  https://soundcloud.com/savfk | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA | Angry mob loop by bevibeldesign (freesound.org) |

  • This episode, Swami takes us on a ride as we gallop down five different routes on the way to mastery of  the senses. The wool has been pulled over our eyes, and it's time for us to uncover the deception, take the reins and tame these wild horses! Yeeha!

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Turning inward: Sathya Sai Baba (July 30th, 2006), Divine Discourse (Guru Poornima), Prasanthi Nilayam | Goal of spiritual discipline: Sathya Sai Baba (2010) Prasnothara Vahini. Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam | Weaning of the senses derived from: Sathya Sai Baba (2010) Bhagavatha Vahini. Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam | Sense control as an expression of devotion: Sathya Sai Baba (November 23, 1968), Divine Discourse (Birthday), Prasanthi Nilayam |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| Pills by j1987 |  Cartoon Gulp! By Breviceps | Soldiers by Jack_Freedom5712 | Marching by WebbFilmsUK |Drillsarge_PresentArms_TenHut.wav by Veridiansunrise | Horses_in_Israel by Rani Shoket https://freesound.org/people/Rani%20Shoket/sounds/63234/ | Mixed whip crack 1 by peterbullmusic  | Coos Baby 3 Various Ha AC032101 by gumballworld |

  • There's a fair whack of insight in the middle section of Discourse 4 where Swami compares the pair and distills for us the true essence of sense control. And what does a 14th century saint and a master key have to do with this? There’s a sense of adventure in the air as we crack the case!

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Tukaram’s backstory adapted from: Bhagavatam Katha (2016), Tukaram Gets a Job. Available from: http://www.bhagavatam-katha.com/tukaram-gets-a-jov/ | Life history of Kabir adapted from: Varanasi (N.D.), Kabir Das. Available from: http://www.varanasi.org.in/kabir-das | Six enemies extracted from: Sathya Sai Baba (February 23rd, 2006), Divine Discourse, Prasanthi Nilayam|

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| Nature_ambience_countryside_birds_insects_cow_bells_distant_traffic_wind_in_trees_edge_of_forest_summer by julien_matthey_ | a jersey calf mooing by jack jr (youtube) | pasture ambience LONG 130101_03.flac by klankbeeld | Cartoon leather movement, creak or could be expanding or growing sound. Version 2 | dry shovel 2 www.zapsplat.com | "Footsteps, Dry Leaves, E.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org | Harvest Sounds.wav by wobesound | whack02.mp3 by Qat | Loom by Sounds of Changes | "Door Squeak, Normal, D.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org |Key SFX by TaXMaNFoReVeR | Wooden Window 1 by Sheyvan | Classic Laser Pew by SeanSecret | Levels by Yung Kartz (freemusicarchive) | Sorry by Prof. Riddiman |

  • Wedded to the 10 senses (knowingly, or unknowingly), we’ve put the cart before the horse. Sense control is a gradual, internal process. What does this mean? Swami outlines the limits that govern the senses, and why these divinely ordained limits matter. In today’s episode, we continue with the next part of the fourth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series: Mastery of the Senses.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Drawer opening and closing by  Kleber_KGF | Tada Fanfare by Plasterbrain (freesound.org) | Kettle whistling by Aliedsvwyk | LighteningStrikeAtHome_20080817.wav by henderda | Making Pancake by JarredGibb | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA |

  • Let’s be real, the concept of sense control isn’t the most appealing... to anyone. But don’t we want to constantly be at peace? Avoid the pendulum of life striking us with all it’s dualities? If we want freedom, REAL freedom -  from all of this then - we have to make the effort. Who should be in control? Because at this point our senses are. In today’s episode, we begin with the first part of the fourth discourse of the Summer Showers in Brindavan 1990 series: Mastery of the Senses.

    If you're a wide-eyed wonderer and would like to dive deeper - head over to the SYAA Telegram channel - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_5VNrKMIAHX-dkSg for some bonus content!

    || Credits ||
    Radio Sai (2013) Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam. Available from: https://radiosai.org/ | Sathya Sai Baba, Upanishad Vahini (2014) Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam | Internal Senses: Sathya Sai Baba (June 21, 1996) Divine Discourse, Prasanthi Nilayam |

    || Sound Effects ||
    The Lion’s Roar title music by DEAR Sai, Sai Young Adults Australia (2020) | Music by: https://www.purple-planet.com | Youtube Audio Library | Radio Sai Bhajans [YouTube Channel] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW5Z9BGsa14XLFXdRf01TA| Jungle sounds obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com | Horse and chariot 30secs by giovannitp (freesound.org) | Snorting horse.wav by soundslikewillem | Horse shifting on gravel by n_audioman |