Sou Felipe Fonseca, um comunicador apaixonado por gente e por viagens. Aí pensei cá comigo: Por que não juntar os dois? Nesse podcast, vamos conhecer as histórias/ "viagens das ideias" e destinos de cada convidado pelo mundão afora e sem precisar pegar um avião. Me Conta Sua Viagem? Esse é o lema por aqui!
@FelipeFonsecaTV -
Está aberta a 3ª temporada!
Inteirinha voltada para nós, mulheres. Para todas que querem se conhecer melhor e resgatar o feminino dentro de si. Esta temporada vai nos ajudar a resgatar a potência que existe em nós. Falaremos sobre sagrado feminino, autoconhecimento, patriarcado, feminismo, sexualidade e representatividade. É um convite para, juntas, rompermos padrões antigos, nos abrirmos para o novo, desnudarmos de crenças limitantes, descascarmos camadas que não nos fazem bem. E durante este processo, vivermos uma transformação positiva.
Desde 2019 gravo o “Em casa a gente conversa”, que disponibiliza toda quarta-feira um episódio novo.
Nas duas primeiras temporadas trouxe dicas para uma criação respeitosa, com um olhar atento à criança e uma escuta ativa, de verdade. Conversamos sobre maternidade e a vida da mulher, igualdade de gêneros, diversidade, feminismo, racismo, privilégio branco, tudo isso e muito mais!
Aqui te ajudo a dar aquele “start”, aquela “virada de chavinha” para você começar a caminhar comigo nesta jornada de autoconhecimento, empoderamento e uma criação com empatia, respeito e amor.
Então chegue mais e coloque o fone, porque o Em Casa a Gente Conversa, tá cheinho de novidades para você!
Instagram: @agenteconversa
Facebook: @emcasaagente
Financiamento coletivo: -
Um podcast que mete o bico na maternidade real. Desafios, diversidade, empatia e humor numa tacada só!
Produzido por Abrace Podcasts. Visite-nos em -
Colombia Calling is your first stop for everything you ever wanted to know about Colombia. Colombia Calling is hosted by Anglo Canadian transplant to Colombia, Richard McColl and the Newscast is provided by journalist Emily Hart. Tune in for politics, news, reviews, travel and culture stories, all related to Colombia.
Anglais flegmatique, enragé joueur de whist, Phileas Fogg, dont on ignore tout, mène une vie réglée comme une horloge. Jamais un mot, ni un mouvement inutiles.Ce mercredi 2 octobre 1872, tout pourrait bien changer : contre l’avis de ses partenaires de jeu du Reform-Club, Phileas Fogg soutient qu’on peut maintenant parcourir la terre en quatre-vingts jours seulement.Un pari est lancé. S’il n’est pas de retour le samedi 21 décembre, à huit heures quarante-cinq du soir, notre homme perd tout. Avec Jean Passepartout, domestique français fraîchement engagé, il devra « sauter mathématiquement des railways dans les paquebots, et des paquebots dans les chemins de fer ».Mais sa route pourrait bien être parsemée d’embûches … A bet: Phileas Fogg, an English man, is to travel around the world in eighty days by land and sea. Will he make it?Let’s follow his adventure through the writings of Jules Verne, in French.
Working LIke Dogs features pet podcasts about working animals. In this working animal podcast, we cover everything from how to get started as a trainer of working animals or how to acquire a working animal to how to take care of your animal companion. In these podcasts, you will learn what it means to work side by side with an animal. We cover working animals such as service dogs, guide dogs, hearing dogs, police dogs, search and rescue dogs, drug dogs, seizure dogs, military dogs, etc. In addition to dogs, we talk about working horses, elephants, pigeons, and the list goes on and on. We discuss topics such as equipment, grooming, nutrition, training, traveling with your working companion, veterinary issues, retirement, and behavior.
Our working animal podcasts include guests in every field of the working animal world. Trainers, handlers, veterinarians, working animal experts, and animal communicators give you the inside scoop on everything you’ve always wanted to know about working animals. -
Join Jim Henson Company and Mystery Science Theatre 3000 puppeteer Grant Baciocco on his quest to experience every Disney Park attraction that he can. Disneyland, Walt Disney World (Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney's Hollywood Studios, Disney's Animal Kingdom), you name it Grant is going to try and do it all! Produced by Saturday Morning Media. Grant Baciocco, Executive Producer.
Being a solo parent might have come to you unexpectedly or it may be what you have always planned. Even the most resourceful parent may find themselves in need of support, ideas, and resources. No matter the circumstances, this is the right place to find everything you need to be an outstanding solo parent. Dr. Robbin Rockett brings on a different guest each week to discuss all the aspects of being a single parent. You may be solo in your parenting role, but you are not alone. Listen to the show each week to find refreshing new ideas, hear stories of other solo parents, and connect with the community that is here to support you!
Next Stop, Mississippi is your on-air source for information about upcoming events and attractions across the state. Get to know the real Mississippi! Each week the show's hosts, Kamel King (Visit Mississippi) and Germaine Flood highlight well-known and unknown places in Mississippi with the best food, parks, music and arts.
They’ll not only tell you what’s going on in your neck of the woods but also share the history and people behind the markets, sporting events, concerts, fairs and festivals all over Mississippi. Hear the personal stories and traditions behind that favorite event you attend each year. You never know where they’ll stop, but the adventure always starts with a turn of the dial to Next Stop, Mississippi, airing Friday mornings at 10 am on MPB Think Radio.
To view or submit events: Email the show: [email protected].
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Melrose Scouting Productions presents "Around The Scouting Campfire", a podcast which features Boy Scout and Cub Scout related topics. This show from the scoutmaster of Troop 68 includes audio bits featuring the Boy Scouts and leadership of Boy Scout Troop 68 during the last twenty-five years. ATSC is co-hosted by Buttons, the radical Boy Scout, who shares his thoughts about that great adventure we call Boy Scouting. Topics include songs for "Around the Campfire", "Buttons' Corner", and the Scout Leader Minute. We appreciate your comments, so please leave one.
Orlando Florida Lifestyle Podcast featuring conversations on living in Central Florida. Your hosts Jhonatan and Stephanie talk about their experiences living in one of the most visited cities in the world. Discover what its like to live here and hear from the people who make this place their home.