With what is going on in the country, why are we so divided?
Have you ever had a crush on someone who different political views and you did not know how to handle it, well don't feel alone.
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Have you ever dated someone with children and felt like they did not make time for you, well don't feel alone, be more understanding.
I know some guy has done this one time or another I know I have.
This is not only for women, but men also, how many time have this happened to you?
Have you ever wanted to date and Older woman
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to ask a question, and did not know what the I come would be.
Do you ever find yourself looking for Mr. or Miss right, and see them but know one says a thing, well try opening your mouth sometime a simple hello always works.
Have you ever had a hard time maintaining eye contact with someone well you are not alone.
Have you ever tried to empress someone with a gift, and you get that look of what is this, and you realize that was not the right one.
Have you ever thought about some of the things that you have said or done, well I hav,e and stupid that was.
Have you ever walked into a place and seen this great looking couple, and wondered if they were together, well guess what, maybe they are not.
Love, have you ever told someone you loved them and really didn't mean it, well we do it all the ti and the results can be good and bad.
I was questioned about this subject, so I felt that it needed more content, who doesn't love a little now and then.
Are you the type of person who meets someone and tells them that you are a sex addict, after knowing them awhile, how do you feel about that.
Have you ever dated someone only to find out that they were seriously ill and you did not know it until later, how did you react, what were thoughts..., think about it.
You ever tell your friends how you feel about someone, and the tell that person, then the response is she say's this or he say's that. What do you think of that, really what do you think of that?
Have you ever been hung up on dieting that it really makes you miserable, well that is not always a good thing.
Have you ever walked up to a woman who had the look of, talk to me and I will eat up alive, well I have and it was not pleasant, so I learned.
I just had to talk about this topic, I am confused, can you explain this to me?
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