Was macht mehr Spaß als alleine ein Buch lesen? Gemeinsam ein Buch lesen und dann darüber diskutieren! Das tun wir in diesem Podcast.
In jeder Folge sprechen wir ausgiebig über ein Buch. Wir lesen querbeet und reden frei nach Schnauze. Meistens Belletristik, Tendenz zeitgenössisch. Hauptsache interessant und divers: Literatur von und über Frauen, PoC, LGBTQIA*. Dass darunter keine Bücher von alten weißen Männern sind, ist natürlich reiner Zufall.
Wir, das sind Fabienne und Martina, zwei Literaturwissenschaftlerinnen, die auch außerhalb der Arbeit Lust auf Geschichten haben. Und gerne miteinander sprechen. Nicht nur über Bücher.
Unser Podcast richtet sich an alle, die ihren alten Bookclub vermissen oder immer schon einem beitreten wollten.
Wir freuen uns auf euch! -
Can a play written in the seventeenth century protest against contemporary issues? Is it possible to use a Shakespearian tragedy draw attention to political injustice? Apartheid was a system of enforced legal racial segregation in South Africa that was imposed on the country's majority non white inhabitants by the minority white population. In 1988 actress and director Janet Suzman took the decision to defy the racist apartheid regime by staging Othello in Johannesburg with a mixed cast of both white and black actors. In these three films we explore the way in which one of Shakespeare’s plays was used to make provocative statements on the political situation in South Africa the late eighties.
This material forms part of The Open University course A230 Reading and studying literature. -
Can a location inspire great poetry? To what extent can a person’s environment influence their art? After leaving the area as a child the Romantic poet William Wordsworth returned to the Lake District and remained there from 1799 to 1802. Surrounded by scenery he cherished Wordsworth composed some of his best poetry in Dove Cottage, but the building was also the residence of friend Thomas De Quincy whom documented his time with the Wordsworth’s as well as his own experiences in the property.
This material forms part of The Open University course A230 Reading and studying literature. -
Do you want to get more out of your reading? This unit is designed to develop the analytical skills you need for a more in-depth study of literary texts. You will learn about narrative events and perspectives, the setting of novels, types of characterisation and genre. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.
Have you always wanted to write, but never quite had the courage to start? This unit will give you an insight into how authors create their characters and the settings for their work. You will also be able to look at the different genres for fiction. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.
Ein spannungsgeladenes Hallo! Schön d.du da bist.
Ich bin Greta Valentin, Autorin und schreibe im Genre Krimi und Thriller.
Warum du meinem Podcast lauschen solltest?
Tritt ein in die dunkle und fesselnde Welt des Verbrechens. Wo die Grenzen zwischen Gut und Böse verschwimmen. Als Krimi - und Thrillerautorin nehme ich dich mit auf eine grauenvolle Reise durch die tiefsten Abgründe menschlicher Seele.
Halte den Atem an und fühle deinen Puls.
Spürst du die Kraft seines Schlages?
Zwischendurch gibt es auch spannende Interviews(Thrill Talks) mit Krimi und Thriller Autoren und natürlich spannende Minikrimiepisoden mit Fortsetzung!!
Freu mich riesig auf Dich,
Greta Valentin -
Ihr möchtet das Thema Bücher und Leseförderung in euren Schulalltag integrieren? In diesem Podcast bekommt ihr dazu praktische Tipps und Inspirationen für alle Schul- und Klassenformen, die ihr ohne viel Zeit oder Budget direkt umsetzen könnt. Lehrer Benni tauscht sich in lockeren Gesprächen mit Loewe Verlagsmitarbeiterin Scarlett darüber aus, wie man Schüler*innen zu Leser*innen macht. Sie besprechen Lektüretipps aus unterschiedlichen Verlagen und konkrete Unterrichtsmethoden.
Coverhintergrund: shutterstock © OoddySmile Studio -
Welcome to the Many Worlds Writing Podcast! The show that’s all about how to brainstorm, write, edit, publish, and sell a powerful speculative fiction novel… and maybe just change the world too.
I'm your host, Heather Davis. I’m a seasoned book coach, developmental editor, and fellow storyteller.
In my work with writers, I always see the same problems and roadblocks standing in their way and preventing them from achieving their dream of becoming a published author. So it’s my mission to be 100% real about what it takes to craft a cohesive and unforgettable speculative fiction novel.
I’ll share the same tips, tricks, and techniques that I use with my own client in order to help you write the best novel you’re capable of writing.
In my under-30-minute episodes, I’ll get right to the heart of the problem without wasting your valuable time. I’ll give concrete, actionable ways to address that problem that won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed or ready to give up. (That means that most of my episodes come with handy workbooks that you can grab for free right in my show notes!)
But let’s be clear on one thing. Writing a good speculative fiction novel—you know, one that other people actually want to read it—is probably that hardest personal project you’ll ever willingly undertake. So this podcast doesn't downplay that hard work and promise that you’ll write a bestseller in 30 days or 6 months. (I personally don’t believe that good novels are written that way.)
Instead, this podcast embraces the hard, messy, and frustrating work that goes in to writing a great novel. My goal is to help you write a novel that you're proud of—one that holds together, one that makes people think, and one that makes readers want to read your work and buy your books again and again.
From character arc to plot structure, from deep level worldbuilding to developing a kick-ass magic system, from honing your authorly voice to identifying your genre, from building an email list to hiring an editor, we’re gonna to cover it all.
So if that sounds like something that would be helpful to you in your writing journey, please take a second to follow or subscribe to the show. It would mean the world to me and it’s a really easy way to show your support and to make sure there are many more episodes to come!
Until next time, keep writing, keep dreaming, and remember: the world needs your stories right now, so don't you dare give up on your novel or yourself!
See ya soon!
In diesem Podcast unterhalte ich mich mit veröffentlichten und unveröffentlichten Autorinnen und Autoren über das Schreiben ihres ersten Buches, darüber, wie es sich angefühlt hat, das erste eigene "Baby" in Händen zu halten und über alles, was am Schreiben so spannend ist. Der Podcast ist eine Ergänzung zu dem Newsletter "Plotten für Chaoten. Die Kunst, aus einer Idee eine Geschichte zu machen", der sich ebenfalls an alle wendet, die an einem Roman arbeiten und der unter abonniert werden kann.
Niki Löwenstein und Holger Potye jede Woche im Gespräch mit inspirierenden Menschen zu den Themen Ernährung, Bewegung, Bewusstsein und Erholung. Wie gelingt unseren Gästen das, was für sie ein gutes Leben ausmacht? Mehr Inspirationen findest du auch unter:
Sie können den gesamten Audiokurs auf unserer Website herunterladen: LinguaBoost Italienisch ist ein Audio-Kurs für Anfänger oder für alle, die sich schwer tun, fließend Italienisch zu sprechen. Jede Lektion enthält nützliche alltägliche Ausdrücke, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema beziehen.
A British English podcast to help your English listening skills! If you can't understand everything I say, please don't worry. Just keep listening everyday and try reading the episode transcripts 🙂
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Finally, if you have any topics requests, suggestions or just want to say 'hi' or 'thanks', feel free to send me a message at 😀
Have a lovely day,
Chris 🤗
P.S. Don't forgot to help me by giving my podcast a rating! And, if you have the time, please leave review too! ✏️
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Take your Italian to the next level with Coffee Break Italian Advanced. Join native speaker Francesca and teacher Mark as they guide you through the intricacies of the language. This podcast is aimed at learners working at B1/B2 level and we'll be covering grammatical structures and topics appropriate to this level. In each episode Mark and Francesca will discuss a language point, and then you'll listen to a dialogue which features examples of the language point, helping you consolidate what you've learned.
Find out more about Coffee Break Italian on our website at and if you're not yet at this level, check out our other Coffee Break Italian podcast - just search for Coffee Break Italian wherever you get your podcasts.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is a podcast for those who are learning Japanese. I’ll talk about an article of News Web Easy per episode for about 20 mins. 🔶The first 5-min for small talk and reading aloud an article for "beginner learners"🔶The next 15-min for an explanation of the article for "N4-level le"🔶After 20-min for providing deep background or information for "intermediate learners"Here is my listener's thought why they think we should listen to this podcast even if we cannot understand it well.⇨
What this podcast is *not*: a rule guide on proper punctuation.We'll only conjure the ghost of grammar in order to put it to rest.What this podcast *is*: a journey through the weird behaviour of punctuation in the wild. Be prepared to amble on the placid path of the comma, get lost on the winding road of brackets, and arrive at the well-deserved rest of the full stop.Along the way, we'll explore the past & future of punctuation, why a comma sparked the Russian Revolution, how to earn millions with a semicolon, and what your favourite mark says about you.Mind your dots & dashes!
Welcome to 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐙𝐨𝐧𝐞 podcast. This is your host Ziyad. My goal is to help you practice and improve your English the easy way through fun, motivational, and English skill-based content.
I have 10+ years of English teaching experience and here, I share the most effective methods and easy tips to help you take your English to the next level and improve your life for the better.
Here are the links to other platforms below:
Instagram: -
Ein Podcast von Fotografen, für Fotografen. Mit der Fotografie zu starten kann verwirrend sein, die Herausforderungen einschüchternd, die Preisgestaltung schwierig und wie sollen dich überhaupt potentielle Kunden finden? Hier findest du eine wunderbare Community, Inspiration und Weiterbildung. In den 6 Jahren unserer Selbstständigkeit hat sich viel geändert: Die Art wie wir Marketing betreiben, Menschen fotografieren oder welche Maßstäbe wir für Erfolg setzen. Wir sprechen über Hochzeitsfotografie, den Weg in die Selbstständigkeit, Websites, freie Projekte und geben Tipps, wie du natürlichere Fotos machen kannst. Wir Fotografen müssen neue Wege gehen, um gesehen zu werden. Wer die Strategien, Vorraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten kennt, hat eine erfolgreiche Zeit als Fotograf vor sich. In unseren Podcast teilen wir mit dir alles, was in unseren Augen wichtig ist.