Theory & Philosophy is a multi-disciplinary podcast offering you succinct breakdowns of key philosophical and theoretical texts to help you better understand the world we all live in. New episodes every second Saturday at 4am EST. Patreon: Youtube:
How far can we go in our thinking, our imagination, our love? This show is about transgressing the limits of our minds and dissolving the boundaries of our hearts. While exploring diverse topics in literature, philosophy, culture, social theory, politics, and spirituality, Infinite Conversations is ultimately a show about art as life, and life as art.
Listen in as author Linda Sivertsen (aka Book Mama) brings together the world’s most beloved bestselling authors to chat about writing, publishing, deal-making, spirituality, activism, and the art of romancing creativity. Now streaming on American Airlines, these up-close conversations are a fan favorite, downloaded millions of times, and frequently profiled on “Best Podcast” lists (i.e., The Motley Fool’s “10 Best Podcasts for Women”) while gracing the "Popular Podcasts, Books" (formerly Literature) page of iTunes/Apple Podcasts nearly every day since the show's launch in 2015. Join Linda (herself an award-winning, bestselling author, writing coach, and ex-ghostwriter + magazine editor) and her celebrity co-hosts for deep, funny interviews w/ top authors on breakout success to staying power. Heart-centered encouragement, street-smart advice, and insider success (and failure!) stories for every writer and creative type. Biggest mistakes, best shortcuts, behind-the-scenes agent, press, and publishing stories help you gain the courage to get your book, blog, ballad, or biz birthed into the world. Guests include Jenny Lawson, Martha Beck, Elizabeth Gilbert, Patricia Cornwell, Marie Forleo, Van Jones, Cheryl Strayed, Nia Vardalos, Terry McMillan, Joel Stein, Deepak Chopra, Tom Hanks, Glennon Doyle, Abby Wambach, Candice Bergen, Meg Wolitzer, Austin Channing Brown, Dean Koontz, Ann Patchett, Maria Shriver, Steven Pressfield, Anita Moorjani, Tosca Lee, Brené Brown, Lee Child, Anne Lamott, Rob Bell, Dani Shapiro, Gabby Bernstein, Seth Godin, Danielle LaPorte, Marianne Williamson, Arianna Huffington, Mary Karr, Gretchen Rubin, #1 NYT Fantasy Authors (and besties) Tomi Adeyemi & Sabaa Tahir, US Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, and former WME super-agent Jennifer Rudolph Walsh. If you’ve ever wished you could sit down with your favorite writers over coffee to ask them how they do it, year after year, book after book, consider this your new, not-so-guilty pleasure. Take your dreams from idea to done with us. The Beautiful Writers Podcast. Where inspiration is constant, and swearing, optional (although highly appreciated). Find out more:
Subtext is a book club podcast for readers interested in what the greatest works of the human imagination say about life’s big questions. Each episode, philosopher Wes Alwan and poet Erin O’Luanaigh conduct a close reading of a text or film and co-write an audio essay about it in real time. It’s literary analysis, but in the best sense: we try not overly stuffy and pedantic, but rather focus on unearthing what’s most compelling about great books and movies, and how it is they can touch our lives in such a significant way.
Bedtime Stories For Grownups is a series of whimsical scenes from the stuff of dreams that is intended to be a portal into dreamland. There is no plot to follow and no sense to make of anything - simply descriptions of dreamscapes to help you find your way there. Please note that some listeners may find some of the content a little dark and unsettling. These tales are told with humility - and with respect. Any descriptive similarity to actual persons or events is unintentional and entirely coincidental. Soundscape by Alpha Jetplane Music.
Welcome to Shaping the Narrative, a podcast where we have thoughtful conversations about stories and the creators behind them. On this show, you can expect to hear us discuss everything from books, movies and podcasts or be joined by guests who create narratives through their work. This podcast is produced by Cove Collective, a community that celebrates the joy, creativity and culture of BIPOC women. Listen to our bi-weekly episodes on Mondays!Podcast photo by Dainesha Nugent-Palache, artwork by Ashley Tomlinson **Cove Collective wants to acknowledge that this podcast is recorded in Tkaronto on the traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinaabe, and the Huron-Wendat, which is now home to many First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples.
Comment la littérature nous permet-elle de créer des liens les uns avec les autres ? En quoi nous aide-t-elle à nous épanouir en tant qu’être humain ? Pour la saison 2 d’Écrire, le Salon du livre du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean présente 6 rencontres avec des écrivain.e.s qui rendent la littérature vivante et offrent des réponses captivantes à ces questions. À travers leur travail, on explore l’importance de la littérature et de l’écriture comme outils de transmission.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Celebrate Fernwood Publishing's Thirtieth anniversary with this special podcast that features Fernwood authors, their ideas and why Canada needs radical publishing.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The show where you join me, Oliver Brackenbury, on the journey of writing my next novel, from first ideas all the way to publication & promotion. In this unique, one-man-reality show I'll share you with you my ever evolving thoughts and feelings on how I write, being a writer, and everything that entails at each stage of the process. I'll also answer listener questions and, sometimes, interview people who write fiction.
If you're the kind of person who likes to learn how things are made, and get to know the people making them, then this is the show for you. -
The Short Fuse Podcasts, hosted by Elizabeth Howard, are conversations with artists, writers, musicians and others whose art reveals our communities through their lens and stirs us to seek change. "Artists are here to disturb the peace." James Baldwin
The Short Fuse is produced by the Arts Fuse, the online journal of arts commentary and criticism. -
Lorsqu’on prononce le mot musée, on imagine immédiatement un lieu imposant, impressionnant, composant avec une certaine part de mystère. Il y a un imaginaire entourant le musée, qui contribue à en faire un monde intriguant; de fait, le musée ne semble jamais complètement se laisser démasquer.
L’action de ces créations radiophoniques se déroule à l'intérieur du MNBAQ (Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec). Carlos et Leysha s’y sont donnés rendez-vous : elle aime l’art et s’évade dans le dessin; il ne fréquente pas les musées, puisque les non-voyants n’y ont généralement pas la possibilité de toucher ce qui y est exposé. Dans ce musée, ils sortent d’eux pour aller à la rencontre d’une galerie de personnages qui les attendent et les entraînent dans leur monde, composé d’idées, d’intuitions et de sensibilités, tissant ainsi un tableau sonore donnant à entendre jusqu’à l’inexprimable.
Cette série vous propose d’entrer au musée par les oreilles et de partir à la rencontre de ceux qui habitent ce lieu pluriel; philosophes, conservateurs, gardiens de sécurité, visiteurs - sans oublier les œuvres d’art elles-mêmes. Le chemin, sculpté à même les paroles et sensibilités des uns et des autres, emprunte ici celui de la pensée. C’est ainsi une véritable fouille sur le sens et la signification de l’institution muséale qui est proposée, son identité et son rôle n’ayant de cesse de se redéfinir, comme en témoigne la posture critique qui traverse le récent redéploiement des collections d’art ancien et d’art moderne du monument en mouvement qu’est le MNBAQ.
*Quatre épisodes à écouter l’un à la suite de l’autre ou en pièces détachées.* -
Bienvenue au Canada, c’est à la fois un podcast et un site Internet ( qui vous procurent des informations et des interviews sur la vie au Québec ⚜️ et au Canada 🇨🇦.
Toutes les 2 semaines, mon invité ou moi vous donnons des conseils pratiques sur :
les préparatifs du départ
les démarches à l’arrivée
le logement
les finances
les études
et bien plus encore !
À l’occasion, je vous partage aussi quelques anecdotes sur la vie d’expatrié. 🤣
Alors, si vous souhaitez :
vous installer au Québec ou au Canada 🇨🇦
y rester de manière temporaire ou permanente
pour y étudier ou y trouver un emploi
Vous êtes au bon endroit !
Vous avez des questions ou des suggestions ? Retrouvez-moi sur mon site Internet et les réseaux sociaux : (
LinkedIn (
Instagram (
YouTube (
Ou laissez-moi un message audio sur Speak Pipe ( !
Au plaisir d’échanger avec vous ! 🚀
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Pour retrouver les notes des épisodes, consultez mon site : Bienvenue au Canada ( à la section Apprendre. Vous y découvrirez mes différents articles sur le Québec et le Canada. En vous abonnant à ma newsletter, vous recevrez un livret gratuit contenant 67 astuces à connaître avant de partir au Canada : cadeau (
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Découvrez mes livres sur : Bienvenue au Canada ( à la section Livres (
Ma collection d’Anecdotes canadiennes :
- Un départ en fanfare et une arrivée agitée !
- Décodeur anglais et québécois demandé !
- Famille, je vous aime ! Mais parfois…
Mes guides pratiques :
- Coûts d’une expatriation au Canada
- Téléphoner au Canada sans se ruiner
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Immigration Québec Canada - Expatriation Québec Canada - Étudier au Québec et au Canada - Travailler au Québec et au Canada - Vivre au Québec et au Canada - Partir au Québec et au Canada - Guide expatriation Québec Canada - Coûts de la vie au Québec et au Canada - Logement Québec Canada - Coûts d’une expatriation au Québec et au Canada
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Are you ready to see the Tarot cards in a whole new Light? I'm Kimberly Stargazer & welcome to the Tarot Demystified podcast -- with more than twenty years as a psychic tarot reader & evolutionary astrologer, I've seen a few things. As I've become more curious about trends of our changing cultural landscape and current global events -- the ancient symbols and archetypal figures of the Tarot have truly came to life. Most often the Tarot is used by astrologers as an intuitive additive, like an afterthought. For me, it's the Star of the Show - the interface we engage with as we go through life, whether we realize it or not. I'm here to challenge the more traditional approach to Tarot and astrology, and use it's wisdom to get answers to the philosophical and yes, even moral issues, plaguing our societies in the 21st century. So if you're intrigued by astrology, Tarot cards, ancient symbols & archetypes - then I'm glad you've tuned in. You're in the right place, at the right time.Connect with Kimberly Stargazer at and in The Star Lounge TheStarLounge.Locals.comThis podcast is produced, mixed, and edited by Cardinal Studio. For more information on how to start your own podcast, please visit or e-mail [email protected]
Author Cliff Burns presents a limited series on books, literature and the writing life. He offers no quarter to the amateurs and fanboys/girls who have eroded critical standards and dummied down discourse by trolling anyone who dares offer a dissenting voice or pans their favorite genre or author. Ten episodes, each guaranteed to offend some segment of the reading or writing world.
The ethics of everything -
Writers Charlotte Shane and Jo Livingstone talk about what they’ve been reading and special guests join to enthuse about a significant or provocative book of their choice. Produced by Alex Sugiura. Theme song by Jo Livingstone.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A short form podcast in which authors of new books enthuse about the old books that inspired their works.