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    In this sermon, Rabbi Bernath reflects on the tragic yet inspiring story of IDF soldier Yisrael Yudkin, who fell in Gaza during “Operation Iron Swords.” Despite the family's heartbreaking loss, their steadfast determination to honor their son with the traditional Jewish inscription "hy"d" (Hashem yikom damo - May G-d avenge his blood) on his headstone led to a significant change in military cemetery regulations.

    Rabbi Bernath draws parallels between the Yudkin family's struggle, Moses's hidden fears before confronting Og, and the fearless leadership of the Previous Rebbe under Soviet oppression. These stories underscore the power of unwavering faith, the importance of honoring the fallen, and the necessity of leading with courage and resolve.


    Steadfast Honor: The Yudkin family’s refusal to compromise on their son’s headstone inscription teaches the importance of honouring the deceased according to cherished traditions, even in the face of bureaucratic obstacles.Faith in Divine Justice: The phrase "Hashem yikom damo" (May G-d avenge his blood) is a profound declaration of faith, entrusting divine justice to uphold the sanctity of life and the Jewish people.Hidden Strength: Moses's silent fear and G-d’s reassurance highlight the significance of inner strength and the understanding that leadership often requires concealing personal fears to bolster communal confidence.Fearless Leadership: The Previous Rebbe’s fearless demeanour in the face of Soviet persecution exemplifies the power of resolute faith and the impact of leading without showing fear, inspiring followers to remain steadfast in their mission.Collective Responsibility: Both the Yudkin family’s public campaign and the Previous Rebbe’s underground efforts demonstrate the collective responsibility to uphold and fight for religious and cultural values, ensuring their preservation for future generations.Divine Mission: When pursuing G-d’s mission, whether in spreading Judaism or upholding justice for the fallen, one must act with unwavering certainty and strength, trusting in divine support for ultimate success

    The sermon calls upon the community to draw inspiration from these stories, urging them to lead with courage, honor the past, and remain steadfast in their faith, trusting that G-d’s justice and support will prevail. Good Shabbos.

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

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    Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

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    Support the Show.

    Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36

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    Please partner with us by purchasing a ticket in our raffle. It would really mean a lot to me and you can win some great prizes. https://www.charidy.com/ndgraffle/

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

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    Support the Show.

    Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

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    Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36

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    In this sermon, Rabbi Bernath delves into the story of Korach's rebellion, exploring it as a profound lesson in leadership and faith. The narrative begins with the disastrous report of the spies and follows with three distinct rebellions: the Maapilim, the wood chopper, and Korach. These mutinies represent various reactions to the Israelites' harsh reality of wandering in the desert. Rabbi Bernath draws parallels between these ancient revolts and modern Jewish history, offering insights into how we can find true redemption and unity by embracing our Jewish identity and faith.

    Key Takeaways

    Leadership and Faith: The failure of the spies underscores the importance of steadfast leadership and unwavering faith in Divine guidance.Three Reactions to Crisis: The rebellions of the Maapilim, the wood chopper, and Korach highlight different ways people react to crises and challenges, each offering a lesson on the pitfalls of abandoning faith and unity.Modern Parallels: Historical and contemporary Jewish responses to prolonged exile and suffering reflect the ancient rebellions, emphasizing the need to maintain a strong Jewish identity.Rebbe's Teachings: The Lubavitcher Rebbe's insights on Jewish unity and identity provide a framework for overcoming spiritual crises and achieving true redemption.Ultimate Redemption: The sermon calls for a deeper yearning for Moshiach and the ultimate fulfillment of the Divine purpose, beyond superficial achievements and temporary relief.

    #Korach #Rebellion #Leadership #Faith #spies #Maapilim #WoodChopper #LubavitcherRebbe #chabad #JewishIdentity #Redemption #Torah #Moshiach #Exile #Jewish #JewishHistory #lubavitch #Spiritual #SpiritualUnity

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    This special class dedicated to “The Rebbe” delves into the remarkable growth and enduring impact of Chabad, attributed to the leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It explores the Rebbe’s unique ability to empower individuals, his optimistic vision of the world, and the exponential growth of Chabad since his passing. Key stories and teachings illustrate how the Rebbe inspired young, inexperienced individuals to become leaders, thereby spreading Jewish life across the globe.

    Marking the 30th anniversary of the rebbe’s passing.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The Rebbe's empowerment of young shluchim led to the global spread of Jewish centers and services.

    2. Despite predictions, Chabad grew exponentially after the Rebbe's passing, inspired by his teachings and vision.

    3. The Rebbe’s optimistic view of the world as G-d’s garden encouraged seeing the divine in all aspects of life.

    4. Individual efforts and talents are crucial in fulfilling the Rebbe’s mission of spreading Yiddishkeit.

    5. The Rebbe's belief in the potential of every individual was a cornerstone of his leadership.

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

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    Support the Show.

    Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36

    Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15

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    In this sermon, Rabbi Bernath delves into the lesser-known story of the Maapilim, a group of Israelites who, against G-d's decree, attempted to enter the Promised Land after repenting for their initial refusal. Despite their newfound determination, their efforts were met with failure.

    Through this narrative, Rabbi Bernath explores the themes of repentance, unity, and the importance of collective action in achieving spiritual goals. He draws a parallel to the story of Elisha Ben Avuya, emphasizing that true repentance requires perseverance and collective commitment.


    Repentance and Timing: True repentance must align with G-d’s will and timing. The Maapilim’s attempt was sincere but mistimed.Unity in Action: Spiritual success requires collective effort. Individual zeal must be matched by communal support and readiness.Perseverance in Teshuvah: The story of Elisha Ben Avuya teaches that one must persist in repentance, even when it seems G-d has closed the door.Family and Community: Spiritual journeys are most successful when they involve and uplift the entire family and community.

    Full Summary:


    Introduction to the concept of Maapilim.Connection to this week’s Parshah, mentioning the Meraglim (spies).

    Main Story:

    Recap of the Meraglim and the Israelites' initial refusal to enter the Promised Land.G-d’s decree that the current generation would perish in the desert.The Israelites’ repentance and the emergence of the Maapilim.The Maapilim's attempt to enter the Promised Land and their defeat.


    The Rebbe’s question: Why was the Maapilim’s repentance not accepted?The principle that “Nothing stands in the way of teshuvah.”Comparison to the story of Elisha Ben Avuya.Elisha’s story and his perceived exclusion from repentance.Rabbi Meir’s attempt to bring Elisha back to Judaism.

    Lessons and Insights:

    The importance of timing and alignment with G-d’s will in repentance.The necessity of unity and collective effort in achieving spiritual goals.The role of family and community in supporting individual spiritual journeys.


    The importance of ensuring that our spiritual aspirations include and uplift those around us.Encouragement to pursue repentance and spiritual growth with perseverance and communal support.

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Support the Show.

    Please partner with us by purchasing a ticket in our raffle. It would really mean a lot to me and you can win some great prizes. https://www.charidy.com/ndgraffle/

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

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    Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36

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    In this enlightening episode, we delve into a humorous yet profound Chassidic story about a man who evaded his financial obligations, only to be reminded of the deeper spiritual significance of integrity and responsibility. Through the wisdom of the Chassidic sages and the teachings of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, we explore the concept of ownership, the sacredness of material possessions, and the divine partnership in every transaction. This episode unpacks the intersection of faith, ethics, and financial honesty, emphasizing the importance of respecting G-d’s commandments in our everyday dealings.

    Key Takeaways:

    Spiritual Significance of Ownership: Understanding that material possessions and financial obligations are part of a divine partnership with G-d.Ethical Integrity: Highlighting the importance of honesty and responsibility in financial matters as a reflection of one’s spiritual integrity.G-d as a Third Party: Exploring Rabbi Akiva’s teaching that G-d is a stakeholder in every transaction, making financial fraud a betrayal of divine trust.Holiness in the Mundane: Learning how to sanctify everyday actions, such as financial dealings, by adhering to ethical and spiritual principles.Humor and Wisdom: Appreciating the use of humor in Chassidic stories to convey deep spiritual truths and ethical lessons.

    Keywords: Chassidic Stories, Financial Integrity, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Rabbi Akiva, Divine Partnership, Ethical Monotheism, Spiritual Responsibility, Material Possessions, Jewish Ethics, Humility

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    In this conversation, Rabbi Yisroel Bernath explore the deep-rooted and often irrational obsession with Israel and Jews that has persisted for nearly 4000 years. He delves into the unique role of the Jewish people as G-d's chosen ones, tasked with making the world a place of goodness and kindness. From historical persecutions to modern-day conflicts, he examines why this small group continues to attract such intense scrutiny and hostility. Through the lens of faith and spirituality, he uncovers the profound truths behind Jewish chosenness and its implications for humility, responsibility, and global influence.

    Key Takeaways:

    Historical Context: Understanding the long history of obsession and hatred towards Jews, which spans almost four millennia.Jewish Chosenness: Exploring the concept of Jews as G-d's chosen people and the responsibilities that come with it.Global Reactions: Analyzing the disproportionate global reactions to Israel's actions compared to other conflicts.Spiritual Humility: Learning from Rabbi Schneur Zalman's teachings on humility and the proper response to Divine kindness.Ethical Monotheism: Highlighting the Jewish contributions to the world's moral and ethical frameworks.

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    In this captivating sermon, we delve into a pivotal moment in diplomatic history. James Baker, the U.S. Secretary of State during George H.W. Bush’s presidency, clashed with Israel over security concessions. Meanwhile, a newly-appointed Israeli Foreign Minister, David Levy, faced a critical meeting with Baker. The Rebbe’s powerful message—delivered by two Chabad Rabbis—urged Levy to stand strong for Israel’s security. What unfolded in that room shaped their relationship and left a lasting legacy.


    The Rebbe’s Influence: The Rebbe’s guidance transcended religious boundaries, impacting political decisions and relationships. His call for strength resonated with David Levy, empowering him during a crucial diplomatic encounter.Diplomacy and Bravery: Levy’s bold response to Baker’s demands exemplified the courage of a leader defending his nation’s sovereignty. His refusal to be summoned without due respect set the tone for their future interactions.Friendship Amidst Tensions: Despite initial friction, Baker and Levy eventually forged a friendship. Their story reminds us that even in high-stakes diplomacy, personal connections can bridge gaps and create lasting bonds.

    Note: Mr. David Levy’s recent passing adds poignancy to this historical account, underscoring the enduring impact of his legacy.

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

    Support the Show.

    Support the Show.

    Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36

    Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15

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    Please partner with us by purchasing a ticket in our raffle. It would really mean a lot to me and you can win some great prizes. https://www.charidy.com/ndgraffle/

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    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

    Support the Show.

    Please partner with us by purchasing a ticket in our raffle. It would really mean a lot to me and you can win some great prizes. https://www.charidy.com/ndgraffle/

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    In this episode, Rabbi Yisroel Bernath delves into the captivating tale of Joshua Bell, the world-renowned Jewish violinist, and his Stradivarius violin that once belonged to Bronislaw Huberman. The story explores an experiment conducted by the Washington Post where Bell played incognito in a D.C. subway, the violin's dramatic escape from Nazi Germany, and Huberman's heroic efforts to save Jewish musicians. Rabbi Bernath draws profound parallels between the violin's journey and the enduring legacy of Jewish history and faith.


    Unrecognized Genius: The Washington Post experiment highlights how extraordinary talent can go unnoticed without the right context, prompting reflection on our own perceptions of value and beauty.Historical Legacy: The Stradivarius violin, once owned by Bronislaw Huberman, symbolizes resilience and the preservation of Jewish heritage amidst adversity.Heroic Acts: Huberman's creation of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra saved many Jewish musicians from Nazi persecution, illustrating the profound impact one individual can have.Cultural Revival: The story parallels the revival of Jewish life and traditions, likening the preservation of the Stradivarius to the endurance of Jewish faith and culture.Appreciation of Art: The episode encourages listeners to pause and appreciate the beauty and significance in everyday life, much like the music of the violin and the teachings of the Torah.

    Support the Show.

    Please partner with us by purchasing a ticket in our raffle. It would really mean a lot to me and you can win some great prizes. https://www.charidy.com/ndgraffle/

  • Send us a Text Message.

    Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

    Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

    Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at [email protected] or http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Single? You can make a profile on www.JMontreal.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

    Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com

    Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte

    Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone

    Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker

    Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath

    Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi

    Support the Show.

    Support the Show.

    Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36

    Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15

    Support the Show.

    Please partner with us by purchasing a ticket in our raffle. It would really mean a lot to me and you can win some great prizes. https://www.charidy.com/ndgraffle/