A podcast for men in their middle ages 35-55 years, that desire to hear stories that motivate, educate as well as an initiate in them potential to become the best version of themselves. Men sharing openly from their heart in an authentic and vulnerable as they navigate the journey of life. 'Ume' is a provocative question in Swahili meaning Have you? The full phrase asking 'Have you shared?' We are getting to help men out of their caves to share and speak openly about their experiences in different areas of their lives.For inquiries or stories you feel need to be shared in this podcast please email us on : [email protected]://
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Welcome! The Bible Basics Podcast is designed to make the Bible approachable and accessible for all, particularly those who are new to the faith or curious about the Bible. Each episode focuses on a specific topic, breaking it down into bite-sized chunks and offering foundational knowledge about the Bible's structure, types, writing, and storyline. The ultimate goal is to increase listeners' comfort level with the Bible and deepen their relationship with God through reading His Word.
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Bible Books in 45 minutes. That's the goal. The You Can Learn the Bible podcast exists to give you the essentials you need to know about a particular book or genre in a single episode. Hosted by Pastors Joey Rozek and Bodie Quirk, this podcast seeks to inspire and equip you to get the most out of the Bible, giving you the basic details, essential ideas, major themes, and overall structure of every book of the Bible, one episode at a time.
Make It Mindful: Insights for Global Learning is the podcast for globally-minded educators seeking thoughtful conversations about how education can adapt to an ever-changing world. Your host is Seth Fleischauer, former classroom teacher turned founder of an international learning company specializing in the teaching of global learning. Each episode features educational changemakers whose insights lead to practical solutions as we explore the interconnectedness of people, cultures, and systems and how these relationships shape transformative ideas in education.
Join us on The Spiritually Wealthy Path With Ruchir Thakkar, hosted by Ruchir Thakkar, and embark on a transformative exploration of Advaita Vedanta and Modern Psychology. The Spiritually Wealthy Path With Ruchir Thakkar podcast is the ultimate guide to spiritual wealth, offering actionable advice, inspiring stories, and expert interviews to empower you to unlock authenticity, financial stability, emotional balance, and
liberation from sorrow. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced seeker, we've got you covered.
Subscribe to The Spiritually Wealthy Path With Ruchir Thakkar on Bingepods and your favorite platforms to level up your skills and knowledge. Visit for more. Join us and start your journey toward success today! -
Intuition Unleashed: A Revolution in Personal Liberation Podcast is your go-to resource for combining guidance with mental health and spirituality and solving your questions about why you can’t seem to catch a break and find true happiness.
Are you looking for ways to flip your life from having unsatisfying relationships to having deeper connections with others. Do you need help understanding more about how to connect with your own intuition and find deeper and more satisfying connections with others without feeling like you are crazy or begging for attention? Make this podcast your go-to resource in the quest to achieving the highest connection with you own inner self while also tapping into guidance from higher metaphysical realms!
More episodes at -
Inspiring critical thinking for the new and disgruntled Christians who desire to build their individual relationship with Christ. Using simple precepts to encourage the practice of wisdom and non discriminator judgement. The first two episodes are foundational scriptures for the broadcast. The third will challenge your personal perceptions, and how to begin in establishing your own relationship and journey with Christ.
Christians crave spiritual, physical, and emotional intimacy with their spouses—but truth be told, too few ever experience it. My husband Doug and I, the team behind HeartCall, know this all too well. But God helped us overcome our circumstances, and He’s called us to help you overcome yours. We’ll help you beat the “whirlwind”—you know, that fear, uncertainty, and frustration you feel in your relationship.See, we believe God intended all marriages—yes, even yours—to thrive. We’ll help you become hopeful and confident as you develop a meaningful connection with your spouse.That’s our heart. That’s our calling, and that’s the reason we started The Vision-Driven Marriage Podcast.
Brought to you by the videographers at Creative Image Productions (, with over 10 years experience filming Jewish weddings and events. Each week we'll bring in another wedding client or professional to hear stories, questions, answers and lots of laughs and fun along the way.
Zena Dell Lowe is a seasoned and engaging teacher with a passion for writers and storytellers. Her focused, concise, and practical episodes (all roughly 20 minutes) not only explore the nuts and bolts of the craft, but also dive deep into the inner life of the artist and the "why" behind creativity. If you believe that story matters, you'll want to give this podcast a listen.
Each Tuesday, Linda Goldfarb and her writing industry experts share content for all levels of writers. You receive practical information and how-to applications to grow your writing career as a faith-based author.
--We provide content to help you grow as a Christian writer to make your next book proposal, manuscript editing, speaking event, and writer's conference worth your time and energy.
--Our episodes average 30-45 minutes
-- hit subscribe and join our family of writers.
--Your Best Writing Life is associated with the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
--To request a guest interview intake sheet - email [email protected] -
Lead your wife.
Makes sense, right?
Want a different experience in your marriage?
Get your wife to give you different experiences.
Influence and motivate her to do that.
Not in a manipulative way, but rather in a way that ministers.
But to be true to this, you must be in a place where you can consistently give her different (increasingly better) experiences.
Here’s a secret brother. You are always leading her whether you know it or not.
And you have led her to a place where she gives you unhappy experiences.
And you have blamed her. You have shamed her. You have deflected responsibility for this unhappy marriage to her. You have defended yourself despite the fact that, you have led her to this reality.
Want to fix it?
Lead her on purpose, by getting there first and attracting her into the space of being able to provide increasingly better experiences for a spouse.
The sad thing is... most men get stuck in blaming, shaming, defending, and deflecting until they get on the phone with me or one of my coaches -- desperate for help to try to avoid a devastating divorce.
The get on the phone with me because I’ve helped thousands of men to turn their failing marriage around... to create the Have It All Marriage... a marriage that empowers them to achieve everything they want in life.... even if she is refusing to talk, has moved out, or is filing divorce papers when he gets on the phone with me.
And the way that I do this, is I teach them to lead their wife from a place of being a Real Man.
Real men take radical responsibility and extreme ownership over all the results in their life.
Any man who has achieved any level of success works hard to get better at the how every day.
Any man who has achieved any level of success works hard to get more clear on the why ever day.
But what men are not taught is the what and the how and the why will never get him the results he desires unless he becomes the ’who’ -- a man who gets real about where he is leading himself and his wife.
Until he understands that he, himself, is what is holding him back, he is a blamer... a shamer... a deflector... and a defender... and he is his own biggest obstacle.
And sadly, while he, himself, pays a steep price for this posing, ultimately it’s his wife and his kids who pay the most.
What is now necessary, is for strong men to rise up and refuse to pose, but instead take ownership of their own weakness, transcend it, and lead.
What is now necessary is a revolution of fake, posing men, one man at a time, from the inside out. Each man who has been taught to be fake and to pose from a very young age, by a society that is designed to keep men down on purpose... must rise. Each man must rise to become the man WHO can transcend the blame, the shame, the defense, and the deflection... and to deal with the real.
And this is impossible for a man operating alone. And because men are taught by this society to operate alone, they are being held down while believing they are a victim of their wife, their kids, their job, their business, the marketplace, or any number of things outside of their control.
Yet the man who joins a brotherhood, joins a revolution, a movement, where he is no longer operating alone; but rather, inside of a group of men who live differently... a group of men who hold themselves accountable to lead their wife, by first learning how to lead themself... that man begins to rise... and to deliver a consistent level of increasingly better experiences to his wife, his kids, his clients, and his Creator.
I’m Bob Gerace, and I call this brotherhood: The Real Man Revolution.
Join us, brother. We’re changing the world, one man at a time from the inside out. -
Start your day on a positive note with Daily Mantras - Ancient wisdom for happiness, health and wealth, a podcast that draws wisdom from ancient traditions to provide mantras, meditations, and mindful practices that promote happiness, health and prosperity. Tune in each morning to receive inspiration and tools to live your best life through the healing power of sacred sounds and thoughtful reflection. Uplifting episodes delivered daily.