"Spaces" is a series by artist and writer Morgan Harper Nichols on cultivating dedicated areas for thinking, reflecting, and imagining. The focus is on practices like journaling, keeping notebooks, and creating digital gardens. These activities are more than just tasks to keep up with; they are spaces to explore and ways to create resources that can benefit various areas of life. From school to work, inner worlds to connecting with the rest of the world, and making art to writing, Morgan shares insights from both her research and personal practices to help you capture details, inspire ideas, cultivate imagination, and foster creativity.
Moviegoers: Oscar season is already upon us.
And, of course, Entertainment Weekly’s The Awardist podcast has you covered.
From the early contenders to the unexpected gems, we are tracking it all.
Join EW’s editorial director Gerrad Hall, and his opinionated co-hosts every Thursday to keep up with EW’s Oscars heat index, our predictions, and awards news.
Each episode of The Awardist features an exclusive interview with the stars and filmmakers where we get in-depth, behind-the-scenes insight into this year’s contenders … and we’re gonna have some laughs along the way too.
You’ll hear from Zendaya, Barry Keoghan, Julianne Moore and Tilda Swinton, Jude Law and Nicholaus Hoult and many more.
The Awardist drops every Thursday, wherever you get your podcasts, and visit for more.
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Bastards and Broken Things is a dedicated Game Of Thrones and A Song Of Ice & Fire and now House of the Dragon Podcast, brought to you by the Fan Critical podcast network. Our small council gather weekly, drinking plenty of Arbor Gold whilst discussing the latest news in Westeros both in book and show form. So come join us whether you follow the Old God's or the New, all are welcome!
Get inspired. Get motivated. Get stories of Black history made and in the making. Noire History features Black history facts, non-fiction book reviews, and documentary discussions from across the Black diaspora. Join your host Natasha Nicolo to celebrate Black pride, excellence, and power all 365 days of the year.
Kauanoeanuhea will Talk about Hula and Hawaiian history in English and Japanese. Hula is not just a dance. It’s about culture, history, and art. I am hoping that I can introduce about the beauty of Hula and Hawaii. KauanoeanuhaがHulaとハワイの歴史について英語と日本語で紹介していきます。Hulaとは単なるダンスではなく、文化、歴史、芸術でもあります。Hulaの美しさについて少しでもご紹介できればと思います。 Support this podcast:
〈さまざまな雑音=noise〉に乱され、自分を見失いがちな日々。あなたが〈心の静寂=noiseless world〉を取り戻せるよう――野鳥の声、水の音、樹々を揺らす風――自然界が奏でる歌と共に語りかけます。【スロウな不定期更新】
music by sinra*。
(*テクノアーティスト liff、ピアニスト otonoha、自然音とディレクションを担うDaisuke YOSUMIによる音楽ユニット)