
  • Lack of self trust is one of the most expensive and silent problems affecting women owned businesses, especially if you’re a WOC or First Gen. It can even present as something productive!

    If you're investing in different programs and getting all types of certifications, you might think you're doing all the "right" things. But the fact is, entrepreneurship isn't like any other institution that has set guideposts and accolades to collect along the way. In school, it's really easy to understand if you're doing well or not. In entrepreneurship, no one is here to give you A+...no one except you.

    A lack of self trust tends to affect 3 main areas:

    1. You second guess your marketing

    2. You underprice or experience imposter syndrome (bc you’re undervaluing your expertise and don’t fully recognize it),

    3. You water down your thought leadership

    Until you fully re-learn the skill of self trust, you will keep trying to outsource it to different programs, coaches and “figures of authority." And while these programs could be providing a life-changing strategy, you won't be able to make the decisions necessary to execute if you're not able to access your own self-trust FIRST.

    So in today's episode, we're digging into why a lack of self-trust is so common and how it might be showing up in sneaky ways in your business. So if you've been in your head a lot, re-listen to this episode and stay tuned for the rest of the 6 Figure Self Trust three episode series!

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    Mentioned in this episode:

    6 Figure Self-Trust Leadership Series

  • What's the difference between selling to an organization versus individual clients? My Reclamation client Patti Dayleg, exclusively coaches within organizations and May of this year, she already doubled her revenue compared to 2023 through organizational contracts alone.

    Patti is a Leadership Coach and the CEO of Malaya Solutions. Most recently, she was one of Broadway's first directors of equity, diversity, and inclusion. As the eldest daughter of Filipino immigrants, Patti helps BIPOC-led organizations and coalitions to sustain their movements.

    Before joining Reclamation, she was pricing below market rate because she was discounting years of experience she didn't see as relevant. Now, surrounded by other women who are working towards similar social justice outcomes, she's doubled her income by embodying the worth her work actually has. Instead of seeing her rate as "just" an hour of her time, she's seeing her work as the whole culmination of her expertise and past experience.

    Let Patti's story be a catalyst to dream differently. If you don't want to rely on social media to land individual clients, you can have a multiple six figure business that is completely offline and relationship based.

    She has been able to land contracts by leveraging the relationships and reputation she already has.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    How she doubled organizational contract revenue over last year, in just the first 5 months of 2024How to leverage your strengths to solve bigger problems for organizations vs individualsHarnessing the network you already have Areas of opportunity that already exist within organizations that you could be solvingHow you can get started working with organizations using your transferrable skills and network

    Connect with Patti:

    LinkedinJoin her weekly email series: A Sunday Kind of Love

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  • If you'd rather send a voice memo than a text, this episode is for you. As someone with ADHD, I identify as a verbal processor and tend to shut down when typing emails on a computer.

    But today's guest, Kirsten Roldan, founder of Million Dollar email, has solved for all the reasons people hate writing email including those who would rather speak than type.

    Kirsten Roldan is a 7 figure business coach and agency owner who helps people become social media optional with email. She then helps them become CEO optional and scale to 7 figures on part time hours through team, systems and mindset.

    I've known Kirsten since we were both at our 9-5s back in 2019-2020, and have watched her evolve through every business model she's ever had, only to ultimately come back to email but teaching it in a revolutionary way.

    I've been a member of Million Dollar CEO since last year and was one of the first people to enroll in Million Dollar Email the first time it launched.

    In this episode, Kirsten and I reference a conversation we had in 2022 when I knew I no longer wanted my marketing to rely on me showing my face on social media because it isn't sustainable, and how switching to email-first creation is a business model decision.

    This is especially true if you're a woman of color and rebuilding the safety to be seen, or if you have more bad mental health days than good ones.

    In today's episode, we're talk about:

    The 3 forms of writing trauma that we (especially women of color) carry and how it gets in the way of us writing emailsWhy verbal processors have a hard time writing emails Kirsten's framework for starting an email without the writer's block How centering problem awareness leads to more sales What we mean when we say "email is a business model"

    P.S. Applications are open for 1:1 coaching to begin the week of August 5th.

    Connect with Kirsten:

    WebsiteInstagramListen to her podcast

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  • The thing about being a WOC business owner is that we tend to use our big hearts against ourselves. When all you want to do is serve, it's understandable that you'd put yourself on the back burner. In fact, that tendency is often the first thing that's modeled to us as children.

    But here's the thing: abandoning our own needs, energetically or monetarily, is a huge disservice to everyone around us. It's the old adage of "put your mask on before putting on your neighbors." For example, if I'm undercharging, I actually can't help people the way I want to because I'm constantly worried about how I'm going to support my daughter.

    So today, I'm going through the four energy and profit leaks that are most common amongst WOC entrepreneurs.

    Here's a quick rundown:

    1. Juggling too many things before you have the profit and support for it.

    We all need to be prioritizing profit first. You need demand for ONE offer before the profit can create out of overflow. Spreading yourself too thin from the beginning looks like trying to create an offer for every conceivable buyer.

    2. We make things “accessible” before making them sustainable.

    You can’t lift 100 people onto a lifeboat. It costs money to run programs at scale. Profit first, then scale. You can help more people for free through your emails, podcasts, and workshops. But focus on making the result so good that you have less thoughts about the price. If we forget to build the belief that our offers change lives, it's hard to sell a sustainable offer.

    3. Tendency to over-index on education and service.

    I'm seeing WOC teaching and running free workshops with no clear sell and leading free groups. But then they’re not building a clear bridge to your offer. Spend more copy “real estate” building a bridge + talking about the offer!

    4. Discomfort with rest and calendar space.

    Most of us associate hard work with keeping us safe. This has been true for past generations, and it was even modeled to us through our mothers. But in business, million-dollar thinking occurs in calendar space.

    If you enjoy this episode, please remember to leave a review and share the show with friends!

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  • It's not uncommon for service providers to feel left in the dust in the online space. A lot of the prevailing advice service providers hear about increasing income comes down to changing their offer suite. Luckily, that's not the only option and people like Mariana Peña are paving the way.

    Mariana joined Reclamation in February with the goal of making 30% more than she did in 2023, with the majority coming from new clients. She surpassed her annual goal this month, only 3 months into the mastermind.

    Mariana Peña is an Instructional Designer and Curriculum Expert. She came into the Reclamation space after (A) having to pause her business to have her second baby and (B) having to start her Instagram account over from scratch after years building her brand.

    Mariana didn't let the fact that she's a service provider amongst many coaches stop her from asserting herself and gaining undeniable self-trust in Reclamation Mastermind. I also hired Mariana to create my client success roadmaps for Reclamation 👏🏽

    In this episode, we discuss:

    How Mariana returned to business after a hiatus and used Reclamation as a way of understanding how the market changed in her absence How she set a goal to make 30% more this year than she did in 2023, but from mostly new clients and she DID THAT this month in May! AND she just had a 20k weekAs a Service Provider, the importance of being in spaces where people believe in you AND your work, especially in the moments that you don’t.The power of being a WOC mastermind where you don’t have to explain concepts like “decolonizing curriculum” bc many are doing some form of liberation work.How she's redirecting some of her profit toward one additional day of childcare and more date nights with her husband, so that her quality of life grows as her business does ♥️

    This is Reclamation.

    Doors to Reclamation close TODAY, so set up your call now if you’re considering joining and let’s chat.

    We begin in late July and if you miss this round, the next one doesn't kick off til February 2025. This room will change your life. Don't wait.

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  • On today's bonus episode, Rosa Revuelta is sharing the results she has seen in Reclamation Mastermind!

    Reclamation Mastermind opens it's doors in May and November! To learn more, visit https://marieladelamora.com/reclamation

  • If you want to be the creative director of your own business but you DON'T want to be subject to the emotional roller coaster of constantly being wrapped up in your business, this is for you. As a single mom, building a 5 figure offer and learning how to sell it consistently was the key to sustainable entrepreneurship.

    For many of us WOC business owners, the idea of developing enough trust and demand to sell a 5 figure offer might seem out of reach. But in this workshop, I'm showing you exactly why it's not. Here's the thing: entrepreneurship thrives on privilege. And one thing I know after working with daughters of immigrants for the last few years: someone needs to bridge the gap.

    Coaching that doesn't account for a lack of privilege is not going to work as well for women of color. Until we, as daughters of immigrants and Women of Color, have self-trust, we will continue to outsource it. And this outsourcing makes the privilege gap wider and wider. But how can we create really solid self-trust? The answer is in community.

    Here's how Reclamation Mastermind Cultivates Self-Trust:

    Access to psychological safety through coaching that acknowledges and validates fears Strengths based tools VS. a one size fits all approach Changing your environment to include big dreamers and supporters on every level Decentralized Leadership that doesn't create a hierarchy

    How to create demand for a five-figure offer:

    Cultivating psychological safety Identifying an unmet need to support your clients with The Sellable Stories framework Defining your thought leadership Establishing third party credibility

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  • As a business coach, I still have to actively coach MY brain. So part of my process for doing that is in what I've coined the "Belief Bookmarking" process, which is foundational tool in Reclamation Mastermind.

    When my self-belief is high, I like to leave evidence for my future self. Because those moments of low belief and not-enoughness are inevitable in business.

    Growth is not a comfortable process. And of course, I've been getting coached on it and I feel very supported. But part of that support needs to come directly from me!

    So today, I'm sharing a Belief Bookmarking voice note I left for myself right after my last launch where I was still wrapping my mind around bringing in 17 new clients into Reclamation Mastermind with 100% yeses, amounting to a $176,000 launch. 🤯 It was such an identity shifting moment.

    I believe deeply in my own frameworks. So I kicked them into action after experiencing a super successful launch. I knew that the feeling of accomplishment, security, and pride was not going to just stick around forever.

    So on December 19th, 2023 I left myself an 11 minute voice memo for future me who is going to forget. So the Mariela who was sitting in the evidence of her own capabilities in Dec 2023 helped to reaffirm current Mariela's beliefs during THIS launch (I’ve listened to it 4 times in the last week just to reaffirm my identity for this launch).

    I'm sharing this so that you can get a bit of the behind the scenes into my processes. And this is something you can put into practice today to increase confidence later down the line!

    Doors to Reclamation Mastermind open May 15! Reclamation is THE mastermind for First Gen & WOC who want to book out their offers through thought leadership and create demand for 5 figure offers, while feeling more peaceful and grounded in business.

    Workshop attendees will get access first, then my email list, then the public. Get ready to apply as soon as doors open, and Receive a Peaceful Quarter Million 90 minute private strategy call with me If you apply by Friday, May 17th.

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  • Are the rooms that you're in demonstrating how big your dreams get to be? If they're not, it might be time to change your environment. So today I've got a very special episode for you!

    I'm sitting down with a panel of five current clients who are on their second or third round with Reclamation Mastermind. These women are badass leaders in their space who have intentionally carved out space to stay in Reclamation.

    In talking to them, it's clear that the peer coaching and mutual aid in the mastermind have completely changed the game in their lives and businesses.

    Today, I'm chatting with:

    Yuritzy Gomez-Serrano (Somatic Coach, and our Nervous System coach for Reclamation)Michelle Seijas (Leadership coach and speaker)Dani Tan (Leadership & Career coach) Loraine Martinez-Bellamy (Life & Business coach) Rosa Revuelta (Leadership Coach for First Gen & BIPOC)

    And we're reflecting on what this community has allowed them to see about themselves and their business! In Reclamation, my clients act as each other’s mirrors and they are always calling each other out with compassion. But because we’ve established safety, it’s a space to practice everything that feels hard about business.

    So today we're exploring:

    How Reclamation helped them make their gifts more public Navigating tough seasons in life as an entrepreneur and how we wade through those waters togetherWhat community looks like in Reclamation Mastermind

    Doors to Reclamation Mastermind open TODAY! Reclamation is THE mastermind for First Gen & WOC who want to book out their offers through thought leadership and create demand for 5 figure offers, while feeling more peaceful and grounded in business.

    Workshop attendees will get access first, then my email list, then the public. Get ready to apply as soon as doors open, and Receive a Peaceful Quarter Million 90 minute private strategy call with me If you apply by Friday, May 17th.

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  • Are the rooms that you're in demonstrating how big your dreams get to be? If they're not, it might be time to change your environment. So today I've got a very special episode for you!

    I'm sitting down with a panel of five current clients who are on their second or third round with Reclamation Mastermind. These women are badass leaders in their space who have intentionally carved out space to stay in Reclamation.

    In talking to them, it's clear that the peer coaching and mutual aid in the mastermind have completely changed the game in their lives and businesses.

    Today, I'm chatting with:

    Yuritzy Gomez-Serrano (Somatic Coach, and our Nervous System coach for Reclamation)Michelle Seijas (Leadership coach and speaker)Dani Tan (Leadership & Career coach) Loraine Martinez-Bellamy (Life & Business coach) Rosa Revuelta (Leadership Coach for First Gen & BIPOC)

    And we're reflecting on what this community has allowed them to see about themselves and their business! In Reclamation, my clients act as each other’s mirrors and they are always calling each other out with compassion. But because we’ve established safety, it’s a space to practice everything that feels hard about business.

    So today we're exploring:

    How Reclamation helped them make their gifts more public Navigating tough seasons in life as an entrepreneur and how we wade through those waters togetherWhat community looks like in Reclamation Mastermind

    Doors to Reclamation Mastermind open TODAY! Reclamation is THE mastermind for First Gen & WOC who want to book out their offers through thought leadership and create demand for 5 figure offers, while feeling more peaceful and grounded in business.

    Workshop attendees will get access first, then my email list, then the public. Get ready to apply as soon as doors open, and Receive a Peaceful Quarter Million 90 minute private strategy call with me If you apply by Friday, May 17th.

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  • When my clients transform, the "why" is not a mystery to me. I've been reverse engineering my client's success to make Reclamation Mastermind more and more valuable.

    So today, I'm sharing the most important behavioral factors that led successful clients to be booked out, leave unaligned jobs, and double their income. Because business doesn't need to be shrouded in mystery.

    I've also studied First Gen leaders exclusively for the last almost 5 years. We might think we're alone in the challenges we face, but the more we're in community, the more we understand that we're not so different. Many of us struggle with being visible, fear of rejection and criticism, suppressing our emotions, and hyper-independence. And I've seen these challenges lead to burnout and loneliness.

    So every time I see a client break out of these patterns, I dive in head first. What were the mindset shifts that led them there? What were the environmental factors that played a part? Who was influencing them? And I'm so excited to dig into that with you today!

    Today we’re going to talk about the identity shifts and behaviors that create big results.

    Then, on May 15th at my workshop - 5 Steps to Create Trust and Demand From 5 Figure Clients, I am going to talk more about the strategies that can get you to a five figure offer.

    Here's a peak at the identity shifts I cover in this episode:

    Safety before strategyReleasing identity from resultsThe importance of studying how your coach thinksDisagree then DO, and come back with dataThink about your clients, even when things are workingTake radical ownership of your resultsAsk for coaching on your resistance vs hiding with itBeing part of a community that is generous, safe and supportive

    Listen and let me know which one(s) you're taking with you into 2024.

    Then join me at the "5 Steps to Create Trust and Demand From 5 Figure Clients" workshop, May 15th at 12pm PST/3pm EST. Doors to Reclamation will open during the workshop, and if you schedule your discovery call by Friday, May 17th, you will receive a Peaceful Quarter Million private strategy call with Mariela.


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  • On today's bonus episode, Yuritzy Gomez Serrano is sharing the results she has seen in Reclamation Mastermind!

    Reclamation Mastermind opens it's doors in May and November! To learn more, visit https://marieladelamora.com/reclamation

  • On today's bonus episode, Dani Tan is sharing the results she has seen in Reclamation Mastermind!

    Reclamation Mastermind opens it's doors in May and November! To learn more, visit https://marieladelamora.com/reclamation

  • Leaving a Senior-Level career is a whole different ballgame than leaving a job. So much of your identity is wrapped up in what you do. It's not just about the salary. But it's possible to step away from a career and build a business that gives you more peace, more freedom, and more aligned opportunities.

    My client Dani Tan's story is nothing short of inspiring—she went from being a VP at a top multi-billion dollar retail brand to full-time leadership & career coach and speaker. She's not only booked out and regularly gets flown out for speaking engagements, but she's living her dream of being a digital nomad with her fiancé and is looking forward to solo traveling for 2 months this summer, while her clients are still being served.

    Would you believe that just a year ago, the idea of going live on Linkedin freaked her out?

    We're breaking down exactly what made Dani's success in the coaching industry possible. In Reclamation Mastermind, she's taken advantage of the peer accountability and runs head first into discomfort. Dani's journey from private to group coaching within Reclamation Mastermind has been absolutely transformative and I'm so excited for you to hear about it today!

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    - What it means to be "coachable"

    - Why women of color need to become skilled at networking

    - The biggest mindset shifts Dani has experienced in Reclamation Mastermind

    - The transformation Dani has gone through in the past year

    If you want to grow your business alongside incredible leaders like Dani, be ready to schedule a call with me when the doors to Reclamation Mastermind open on May 15th!

    In the meantime, join the waitlist by registering for the "5 Steps to 5 Figure Clients" workshop on May 15th, even if you can't make it live.

    Register here: https://marieladelamora.com/5-figure-clients-workshop

    Connect with Dani:


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  • On today's bonus episode, Loraine Martinez-Bellamy is sharing the results she has seen in Reclamation Mastermind!

    Reclamation Mastermind opens its doors in May and November! To learn more visit www.marieladelamora.com/reclamation

  • You don't have to wait until you have a five figure offer to hone your five figure selling skills. But what do I even mean by five figure selling skills?

    After going from a six figure salary with a husband and a condo to being pregnant on food stamps, I just remember saying I will never be broke again. That's not always the healthiest declaration as I hold it against myself a lot.

    But NOTHING has given me more safety than knowing I can sell high ticket without relying on a launch to average multiple five figure months.

    Five figure selling just means that your potential clients would anticipate a five figure investment based on your thought leadership and your reputation.

    And this has less to do with having a pretty aesthetic brand (which helps only to magnify what’s already working), and more to do with clarity, credibility and trust.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    What I mean by five figure sellingThe mindset problems that five figure selling helps solveThe increase in demand that is inevitable with five figure selling

    To learn more about create 5 figure selling as a skill, join me at my workshop, "5 Steps to Creating Trust and Demand from 5 Figure Clients" on Wednesday May 15th - go to my website www.marieladelamora.com

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  • On today's bonus episode, Michelle Seijas is sharing the results she has seen in Reclamation Mastermind!

    Reclamation Mastermind opens its doors in May and November! To learn more visit www.marieladelamora.com/reclamation

  • If you're at a crossroads and you're not sure what the next step is, this episode is for you! Today's guest, my client Michelle Seijas, is a thriving Chingona because she lives a purpose-driven life.

    Michelle doubled her income in the second half of last year after joining Reclamation Mastermind. Now, she's knocking on the door of six-figures in the very first quarter of 2024. Her mindset shifts inside of Reclamation have been mind-blowing. So I can't wait for you to tune in to hear her story!

    Michelle has broken out of so many boxes of "convention" and defied the odds. After falling into a teaching career and rising the ranks of K-12, Michelle found herself thinking "I can't do this for the rest of my life." So, without knowing what was next, she left for a sabbatical. As the next steps slowly revealed themselves, Michelle started to connect the dots.

    By getting curious about what truly filled up her cup, the signs she was receiving and allowing herself to stop hustling, she was able to find her purpose as a coach and speaker. Now, she helps other Latina leaders define, plan and live their purpose driven lives.

    It's been a pleasure to watch Michelle gain more and more self-trust in Reclamation Mastermind. Her work really is a testament to what can happen when you allow your values to be a guiding light for your work.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    What has happened for Michelle since joining Reclamation MastermindMichelle's background and how her early experiences set her up for the life she leads today How taking a sabbatical changed her life What happened when Michelle began leaning into her strengths instead of another coach's prescribed frameworkWhat the mindset of "it's already done" helped Michelle create such incredible results

    Reclamation Mastermind opens its doors in May and November! To learn more visit www.marieladelamora.com/reclamation

    Connect with Michelle:

    Visit her websiteLinkedinInstagram

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  • There is more to creating demand than "picking a niche." The question is - how do we know that people want it and are willing to pay for it? This is why demand doesn't come from picking a niche, it comes from CREATING it (through thought leadership).

    As a lifelong marketer, I helped companies across the world understand why something was or wasn't selling, and whether to change the product vs change its messaging in order to create demand.

    For example, a tech startup accelerator would never say "pick a niche." They'd tell you to look at the market and at what consumers were doing, saying and complaining about. That's how we proved to investors that demand existed before we even created a new product or service.

    So why is it that "pick a niche" seems to be the beginning and the end of the conversation in the online coaching space?

    Demand actually comes from 3 things:

    Being better than your competitors Being different from your competitors in a way people are willing to pay forServing a gap in the market, which means you really have no strong competitors.

    This is why I'm so big on thought leadership. Because in order to see the missing gaps, you need to be paying attention. The people that make the most money are those who think about their people A LOT. And once they spot a gap, there is less competition.

    In this episode I am going to share:

    1. How to find the unmet need or a gap in the market

    2. Why demand exists in the gaps, and how solving for gaps make customers less price sensitive.

    3. Why solving for gaps solves for imposter syndrome and self doubt bc you truly have no competitors.

    4. How to stay in your lane to not second guess your thought leadership

    This is what I mean when I say you don’t need to post more. This is what I mean by creating demand peacefully. Visit the Reclamation page on my website. Doors open on May 15th and I want you to ask any questions that are popping up for you right now!

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  • I had the honor of coaching today's guest for two years and watching her go from over-worked solopreneur Ops VA with a 9-5 to a full-fledged multiple six figure agency owner. Ariana Rodriguez is also the leader of the Get Sh*t Done Summit for entrepreneurs, AND she is currently in the process of developing an app.

    Ariana is an operational consultant who helps BIPOC and neurodivergent business owners grow and streamline their businesses in a way that works for them. I'm always astounded by how much I can learn from my own clients and Ariana is no exception. She takes systems, which can be a heavy topic that a lot of business owners have some shame around, and she makes it simple.

    I especially love how inclusive Ariana's work is. For example, if a business owner has ADHD - their systems need to be adapted with that in mind. So I'm really excited to dig into Ariana's journey. It took more than systems to get here, it took her thought leadership and a ton of self compassion.

    In this episode, we're chatting about:

    How Ariana's definition of success has changed in the past year, and what she was able to achieve during our work together 1:1 and in Reclamation MastermindWhy an ADHD diagnosis resulted in more grace and peace in Ariana’s businessHow neurodivergent business owners need to operate differently The role of an operational consultant in a businesses day to day Why creating systems and processes with a person's background in mind is extremely important to Ariana

    Connect with Ariana:

    Sign up for The Get Sh*t Done SummitCheck out her WebsiteFollow her on InstagramFollow her on Linkedin

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