The nineteenth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, sixty-six minutes of rapid-fire meme studies takes with hosts Dino Chang and Gabriele de Seta riffing off over Idil Galip's recent ventures.
In this episode: Jason Bateman memes, Meme Studies Research Network, Critical Meme Reader III, iFunny.co memes, non-memes.
Lack of stereo separation thanks to a missing checkbox for individual audio track output.
- Meme Studies Research Network: https://memestudiesrn.wordpress.com/
- Critical Meme Reader III: Breaking the Meme: https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/critical-meme-reader-iii-breaking-the-meme/
- Nick Douglas' "It's supposed to look like shit" paper: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1470412914544516
- @idontreadtheory Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/idontreadtheory/
Support CWGI: https://ko-fi.com/cursedwithgoodideas
The eighteenth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, eighty-eight minutes of feedback loops with Asa Roast, Dino Chang and Gabriele de Seta nerding out about Dylan Levi King's work.
In this episode: translating Chinese literature, Chinese cybernetics, DPRK environmentalism, Japanese fashion, Asia-as-method.
Thuds and cuts due to experimental microphone setups.
- Jia Pingwa's "The Shaanxi Opera": https://www.amazon.com/Shaanxi-Opera-Part-novel-ebook/
- Angela Xiao Wu's "Journalism via systems cybernetics": https://hms.mediastudies.press/pub/wu-journalism-systems/release/6
- Dylan's "Ketamine and the return of the party state": https://www.palladiummag.com/2021/06/23/ketamine-and-the-return-of-the-party-state/
- Dylan's "The genealogy of Chinese cybernetics": https://www.palladiummag.com/2022/10/17/the-genealogy-of-chinese-cybernetics/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
A special crossover episode brought to you by CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS and Deathnography, one hundred and eight minutes of call-in show with Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta, Patrick Harrison, and Henry Lee answering your questions and giving advice to Young Men.
In this episode: sapiosexuality, academic career, love, labor, therapy, cuckoldry
Coughs and volume dips due to smoking and shared recording facilities.
- Deathnography podcast: https://deathnography.libsyn.com/
- James Cage White: https://twitter.com/JamesCageWhite
- Palo Alto: https://www.amazon.com/Palo-Alto-History-California-Capitalism
- Dino's Green Hat Society essay: https://theasiadialogue.com/2019/11/21/the-spectacle-of-cuckoldry-and-the-crisis-of-the-libidinal-economy/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The seventeenth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, ninety-three minutes of collaborative filtering with Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta, Patrick Harrison, and Asa Roast asking uninformed questions to Nick Seaver.
In this episode: cybernetics, algorithms, recommender systems, and methodological cope.
Hums and croaks courtesy of postgraduate mobility.
- Nick Seaver's "Computing Taste": https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/C/bo183892298.html
- Nick Seaver's scholarship: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GORu8nQAAAAJ&hl=en
- Lana Swartz's "New Money": https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300233223/new-money/
- Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan's "Code": https://www.dukeupress.edu/code
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The fifteenth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, seventy-one minutes of socio-technical assemblage unpacking with Anaïs Bloch, Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta, Patrick Harrison, and Nicolas Nova.
In this episode: smartphone affects, repair cultures, legendary solderers, and drawing as method.
Clicks and bleeps afforded by the caprices of broadband connections.
- Nicolas Nova & Anaïs Bloch's "Dr. Smartphone" book, Open Access PDF: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03106034/
- "Dr. Smartphone", print version: https://www.idpureshop.ch/web/catalogue.aspx?cat=62
- Nicolas Nova & DISNOVATION.ORG's "A Bestiary of the Anthropocene": https://bestiaryanthropocene.com/
- Anaïs Bloch's work: https://www.anaisbloch.ch/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The fourteenth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, seventy-seven minutes of urban fieldwork reminiscences with Asa Roast, Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta, Leif, and Patrick Harrison.
In this episode: black pollution, construction work masculinities, urban ethnography and anxious wealth.
Audio artifacts and bitcrushing sponsored by Zoom compression algorithms.
- Overhead cable removal in Shanghai: http://www.thatsmags.com/shanghai/post/23023/are-overhead-cables-in-shanghai-about-to-become-a-thing-of-the-past
- John Osburg's "Anxious Wealth": https://www.perlego.com/book/744833/anxious-wealth-money-and-morality-among-chinas-new-rich-pdf
- Sarah Swider's "Building China": https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9780801456930/building-china
- Leif's "Bordering Shanghai": https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0016718515302311
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The thirtheeth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, seventy minutes of inescapable lockdown chronicles with Andrew Holtz, Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta, Joy Zhu and Marianne von Blomberg.
In this episode: Epidemiology 101, social credit system, health QR codes, and empty airports.
Echoes and ghostly crackles kindly offered by smartphone microphones.
LINKS:- COVID-19 spikes in Hong Kong, Singapore & Taiwan: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/09/world/asia/coronavirus-hong-kong-singapore-taiwan.html - Alibaba's Hangzhou Health Code: https://technode.com/2020/04/07/china-voices-how-alibaba-built-chinas-health-code/ - Andrew Holtz's blog: https://medium.com/@andrew.holtz94 - Marianne von Blomberg on the social credit score: https://mappingchina.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/MCJ-No-2-2018-Blomberg.pdf
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The twelfth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, fifty-four minutes of catch-up with Clément Renaud, Dino Chang, Digougou and Gabriele de Seta.
In this episode: Coronavirus, self-imposed quarantine, epidemic boredom and Wuhanese identity.
Phased voices and microphone taps are 100% organic.
LINKS:- 2019-nCoV crisis recap: https://chublicopinion.com/2020/02/04/wuhan-a-tale-of-immune-system-failure-and-social-strength/ - More on quarantined life: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30299-3/fulltext - Anti-pangolin propaganda: https://www.businessinsider.com/wuhan-coronavirus-pangolins-intermediary-host-2020-2 - WHU Alumni fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-wuhan-fight-through-coronavirus
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The eleventh episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, sixty-eight minutes of living room vibing with Nel and hosts Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta and Patrick Harrison.
In this episode: Taiwan elections, nation-state cosplaying, financial domination and green hat cuckoldry.
VOIP delay and occasional garbage collection truck jingles prove our site-specificity.
LINKS:- Institute for Findom Research: https://twitter.com/FindomInstitute- The retweet game: https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/the-retweet-slaves-who-worship-their-dommes-on-twitter - Findom in the Philippines: https://netnography595114714.wordpress.com/2017/12/12/findom/ - Findom in China & Hong Kong: https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/article/2094964/findom-fetish-asia-pay-pigs-money-slaves-and-why-men-dont-want-sex-women
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The tenth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, seventy-two minutes of bilingual exchanges with Ge Yulu and hosts Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta and Digougou.
In this episode: growing up in Wuhan, 1.5 tier cities, contemporary art education and surveillance cameras.
Background disturbances resulting from precarious on-site recording.
LINKS:- Ge Yulu's "Where the streets had my name" http://www.chinafile.com/multimedia/video/where-streets-had-my-name- Ge's dildo on flagpole installation: https://radiichina.com/beijing-art-student-punished-for-putting-dildo-on-flagpole/- Xu Bing's "Dragonfly Eyes" trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4JsoR25DP4- Dorothy J. Sollinger's "Streets as suspect" article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14672715.2013.758819
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The ninth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, sixty-three minutes of postdoctoral therapy with Asa Roast and hosts Jonathan Burrow, Dino Chang, and Gabriele de Seta.
In this episode: PhD hazing, dissertation PTSD, coping strategies and YouTube rabbit holes.
Continuity errors due to wedding commitments.
LINKS:- Asa Roast's website: http://asaroast.com/work- 60 Minute Cities - Chongqing: https://bivouacrecording.postach.io/post/60-minute-cities-chongqing-60fen-zhong-wo-de-cheng-shi-zhong-qing- Bruno Latour's "On the difficulty of being an ANT": https://www.douban.com/group/topic/17840258/- The tracksuit meme: https://www.popbuzz.com/internet/viral/jawad-bendaoud-meme-video/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The eight episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, fifty-five minutes of underground insights with Katy Roseland (Basement6, Shanghai Community Radio) and hosts Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta & Patrick Harrison.
In this episode: Shanghai's creative basements, art spies, community radios and club culture.
Involuntary reverb courtesy of Skype feedback.
LINKS:- Basement6: http://www.basement6collective.com/ - Shanghai Community Radio: https://www.instagram.com/shcr_radio/ - Eduardo Makoszay's "Tomorrow can take care of itself (ft Nick Land)": https://vimeo.com/223902358/bbf68a469d - Official "Map Pointz" project: https://www.instagram.com/map_pointz/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The seventh (but eight really) episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, sixty-eight minutes of spiritual communion with Dr. Paul J. Farrelly (Capital Academic Advisory) and hosts Dino Chang & Gabriele de Seta.
In this episode: Taiwanese campus folk, new age religiosity, spiritual practices, vintage magazine Tumblr.
Occasional ambient hiss added for a more lo-fi summer vibe.
LINKS:- Paul J. Farrelly's website: https://www.pauljfarrelly.com/ - Capital Academic Advisory: https://www.academics.asia/ - Paul's essay on Terry Hu and New Age religion in Taiwan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-xGNvVh2owzQ0NSVmxaSFZ6U00/view - Paul's "Altered Statuses" Tumblr: https://altered-statuses.tumblr.com/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/ -
The sixth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, seventy-three minutes of gonzo sinology with Gong (Vice China) and hosts Jonathan Burrow, Joshua Cader, Dino Chang & Gabriele de Seta.
In this episode: Vice in China, the post-wall generation, the end of subcultures, Peppa the Pig and Dongbei thug life.
Reverbs and traffic ambience all mixed-in for an optimal multi-sited experience.
LINKS:- S.T.H's article on post-wall Chinese youth: http://www.vice.cn/read/time-for-generation-wall - Vice China documentary on independent comics: http://www.vice.cn/read/comics-infinite-full-version - The "This is a fucking paradise" documentary series: http://www.vice.cn/show/this-is-a-fucking-paradise - Vice China article on Peppa the Pig : http://www.vice.cn/read/peppa-thug-pig-is-lost-control-again
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The fifth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, sixty-six minutes of snappy takes on creative writing with John and Tito (Melbourne, Australia) and hosts Jonathan Burrow, Joshua Cader, Dino Chang & Gabriele de Seta.
In this episode: academic exploitation, indifference & repetition, ethnographic spy novels, and the politics of humor.
Pristine production courtesy of an institutional recording studio in a secret location.
LINKS:- Kenneth Goldsmith's "Uncreative Writing": https://www.amazon.co.uk/Uncreative-Writing-Kenneth-Goldsmith - Mark Hobart's writings: http://www.criticalia.org/bibliography---mark-hobart/ - Maurice Bloch's essays: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/essays-on-cultural-transmission-9781845202873/ - The anthropologist as stand-up comedian: http://sciencenordic.com/researcher-who-became-stand-comic
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The fourth episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, seventy-five minutes of underground hip-hop ethnography with Pradip Sarkar (Melbourne, Australia) and hosts Joshua Cader, Dino Chang & Gabriele de Seta.
In this episode: Mumbai slum beats, Kolkata cityscapes, local technologies of production, self-exoticizing appropriations and global aspirations.
Uneven audio encoding quality courtesy of Australian broadband and failing batteries.
LINKS:- Mere Gully Mein - DIVINE feat. Naezy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bK5dzwhu-I - Cizzy - Kolkatar Rasta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VJcZ_RukDI - Prabh Deep x Sez On The Beat - 'G' Maane (Explicit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfTtQypf38M - Feyago ft. Tarak Das Baul - Baul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ugceWGnw_I
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The third episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, sixty-four minutes of deep meme phenomenology with Deathnography (Montreal, Canada) and hosts Joshua Cader, Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta & Patrick Harrison.
In this episode: Facebook meme page backstage gossip, Hong Kong protest field recordings, secret chat group anti-Zuck strikes, post-internet anthropology zingers, and the original formulation of #maplewave.
Vaping gurgles and keyboard taps unavoidable given the recording circumstances.
LINKS:- Deathnography Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/deathnography/ - Quarry Bay's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/quarrybay - Esoteric Asian Memes: https://www.facebook.com/esotericasianmemes/ - Lettuce Dog's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lettucedogmemes/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The second episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, an hour of free-wheeling takes with Joy Zhu (Hong Kong) and hosts Joshua Cader, Dino Chang & Gabriele de Seta.
In this episode: uninformed opinions on Hong Kong's something-colonial identity, Wan Chin fandom, attempts at triggering Yuk Hui, and a broad sweeps over the city's political spectrum beyond the Umbrella Movement.
Background noises courtesy of recording this thing over a total distance of 24,518 km.
LINKS:- Tommy Cheung's article on Wan Chin: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/AEDS-07-2015-0032 - Laika's take on Hong Kong's exit: https://jacobitemag.com/2017/09/23/colonialism-hong-kong-exit/ - Bruce Gilley's defense of colonialism: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/colonialism-academic-article-bruce-gilley-threats-violence-published-withdrawn-third-world-quarterly-a7996371.html - Yuk Hui on NRx: http://www.e-flux.com/journal/81/125815/on-the-unhappy-consciousness-of-neoreactionaries/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/
The actual first episode of CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS, fifty-something minutes of trans-timezone quipping with Patrick Harrison (UC Berkeley) and hosts Joshua Cader, Dino Chang & Gabriele de Seta.
In this episode: sharing some real good Chinese documentaries, piling hot takes on the Warkgate, being cynical about the China Quarterly fuck-up, and the usual dose of having no clue.
We're getting better at this, except for Josh who thought speakers were better than headphones.
LINKS:- Life After Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GELAclq9CQE - McKenzie Wark on Wang Hui: https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/3345-wang-hui-on-china-s-twentieth-century - Brian Hioe on McKenzie Wark: http://newbloommag.net/2017/08/23/wark-wang-left-orientalism/ - China Quarterly: http://www.chinoiresie.info/china-foray-into-academia-beyond-borders/
Support CWGI: https://en.liberapay.com/CWGI/