Are you ready for a BIRTHDAY PARTY? Quantum Physics has now reached the ripe old age of 100, but what does quantum science mean? The implications will leave you shaken. All the evidence we have from Quantum Mechanics points to the Trinity! Modern physics echoes the very words of Genesis. And what about Sir Isaac Newton? Some call Newton, the Father of Modern Science, but they also brand him a heretic. Others call him a defender of the Trinity. I argue his own writings reveal the shocking truth. This is not just another debate. This is history, science, and faith colliding in ways that will change how you see reality itself. Don't miss a second. Watch now!
Christians *need* to be aware of the issues in this video before their family or friends get TRAPPED in the flat-earth worldview. This interview with Dr. Danny Faulkner, a Christian astrophysicist, not only breaks down compelling evidence for a globe but also explores how Christian ethics guide our pursuit of truth. If you're open to challenging your beliefs or just want a fresh, thoughtful perspective, this is the conversation you've been waiting for.
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🚨 NEW Peer-Reviewed Research Challenges Evolution! On Current Topics in Science, Dr. Christopher Sernaque interviews Dr. Jonathan McLatchie about his groundbreaking, peer-reviewed work on the irreducible complexity of the eukaryotic cell. Discover how this new research not only questions evolutionary theory but also makes testable predictions from an Intelligent Design perspective. Don’t miss this cutting-edge discussion—subscribe now to explore science, faith, and the evidence for design!
Dr. Marcus Ross, a PhD scientist, has just CREATED, a robust, scientific, and modern defense of Young-Earth Creationism. In this new interview, Dr. Marcus Ross addresses Dr. Kenton Sparks, Dr. William Lane Craig, and Dr. Andrew Loke, three theistic evolutionists, while discussing the new book called, "Perspectives on the Historical Adam and Eve: Four Views" This is the best overview of the origins worldviews out there—don't miss out on this!
Eugenie Scott claims pseudogenes are the *best* argument against Intelligent Design. Dr. Daniel Stern Cardinale says ERVs can fit within the Intelligent Design model. Dr. Casey Luskin addresses them both in this new interview, where he explores the functions of so called Junk DNA, pseudogenes, and ERVs. If you care about the Intelligent Design vs unguided evolution debate...you'll regret missing this!
Natural Selection is often billed as the "engine of evolution", and most evolutionists will couple natural selection with mutation to account for the complexity of life. However, as Dr. Brian Thomas shows, not only is natural selection not a sufficient mechanism for evolution, but there is strong evidence for another model called "Continuous Environmental Tracking" or "Natural Genetic Engineering." This is exciting NEW evidence for Creation; don't miss out!
We live in the MATRIX! The Biomatrix that is. Bacteria are all over the world, in space, and all throughout our bodies. Did you know that they were designed by God---to save our lives??? Heroes are everywhere, even in microscopic form! Don't miss out on this inspirational episode of Current Topics in Science!
The new edition is out!!! Dr. William Dembski boldly addresses his critics, namely Dr. Elsberry writing for the National Center for Science Education. As mentioned, Dr. Dembski's book, "The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities" now has a brand new second edition—it has been thoroughly updated, so don't miss out on it!
Don't be the one to miss out on this amazing interview! Intelligent Design is science and the newly updated Design Inference proves it. Dr. Ewert is back for another interview where he summarize the newest updates to the book that he co-authored with Dr. William Dembski. He also answers objections and shares what readers can look forward to. This short 12 minute interview is packed with important information you won't want to miss!
A team of scientists from the University of Waterloo has just created PLANT ROBOTS that will be used perform medical tasks and make deliveries. This stunning innovative design is bringing old and new technology to the forefront and is revolutionizing healthcare. But, the question is begged, if scientists looked to plants to design plant-bots, are plants themselves intelligently designed? This podcast episode explores the amazing feats and designs of plant life; if you're interested in something new that reveals an old truth...this podcast episode is for you!
The Journal of Current Biology has just announced something — something truly astounding! They have made the stunning move and have claimed that dinosaurs and human ancestors must have coexisted. In other words, it seems like the evolutionary timeline is getting more and more Biblical as new data comes in! But what if we take this a step further...is there evidence that modern humans and dinosaurs lived concurrently? Listen to this podcast episode to find out! You'll also get a special deal from Creation Ministries International for the book "Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air" by Dr. Sarfati and Joel Tay!
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