Brent Minchew is an Associate Professor of Geophysics in the department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT. He studies the behavior of glaciers in respect to environmental factors and is dedicated to understanding sea level rise and exploring viable interventions to stabilize ice sheets.
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Stefanie Mueller is an associate professor with a joint appointment in MIT's Electrical and Computer Science, and Mechanical Engineering departments. Her work is mostly focused on developing novel hardware and software systems that advance personal fabrication technologies. She envisions a world in which anyone can use 3D printing to create any object at any time.
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Andres Sevtsuk is an associate professor of Urban Science and Planning at MIT. His work focuses on the influence of urban design on travel behavior and quality of life, and contributes to making cities more walkable, sustainable and equitable.
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Ariel White is an associate professor of Political Science at MIT. She studies voting and voting rights, race, the criminal legal system, and bureaucratic behavior as a way to shed light on people's everyday interactions with government. Her recent work investigates how potential voters react to being affected by punitive government policies, such as incarceration and immigration enforcement, and how people can make their way back onto the voting registries after these experiences.
Ariel WhitePolitical ScienceMIT Gov/LabTimestamps:
(07:58) - What is actually known immediately following an election(10:47) - How does mail-in voting affect elections(13:09) - Why some people don't voteShow notes and transcript: https://news.mit.edu/podcast/podcast-curiosity-unbounded-episode-11-get-out-vote
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Giovanni "Gio" Traverso is an associate professor in MIT's Department of Mechanical Engineering and a gastroenterologist at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital. His work focuses on innovative methods for drug delivery, diagnostics, and biological sensing. Here, Gio speaks with MIT President Sally Kornbluth about tackling the core challenges of taking medication, the unique perspective that comes with being both a professor and a practicing gastroenterologist, and the importance of entrepreneurship.
The Laboratory for Translational EngineeringMIT School of EngineeringMIT Department of Mechanical EngineeringTimestamps:
(04:48) - Electroceuticals(06:08) - The gut-brain connection's affect on appetite(08:29) - The challenges of adherence to medication schedules(15:45) - EntrepreneurshipShow notes and transcript: https://news.mit.edu/podcast/podcast-curiosity-unbounded-episode-10-making-medicine-easier-swallow
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Benedetto Marelli is a biomedical engineer by training and a materials scientist. He is an associate professor in MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His work is focused on the fabrication of new biopolymers that can interact with biomolecules, living matter, and the environment. Here, Benedetto speaks with MIT President Sally Kornbluth about the advantages of using silk-based coatings in agriculture as well as for water filtration, and why being bold and creative can lead to powerful discoveries.
Laboratory for Advanced BiopolymersCivil and Environmental EngineeringMIT Climate ProjectTimestamps:
(01:23) - The benefits of silk use for agriculture(06:00) - MIT’s Climate Grand Challenges(07:12) - Using silk to filter out forever chemicals(09:31) - MIT’s Climate ProjectShow notes and transcript:
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Namrata Kala is an associate professor in applied economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management. She studies the value of employee training and incentives, how communities adapt to environmental change and regulation, and the returns on environmental technology investment. Here, Namrata speaks with MIT President Sally Kornbluth about the importance of soft skills training, and the benefits of being a straight shooter.
MIT Sloan School of Management”J-PAL,” the Jameel Poverty Action LabMIT Climate ProjectTimestamps:
(10:07) - Communication skills and productivity(13:14) - Building relationships to benefit climate work(15:29) - MIT’s climate effortsShow notes and transcript:
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Skylar Tibbits is a designer and computer scientist whose research focuses on self-assembling and programmable materials, and 3D and 4D printing. He is the founder of the MIT Self-Assembly Lab. Here, Skylar speaks with MIT President Sally Kornbluth about the inspiration for his lab’s projects, why design at MIT is unique, and the magic in combining the creative with the technical.
Skylar TibbitsSelf-Assembly LabVideo: Cube self-folding strandMIT Morningside Academy for DesignGrowing IslandsTimestamps:
(01:01) 4D printing
(06:05) Self-assembly
(07:21) Growing Islands
(13:00) Design at MIT
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Ellen Roche is an associate professor of mechanical engineering and the associate head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. Her research team develops new devices and therapeutic strategies for repairing the heart and other tissues. Here, she speaks with MIT President Sally Kornbluth about her work, the advantages of taking a nonlinear route to one’s chosen career, and the importance of saying "yes" to unexpected opportunities.
Ellen RocheTherapeutic Technology Design and Development LabVideo: Patient-specific, 3D-printed, soft-robotic heartsDassault SystèmesInstitute for Medical Engineering and ScienceTimestamps:
(03:35) - Potential for 3D-printing hearts
(08:14) - Hydrogels
(17:33) - On AI
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Joshua Bennett is a professor of literature and distinguished chair of the humanities at MIT. Additionally, he is an accomplished spoken word artist, and author of several books. Here, he speaks with MIT President Sally Kornbluth about the power of words, the beauty of quiet things, and about the value in learning for its own sake. Plus, we hear him perform his poetry.
drjoshuabennett.comTamara's OpusReading Poetry: Social PoeticsAfrican Diaspora Studies programTimestamps:
(08:38) - On AI
(13:40) - The benefits and joy of learning for its own sake
(20:01) - The distinction between poetry on the page and on the stage
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Fadel Adib is an associate professor at the MIT Media Lab and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His work pushes the limits of wireless sensing: to monitor climate change in the oceans; to impact food production, health, and space exploration; and to see through walls.
In this episode, MIT President Sally Kornbluth talks with Adib about his work and how he’s inspired to solve pressing global issues. Along the way, they discuss his belief in the importance of inspiring others and democratizing advanced tools and technologies, as well as his early life in Lebanon and his family-held belief that education has the power to change lives.
Fadel AdibThe Big Bang Theory episodeEmerald InnovationsSignal Kinetics groupCartesian SystemsMIT 100k Entrepreneurship CompetitionSenseaTimestamps:
(01:38) - The superpower question
(07:48) - Detecting emotions through walls and The Big Bang Theory episode
(09:00) - Ocean work and implications for aquaculture, climate change, and space exploration
(17:50) - Early life in Lebanon
(21:10) - Democratization of technology
(25:52) - Family and the importance of education
(28:26) - Local impact
(29:24) - Public education through videos
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Greg Fournier is an associate professor of geobiology at MIT. Greg’s work focuses on the microbial world, and by studying the evolution of microbes, he and his team further our understanding of the history of life on Earth.
In this episode, MIT President Sally Kornbluth and Fournier discuss fine-tuning our understanding of evolution; lab life and how research surprises often lead to new discoveries; and advice for those just beginning a career in science.
Greg FournierFournier LabCraters of the MoonWind CavePermian–Triassic mass extinctionPurgatory ChasmNASA postdoctoral fellowshipCourse 1EAPS (Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences)Show notes and transcript:
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In this episode, MIT President Sally Kornbluth sits down with associate professor of political science and faculty co-director of MIT-Africa, Mai Hassan. Her work looks at bureaucracy, public administration, and the state in Africa, and more recently, how people mobilize against repressive dictatorships.
Mai HassanMIT-AfricaRegime Threats and State SolutionsShow notes and transcript:
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In this episode, MIT President Sally Kornbluth sits down with newly tenured associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, Desirée Plata. Her work focuses on making industrial processes more environmentally friendly, and removing methane (a key factor in global warming) from the air.
Desirée PlataWoods Hole OceanographicPlata LabGlobal Methane Pledge2.00b Toy Product DesignShow notes and transcript:
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