
  • Steven Parker has worked and lived in Asia for 35 years in 6 different countries. He is a multi-talented CEO, Business Coach, Presenter, Musician and Podcaster with a passion for Leadership Education, Communication, Business, and Community Building.

    Steven joined me from Taiwan to have this deeply fascinating conversation about leadership, sharing his thoughts on how introvert and highly sensitive leaders can be great leaders, how to create diverse teams that appreciate each other’s strengths, and how to navigate leadership challenges such as hybrid and flexible working.

    Steven has dedicated the last two years to his three lives- his Whisky tasting business, Leadership, and Music, spending his time equally between all three.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    How introvert and highly sensitive leaders can succeed The power of music to support communication confidence Creating diverse teams that appreciate each other’s strengths What it means to be an authentic leader Challenges coming up now for leaders Hybrid/ remote working and cultural dynamics The future of work- flexible working and the 4 day week


    Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s global leader communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s team communication and cultural intelligence training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Listen to Steven Parker's Leadership Matters Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/leadership-matters/id1559171284 Connect with Steven Parker on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leadership-matters-by-steven-parker/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Lanie Denslow is the Founder and Principal of World Wise Intercultural Training and Resources. She trains professionals to understand cultural nuances so they can work effectively in today’s global business environment in her customized, interactive workshops for teams and individuals.

    Lanie joined me from Silicon Valley in California to have this insightful chat about US cultural dynamics, the impact of culture in all aspects of our formal and informal work interactions, and how to build your cultural confidence.

    Lanie is the author of ‘World Wise What to Know Before You Go’ and co-author of ‘Working with Americans’, talking about culture and global business.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Why cultural differences impact your sales and profit What is US culture? We are individuals, not research averages The US/ UK cultural dynamic Culture in evolution Greetings: the cultural nuances of a handshake Seating arrangements & what they communicate What to do when we make cultural mistakes How to build your cultural confidence


    Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s global leader communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s team communication and cultural intelligence training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Find about more about Lanie Denslow: https://worldwiseonline.net Connect with Lanie Denslow on Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/lanie-denslow-worldwise Book: Working with Americans: https://www.workingwithamericans.com (available on Amazon) Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
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  • Why are people not listening to you? What can you do to make sure people listen to you more?

    This can be frustrating when you have valuable ideas, views and builds to the conversation, and you leave the meeting feeling irritated, limited or even blocked.

    Moving forward starts with diagnosing why people are not listening to you, and what is holding you back.

    I share my strategies to make sure you are fully heard, seen and acknowledged for the great value you bring to your team and organisation.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Diagnosing your issue The reason why people are not listening to you Strategies for when you feel the confidence challenge of speaking up Strategies for when you prefer an introverted, reflective energy in meetings Strategies for when others dominate the meeting and you can’t get a word in edgeways Strategies for when you express your opinion, but your opinion is not acknowledged or considered


    If you experience challenges with your workplace interactions, and know you need help to go deeper on these topics, then I recommend you book in to talk to me in a clarity call. Message me on Linkedin to share what’s going on at work for you and let’s help get you clarity for moving forward, or book in here: https://culturecuppa.com/contact/ Listen to episode 31, 'Is it appropriate to interrupt?': https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/is-it-appropriate-to-interrupt/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Have you ever experienced a team member resistant to your collaboration? Somebody not replying to your emails? Not giving you the information you urgently need? Not accepting your meeting invites?

    When this happens we may start thinking that they’re doing this deliberately, it’s personal, maybe even ‘they don’t like me’ or ‘they don’t value me.’

    However, if this person is key to getting your tasks done and projects delivered, you need to find a way to move through the resistance- here are my strategies to help you.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    What we think when we meet resistance from others What can’t we see Start with understanding Assume positive intent Consider how they like to communicate Invest in the relationship for the long term Work on the magic ratio Design the communication Developing connection takes time


    If you experience challenges with your workplace interactions, and know you need help to go deeper on these topics, then I recommend you book in to talk to me in a clarity call. Message me on Linkedin to share what’s going on at work for you and let’s help get you clarity for moving forward, or book in here: https://culturecuppa.com/contact/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights/ Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Email me: [email protected]/ Website: https://culturecuppa.com/
  • Helen Percival is a RADA trained actor with over a decade of experience as a broadcast journalist. She has worked for The Guardian, Reuters, Agence France-Presse, Bloomberg and as a news anchor for France 24. As a professional actor, she has worked in theatre, film and TV and understands the importance of harnessing the body, breath and voice to deliver messages with authenticity and power. Coupling her experience in journalism and acting, she carries out C-Suite level media training in London and Paris.

    Helen and I had a great conversation about how to be a powerful communicator with the way you engage your body, breath and voice. She shared her insights into why and how to warm up ahead of a public speaking engagement, and build awareness of how to manage your body, breath and voice while presenting, including any nerves.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Why is it important to think about our voice, body and breath when preparing for public speaking Practical body and breath warm up exercises before you go on stage/ live Managing nerves when presenting and public speaking The impact of body language when you speak How your body language broadcasts to your audience The cultural nuances of body language How to manage the fear of speaking to camera: tips from TV journalism


    Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s individual communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/individuals/ Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s team communication and cross-cultural training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Find about more about Helen Percival: https://sequentially.co.uk/ Connect with Helen Percival on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-percival-28495a20/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights/ Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Email me: [email protected]/ Website: https://culturecuppa.com/
  • Lisa is a highly experienced communication skills coach, who hosts a Walk and Talk group in Singapore which has blossomed into a thriving weekly morning Walk & Talk community, boasting over 100 "Walkers & Talkers". This group offers a refreshing departure from traditional indoor networking events and fosters meaningful connections in nature.

    We had a fascinating discussion about why connection and conversation are so challenging today, how Lisa is using walk & talk to go beyond the small talk and coffee to act as a catalyst for conversation and deeper connection, plus how to be intentional to create space for connection in team meetings.

    Lisa has been based in Singapore since 2009 and was a training consultant at the British Council Professional Development Centre for 11 years before starting SIXCOMMS. The Six Cs in SIXCOMMS represent Lisa's core belief in the six essential elements of becoming a proficient communicator: Connection, Curiosity, Compassion, Clarity, Customization, and Consistency. These principles underpin her approach to helping professionals unlock their full communication potential. She hosts The SIXCOMMS Podcast to explore these Six Cs in more depth with her global guests.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Why connection and conversation are so challenging today Going beyond the small talk and coffee Talking together to stimulate deeper connection Designing conversations for teams in outside spaces Being intentional to create space for connection in team meetings How to support introverts to nurture their ideas and contribute Practical ways for introverts to develop their confidence to speak up and share Ideas for leaders to cultivate meaningful connection with their people in virtual teams


    Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s team communication and cross-cultural training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s individual communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/individuals/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Find about more about Lisa Partridge: https://www.sixcomms.org/ Connect with Lisa Partridge on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisasing/ Connect with Lisa PArtridge on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sixcommslisa/ If you're in Singapore, sign up to join Lisa for a Walk & Talk: https://www.sixcomms.org/upcomingevents/ If you'd like to start a podcast, Lisa offers a 6-week coaching program, more details can be found on her website: https://www.sixcomms.org/services/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights/ Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Email me: [email protected]/ Website: https://culturecuppa.com/
  • No.

    A small word. Loaded with meaning, nuance and connotation.

    Is it easy for you to say ‘No’?

    I was asked recently at a workshop about how to say ‘no’ assertively and confidently, without sounding aggressive or being perceived negatively, and I know this topic is on the mind of many of you.

    Today we talk about saying no assertively so you can establish your boundaries. This is for you, if you are the person who usually says yes. Especially when you mean no.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    How does it make us feel to say no? Start with your boundaries- what is a red line for you? What’s the power dynamic in the relationship? How to say no assertively What to say How to say it


    If you know you need help to be assertive and say no more, then let’s meet for a discovery call, so I can share how I can support you with my coaching. Book your time here: https://culturecuppa.com/contact/ Listen to Ep.050, Exploring your Cultural Values, part 1: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/exploring-your-cultural-values-part-1/ Listen to Ep.051, Exploring your Cultural Values, part 2: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/exploring-your-cultural-values-part-2/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • We are not islands. We can’t get things done without collaborating with other people, and influence is the magic ingredient.

    Influence helps you deliver your projects, navigate the challenges, gives you the opportunity to gain share of voice and can enhance your professional reputation.

    Explore in this episode strategies to improve your influencing skills.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Why influence is the magic ingredient How to improve your influence Stakeholder maps Understand business needs vs. wants Speak the same language Clarity in your message Deliver with impact


    If you know your influence skills need sharpening up, and you would love to receive clarity on how to improve, meet me for a free discovery call. I’ll share my insights with you so you can immediately start becoming a better influencer. Book your time here: https://culturecuppa.com/contact/ Listen to episode 75, Mastering Clarity: Elevating your Influence - https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/mastering-clarity-elevating-your-influence/ Listen to episode 76, Empowering Confidence: strategies for your communication - https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/empowering-confidence-strategies-for-your-communication/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights/ Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Email me: [email protected]/ Website: https://culturecuppa.com/
  • Victoria Dale, Founder of Inclusion 365, is on a mission to support employers and busy HR Leaders to move from reactive to proactive when it comes to driving their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) agenda forward. Her approach is about taking those small steps to build inclusion into everyday conversations, decisions, actions and behaviours.

    We had a valuable discussion about what it means to create space to listen to better understand your team’s wider life context, what impacts an employee’s ability to speak up and share, and how DE&I can be brought into everyday actions.

    Over the past 20 years, Victoria has supported different industries from large global companies to small businesses to transform their workplace cultures through leveraging the power of diversity data to drive forward their DE&I strategies, attract more diverse talent and remain relevant in a rapidly changing world.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Moving the DE&I agenda from reactive to proactive Why a data-led approach is important Creating space to listen, understanding your people’s wider life context Tips for active listening How to create effective listening with teams in diverse global locations Hearing all your team’s voices- what impacts an employee’s ability to speak up and share The 6Cs of inclusive leadership The business costs of not focusing on DE&I DE&I in everyday actions


    Discover Victoria’s team communication and cross-cultural training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers Discover Victoria’s individual communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/individuals/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Find about more about Victoria Dale: https://inclusion365.co.uk Connect with Victoria Dale on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-dale-dei-9489104a/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Today I am truly grateful on my 9th business birthday.

    I am so lucky that with my business, Culture Cuppa, I get to support and work with 1000s of people and teams all over the world from over 40 countries.

    Plus I have the joy of connecting with people every day globally through my social, virtual and in person communities and networks, being energised and inspired to collaborate in new ways to share my ideas in podcasts, videos, talks and blogs.

    So a big thank you to you all who support me and have worked with me on my journey. I am deeply grateful to you all- Culture Cuppa is all about people and I couldn't have done it without you!

    In celebration of my business birthday, today on the podcast my good friend and previous guest, Febronia Ruocco, turns the tables on me and I am the guest of my own podcast! In this special episode, I answer her questions about my communication and cultural journey, what inspires me and what’s coming next.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Victoria Rennoldson’s Culture Cuppa journey What inspired the business launch Why cultural communication matters to Victoria Multi-cultural experiences living abroad The role Durham University played and mentoring for the Durham Leadership Academy How Victoria’s first career in Marketing in global teams inspired her second career Victoria’s own communication confidence journey Business evolution: the Culture Cuppa rebrand in 2023 Why the podcast is so important to connecting globally What drives Victoria and her vision Staying motivated and energised Life outside Culture Cuppa- more about Victoria’s personal life What’s next!


    In celebration of Culture Cuppa’s 9th birthday, I have created special offers on all my masterclasses and the Public Speaking Confidendce circle. Go to https://culturecuppa.com/birthday to access these now, as they are only available until 31.3.24. Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Discover more podcast episodes: https://culturecuppa.com/podcast/ Are you a Durham university alumnus/a? Learn more about the Durham Leadership Academy: https://www.durham.ac.uk/colleges-and-student-experience/enrichment-activities/durham-leadership-framework/ Thank you to Febronia Ruocco for interviewing me for this very special podcast episode. More about Febronia and her Executive Coaching Business: http://linkedin.com/in/febroniaruocco/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights/ Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Email me: [email protected]/ Website: https://culturecuppa.com/
  • The magnet rule of challenging conversations.

    What happens when we bring 2 magnets of the same poles together? We experience resistance and they won’t meet. The harder we try to push them together, the more resistance there is.

    It’s the same with challenging conversations and disagreements. So how can you change the outcome? Magnetise the situation with a challenging conversation bridge.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    The magnet rule of challenging conversations How to disagree productively Your first steps to move along the challenging conversations bridge Turn down the volume in your head Your relationship intention Design the conversation How you show up Go beyond what they say


    If you know challenging conversations are causing you issues, and you would love to understand all the steps in the bridge to handle disagreements and apply them to your situation, meet me for a free discovery call. Book your time here: https://culturecuppa.com/contact/ Listen to episode 72, the 4 pillars of Global Leader Communication: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/the-4-pillars-of-global-leader-communication/ Listen to episode 75, Mastering Clarity: Elevating your Influence: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/mastering-clarity-elevating-your-influence/ Listen to episode 76, Empowering Confidence: strategies for your communication: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/empowering-confidence-strategies-for-your-communication/ Listen to episode 78, How to connect with cultural intelligence: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/creating-connection-in-your-global-team/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Are you regularly making time and space for connection in your global team? How well are you and your people connecting with each other today?

    Building connection through your communication is a real superpower, and can help you create trust, engagement and better relationships with your people, wherever they are based around the world.

    Although connection technically is easier than ever, true human connection can be more challenging with hybrid and remote working.

    In today’s episode I share how to connect well in your multicultural team.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Why is it so hard to build connection in the workplace today Connection is more important than ever Your communication superpower: connection Know your people Start with listening The non-verbal communication secrets Conversation skills pro Develop your cultural intelligence muscles


    If you know connection is an area you and your team need to be stronger in, and you would love to receive clarity on how to improve, meet me for a free discovery call. I’ll share my insights with you so you can immediately start building connection in your team. Book your time here: https://culturecuppa.com/contact/ Listen to episode 72, the 4 pillars of Global Leader Communication: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/the-4-pillars-of-global-leader-communication/ Listen to episode 75, Mastering Clarity: Elevating your Influence: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/mastering-clarity-elevating-your-influence/ Listen to episode 76, Empowering Confidence: strategies for your communication: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/empowering-confidence-strategies-for-your-communication/ Introduction to Cultural Intelligence, listen to episode 008, How to improve your Cultural Intelligence: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/how-to-improve-your-cultural-intelligence/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Dr. Catherine Wu is an interculturalist and cultural intelligence evangelist. A passionate advocate for cultural diversity, Dr. Catherine is currently working towards telling 10 million people about cultural intelligence through speaking, writing, and posting daily on LinkedIn.

    She joined me in this episode from Singapore for this deeply insightful conversation. We chatted about how cultural intelligence has evolved in the last few years, why successful cross-cultural communication starts with our intentionality to create shared experiences, and how we can all step into being an interculturalist.

    In 2022, she launched The Cultural Quotient podcast, the first podcast to grow cultural intelligence at work and in life. As a speaker, Dr. Catherine frequently gives talks and conducts workshops on cultural intelligence for public and private organizations.

    Dr. Catherine holds a PhD in Cultural Intelligence from the Center for Leadership and Cultural Intelligence in Singapore. She is French and has lived in Asia for the past 18 years. She lives in Singapore with her Taiwanese American husband and 3 third-culture kids.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    What it means to be a cultural intelligence evangelist Why developing cultural awareness is not enough Cultural intelligence evolution and today DEI and helping teams to collaborate effectively Culture is hard to see, especially on virtual calls Successful cross-cultural communication starts with our intentionality to create shared experiences Everyone is an interculturalist and has the potential to be a cultural bridge Our personal cultural intelligence responsibility as leaders


    Discover Victoria’s team communication and cross-cultural training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers Discover Victoria’s individual communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/individuals/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Find about more about Dr. Catherine Wu and connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drcatherinewu/ Listen to The Cultural Quotient on Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/07Ig9X29uWFmuohsGzFOIt?si=79904e47f04146aa Listen to The Cultural Quotient on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cultural-quotient-ideas-tips-and-stories/id1658233893 Follow The Cultural Quotient on Amazon:
    https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/1ab1cc42-0ccb-413b-926d-a2fd040be7e3/the-cultural-quotient-ideas-tips-and-stories-for-developing-cultural-intelligence Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Communication confidence - what does that look like to you? What does it feel like? You will have your own version of confidence and I am exploring in today’s podcast episode how we can make it work for you.

    Confidence is one of the key foundations of my 4 pillars of Global Leader Communication, and I share my reframe on confidence and why it can feel challenging at times to communicate confidently.

    Plus discover my ideas for you to start developing your confidence for key situations, including an introduction to my IMPACT model.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Exploring your version of confidence How confidence impacts your performance now How to develop your confidence The role of feedback Discovering your current beliefs Build your new confident identity Practice makes confidence Introduction to my IMPACT model for confidence building


    If you know Confidence is an area you struggle with and you would love to learn more about my IMPACT model for confidence building, meet me for a free communication assessment. I’ll share my feedback with you and help you apply the IMPACT model to your situation. Book your time here: https://culturecuppa.com/communication-assessment/ Listen to episode 72, the 4 pillars of Global Leader Communication: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/the-4-pillars-of-global-leader-communication/ Listen to episode 75, Mastering Clarity: Elevating your Influence: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/mastering-clarity-elevating-your-influence/ See my LinkedIn post on the power of the word 'yet': https://www.linkedin.com/posts/victoria-rennoldson_communicationcoach-communicationcourse-communicationskillstraining-activity-7160905045717237761-Z3FI Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Today we deep dive into a topic which I’m frequently asked about- clarity in speaking.

    Many global professionals talk to me about how they want to sound more clear, concise and professional in the way they speak, to help them build their influence and impact, and so people listen and act.

    Clarity is one of the key foundations of my 4 pillars of Global Leader Communication, so in this episode we will explore why it is important, why it’s challenging for you currently and how to develop your clarity in your speaking.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    What characterises people who speak with clarity The benefits of speaking with clarity short term How speaking clearly can build your personal brand and professional reputation Why it is a challenge to speak with clarity Key steps to develop your speaking clarity Introduction to my 5Ps model of speaking clearly


    If you know Clarity is an area you struggle with me and you would love to learn more about my 5Ps model for clarity, meet me for a free communication assessment. I’ll share my feedback with you and help apply the 5Ps to your situation. Book your time here: https://culturecuppa.com/communication-assessment/ Listen to episode 72, the 4 pillars of Global Leader Communication: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/the-4-pillars-of-global-leader-communication/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Michelle Bradley, our guest on the podcast this week, is a bridge-builder, coach, and trainer based in Taipei, Taiwan, who grew up in the multicultural environments of NYC, London, and Cape Town. She is bilingual in English and Mandarin Chinese and is passionate about all aspects of cultural intelligence.

    As a certified PCC-level coach, Intercultural Trainer, and experienced East-West consultant, she partners with individuals and organizations to create a tailored program for effectively communicating across cultural and linguistic lines for greater global agility.

    She is the founder of Elephant Communications (雙象溝通), and has over 15 years of experience working with individuals and groups from all walks of life as a corporate trainer, intercultural consultant, coach, and yoga therapist.

    In this fascinating episode Michelle joined me from Taiwan and we chatted about what it means to develop global agility with cultural EQ, how East-West cultural dynamics have evolved, as well as her key tips for you to change your cultural perceptions and develop your own resilience when working in multicultural environments.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Developing your global agility What is Cultural EQ? East-West communication styles and cultural dynamics The evolution of globalisation and what it means today How changing your perceptions helps in your Cultural EQ Building your inner strength and resilience How far to adapt your communication and behavioural approach Increasing your cultural intelligence in daily life


    Discover Victoria’s team communication and cross-cultural training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers Discover Victoria’s individual communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/individuals/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Find about more about Michelle Bradley: https://www.elephantcommunications.com Connect with Michelle Bradley on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-e-bradley Follow Michelle Bradley on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elephantcommunicationstaiwan Learn about Michelle’s Cultural EQ Coaching Circle, an innovative & inspiring space for East-West communication growth: https://www.elephantcommunications.com/team-solutions#culturaleq-coaching-circle2024 Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Michael Quigley is a twice published author and regular blogger as well as the creator of multiple online professional and personal development courses with his company Kataholos. His Online Learning Platform empowers over 8000 professionals in 100 countries.

    He is a former primary school teacher with an extensive experience of teaching, leadership and mentoring, coupled with a life-long enduring passion for fitness, wellbeing and growing people.

    In this episode we discussed the key topics for global leaders to focus on this year, including how to connect and build great relationships with people through becoming more present, your conversation and energy.

    Plus what shifts in communication when we intentionally think about how we show up as leaders, make time for the important topics and plan what we want to say. Finally we talked about how to move away from cultural stereotypes and culturally understand others better.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    The most important topics on leaders’ minds for 2024 How to become more present as a leader Demonstrating your attention and care to your people Prioritising quality time- a precious resource Shifting energy and connection in your meetings Intentional communication and preparing your key messages Cultural nuances of leadership- meeting the other person where they’re at The true meaning of communication Confidence grows with competence and consistency


    Discover Victoria’s individual communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/individuals/ Discover Victoria’s team communication and cross-cultural training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Find about more about Michael Quigley: https://kataholos.co.uk/ and https://kataholoslearning.com/ Connect with Michael Quigley on Linkedin: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/itsmichaelquigley Follow Michael Quigley on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kataholostraining/ Follow Michael Quigley on Twitter: https://twitter.com/_kataholos Follow Michael Quigley on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KataholosYoutubeChannel Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • This week we’re talking about the 4 pillars of global leader communication.

    This is for you if you are a global manager who is ready to get promoted and wants to speak clearly, confidently and with impact.

    Levelling up your communication skills is important for influencing your senior stakeholders, creating impact with your communication and enhancing your professional reputation and career opportunities.

    That’s where the 4 pillars of global leader communication can help you.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    1st pillar- Confidence Recognising your value and strengths, and your limiting beliefs. 2nd pillar- Clarity Sharing your ideas clearly and concisely to influence others to take action Creating impact with your presence 3rd pillar- Connect with cultural intelligence Building collaboration and trust in your global teams Developing your cultural intelligence 4th pillar- Challenging conversations Bridging to others so you can move forward and find solutions.


    My masterclass, Speak like a Leader, is running later this week. It’s live on Fri 2nd February 12pm London time and you can sign up at https://culturecuppa.com/speak-leader/ Listen to Episode 71: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/identify-your-leadership-challenges/ Listen to Episode 70: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/your-leadership-presence/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Today we are talking about how to identify your leadership communication challenges and prioritise your development areas for 2024.

    I will be guiding you through a series of self-reflection questions, so you can pinpoint where your specific issues are, and start working on them to develop and grow your leadership communication skills.

    Listen to the 8 questions and rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, then listen until the end to discover what your score means and your next action step.

    If you prefer to do the quiz online while listening to this episode, head to: https://culturecuppa.com/leadership-quiz/

    What you will learn in this episode:

    The 8 key questions to ask yourself about your leadership communication skills Where your strengths and development areas are How to prioritise what to include in your development plan How to support your team with developing their leadership communication skills Action challenge! Share your scores and next steps with me


    If you prefer to do the quiz online: https://culturecuppa.com/leadership-quiz/ Exciting news! I’m launching a new masterclass very soon- Speak like a Leader in 2024. If you would like to be the first to hear when it goes live to know more and sign up, email me at [email protected], or message me on LinkedIn Listen to Episode 70: https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/your-leadership-presence/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com
  • Leadership presence - do you have it? Maybe you are like many people I meet who have all the skills, experience and talent, and are ambitious to progress their career for the next promotion or job move, to break into the c-suite or the next level of management.

    But something is missing in the way you show up, connect and engage with other people, which is hard to define.

    This is leadership presence. You know it when people have it.

    It impacts how you influence your senior stakeholders, builds trust and confidence with your team, inspires and creates action, and enhances your professional reputation and opportunities.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Reasons why people don’t have leadership presence currently What is leadership presence: a definition for 2024 Key areas of leadership presence Why it’s important for your career opportunities The vital ingredient is you Being authentic with your leadership presence Common myths about leadership presence How to develop your leadership presence


    Exciting news! I’m launching a new masterclass very soon - Speak like a Leader in 2024. If you would like to be the first to hear when it goes live to know more and sign up, email me at [email protected], or message me on LinkedIn. Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: [email protected] Website: https://culturecuppa.com