What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani will take you through a scenario where in spite of your best efforts, your salary may not be growing quickly to take you towards the Crore Club. He will cover 5 Roadblocks that could hinder your Salary Growth and how by learning about them, you can safeguard yourself from their negative impact.
Listen to this episode and build your understanding around these 5 Roadblocks so that your journey towards the Crore Club remains smooth.Timestamps:
Introduction - 00:00:58
1st Roadblock - 00:02:10
2nd Roadblock - 00:04:39
3rd Roadblock - 00:06:30
4th Roadblock - 00:08:30
5th Roadblock - 00:10:24Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani reveals how the annual increment process which all the companies follow are actually a big scam. How the process gets designed in such a way that very few people are able to keep most of the money and others hardly get any increase.
He will also share with you how you can prepare your counterstrategies so that you also start benefitting from this scam.
Listen to this episode and implement these learnings so that you can grow fast in your career and become a member of the Crore Club.Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
Saknas det avsnitt?
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani helps you understand why Corporate Rate Race should not be seen in negative sense and how by using a Positive Approach one can win this race and reach the top.
He will share with you his 6 Strategies which are extremely simple and implementable. These strategies are all about becoming better than others and winning this race, not about beating others anyhow by hook or crook.
Listen to this episode and implement these strategies to win the Corporate Rat Race so that you can become a member of the Crore Club.Timestamps:
Introduction - 00:00:58
1st Strategy - 00:07:52
2nd Strategy - 00:10:41
3rd Strategy - 00:16:35
4th Strategy - 00:20:37
5th Strategy - 00:25:05
6th Strategy - 00:30:03Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani takes you through the realm of Corporate Politics and makes you understand why it is important to have an understanding of Corporate Politics and why you must create a plan to counter all the efforts made by others to pull you down and impede your growth.
He will share with you his 5 Step Plan to navigate through Corporate Politics and come out successful.
Listen to this episode and build your own 5 Step Plan on the lines of inputs given by Anjani. This will help you overcome all the obstacles in your journey towards the Crore Club.Timestamps:
Introduction - 00:00:58
1st Step - 00:04:05
2nd Step - 00:08:52
3rd Step - 00:13:21
4th Step - 00:16:33
5th Step - 00:20:58Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani shares his 7 Strategies that will make you Unique and Indispensable at your workplace. He emphasises on the fact that if you are not unique in some aspect and if you don't establish yourself as indispensable, your organisation will not treat you differently.
Since only Top 1% corporate professionals earn 1 Crore Salary, you need to use these strategies to position yourself differently in front of your bosses and demand a disproportionate increase in salary. These strategies will help you earn higher salary than others and reach the Crore Club faster.Timestamps:
Introduction - 00:00:58
1st Strategy - 00:02:46
2nd Strategy - 00:05:07
3rd Strategy - 00:07:37
4th Strategy - 00:10:16
5th Strategy - 00:12:30
6th Strategy - 00:14:51
7th Strategy - 00:17:09Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani covers the conventional debate around Comfort Zone vs Zone of Discomfort and what role it plays in planning and carrying out your journey towards the Crore Club.
Anjani will take you through 5 arguments to establish why it is important for you to push yourself in the Zone of Discomfort if you want to achieve exponential success in your life and career. Why people seek Comfort and what it does to them - this is going to be revealed in this episode.
Listen to this episode and use all the learnings to make your journey towards the Crore Club smooth and exciting.Timestamps:
Introduction - 00:00:58
1st Aspect - 00:03:05
2nd Aspect - 00:05:36
3rd Aspect - 00:07:54
4th Aspect - 00:10:59
5th Aspect - 00:13:30
Conclusion - 00:16:07Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani will introduce you to the 3 Questions that will be instrumental in laying down your success map to earn 1 Crore Salary. These questions are extremely powerful and they have the ability to define the course of your professional career. Once you understand these questions and their importance, you will be able to utilise their power to supplement your journey towards the Crore Club.
Listen to this episode and use all the learnings to make your journey towards the Crore Club smooth and exciting.Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani will introduce you to the 3 Harsh Realities of the Corporate World that you will face in your journey towards becoming a member of the Crore Club. These harsh realities have the power to derail the career journey of most of the corporate professionals.
Anjani will provide you with actionable guidance on first, understanding these harsh realities better and then, building your action plan to tackle them when they hit you in your career journey.
Listen to this episode and use all the learnings to make your journey towards the Crore Club smooth and exciting.Timestamps:
Introduction - 00:00:58
1st Harsh Reality - 00:03:04
2nd Harsh Reality - 00:09:26
3rd Harsh Reality - 00:14:37
Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani will guide you on mastering the third crucial building block which was discussed in episode 1.
How to define your starting point in this journey to earn 1 Crore Salary? How to carry out your SWOT Analysis? What elements of personality you need to cover for this SWOT Analysis?
This episode will provide you with actionable guidance on following 3 aspects of personality that are extremely critical to carry out your SWOT Analysis:
1. Locus of Control
2. What Motivates You?
3. Change Readiness
Work on these 3 aspects of personality, carry out your SWOT Analysis and define the starting point of your journey to become a member of the Crore Club.
Timestamps:Introduction - 00:00:59
1st Aspect of Personality - 00:03:48
2nd Aspect of Personality - 00:06:56
3rd Aspect of Personality - 00:09:39
Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani will guide you on mastering the second crucial building block which was discussed in episode 1. This episode will provide you with actionable guidance on:
1. The Concept of Market Value & How to find out Your Current Market Value?
2. The Contribution & Reward Equation & How to use it to Your advantage?
3. Why some people get Paid more than others?
4. How You can Demand Higher Salary in the Market?
Understand this 4 Step plan and use it to increase your salary and become a member of the Crore Club.
Timestamps:Introduction - 00:00:57
Step 1 - 00:03:59
Step 2 - 00:10:35
Step 3 - 00:15:46
Step 4 - 00:19:23
Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani will guide you how to master the first crucial building block which was discussed in episode 1. If the target of achieving 1 crore per annum salary seems daunting, don't worry! This episode will provide you with actionable guidance on how to motivate yourself to go for this goal and how to stay motivated during the whole journey even when you face any failure. This episode covers 5 strategies that will first get you going and then keep you firmly on track to become a member of the Crore Club.
Timestamps:Introduction - 00:00:57
First Strategy - 00:02:50
Second Strategy - 00:07:18
Third Strategy - 00:11:05
Fourth Strategy - 00:15:07
Fifth Strategy - 00:18:51
Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is Crore Club? How to become a member of the Crore Club? How to Earn 1 Crore Salary? How to Double Your Salary every 3-4 years? How to Earn the Salary of Your Dreams?
In this episode, Anjani takes you through the first 3 critical steps which are essential for you to know and understand before starting the journey towards earning 1 Crore annual salary. It is very important to be clear about these 3 steps because they form the Building Blocks of your Blueprint that Anjani will help you prepare over the next few episodes so that you can start working towards earning 1 Crore Salary and become a member of the Crore Club.
Introduction - 00:00:56
First Building Block - 00:02:58
Second Building Block - 00:09:01
Third Building Block - 00:16:16Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com -
What is the Crore Club? How you can become a member of the Crore Club? How you can Earn the Salary of Your Dreams? How you can double your salary every 3-4 years and ultimately reach the goal of Earning 1 Crore (INR 10 Mn/ 122K USD) annual salary?
Get to know answers to all these questions with your Host Anjani B Kuumar!
Anjani is a seasoned Corporate Professional and Entrepreneur with more than two and a half decades of experience. He has coached more than 5,000 corporate professionals and helped them earn the salary of their dreams.
In this podcast, Anjani is going to share his knowledge with you and help you Earn the Salary of Your Dreams so that You can also become a member of the Crore Club!!Connect and continue your learning with Anjani on other platforms as well:
For Business Enquiries, write to: team@anjanibkuumar.com