Welcome back to our podcast. We took a little break for a few months but we are back with more exciting episodes coming your way. August is ICU Liberation as part of the Themed Education months in Critical Care St James's Hospital and today we are joined by Consultant Intensivist Dr Orsolya Miskolci from St James's Hospital to talk to us about what PICS is and how we can spot it and try prevent it for our patients. Please leave us a comment or review and send on any episode suggestions to icueducationteam@stjames.ie
Introducing our new 'Research Mini-Series' hosted in partnership with our colleagues in the Clinical Research Facility (CRF) at St James's Hospital. We will bring you a series of topics related to clinical research, trials and the work that goes on behind the scenes in research. In our first episode today we have a guest host 'Ed Smyth' DJ with Today FM who in conjunction with Ciara interviews Professor Martina Hennessy Director of the Clinical Research Facility in St James's Hospital and Assistant Director of Nursing (ADoN) Derval Reidy from the CRF.
Please reach out to us with any feedback and like/subscribe to our podcast 'Critical Conversations'
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Julie McCabe is the Haemovigilance officer for St James's Hospital Dublin. Please like and subscribe to our podcast 'Critical Conversations'.
You can send any feedback to icueducationteam@stjames.ie
In anticipation of Advanced Practice week 2023 we are joined today by two of our own Critical Care ANPs from St James's Hospital Rachel Egan & Emma Morrissey. We are very lucky to have a team of 7, soon to become 8 ANPs in our Critical Care.
Zoe and her new husband Brian were caught up in the deadly wildfires in 2018 in Greece ultimately claiming the life of her new husband. Zoe and Brian were on honeymoon in Greece when elation turned to devastation and despair. Today, Zoe bravely talks us through her journey from the initial fire, her injuries, coming back to Ireland from Greece and the wonderful care she received in the National Burns Unit St James's Hospital. Zoe also talks about where she is now in terms of her recovery. Zoe is joined on the episode today with Patricia, Clinical Facilitator in Burns unit St James's Hospital. NOTE: This episode was recorded in June 2023 and the British Burns Association annual conference took place in Dublin in June 2023.
Please reach out to icueducationteam@stjames.ie if you have any feedback for us. Thanks for listening
Dr Arnaud-Felix Miailhe Consultant Intensivist at St James's Hospital Dublin joins our podcast today to talk about all things ICU Delirium. During the podcast he talks about resources such as CAM-ICU and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) resources on delirium. Check out the following links: https://www.sccm.org/iculiberation/guidelines
CAM- ICU: https://www.sccm.org/getattachment/a32976ed-af4c-4cc5-a984-513e9472c5b3/CAM-ICU-Assessment-Tool
Thanks to all our listeners. Please check out, like and subscribe to our podcast Critical Conversations.
Critical Care Nurse Education Team St James's Hospital
Today we are joined by Siobhan Part Falls Management Co-ordinator St James's Hospital. We talk all things falls including prevention and management and the simple things we can all do in our everyday lives to be more aware.
Today we are delighted to be joined by Sharon Slattery Director of Nursing in St James's Hospital. She talks to us today about where we are in terms of nursing, where we are striving to get to and she speaks a little bit about the unique experience & great opportunities of working as a nurse in St James's Hospital. Please leave us any feedback to icueducationteam@stjames.ie
Today we are joined by Joy Norton Tracheostomy Clinical Nurse Specialist St James's Hospital. Joy talks us through her role, how it has evolved over the years and gives us some background on the Trachy CNS role in St James's Hospital. She also details the plans for the future of the Tracheostomy CNS team. Please like and subscribe our podcast wherever you listen. Any feedback or future podcast suggestions, please email icueducationteam@stjames.ie
Today we had the pleasure of interviewing Dr Aoife De Brun Assistant Professor, Head of Subject Health Systems, UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems about psychological safety and its place in Irish healthcare. National Quality & Patient Safety Directorate link available here www2.healthservice.hse.ie/organisation/nqpsd/ and Dr De Brun has recommended some online resources available though the UCD Collective Leadership resource hub on how to initiate and focus on a safety culture in your organisation. Available at: https://www.ucd.ie/collectiveleadership/resourcehub/toolkit/
Derek Cribbin, Director of Nursing Project Lead for the Critical Care Nurse Workforce, joins Cristiano and Shauna today to approach strategic priorities for the future of Critical Care in Ireland. As always, thanks to all our listeners and please send us some feedback to icueducationteam@stjames.ie.
Today for our first podcast of 2023, we are joined by Mairead Ni Chonghaile Transplant Co-ordinator St James's Hospital Dublin. She talks us through what a bone marrow transplant is, who benefits from it and the specific care that these patients require. She also talks about the reasons why some of these patients may need ICU care. Thanks to all our listeners from 2022, we hope you will all join us on our podcasting journey in 2023! Any feedback or suggestions, please email icueducationteam@stjames.ie Happy New Year to all our listeners!!!
Siobhan Nolan joins Shauna today to discuss the optimum care for our patients with TBI in Irish ICU's. Siobhan is a Clinical Course Co-Ordinator for the Neuroscience Post Grad Diploma Beaumont ICU and clinical lecturer with RCSI. As always, thanks to all our listeners and please send us some feedback to icueducationteam@stjames.ie
Link for Beaumont TBI Guidelines available at: https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/cspd/ncps/critical-care/resources/beaumont-hospital-tbi-guidelines.pdf
Nikki Phillips joins me today to update us on whats been happening in Organ Donation over the past year in Ireland. Nikki is Organ Donation Nurse Manager for the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group. Thanks to all our listeners to date.
Emily and Fiona speak to some of our international nurses about their experiences of living and working in Ireland. International Podcast Day 30th September. Please email icueducationteam@stjames.ie if you would like to get in touch with us. Thanks to all our listeners to date. ICU Education Team
Ann-Maire Duff joins Ciara today to talk about her PhD journey. Ann-Maire is a CNM2 in General Intensive Care Unit St James's Hospital. She talks us through the start of her journey, the challenges and rewards of the process and her ambitions for the future. We also discuss the topic of getting more nurses involved in research and considering & contemplating their PhD. As always, you can send comments to icueducationteam@stjames.ie. Please like/share and subscribe to our podcast! Thanks to all our listeners to date.
Today Emily and Beatriz talk to Charlotte Stuart ADoN (Surgery, critical care (SACC) & Ambulatory Care) and co-ordinator MAGNET4EUROPE project in St James's Hospital and Linda Vassallo Magnet Programme Director at Long Island Jewish Medical Centre New York. They speak about the MAGNET programme from both an international and national perspective and give us an insight into what it's all about. Magnet designation is awarded by the American Nurses Credentialing Centre recognising nursing excellence and quality patient care. Being a Magnet Hospital has been shown to bring external prestige, improved patient outcomes and nursing satisfaction and retention.
Emily and Fiona are joined by Liz Higgins CNM3 CAR-T Therapy service St James's Hospital. St James's Hospital recently became the first hospital in the country to deliver CAR T Therapy to a patient. Liz talks to us about the therapy itself, what type of patients its used for and the future of CAR T Therapy in Ireland. She also discusses the role critical care currently play in CAR T therapy delivery. For more information or to leave us some feedback email us at: icueducationteam@stjames.ie
Thanks to all our listeners to date.
ICU Education Team
To celebrate International Nurses day, we speak to two staff nurses within Critical Care St James's Hospital. Bridget who has worked here in ICU SJH for over 26 years and Aine, one of our new graduate nurses who came directly into Critical Care. We want to celebrate the wonderful nurses we have in our unit and all throughout the health service worldwide!! Contact us at any stage with feedback or comments to icueducationteam@stjames.ie
Thanks to all our listeners and subscribers to date!
Today Fiona is joined by Barbara Egan Founder of ICU Steps Dublin. Barbara was a former ICU patient herself and shares with us today her journey through ICU, the difficulties post ICU and her work in establishing ICU steps in Ireland.
ICU Steps Is a group set up to provide support to patients and relatives affected by critical illness. We want to promote a positive outlook in recovery. Support is a drop-in facility held one evening in every month where former patients, relatives along with ICU nurses* can connect and share experiences.
Next meeting is Wednesday 27th April 2022 @ 7.30pm on Zoom. Please see website https://icusteps.ie/wp/ for more information.
* ICU nurses attend in a voluntary capacity.
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