
  • This week I’m excited to introduce Sunshine! I‘ve known Sunshine for many years, love her story and am honored to share her inspiring story.

    Sunshine grew up in a small town in the Midwest. When she was ready, she packed her bags and drove off to the West Coast in a car that would not go in reverse. She took that as a sign and since then has always kept moving forward.

    She started her new life on the West Coast, fell in love, and had a baby. In this episode, Sunshine shares her experience of having a baby over 50 years ago while being single. Her secret was well kept. Only the father knew about the baby, until she received a phone call that changed her life.

    Do you believe in magic and miracles? After listening/watching this episode you might!

    I hope this episode resonates with you and you open your heart to let love in.

    Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    When the heart openly asks for something, without any limitations, doubts or attachments, magic and miracles happen!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • This past week, I got sick. I delayed recording my podcast until my voice sounded better, my nose didn’t look like Rudolph’s, and I looked like I had more energy. It made me wonder how many times I have postponed anything until all conditions were better? Not this time!

    I realized I had a choice: Either not having an episode air this week or giving myself permission to not be perfect? Well, the answer is obvious.

    Not feeling well also made me change the topic I had selected for this week’s episode. The inconvenience then was that I had nothing else prepared. But the “Universe” always takes care of me, so I just asked Mother Mary and today’s topic developed because of a dream.

    I hope this episode resonates with you.

    Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Don’t let perfect get in the way of achieving your targeted milestones, desired relationships, and heartfelt dreams. The Universe is always ready to take care of us, all we need to do is ask. Take at least one action on any dream you’ve put on the backburner for whatever reason. Your inspired creations will bring joy or inspiration or love or ideas, etc., to others, but you will never know until you get yourself out there. Don’t wait for “perfect”.

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

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  • When you wake up every day, what are your first thoughts? Do you wonder about all the things you need to get done that day? How does that ignite your day for success?

    I am excited to introduce to you Victoria Travis. I met Victoria over ten years ago. We both share a desire to be continuously learning and to live our best life. Victoria is a business owner, a coach, a powerful athlete, and she is rocking it in her 80s!

    In this episode, Victoria shares how asking every day, “How can I be a contribution to myself and others?” has filled her life with purpose, love, and joy. She shares her insights about what it takes to be a contribution and the worldwide impact this practice can have.

    I also share about the magic and miracles in my life when I ask, “How can I be of service?”

    We invite you open up to the magic that lies in this simple, yet powerful practice!

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Start your day asking, “How can I be a contribution?” and open up to the possibilities that will show up for you. Being a contribution doesn’t have to be intricate; it can be as simple as sharing a smile with a stranger. Try it! Walk into the grocery store, the office, the coffee shop smiling and notice what happens. And, when you do not feel like smiling for whatever reasons, then stop, take a deep breath and CHOOSE to smile. There is power in choosing what we want. When you send love and light out into the world, it requires you to be love and light, and that is an open invitation for magic and miracles to show up in your own life. Try it!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Have you ever asked yourself what intuition is? Or wonder whether that nudge you are feeling is coming from your intuition or your mind?

    I am excited to introduce to you Grace Miller. I met Grace on my journey to writing my children’s book, in fact she’s my editor. Grace focuses on helping others with their creative process and she is also super intuitive!

    During this episode, we had a blast diving into our experiences of what intuition is, how we access it, and use it in our daily lives. Grace also taps into her intuition by using card decks to get insights from the Universe and then shares these messages. On the podcast, she did a reading for Creative Permissions and her insights totally resonated with me. Please check out her website at agwrites.com where you can even schedule your own reading.

    Looking for ideas to tap into your intuition? Then you will want to listen/watch this episode!

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    We all have intuition and accessing it can be easy with some of the steps shared on this episode. We may need to learn to identify what our intuition looks or feels like and then we may need to learn to trust it. As we practice accessing our intuition and following those nudges, we begin to feel more comfortable and confident and that opens the space for more miracles and magic!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Do you ever acknowledge and celebrate the good in people? It is all around, but sometimes I get distracted by the news and the hurt in the world and fail to remember that there is always good. And sometimes, I get those reminders.

    This past week, I was watching a show with my kids when someone rang the doorbell. I opened the door to find a man that I didn’t know, but he knew my husband. He asked if this was Raul’s home, which made me suspicious. I think the man noticed my surprise and proceeded to give me really good news.

    He had found Raul’s wallet and since there was no phone number, he drove to the house to return it! I was speechless. At the end of our conversation, I thanked him and told him he was reminding me that there always good around us.

    Raul lost his wallet three times and has always gotten it back. My daughter lost her wallet once and then got a package in the mail with it. These are four occasions where members of my family lost an item and by the goodness in people, got them back.

    Have you ever lost something and then someone brought it back to you? Have you ever said, “oh that never happens to me, they are just so lucky.” In this episode, I celebrate the good in people and also reflect on why don’t we all experience “the good” at all times.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Good people are all around us. I think it helps to look for the good, acknowledge when we experience it and celebrate it. Sometimes we hear comments like “you should be more careful.” I don’t think this comment is as helpful and reminds me not to “should” on ourselves or others. What makes people lucky? I look forward to your comments!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • I am honored to introduce to you my dear friend Dr. Lin Morel. Dr. Lin is a compassionate and direct leader who has worked with thousands of individuals and groups during her career. Her greatest joy is witnessing the metamorphosis of those who transform their trauma(s) into brilliance.

    In this episode we talk about trauma and healing. Dr. Lin shares powerful insights about how leadership must begin by effectively leading in our own life. She shares tips and tools to release negative aspects that may be keeping us stuck and limiting our potential for happiness in relationships, health and finances.

    Dr. Lin dives into her experiences and shares pages from her life and her best-selling books to craft a powerful message about all of us being able to heal whatever is holding us back and live a completely different and positive experience.

    I hope to spike your curiosity and that you look into Dr. Lin’s work by following her on social media and checking out her website drlinmorel.com.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    It is possible to transform pain into power with various tips and tools shared on this episode. There is always “good” around us, but it is necessary to be looking for the “good.” How can you find or experience the “good” if you are not open to it? What are you grateful for? Reflecting, looking for and finding the small and big things that we are grateful for may lead to transformative healing experiences. Give yourself permission to experience love for self and others. It is one of the most powerful vibrations to experience in any healing journey.

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • I am visiting Colombia, where my family is originally from. The purpose of the trip is to support my Dad, but as soon as I know I am traveling, the planning begins. Remember we talked about goals and intentions? For every trip, I start with a vision, then define intentions, and then take action to make the magic happen.

    When I visit Colombia, I plan for work, the things I want to get done for Dad, to see family and get together with my BFFs from college.

    Getting together with some family members was challenging. I understand everyone is so busy, but this made me start wondering if my ties to the country and people I love were fading? What if I was being forgotten in “real life?” I know it sounds dramatic, but that is not my intention, instead it lead to the opportunity to reflect.

    In this episode I reflect on the question, “If I knew I was going to be forgotten, is there anything that I would do differently?” Is there anything that you would do differently?

    Join me as I share the treasures I discovered on my trip and what insights I am getting from my reflections. I would love to know what you think about this question and what your answers are! Looking forward to your comments on FB or email me at [email protected].

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    If we are to be forgotten in the future, why not:

    Live our best life now and only you know what that is.

    Create the time to connect with those you love and care and tell them how much they mean to you, today!

    Remember your ancestors and share any stories with your family’s future generations.

    Take risks and make mistakes! In time, these may be forgotten, but in the today may get you closer to your heart’s desire.

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Magic is real! But only for those that choose it to be so.

    I was introduced to magical realism as a literary genre in high school with the novel “100 Years of Solitude,” and loved it. The possibility of experiencing magic in our everyday life has always been captivating.

    Do you experience magic in your life? I know I do. I think all of us can experience magic, but sometimes what we define as magic may be limiting or we just don’t think it’s possible.

    In this episode, I am excited to share with you the magic that I experience and invite you to join me in creating your own magic embedded in whatever your reality is. It is so much fun!

    Looking forward to your magical comments and how much fun you are having!

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    The possibility of experiencing magic is real. It starts with choosing to experience it and looking for it. Delete any negative thoughts or words that come up telling you that you can’t experience any magic. Yes you can! Start your day sitting quietly and state that you are choosing to experience the magic every day. Then, define what magic looks like to you, live your day and look for the magic!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • 2025 has launched and there are so many traditions from all over the world as how to welcome the New Year. In Colombia, where I am originally from, we wear yellow underwear for good fortune, go around the block with a suitcase for travels, and eat 12 grapes at midnight to energize 12 wishes. So, I decided to start my own New Year’s tradition and share it with you.

    I have experienced how Mother Nature can transform things. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, this process popped in my head to release my sorrows, give them to Mother Nature, have her change these negative emotions into something beautiful and it worked.

    Join me in reviewing the challenges we experienced in 2024, releasing any negative emotions, making space for wonderful things, and setting the stage to create what we want in 2025. To be a part of this transformation, you will need a pot, soil, the memory of things you would like to release and seeds.

    I look forward to your comments about using this process to release and create the life you want to experience in 2025!

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    There are many New Year traditions, and I decided to create my own, so can you! Connect with Mother Nature to transform your challenges into something beautiful by following these simple steps and perhaps starting your own tradition. Releasing any negative emotions related to challenges from the past opens up space for new things to sprout. Have fun with this new tradition releasing and creating what you want to experience in 2025!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Welcome 2025! I hope you had a great holiday season with friends and family. I did. Just before Christmas, I traveled to Spain to help my daughter pack up her apartment and what I experience was so much magic. It was like being in a Hallmark movie and then I made it back home.

    I have been reflecting on my events of 2024 and realized that I had an opportunity. I absolutely love my family and sometimes I think I know what is best for them. Frequently they don’t agree with me and go about their way, which would many times upset me, other times make me anxious, and even cause heart ache.

    After a great conversation with a friend, I realized that perhaps I was a bit controlling! I understood that I don’t have control over what other people think or do. I only have control about what I think or do. So, one of my intentions for 2025 is to be lovingly indifferent.

    I want to invite you to define your intentions for 2025 and perhaps consider being lovingly indifferent. It is so freeing!

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    We don’t have control about what other people think or do, we only have control about what we think or do, so why spend energy on things we can’t control? Our intentions for 2025 are important, they help shape how the year will be. Make a list of your intentions and consider being loving indifferent! It will take practice, but it is so freeing! Remember to celebrate! Life is like a bicycle ride. Enjoy the ride at every moment, and when/if you fall, just get up and keep going!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • I did it! And so can you. Have you:

    Given yourself permission to go for what you really want? Designed your Vision Board? Written your Goals? Given yourself permission to have fun visualizing your future?

    Because this process works. For many years, I wanted to write a children’s book, but it seemed such a huge effort that I had given up. However, this desire was always in my heart and now it’s real!

    “Can You See Your Guardian Angel?” is in the process of being published and should be available by Christmas. Inspiration for the book came from what happened while I was undergoing chemo. Pure magic!

    During this holiday season, I want to emphasize my invitation to take a moment to visualize your future, write goals and start taking action NOW to manifest your dreams in 2025.

    I am also inviting you to celebrate with me. I sometimes fail to celebrate my successes and move on to the next thing, but not this time. It is important in the creative process of manifesting to celebrate and be grateful. Please celebrate with me by posting on the Creative Permissions Facebook page some of your goals and what you are celebrating. Can’t wait to connect!

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    The creative process to manifest your dreams works! Start by giving yourself permission, then visualize what you want, write goals, take action and celebrate! Expressing gratitude is another important component of this creative process. Schedule a date with yourself during this holiday season to focus your energy on visualizing your desired future and initial steps to make it happen. Take the time to invest in the most important person you know…YOU!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • In past episodes, we gave ourselves permission to ask for what we really want, to express what our heart’s desire is! Then, we talked about developing your vision board to capture images, words, and items that illustrate those things that we want in our lives. The next step is writing goals.

    I love writing goals! It’s a “sacred” process for me. I select a day/time where chances of being disturb are significantly reduced. I chose a place where I will be comfortable and that feels good to me. I get a notebook that I like and a special pen. Once these “ingredients” are ready, I am good to go!

    Writing goals is, like my friend Margaret says, “where the rubber meets the road.” In this episode, Margaret and I talk about goals as a powerful tool to create the relationships, the finances, the home, the job, the life you want to live.

    I am inspired to invite you to write goals in each category that you defined in your vision board. Go for it! It’s invigorating! Please share your goals on the Creative Permissions FB page, let’s all energize the future we want by sharing it. I will be sharing mine too.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Goals are the tools that help us create what is in our vision. Organize your goal- writing process however it best works for you. Frequently, I see goals about relationships we want to have, the finances we want to experience, but also about spirituality, fun and travel, and expanding creativity. Your goals are unique to you. Have fun writing your goals and make sure to KISS - Keep it Simple and Sustainable! Include actions you can take to move forward your goal and add timelines as to when you want to achieve each step. Celebrate! Make sure to celebrate all the actions you take towards manifesting your goals and when they happen!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Have you given yourself permission to “make millions” doing whatever it is that makes you happy? In the last episode we talked about a foundational step for creating the life you want, which is to give yourself permission to go for it. Now what?

    In this episode, Jackie Armstrong, founder of Jackie Armstrong Coaching, tells us about Vision Boards and how these are a great tool to visualize and manifest your desired future.

    What would you like your finances to look like? How would you like relationships with friends and family to be? Or perhaps you want that “special somebody” to walk into your life? Or health, what does a healthy life look like to you?

    Jackie shares tips and tricks to creating your own personal vision board. She describes vision boards as a compass that shows us the way to our desired future and how we can overcome certain resistances that stop us from this creative process. And, she also offers a gift to those that listen/watch the episode and connect with her.

    I am inspired and want to invite you to create your own vision board and share it with me. I look forward to sharing mine and seeing yours!

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Give yourself permission to visualize what you want in all areas of your life, such as relationships, finances, health, love, travel and more! Then, find images that remind you of your dreams and create your own vision board. Vision boards are a great tool to make tangible your goals and inspire you to take action everyday to create your vision. A tip to manifesting your goals is not only to think about what you want, but to feel how wonderful it would be to already have it. Connecting the heart and the mind on each category on your vision board fuels your efforts and energetically takes you one step closer to your dream.

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • It’s the beginning of the holiday season and a magical time to set intentions of what it is that you want to have happen next year. As I was starting to dream up my 2025, I realized that I was asking a necessary question that I was not excited about. During my daily “quiet time,” I got a more fun way of asking the same question in an expanded way.

    I continued to reflect on the now improved question, but this time asking myself why I had never asked it. What I identified next was a series of limiting beliefs that had kept me from asking for what I really wanted.

    Are you giving yourself permission to make millions? Are you aware of any beliefs that may be limiting your potential to reach millions?

    In this episode I share the process that helped me identify a series of limiting beliefs so that you too can identify and release any limiting beliefs getting in the way of creating your best future.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    The holidays are a magical time to set your goals and intentions for the next year. Limiting beliefs get in the way of asking for what you want and then manifesting those desires. Take time to identify any limiting beliefs, make a list and review and release each one. Releasing any limiting beliefs opens up the space to develop your vision of the future.

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Do you ever wake up happy? Just a sense of pure happiness not associated with any particular event or accomplishment?

    Last Sunday, as I was waking up and becoming conscious, what caught my attention was that I was just so feeling so happy. Nothing particular had happened the previous day (or night) and nothing special was happening that day. In fact, I was about to face a challenge that I was nervous and afraid of. So, where was my joy coming from?

    In this episode I share my reflections related to happiness not as a destination, but instead as an experience. How through gratitude we can put ourselves in a state of grace and the magic that follows.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Emotions are like clouds floating in the sky. They too shall pass. The word gratitude originates from the Latin word gratus which is related to the word grace. Expressing gratitude can lead to a state of grace, which can open up the possibilities to happiness and joy. Invitation to start your day giving thanks and carry on that gratitude vibration all day. Invitation to express your gratitude and notice how by doing so, you can shift people and environments. Start a gratitude journal and share the magic!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • I am still in awe about how powerful words are.

    On my last episode, I shared with you how I witnessed a miracle while having coffee with a dear friend. We shared encouraging words and over those words/energy and magic happened.

    But, what happens when the words are not positive, loving and encouraging? As I wondered about this question, this morning on social media a story surfaced where a famous artist shared how painful his childhood was due to the words his father would frequently direct to him. In the interview, this artist asked, “Don’t people realize how much pain they can cause with what they say?”

    In this episode I explore how our thoughts, which then become words, can lead to creating what we want and even what we do not want. I also share a tool that can easily be used to shift away from the thoughts and words that arise from fear, anxiety or any negative emotion.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Words are powerful vehicles that support our creating what we want and even what we do not want. You have the power to choose your words and therefore the power to create the reality you are constantly manifesting for yourself. Focusing on the positive and removing the negative can be done. This process can simply start by envisioning things on a spectrum and then using an easy tool to stop our negative words and thoughts.

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Words are powerful. They are the vehicles that carry our inner thoughts out into the world.

    This past week, I witnessed a miracle. I experienced how words can help shift ourselves to abundant possibilities and open up to the magic and miracles that already exist for us, we just don’t know it yet.

    In this episode, I am so grateful to share how I met up with my friend Erin and together, through the power of words, we moved from a wish to manifesting a reality that helped moved her forward in her healing journey.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Words are powerful, what words do you choose everyday? To experience magic and miracles, be open to the possibility that miracles happen to and for you. Have fun looking for the magic, it’s all around you. As soon as you start looking for the magic and the miracles, you will start seeing and experiencing magic and miracles in your life!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Shout out to Zeta Tau Alpha for putting together a super successful Big Man on Campus Event! It was fun and over $72,000 were raised for breast cancer awareness and education. And, I had the honor of being a guest speaker at the event.

    Two years ago, I was dealing with breast cancer. Today, I have a podcast and last week I stood on a stage in front of lots of people and shared my story. That is a first for me!

    Friends have told me that I have made them think about the things they want to create and one day will. Immediately I ask, why not now?

    In this episode, I want to encourage each and every one of you to start on those projects that you have thought about but have not acted on. I share with you what has helped me start on my projects. Such as, early every morning I start my day conversing with the Universe and have learned that there is ALWAYS a response. All that is needed to catch these responses is an open heart and to be paying attention as the answers may come at different times and in different manners.

    Take one step today towards any project you have on the “back burner” and keep me posted. I really am interested in your success and would love to know how the Universe is conversing with you.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Significant accomplishments all start with one small step. There is no better time than to start today with any small step towards your favorite project. If needed, get yourself an accountability buddy. As you share how you are doing on your projects, you will inspire others to move forward with theirs. So share your story! Celebrate each step you take! Converse with the Universe, It is ready to keep the conversation going with you!

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Have you ever had questions that kept bouncing around in your mind until all of a sudden answers arrived in the most unimagined ways. That is what happened to me when I visited Casa Batlló.

    On my journey towards health, I had lots of time to ponder. I was asking questions such as what is my purpose? What fills my heart with joy? What is it that I want to make sure I do before I go to the “other side”?

    I kept researching and exploring and always holding close to heart these questions when I walked into the main room in Casa Batlló. As I was in awe of the Antonio Gaudi’s masterpiece, a thought popped into my mind, as if I was being told, “this is heaven on earth.”

    In this episode, I share with you what “heaven to earth” means to me and what would living following that premise look like. I invite you to ask yourself that question and be open to exploring its meaning and the opportunities that will come up for you.

    I am really interested in knowing what you discover, so please share what is your “heaven to earth” and what are you doing to bring that forward into the world.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    When a question is asked, an answer will follow, but sometimes the answer does not come up in the timing we want or the form we expected. To tap into our talents and gifts is to tap into the highest version of ourselves. Some say that when we are able to go within and connect with this highest version of ourselves, we are connecting to the Divine in us. Each one of us is able to bring forward our “heaven to earth” and be a contribution to the planet.

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions

  • Cancer does not only impact the person going through the illness. It becomes a family affair. In this episode I am honored to introduce you to my son, Niko.

    I wanted to protect my children from my diagnosis. I was worried about how they would worry about me. I was also worried about how they would feel and any fears that may come up. But I never had really asked them how the experience was until now.

    In this episode, I asked Niko to share how it was like to have his mom be diagnosed with breast cancer and then see her go through treatment. Some of his responses really surprised me!

    He candidly shared when it became a reality for him, the hardest moments and the direct impact that having a close family member with cancer had on his life. He also shared how he had trust that things would be OK and how he arrived to this trust.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know what stood out for you and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook or Instagram at Creative Permissions. I'd love to hear from you!

    If you want to watch this episode on video, you can visit my channel on Youtube at Creative Permissions.


    Cancer impacts all members of a family unit in vary different ways, but there is a common thread that holds all together. Worrying about the situation, does not change the situation. Instead of worry, it helps to know the facts, observe the reality of what is happening and act accordingly. Children takes many queues from their parents, what queues are you giving your child knowingly and unknowingly?

    Connect with Patty:
    Facebook: facebook.com/pattycruz.creativepermissions
    Instagram: instagram.com/Patty_CreativePermissions