
  • In this episode of "Soul Sessions with CreativeMind," hosts Debra and Robert Maldonado welcome esteemed Jungian analyst, Dr. James Hollis. Dr. Hollis, a seasoned author and retired senior training analyst, discusses his latest book, "Living on Borrowed Dust." This dynamic conversation explores the crucial themes of happiness, meaning, and self-discovery.

    Dr. Hollis shares profound insights from his new book, emphasizing the importance of living an examined life and understanding the deep questions that shape our existence. Through this engaging dialogue, explore the essence of meaning over fleeting happiness and the critical process of individuation. Whether you're well-versed in Jungian theory or new to personal growth, this episode offers valuable wisdom on navigating life's complexities with depth and purpose. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion about personal growth, psychological resilience, and the journey towards a meaningful life. Listen now and gain a fresh perspective on embracing life's challenges with curiosity and grace.

    James Hollis, PhD, is a licensed Jungian analyst in private practice in Washington, DC. He taught humanities for 26 years in various colleges and universities before retraining as a Jungian analyst at the Jung Institute of Zürich, Switzerland. He served as executive director of the Jung Educational Center in Houston, Texas, for many years. He was executive director of the Jung Society of Washington until 2019, and now serves on its board of directors. He is a retired senior training analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, was first director of training of the Philadelphia Jung Institute, and is vice-president emeritus of the Philemon Foundation.

    You can get his new book, Living From Borrowed Dust by using this link:


    01:11 Introduction to Dr. Hollis's new book "Living on Borrowed Dust"
    06:00 The pursuit of happiness versus finding meaning
    10:28 Concept of meta stories and the unconscious
    12:20 Relationship between childhood experiences and adult life
    19:54 The role of the unconscious in our lives
    27:00 Facing fears and resistance
    42:00 Surviving and thriving through challenges
    49:30 Concluding thoughts on the search for answers and personal growth
    52:23 Discussion on psychedelics and AI in contemporary culture
    53:14 Thoughts on AI applications in dream interpretation

    "I think happiness occurs when we are in the right relationship with our own souls." James Hollis, PhD.

    “One of the things I've found in almost everybody is a meta story of lacking permission to be themselves." - James Hollis, PhD.


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
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  • Uncover the dynamic interplay of love and power within us as we explore the balance of the anima and animus. Understand these archetypes and how they can help you shape a harmonious inner world.

    We reflect on Jungian concepts to redefine power not as force but as true spiritual influence. In this captivating discussion, we cover:

    The animus as the embodiment of logic, will, and spiritual powerHow love and power complement and define each otherThe journey from projecting authority to claiming personal powerLeadership in balance: integrating love into authoritative roles


    00:00 Introduction
    00:40 Understanding the Animus
    03:33 Collective Unconscious vs. Personal Unconscious
    04:52 Animus as a Projection of Power
    06:32 Authority and Power Dynamics
    08:06 Integrating the Power Within Us
    13:18 Animus in Leadership and Culture
    15:54 Balancing Love and Power
    18:37 Animus as Inner Philosopher
    22:06 Moving from Personal to Universal

    Download the free eBook, Love and Power: Awaken the Feminine and Masculine Archetypes to Live Your Purpose


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

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  • We have a unique take on Jung’s concept of the Anima and Animus and its relationship to Love and Power. In this week’s Soul Sessions Podcast, Romantic Love as a Spiritual Path, we explore this powerful archetype, its historical roots, and its modern-day relevance.

    Learn how Carl Jung's concept of the anima serves as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind.Discover how the anima influences romantic love, acting as a mirror to your own soul.Understand the significance of the anima mundi and its connection to Mother Nature and creativity.Explore the dangers of losing soulfulness in a rational world and how integrating the anima can transform personal and collective consciousness.

    Explore the spiritual marriage of consciousness, where the interplay of love, creativity, and soulfulness guides us to a more profound existence.

    Download the FREE eBook, Love and Power: Awaken the Feminine and Masculine Archetypes to Live Your Purpose


    00:00 Introduction
    00:42 Defining the Anima through Jung's Perspective
    03:38 The Concept of Archetypes and the Anima
    08:05 Falling in Love and the Projection of the Anima
    12:13 The Anima as a Mirror to the Soul
    14:48 Integration of Anima for Balance in Relationships
    18:55 The Anima Mundi and the Soul of the World
    21:55 Romantic Love as a Gateway to the Sacred
    24:16 Disconnect from the Anima and Modern Challenges
    27:18 Moving Forward with Jung's Legacy and the Collective Transformation
    28:25 Conclusion and Preview of Next Episode


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Experience the depths of spiritual relationships as Dr. Rob Maldonado and Debra Maldonado wrap up their captivating series on romantic love. Dive deep into the psychology and spirituality that can transform ordinary partnerships into extraordinary unions based on Jungian Coaching.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The significance of projection and its impact on relationshipsThe roles of anima and animus in balancing love and powerMarriage as a spiritual and psychological unionHow romantic partnerships can catalyze personal development and individuation


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Youtube & Podcast Show Notes:

    Are soulmates real or is it just an illusion? In this compelling episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind, we're diving deep into the psychological underpinnings of romantic relationships through the lens of Jungian psychology.

    Join Debra Maldonado and Dr. Rob as they explore Jung's concepts of anima and animus, revealing how these archetypes influence our perceptions and interactions in romantic love.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The three stages of relationships: attraction, bonding, and commitmentThe powerful role of projection in falling in loveHow to balance love (anima) and power (animus) within yourselfStrategies for transforming disillusionment into deeper connection

    01:08 Falling in Love from Ego

    02:23 Tragedy of Infatuation Stage

    05:31 Anima and Animus - Masculine and Feminine Archetypes

    09:10 Shadow in Relationships

    17:43 Balance of Love and Power in Relationships


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
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  • Unlock the secrets to your deepest self and enhance your relationships through the transformative power of Jungian coaching! In this episode of Soul Sessions, we're exploring the concept of projection and how reclaiming your personal power can change your life.

    Join hosts Debra and Dr. Rob Maldonado as they lay the groundwork for a new series on relationships, beginning with the concept of projection and its profound impact on how we interact with the world around us.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    What projection is and how it hurts relationshipsHow projecting disowned parts of ourselves onto others can impede true happinessThe critical role of shadow work in reclaiming your power and transforming your relationshipsReal-life examples and actionable tips for identifying and navigating projections in your daily life


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Discover how emotional sensitivity can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. In this episode, Debra Maldonado and Dr. Rob Maldonado conclude their series on the Big Five Personality traits and the Persona with an enlightening discussion on neuroticism (emotional sensitivity) and its impact on coaching.

    Exploring emotional awareness and resilience, we redefine what it means to embrace rather than shy away from our feelings. In this episode, we discuss:

    The true definition of neuroticism and its importance in emotional sensitivityThe role of resilience and shadow integration in handling life's challengesHow emotions like anger, shame, and guilt can be useful when properly understoodTechniques for coaches to harness emotional intelligence for greater effectiveness

    Here’s a link to find out how you score in the Big Five Personality Test.


    00:00 Introduction

    01:53 How Emotional Sensitivity is a Super Power

    06:55 Understanding Emotions that we Fear

    12:58 Unconscious Mind and Emotions

    16:38 Difficulty in Changing Conditioned Patterns


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
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  • People pleasing can hurt both you and your clients as a coach. Unlock the power of agreeableness in coaching and discover the balance between empathy and assertiveness. Our next episode is part of our Big Five Personality Traits series, breaking down how agreeableness can either make or break your coaching approach.

    Join Debra Maldonado and Dr. Rob as they explore:

    The role of agreeableness in building rapport and trust with clientsThe potential pitfalls of being overly agreeable and how to avoid themBalancing empathy with strong boundaries and assertive coachingUnderstanding transference and countertransference in coaching relationships

    Here’s a link to find out how you score in the Big Five Personality Test.


    00:00 Introduction

    03:37 People Pleasing in Coaching

    09:48 Transference and Countertransference in Coaching

    15:26 How Overpleasing Hurts Coaches and Clients

    18:59 Balancing Your Needs as a Coach and Your Clients


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Are you an introvert or extrovert? Find out how your personality influences your coaching success! Join host Debra Maldonado and guest host Dr. Rob Maldonado on Soul Sessions with CreativeMind as they continue their discussion on the Big Five Personality Test and its impact on coaching.

    Discover the subtle art of balancing extroversion and introversion for personal and professional growth. In this episode, we discuss:

    The distinction between extroverts and introverts and how each gets their energyMethods for introverts to step out of their comfort zones authenticallyThe role of the ego in coaching dynamics and how to overcome itPractical tips on how to embrace both sides of your personality to become a successful coach

    00:00 Introduction

    03:08 Difference between Introverts and Extroverts

    04:58 Jung as an Introvert

    09:15 Introverts Protective of Inner Life

    11:19 Projection in Coaching Relationship

    13:59 Egoless Coaching


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Coaching is the second fastest growing industry and, due to lack of regulation, ethical coaching matters more than ever. As we continue our series this month on the Big Five Personality Test traits, we explore the concept of “conscientiousness” and how to navigate ethical boundaries in coaching.

    Discover how finding the balance between structure and flexibility can enhance your coaching effectiveness. In this episode, we discuss:

    The essence of conscientiousness and its impact on coachingBalancing ethical boundaries with creative freedomThe importance of a structured coaching framework for client transformationPractical tips for maintaining professionalism and accountabilityHow to set effective boundaries and create safe spaces for clients

    Here’s a link to find out how you score in the Big Five Personality Test.


    00:00 Introduction

    02:40 Persona of a Coach

    06:21 Theory and Structure in Your Coaching Methodology

    12:12 How Coaching Needs of a Client Evolves through Depth Coaching

    19:22 Overreliance on Scripts leads to rigidity

    19:29 Keys to Coaching Consultations


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Unlock the secrets behind personality and coaching in our latest episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind. Today, we explore the fascinating world of the Big Five personality traits, starting with Openness and how it influences coaching through the Jungian lens.

    Join hosts Debra Maldonado and Dr. Rob Maldonado as they discuss:

    The significance of personality in psychology and coachingAn introduction to the Big Five personality traitsUnderstanding Openness: curiosity, creativity, and symbolic thinkingHow openness impacts the efficacy of coaching and client transformation

    Here’s a link to find out how you score in the Big Five Personality Test.


    00:00 Introduction

    01:54 Personality Models

    04:19 Clients Openness to Coaching

    11:51 Difference between personal and collective unconscious

    16:38 Symbolic Thinking

    21:01 Coaching without Scripts


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • This week on our podcast Dr. Rob interviews Scott Neumeister, PhD. as he discusses the profound shifts that led him from a career in IT to teaching literature.

    Listen in as Scott reflects on facing societal and internal pressures, navigating a major career pivot, and embracing a teaching role that aligns with his passion for literature.

    In this week’s Soul Sessions by CreativeMind, The Hero’s Journey and Finding Your Purpose - Interview with Scott Neumeister, PhD., we cover:

    The impact of Jungian archetypes and the Hero's Journey on personal transformationScott’s transition from IT to teaching English literature through the lens of Joseph Campbell’s heroic monomythThe psychological implications of shadow work and integrating repressed traitsThe role of myth in modern psychological and personal development


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Ever wondered what it truly means to live an authentic life beyond societal masks? Join us in unraveling the essence of our genuine selves in today’s world as we dive deep into the realms of ego, persona, and true authenticity.

    Exploring the intersection of Jungian psychology and personal transformation, Debra and Dr. Rob Maldonado take us on a journey from societal roles to self-discovery, shedding light on the path to individuation and genuine fulfillment.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The difference between ego-driven actions and those from the authentic selfHow Maslow’s hierarchy informs our understanding of true purposeDebra's personal story of leaving corporate life for a more fulfilling pathThe role of the Persona in shaping and sometimes hindering our true self-expression


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Unlock the mysteries of meaningful coincidences and delve into the fascinating world of synchronicity with Debra and Dr. Rob Maldonado. This episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind reveals how Jungian psychology, Eastern spirituality, and social neuroscience converge to explain these acausal events.

    Discover how synchronicity isn’t just luck but a profound interplay between the inner and the outer world. In this episode, we discuss:

    The distinction between regular coincidences and meaningful, acausal connectionsJung’s collaboration with physicist Wolfgang Pauli, linking synchronicity to quantum physicsPractical exercises to recognize and derive meaning from synchronistic events in everyday lifeHow unconscious patterns shape our experiences and guide self-actualization


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • The end of the year tends to put us all through upheaval and maybe a little chaos. By default, we want to get back in control and lessen the time we are in uncertainty, but what if this time could be highly creative?

    What in your life has become too mundane and predictable?

    If you are in a big transition, can you see the catalyst for this change being your ally instead of the villain?

    How can the disruption in your life be an invitation to a bigger life?

    In this week’s Soul Sessions by CreativeMind, Embracing Chaos: Using the Trickster for Growth, we share

    How to View Disruptions as Opportunities
    Learn to see uncertainties not as threats but as chances to innovate and grow.The Importance of Integrating the Shadow
    Discover how acknowledging and embracing the unconscious parts of yourself can lead to profound creativity and self-awareness.The Dual Nature of the Trickster

    Understand how the trickster can simultaneously disrupt and guide, challenging the status quo to drive personal transformation.


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Unlocking the mysteries of love and relationships, this episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind dives deep into the unconscious forces that shape your romantic life. Join hosts Debra and Dr. Robert Maldonado as they unravel the complexities of the "shadow" in relationships and offer insights for lasting love.

    Explore the hidden aspects of your personality that impact your romantic connections and learn actionable steps to cultivate deeper, healthier relationships. In this episode, we discuss:

    The concept of the "shadow" and its influence on romantic relationshipsThe dangers of "idealized projections" and how they lead to disillusionmentStrategies for managing stressors and projections within a relationshipThe importance of personal growth and "shadow work" for sustaining enduring love


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • This is the last of our current series on the parent-child dynamics that shape our adult life. In this last installment we examine the Mother-Son relationship.

    For men, the mother is his first experience of the Anima, their unconscious feminine principle in their psyche. Depending on their relationship with the mother, the man either cultivates their emotional intelligence or it stagnates which creates difficulty in connecting to others on a deeper level.

    Eros is another term that Jung used to describe the feminine principle. If a man isn’t in touch with this principle, they are not consciously connecting to the soul within. This lack of connection leads to unfulfilling relationships, pursuing careers without meaning and establishing a sense of their own soulful nature.


    How would you describe your relationship with your mother growing up?

    How do you project the assumptions about that relationship onto the women in your life, both romantically and otherwise?

    How would you describe your relationship with your inner life, your soulful self?

    In Jungian Depth Coaching we first begin with Shadow Work on the mother relationship and then the man can be free to pursue a deeper inner connection to his Anima. This frees us emotional availability, creativity and the ability to connect with others in a meaningful way.

    In this week’s Soul Sessions by CreativeMind, Emotional Intelligence in Men and the Anima. Check out this episode to learn more, including:

    The essential role of the mother archetype in individuationPositive and dark aspects of the mother-son bondThe impact of emotional enmeshment and the eternal child syndromeStrategies for men to balance their anima and achieve emotional intelligence

    If you want to explore Shadow Work for Coaches, here is a free e-book to help you get the basics and see if this is something you want to explore further. Get your book here: https://creativemindcoach.com/intro-to-shadow-work-book/


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • In today's episode, hosts Debra Maldonado and Dr. Robert Maldonado discuss the intricate dynamics of the father-daughter relationship and its profound impact on a woman's self-worth, confidence, and romantic relationships. We'll explore how a father's behavior—whether overly critical or excessively doting—can shape a daughter's dependence on male approval and influence her choice of partners.

    Join us as we discuss emotional availability and address the unconscious emulation of a father's traits. We'll also touch on how unresolved family dynamics can persist across generations, the role of Jungian psychology in understanding these patterns, and the power of shadow work in achieving personal freedom.

    How does a father's influence shape a daughter's self-worth and her future relationships? Through the lens of Jungian psychology, we explore:

    The role of the "father's gaze" and unspoken messages of approval or disapproval.How emotional availability and underlying issues in fathers affect daughters' emotional development.The concept of the animus and how it influences partner selection and relationship patterns.The personal impact of shadow work and self-acceptance as shared by Debra Maldonado.

    Join us in this profound discussion to uncover how understanding these dynamics can lead to true personal empowerment and healthier relationships.

    Don't forget to subscribe and share to spread the journey towards self-discovery and deeper connections.


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Unlock the secrets of the father-son relationship and its profound psychological impact! Join Dr. Rob Maldonado and Debra Maldonado as they discuss the intricacies of the father archetype and its influence on our personal development and societal roles.

    Through the lens of Jungian psychology in a coaching model, they cover:

    The dynamics of father-son relationships and individuationHow paternal traits are repressed or rebelled againstThe father complex and its impact on personal powerBridging gaps left by absent father figures through coaching and mentorship

    Discover how understanding these deep-rooted patterns can lead to empowered personal growth and transformation. Tap into the unseen forces that shape your life and create a conscious, fulfilling existence.

    Interested in going deeper, download your free copy of our ebook: Introduction to Shadow Work: A Guide to Jungian Psychology for Aspiring Coaches


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]

  • Understand the mysteries of mother-daughter dynamics and discover how these profound relationships shape our lives and identities. Join Dr. Rob and host Debra Maldonado as they discuss the mother complex and its far-reaching impacts for the daughter in the relationship..

    Based on Jungian Psychology, this episode explores the intricate ways maternal influence molds our early perceptions, the unconscious adherence to maternal attributes, and the transformative journey towards individuation and balance.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Archival patterns and the projection of the mother archetypeThe interplay between accepting and rejecting maternal attributesSocietal and cultural expectations around traditional gender rolesThe concept of individuation and overcoming conditioned beliefsRecognizing and addressing unconscious influences for personal growth


    Want to be a Certified Jungian Life Coach? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/download-now-lct-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | [email protected]